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A powerful and easy-to-use storage manager for managing `localStorage`, `sessionStorage`, and in-memory storage in web. With built-in support for expiring keys, advanced search features, undo/redo capabilities, and easy-to-understand API, `paolodelfino-st

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A powerful and easy-to-use storage manager for managing localStorage, sessionStorage, and in-memory storage in web. With built-in support for expiring keys, advanced search features, undo/redo capabilities, and easy-to-understand API, paolodelfino-store provides a seamless solution for all your storage needs.

🕒 5 Minutes Read but Worth It


  • Manage localStorage, sessionStorage, and in-memory storage with a single API
  • Powerful, complete and easy-to-use DOT Notation
  • Set expiry dates for keys in the storage
  • Advanced search capabilities, including searching by path, query, and options (case sensitivity, searching keys or values, and more) and an easier implementation for simple searches
  • Undo and redo capability to track changes and revert them when needed
  • Built-in event system to listen for changes in the storage
  • Import and export storages for easy data migration and backup
  • Fluent and easy-to-understand API


<script src="store.js"></script>


<script src="store.min.js"></script>


Create a new Store

const myStore = new Store("myStorage", "local");

Set a value in the Store

myStore.set("", "John Doe");

Get a value from the Store

const username = myStore.get("");

Reconnect to the storage

const anotherInstance = new Store("myStorage", "local");

or Create a new storage

const newStorage = new Store("newStorage", "local");

and Comeback to the other one whenever you want

const myStorage = new Store("myStorage", "local");

Check if a key exists in the Store

const hasUsername = myStore.has(""); // true

Set expiry date for a key

// Expires in an hour
const expiresDate = new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000;
myStore.expires("", expiresDate);

Clear the Store


Undo and Redo

myStore.undo(); // Revert last change
myStore.redo(); // Redo last reverted change

Search within the Store (with various options)

const results ="john", "user", {
  caseSensitive: false,
  searchKeys: ["name"],
  retrieveParentObject: true,
  exactMatch: true,
  matchChars: false,
  byPage: {
    howManyResultsPerPage: 10,
    pageNumber: 1,

and Search using Regular Expressions

const results ="jo.+");

and Much More


<script src="store.js"></script>

to discover more.


myStore.onContentChanged.push(($key, $newValue, $oldValue) => {
  console.log(`Key "${$key}" changed from "${$oldValue}" to "${$newValue}".`);

myStore.onContentCleared.push(() => {
  console.log("Content cleared.");

Import and Export

// Export the store data
const exportedData = myStore.export(true); // true for exporting as a string, or false/omitted for an object

// Import data into the store

Dot Notation

paolodelfino-store supports dot notation for accessing nested keys in the storage. This allows you to access and manipulate nested objects and arrays easily.

Set a value using dot notation

To set a value using dot notation, simply pass the nested key as a string parameter in the set function. For example:

// Set a nested key using dot notation
myStore.set("", "John Doe");

This will create the following structure in the storage:

  "user": {
    "name": "John Doe"

So it also complete the path when setting a value. In this case it had to create user object, than created name and assign the value to it.

Get a value using dot notation

To get a value using dot notation, simply pass the nested key as a string parameter in the get function. For example:

// Get a nested key using dot notation
const username = myStore.get("");

This will return the value of the key from the storage.

Check if a key exists using dot notation

To check if a key exists using dot notation, simply pass the nested key as a string parameter in the has function. For example:

// Check if a nested key exists using dot notation
const hasUsername = myStore.has("");

This will return true if the key exists in the storage and false otherwise.

Search using dot notation

paolodelfino-store also supports dot notation for searching for keys in the storage. To search for a nested key in the storage, simply pass the nested key as a string parameter in the search function. For example:

// Search for a nested key using dot notation
const results ="john", "users", {
  searchKeys: ["name"],

This will return an array of all the keys that contain the string john in their value, under the key. It also order by the keys position in the array if provided.

Accessing arrays using dot notation

paolodelfino-store also supports accessing arrays using dot notation. To access an array element using dot notation, simply use the array index in the key. For example:

// Set an array element using dot notation
myStore.set("", "John Doe");

This will create the following structure in the storage:

  "users": [
      "name": "John Doe"

You can then access the array element using dot notation in the same way:

// Get an array element using dot notation
const firstUsername = myStore.get("");

This will return the value of the users[0].name key from the storage.


Using dot notation in paolodelfino-store allows you to easily access and manipulate nested objects and arrays in the storage. This feature makes it easier to work with complex data structures in your application.

Understand How-It-Works

masterDatabase (localStorage or sessionStorage, or an object for memory storages){
   paolodelfino-store: {
     storageUserCreated: {
       content: {},
       history: [],
       redoHistory: [],
       expiringDates: {}
     storageUserCreated2: {
       content: {},
       history: [],
       redoHistory: [],
       expiringDates: {}


We welcome contributions, bug reports, and feature requests. Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


paolodelfino-store is released under the MIT License.


If you find this library helpful or want to support the development, please consider giving it a star on GitHub. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the author or open an issue on the repository.


Last updated on 09 Dec 2023

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