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[1.45.0] -- 2019-02-26


  • Add support for circular networks in sankey traces [#3406, #3535, #3564]
  • Add matching axes behavior to cartesian axes via new axis attribute and new splom attribute dimensions attribute matches [#3506, #3565]
  • Add attributes alignmentgroup and offsetgroup to bar, histogram, box and violin traces to make cross-trace positioning easier [#3529]
  • Add support for orthographic projections in gl3d subplots via new attribute [#3550]
  • Add cmid and zmid colorscale attributes to pick the middle of the color range during the auto-colorscale computations [#3549]
  • Add support for sankey grouping via new attribute groups [#3556]
  • Add support for sankey concentration colorscales [#3501]
  • Add support for hovertemplate for all gl3d traces, contour, heatmap, histogram*, parcats, scattercarpet and splom traces [#3530]
  • Add hovertext attribute to all traces that support hover 'text', for consistency with traces that already have an hovertext attribute [#3553]
  • Add support for layout meta templating in trace name, rangeselector, updatemenus and sliders labels as well as within hovertemplate [#3548]
  • Add support for opacity to isosurface traces [#3545]
  • Add mapbox.layers attributes: minzoom, maxzoom, line.dash and symbol.placement [#3399]


  • More consistency pass down WebGL pixel ratio to gl3d renderers, this leads to better axis line and error bar rendering on some hardwares [#3573]
  • Performance boost for isosurface trace generation [#3521]
  • Export template string regex of Lib [#3548]
  • Do no cluster points in scattergl trace with less than 1e5 data pts, this fixes reported "missing data points" scenarios [#3578]


  • Fix selection outline clearing during cartesian axis-range relayout calls (bug introduced in 1.42.0) [#3577]
  • Fix modebar interactions on graphs with scatter3d traces with marker colorscales (bug introduced in 1.44.0) [#3554]
  • Fix axis automargin for superimposed subplots (bug introduced in 1.44.3) [#3566]
  • Fix polar angular tick labels placement [#3538]
  • Fix scattergl updates after selections for trace with on-graph text [#3575]
  • Fix responsive: true config option for graph with WebGL traces [#3500]
  • Fix modebar.bgcolor for vertical modebars with wrapped buttons [#3500]
  • Fix ohlc and candlestick auto-range computations [#3544]
published 1.44.4 •



[1.44.4] -- 2019-02-12


  • Fix Plotly.react used with uirevision when removing traces [#3527]
  • Fix scattergl update calls that change the number of on-graph text elements [#3536]
  • Fix annotations SVG errors on trace-less subplots [#3534]
  • Fix ohlc and candlestick hover on blank coordinates (bug introduced in 1.43.2) [#3537]
published 1.44.3 •



[1.44.3] -- 2019-02-06


  • Fix axis automargin push offset which resulted in clipped tick labels in some scenarios [#3510]
  • Fix handling of alpha channel in marker, line and error bar rgba coloring in scatter3d traces [#3496]
  • Fix subplots with multiple carpet traces each with a scattercarpet trace on top of them [#3512]
  • Fix MathJax placement in ternary aaxis titles [#3513]
published 1.44.2 •



[1.44.2] -- 2019-02-04


  • Fix vertical modebars in IE11 [@3491]
  • Fix hovertemplate for traces with blank name [#3480]
  • Fix 3D grid lines and tick labels colored by rgba color with full transparency [#3494]
  • Fix white highlights rendering problems for mesh3d trace on some devices (bug introduced in 1.44.0) [#3483]
  • Fix fill.color description for table traces [#3481]
published 1.44.1 •



[1.44.1] -- 2019-01-24


  • Fix mesh3d rendering on (some) mobile devices (bug introduced in 1.44.0) [#3463]
  • Fix scene camera update when changing to turntable mode when up.z is zero (bug introduced in 1.43.0) [#3465, #3475]
  • Fix react when cartesian axis scaleanchor patterns change [#3461]
  • Fix "days" entries in polish (pl) locales [#3464]
  • Remove inner function declarations in our vectorize-text that caused bundling errors for some (bug introduced in 1.43.0) [#3474]
published 1.44.0 •



[1.44.0] -- 2019-01-22


  • Add isosurface gl3d trace type [#3438]
  • Add support for transitions from Plotly.react via new layout transition attribute [#3217]
  • Add meta layout attribute, intended for making references to strings in text templates [#3439]
  • Add support for line.color colorbars for scatter3d traces [#3384]
  • Add support for hovertemplate on scatterpolar, scatterpolargl, scatterternary, barpolar, choropleth, scattergeo and scattermapbox trace [#3398, #3436]
  • Add width attribute to box and violin traces [#3234]
  • Add support for <sup>, <sup>, <b>, <i> and <em> pseudo-html tags in extra (aka trace "name") hover labels [#3443]
  • Add support for div id as 1st arg to Plotly.makeTemplate [#3375]
  • Add config option in plot-schema JSON output [#3376]


  • Config option scrollZoom is now a flaglist (instead of a boolean), each flag corresponding to subplot types where scroll is to be enabled [#3422]
  • Use glslify@7.0.0 across all our dependencies [#3421]


  • Fix error_(x|y|z) color attribute inheritance [#3408]
  • Fix scrollZoom: false config behavior for geo, gl3d and mapbox subplots [#3422]
  • Fix cartesian scroll zoom when responsive config option is turned on [#3424]
  • Fix cartesian scroll zoom when the page where the graph is embedded is scrollable [#3424]
  • Fix box / violin autorange edge cases [#3234]
  • Fix box / violin points hover labels on numeric positions [#3441, #3458]
  • Fix box / violin grouping algorithm for subplots with as many distinct positions as the number of traces [#3445]
  • Fix bar autorange calculations for trace with base above zero [#3452]
  • Fix bar + errorbar autorange calculations [#3452]
  • Fix lightposition behavior for mesh3d traces [#3415]
  • Fix legend valign behavior for pie traces [#3435]
  • Fix wrapped horizontal legends height edge cases [#3446]
  • Fix hover label alignment for hover labels with multi-line extra (aka trace "name") labels [#3443]
  • Fix cartesian axis domain lower limit [#3404]
  • Fix dynamic imports of lib/ trace modules [#3448]
  • Fix scl and reversescl backward-compatible logic [#3423]
  • Fix range slider borderwidth attribute description [#3453]
published 1.43.2 •



[1.43.2] -- 2019-01-08

First 2019 release.


  • Fix uirevision behavior for gl3d, geo and mapbox subplots [#3394]
  • Fix reversescale behavior for surface, mesh3d and streamtube traces (bug introduced in 1.43.0) [#3418]
  • Fix modebar hover styling (bug introduced in 1.43.0) [#3397]
  • Fix horizontal box / violin hover label misalignment under hovermode:'closest' [#3401]
  • Fix ohlc and candlestick hover for traces with empty items [#3366]
  • Fix surface trace visible logic [#3365]
  • Fix mesh3d trace visible logic [#3369]
published 1.43.1 •



[1.43.1] -- 2018-12-21


  • Fix z-axis auto-type for cartesian + gl3d graphs (bug introduced in 1.43.0) [#3360]
  • Fix multicategory axis coordinate sorting [#3362]
  • Fix multicategory y-axes clearance [#3354]
  • Fix contour label clipPath segments for reversed axes [#3352]
  • Fix axis autorange on double-click on graph fixedrange:true [#3351]
published 1.43.0 •



[1.43.0] -- 2018-12-19


  • Add hovertemplate attribute to scatter, scattergl, bar, histogram, pie and sankey traces [#3126, #3265, #3284]
  • Add layout.title placement attributes x, y, xref, yref, xanchor, yanchor and pad [#3276]
  • Add support for <br>, <sup>, and <sub> pseudo-html in scatter3d and gl3d scene text [#3207]
  • Add multicategory axis type, allowing for "multi-level" categorical axis labels and category dividers with axis attributes: showdividers, dividercolor and diverwidth [#3254, #3300, #3326]
  • Add cartesian axis attribute tickson with value 'boundaries' to place categorical ticks on the category boundaries [#3254, #3275]
  • Add uirevision attributes to control the persistence of user-driven changes on the graph [#3236]
  • Add legend.valign to set the vertical alignment of the legend symbols with respect to their associated text labels [#3263]
  • Implement arrayOk textposition for scatter3d traces [#3200]
  • Add layout attributes colorscale.sequential, colorscale.sequentialminus and colorscale.diverging to set graph-wide colorscale defaults [#3274]
  • Add dragmode: false to disable all drag interactions on cartesian subplots [#3170]
  • Add plotly.js-locales npm packages that includes all official locales modules [#3223]
  • Add watermark config option to permanently show Plotly's logo in the mode bar (set to false by default) [#3280]
  • Add Finnish locale (fi) [#3325]


  • Remove "Edit in Chart Studio" button by default [#3307]
  • title attributes linked to strings are now deprecated. Please use title.text instead to fill in your title text [#3276]
  • title* attributes are new deprecated. They moved to title.*. For example, colorbar.titleside is now colorbar.title.side [#3276]
  • No longer mutate colorscale values into user data [#3341]
  • No longer mutate zmin/zmax, cmin/cmax values into user data [#3341]


  • Fix react when updates trigger a new set of auto-margins [#3323]
  • Fix scattergl coloring when more than 255 marker colors are present [#3328, #3334]
  • More scattergl IE11 fixes [#3333, #3335]
  • Multiple surface rendering fixes [#3281]
  • Correctly default scene.dragmode to 'orbit' when camera up vector is tilted [#3256]
  • Fix hover on scatter3d traces with opacity: 1 on Ubuntu [#3301]
  • Fix console error Uncaught ax.dtick error: NaN in gl3d subplots [#3233]
  • Fix histogram hover event triggers when hovering from bar to bar [#3345]
  • Fix graphs with empty and non-empty histogram traces [#3343]
  • Fix contour labels on reversed axes [#3279]
  • Fix autocolorscale toggling [#3341]
  • Fix template support for marker.colorscale [#3341]
  • Fix scatter3D trace with mode: 'lines+markers' with line color array error [#3341]
  • Do not add <base> href to SVG clip paths during toImage [#3272]
  • Fix table scrolling that leaked into window scope [#3327]
  • Fix fills on segment-less marker-less traces [#3282]
  • Fix rangesliders on reversed-range axes [#3304]
  • Fix rangesliders on side: 'top'x-axes [#3329]
  • Fix typed array support for ohlc and candlestick traces [#3342]
  • Fix restyle with impliedEdits on trace with groupby transforms [#3236]
  • Fix editable: true drag on marker colorbars [#3236]
published 1.42.5 •



[1.42.5] -- 2018-11-08


  • Fix scattergl / scatterpolargl with mode: lines and more than 1e5 pts (bug introduced in 1.42.0) [#3228]
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