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3.0.1 ( Mon Jul 23 2018 14:13:35 GMT+0200 (CEST) )

Bug Fixes

  • allow to set a name via pm2 link (ebffb609)
  • disable network monitoring as long as ampq not supported (ae1547bf)
  • display error message from pm2-deploy (9171b810)
  • protect geteuid/getegid from being called on windows #3793 (0495bd8e)
  • put message module at the right level (56f5e047)
  • do not ignore child pres folder (10ee9987)
  • let->var (89e2a125)
  • method renaming (f3faa3d8)
  • path (4f980550)
  • #3791 mitigate pidusage errores (88551b8c)
  • pm2 plus (9bc34e56)
  • #3764 (3a582b42)
  • drop coffee-script (installed via pm2 install coffeescript) (76ceb2fd)
  • restore no_interaction for pm2-dev (902e5a5a)
  • option -w doesn't work (165a05c8)
  • retab shell script to use space for indent consistency (e3b4327d)
  • set Makefile indent to tab instead of common space (4db0ae01)
  • set yaml file indent to 2 spaces instead of 3 (e4ecb0b2)
  • remove trailing spaces (5c115983)
  • fixes #3735 (0548cb82)

Hot Fixes

  • fix #3767, do not consider as a command if space and slash are found (d15a12ce)
  • fix #3767, do not consider as a command if space and slash are found (f8ec1503)


  • add inspector for node 10 and heap snapshot (dc61bca6)
  • pm2 plus xx yy now generates a name with hostname-UID (fcf75e2c)
  • #3757 --only='app1,app2' (bea98330)
  • pm2 plus cli (1da6edde)
  • reload all apps after connection to pm2 plus (35a1ed2a)
  • ask to install module after connection with KM (68e87b39)
  • with pm2 plus command ask to install modules (28c61716)


  • test with development packages (d361c840)


Branchs merged

  • Merge branch 'development' into uid-gen (5324c878)
  • Merge branch 'master' into development (7d04f638)

Pull requests merged

  • Merge pull request #3811 from Unitech/memory_inspector (62018044)
  • Merge pull request #3801 from vkotovv/grammar-fixes (9bb37a66)
  • Merge pull request #3799 from Unitech/refactor-agent (bcc4fea8)
  • Merge pull request #3787 from Unitech/multi-only (ea5d74a8)
  • Merge pull request #3788 from Unitech/uid-gen (f70444f3)
  • Merge pull request #3784 from Unitech/pm2-plus-cli (e8c13c37)
  • Merge pull request #3780 from Unitech/plus_modules (466d2701)
  • Merge pull request #3768 from Unitech/spaces (0477354b)
  • Merge pull request #3771 from chinesedfan/patch-2 (8de987a6)
  • Merge pull request #3762 from shaharmor/issue-3441 (429e455d)
  • Merge pull request #3761 from PeterDaveHello/fix-sh-indent-style (24cddc25)
  • Merge pull request #3737 from morugu/add-node-env-output (6628f163)
  • Merge pull request #3743 from vivex/master (06872c25)
  • Merge pull request #3748 from JimiC/support_nvm4win (2dac235b)
  • Merge pull request #3752 from PeterDaveHello/upstart.tpl (d4e66e3a)
  • Merge pull request #3753 from PeterDaveHello/fix-editorconfig (d1478680)
  • Merge pull request #3754 from PeterDaveHello/remove-trailing-space (b660f03e)
published 3.0.0 •



3.0.0 ( Wed Jun 20 2018 11:06:21 GMT+0200 (CEST) )

Breaking changes

  • merge_logs is now activated by default if not in cluster mode. Logs will not be suffixed by the pm_id if only one app is started (ae02adf6)
  • Drop support for node 0.12
  • Drop gracefulReload command
  • Remove Interactor from PM2 source code
  • Replace pmx with pm2-io-apm

Bug Fixes

  • return the configuration and allow custom conf to override default values (37dc7de1)
  • add use strict for node 4 compatibility (ba2ee3b1)
  • #3605 fix parameters definition, don't use camelcase for properties (c8616276)
  • #3695 change version check method in order to make it work with alpha/beta versions (052d6c55)
  • deprecated warning on isbinaryfile (db09275f)
  • #3688 test adaptation + pm2 serve --port option (f0249684)
  • startup script issue 18.04 #3645 (ff1a7f31)
  • that this - uncache node_modules (294038d7)
  • verify default conf variable via package.json on public module (157b106d)
  • bug because of const (56f05a90)
  • do not run two pm2 para cmds (3274132b)
  • version (3ec178e5)
  • re-enable agent tests (e6febcd7)
  • test/display summary (b075e6d0)
  • skip interactor tests (36c4d6bc)
  • remove unused tests (234c6314)
  • add missing libraries in travis (88fbb845)
  • remove unused variable when trying to use tracing (3aeeba02)
  • remove useless tests from .sh (e0be81c8)
  • conflict (e13f39c9)
  • fix bug with interpreter args (b26efa0d)
  • improve error message if action has failed (d9f44f17)
  • use polyfill module for copySync with node 4.x (bc07f43b)
  • improve error message if action has failed (dacc6542)
  • solve empty list when no process and try to update pm2 (89511846)
  • #3485 fix issue when there is empty dump file (f2523f6a)
  • #3456 use homedir() instead of process.env.HOME, make module installation work on windows (1e001732)


  • add support for openbsd rc.d init scripts (fdeb0c32)

  • add kill_retry_time argument (b2cc0031)

  • bin/pm2




Branchs merged

  • Merge branch 'development' into chore/dev-cache-node-modules (146c4e11)
  • Merge branch 'development' of into new-agent (3514e7fa)
  • Merge branch 'development' into master (f5668331)
  • Merge branch 'development' into new-usage-cli (4ae27694)
  • Merge branch 'Eywek-improv/agent' into new-agent (3e259dd1)
  • Merge branch 'ecosystem-documentation' of into ecosystem-documentation (98348955)
  • Merge branch 'development' into ecosystem-documentation (40157784)
  • Merge branch 'inspect_mode' of into inspect_mode (7e1494c7)
  • Merge branch 'development' of into development (48f81a8b)
  • Merge branch 'development' into master (47e54109)
  • Merge branch 'development' into module_install_windows (7b82fb91)
  • Merge branch 'development' into module_install_windows (80b0495f)

Pull requests merged

  • Merge pull request #3726 from soyuka/fix-list (0255c5a6)
  • Merge pull request #3725 from soyuka/fix-list (a39eb4f8)
  • Merge pull request #3718 from AaronM04/openbsd-init-script (85458261)
  • Merge pull request #3721 from Unitech/io_conf (70ec1f81)
  • Merge pull request #3716 from Unitech/io_conf (0bc000b9)
  • Merge pull request #3714 from Unitech/definition (d8cff0de)
  • Merge pull request #3700 from Unitech/report_error (4b2cad40)
  • Merge pull request #3670 from Unitech/changelog (4bcbcce1)
  • Merge pull request #3662 from DanielRuf/chore/dev-cache-node-modules (540590ee)
  • Merge pull request #3663 from DanielRuf/chore/dev-clone-last-5-commits (bdf95fc9)
  • Merge pull request #3584 from ngtmuzi/development (33984b64)
  • Merge pull request #3500 from Unitech/test-parallel (da56c7af)
  • Merge pull request #3539 from KimSeongIl/master (1325704d)
  • Merge pull request #3556 from N-Nagorny/logs-smart-app-name-cutting (bfddf4fd)
  • Merge pull request #3553 from Unitech/fix_tracing_not_working (9d51fe08)
  • Merge pull request #3549 from Eywek/new-agent (2f04027b)
  • Merge pull request #3548 from rmonnier/start-ecosystem-default (55412f26)
  • Merge pull request #3546 from soyuka/improve-monitor-perf (e4e29233)
  • Merge pull request #3534 from rmonnier/new-usage-cli (5dfba8a4)
  • Merge pull request #3542 from rmonnier/default-start-ecosystem (c65595f4)
  • Merge pull request #3545 from rmonnier/default-ecosystem (b3718656)
  • Merge pull request #3543 from rmonnier/ecosystem-documentation (a60580a1)
  • Merge pull request #3541 from soyuka/development (67e7a015)
  • Merge pull request #3511 from Unitech/inspect_mode (75fb87f8)
  • Merge pull request #3517 from Unitech/polyfill_fs_copy_node4 (524f5494)
  • Merge pull request #3516 from Unitech/drop_unused_feature (9436f11a)
  • Merge pull request #3510 from Unitech/dump_refacto (674e4469)
  • Merge pull request #3501 from Unitech/refactor_api (9f2c4ca4)
  • Merge pull request #3496 from rmonnier/master (829cc303)
  • Merge pull request #3484 from Unitech/pull_by_name (24d29404)
  • Merge pull request #3482 from Unitech/mjs_support (ebe7b048)
  • Merge pull request #3495 from Unitech/module_install_windows (e9c625d3)
  • Merge pull request #3507 from cheapsteak/patch-1 (a49287d6)
published 2.10.4 •



2.10.4 ( Thu May 17 2018 14:32:40 GMT+0200 (CEST) )

Bug Fixes


  • update issue and PR templates to use comments to hide instructions in the frontend (9e0180ed)

Pull requests merged

  • Merge pull request #3664 from DanielRuf/chore/update-issue-pr-templates (067446f2)
published 2.10.3 •



v2.10.3 ( Fri Apr 27 2018 11:42:16 GMT+0200 (CEST) )


published 2.10.2 •



v2.10.2 ( Thu Mar 29 2018 13:06:11 GMT+0200 (CEST) )

Bug Fixes

  • reinforce pm2-runtime auto exit strategy #3567 #3206 (e09cdbab)

Pull requests merged

  • Merge pull request #3569 from Unitech/pm2-runtime-hot-fix (473a2d6d)
  • Merge pull request #3547 from Unitech/revert-3532-logs-smart-app-name-cutting (438e3030)
  • Merge pull request #3532 from N-Nagorny/logs-smart-app-name-cutting (067c18e6)
published 2.10.1 •



v2.10.1 ( Mon Feb 26 2018 11:38:18 GMT+0100 (CET) )

Bug Fixes

published 2.10.0 •



v2.10.0 ( Mon Feb 19 2018 14:51:19 GMT+0100 (CET) )

Bug Fixes

  • add livescript in default modules (a315eeb6)
  • replace dash with underscore (203df768)
  • make sure not pm2 is running (bd798fd7)
  • auto-exit edge case fix + pm2 no daemon mode + log in raw by default + less logs (704ae518)
  • impact v8 flag in fork mode also (41bf6ef7)
  • fixup! #2182 Get rid of annoying popups in Windows 10 (3a85b59d)

Hot Fixes


  • add dependencies section into ecosystem.json file. (828a30d0)

  • --deep-monitoring available from pm2-runtime (99e62e3b)

  • add deep_metrics to deep_monitoring flag (4d1bea5e)

  • add flag to enable deep-monitoring (c5418688)

  • allow pm2 to install a set of module as one single command and add deep-monitoring. (9dddc80d)

  • pm2 pid <app_name> command (6687d499)

  • allow pm2 to install and enable event-loop-inspector data collecting (e6b0c474)

  • ignore signal when running in --no-daemon (b9c01c99)

  • upgrade pmx to git development branch (21be05a0)

  • allow pm2 to enable v8 data collecting from pmx (aa180fa8)

  • allow pm2 to install gc-stats (15634168)

  • feat add changelog generation support (14f53fc0)

  • pm2

    • add pm2 init option to generate an ecosystem file (5d56fac7)
    • add pm2 init option to generate an ecosystem file (a38fd199)


  • add documentation on new pm2 install command (c90c453f)
  • add sendDataToProcessId into typescript definitions (4a2e8d2d)


  • delete all "if" condition when installing new module, create an object with all modules and a generic installation process (1b92a9c4)
  • deep pm2-runtime refactor #3408 #3257 #3266 (c13b2364)
  • no more interactive spinner for connection to KM + change pm2 log format + remove some logs (d1916f40)


Branchs merged

  • Merge branch 'development' of ssh:// into hotfix/scoped-package-support (94ea9d9e)
  • Merge branch 'master' into development (46606903)
  • Merge branch 'development' of into v8_option (757562f7)
  • Merge branch 'development' of into gc-stats (3ed1a747)
  • Merge branch 'master' into development (ee7651e4)

Pull requests merged

  • Merge pull request #3466 from natcl/development (c6d7ace8)
  • Merge pull request #3464 from andyfleming/patch-1 (dd9ebb60)
  • Merge pull request #3459 from rmonnier/master (46948a98)
  • Merge pull request #3458 from Unitech/pm2_install_command (f3b35726)
  • Merge pull request #3453 from deltasource/hotfix/scoped-package-support (974f9bf0)
  • Merge pull request #3448 from Unitech/deep_monitoring_flag (331bc741)
  • Merge pull request #3447 from Unitech/deep-monitoring (719d328e)
  • Merge pull request #3443 from Unitech/event-loop-inspector (77a35274)
  • Merge pull request #3442 from Unitech/event-loop-inspector (dad98e6e)
  • Merge pull request #3424 from Unitech/sendDataToProcessId_def (95e85eef)
  • Merge pull request #3438 from Unitech/v8_option (e46b15dc)
  • Merge pull request #3437 from Unitech/gc-stats (1a6771aa)
  • Merge pull request #3400 from toddwong/windowsHide2 (f65e8794)
  • Merge pull request #3421 from Unitech/generate_changelog (b0690618)
  • Merge pull request #3419 from Rohja/fix-build-number-deb-rpm (b4343de2)
published 2.9.3 •

published 2.9.2 •




  • #3364 30% faster CLI via v8-compile-cache

  • add process._getActiveRequests() and process._getActiveHandles() custom metrics

  • #3402 #3360 fix bad username

  • #3413 check dependencies before launching tests

  • #3295 add sorting feature for process list (pm2 ls --sort <field_name:order>)

  • #3404 if no gid specified - set gid to uid

  • #3287 add typing for env

  • #3374 separate stdout and stderr for pm2-docker/pm2-runtime

  • #3366 improve building of rpm and deb packages

  • #3375 sendLineToStdin/sendDataToProcessId fix

  • #3365 fix report command for windows

  • #3367 Display an error if the process is not found when running 'pm2 logs <process-name>'

  • #3256 TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined

  • User: append SUDO_USER if no uid has been set and SUDO_USER present

  • User: check permission of agent

  • KM: send outliers

  • KM: infinite retry for km connection

published 2.9.2-next •

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