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Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0


(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('j2c-plugin-prefix-browser'), require('polythene-core'), require('j2c')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'j2c-plugin-prefix-browser', 'polythene-core', 'j2c'], factory) :
(factory((global.polythene = {}),global['j2c-plugin-prefix-browser'],global['polythene-core'],global.j2c));
}(this, (function (exports,j2cPluginPrefixBrowser,polytheneCore,J2c) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('polythene-core'), require('j2c')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'polythene-core', 'j2c'], factory) :
(factory((global.polythene = {}),global['polythene-core'],global.j2c));
}(this, (function (exports,polytheneCore,J2c) { 'use strict';
J2c = J2c && J2c.hasOwnProperty('default') ? J2c['default'] : J2c;
J2c = J2c && J2c.hasOwnProperty('default') ? J2c['default'] : J2c;
var layout = [{
"display": "-webkit-box"
}, {
"display": "-moz-box"
}, {
"display": "-ms-flexbox"
}, {
"display": "-webkit-flex"
}, {
"display": "flex"
var layout = [{
"display": "-webkit-box"
}, {
"display": "-moz-box"
}, {
"display": "-ms-flexbox"
}, {
"display": "-webkit-flex"
}, {
"display": "flex"
var layoutInline = [layout, {
"display": "-ms-inline-flexbox"
}, {
"display": "-webkit-inline-flex"
}, {
"display": "inline-flex"
var layoutInline = [layout, {
"display": "-ms-inline-flexbox"
}, {
"display": "-webkit-inline-flex"
}, {
"display": "inline-flex"
var layoutHorizontal = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "row",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "row",
"flex-direction": "row"
var layoutHorizontal = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "row",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "row",
"flex-direction": "row"
var layoutHorizontalReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "row-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "row-reverse",
"flex-direction": "row-reverse"
var layoutHorizontalReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "row-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "row-reverse",
"flex-direction": "row-reverse"
var layoutVertical = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "column",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "column",
"flex-direction": "column"
var layoutVertical = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "column",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "column",
"flex-direction": "column"
var layoutVerticalReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "column-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "column-reverse",
"flex-direction": "column-reverse"
var layoutVerticalReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-direction": "column-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-direction": "column-reverse",
"flex-direction": "column-reverse"
var layoutWrap = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-wrap": "wrap",
"-webkit-flex-wrap": "wrap",
"flex-wrap": "wrap"
var layoutWrap = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-wrap": "wrap",
"-webkit-flex-wrap": "wrap",
"flex-wrap": "wrap"
var layoutWrapReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse",
"flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse"
var layoutWrapReverse = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse",
"-webkit-flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse",
"flex-wrap": "wrap-reverse"
var layoutStart = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "start",
"-webkit-align-items": "flex-start",
"align-items": "flex-start"
var layoutStart = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "start",
"-webkit-align-items": "flex-start",
"align-items": "flex-start"
var layoutCenter = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "center",
"-webkit-align-items": "center",
"align-items": "center"
var layoutCenter = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "center",
"-webkit-align-items": "center",
"align-items": "center"
var layoutEnd = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "end",
"-webkit-align-items": "flex-end",
"align-items": "flex-end"
var layoutEnd = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-align": "end",
"-webkit-align-items": "flex-end",
"align-items": "flex-end"
var layoutJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "justify",
"-webkit-justify-content": "space-between",
"justify-content": "space-between"
var layoutJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "justify",
"-webkit-justify-content": "space-between",
"justify-content": "space-between"
var layoutStartJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "start",
"-webkit-justify-content": "flex-start",
"justify-content": "flex-start"
var layoutStartJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "start",
"-webkit-justify-content": "flex-start",
"justify-content": "flex-start"
var layoutCenterJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "center",
"-webkit-justify-content": "center",
"justify-content": "center"
var layoutCenterJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "center",
"-webkit-justify-content": "center",
"justify-content": "center"
var layoutEndJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "end",
"-webkit-justify-content": "flex-end",
"justify-content": "flex-end"
var layoutEndJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "end",
"-webkit-justify-content": "flex-end",
"justify-content": "flex-end"
var layoutCenterCenter = [layoutCenterJustified, layoutCenter];
var layoutCenterCenter = [layoutCenterJustified, layoutCenter];
var layoutAroundJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "distribute",
"-webkit-justify-content": "space-around",
"justify-content": "space-around"
var layoutAroundJustified = [layout, {
"-ms-flex-pack": "distribute",
"-webkit-justify-content": "space-around",
"justify-content": "space-around"
var flex = function flex() {
var num = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return [{
"-webkit-box-flex": num
}, {
"-moz-box-flex": num
}, {
"-webkit-flex": num
}, {
"-ms-flex": num
}, {
"flex": num
}, num === 1 ? {
"-webkit-flex-basis": "0.000000001px"
} : {}, num === 1 ? {
"flex-basis": "0.000000001px"
} : {}];
var flex = function flex() {
var num = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return [{
"-webkit-box-flex": num
}, {
"-moz-box-flex": num
}, {
"-webkit-flex": num
}, {
"-ms-flex": num
}, {
"flex": num
}, num === 1 ? {
"-webkit-flex-basis": "0.000000001px"
} : {}, num === 1 ? {
"flex-basis": "0.000000001px"
} : {}];
var flexAuto = {
"-ms-flex": "1 1 auto",
"-webkit-flex-basis": "auto",
"flex-basis": "auto"
var flexAuto = {
"-ms-flex": "1 1 auto",
"-webkit-flex-basis": "auto",
"flex-basis": "auto"
var flexAutoVertical = {
"-ms-flex": "1 1 auto",
"-webkit-flex-basis": "auto",
"flex-basis": "auto"
var flexAutoVertical = {
"-ms-flex": "1 1 auto",
"-webkit-flex-basis": "auto",
"flex-basis": "auto"
var flexIndex = function flexIndex(index) {
return {
"-ms-flex": index,
"-webkit-flex": index,
"flex": index
var flexIndex = function flexIndex(index) {
return {
"-ms-flex": index,
"-webkit-flex": index,
"flex": index
var flexGrow = function flexGrow(value) {
return {
"-webkit-flex-grow": value,
"flex-grow": value
var flexGrow = function flexGrow(value) {
return {
"-webkit-flex-grow": value,
"flex-grow": value
var selfStart = {
"-ms-align-self": "flex-start",
"-webkit-align-self": "flex-start",
"align-self": "flex-start"
var selfStart = {
"-ms-align-self": "flex-start",
"-webkit-align-self": "flex-start",
"align-self": "flex-start"
var selfCenter = {
"-ms-align-self": "center",
"-webkit-align-self": "center",
"align-self": "center"
var selfCenter = {
"-ms-align-self": "center",
"-webkit-align-self": "center",
"align-self": "center"
var selfEnd = {
"-ms-align-self": "flex-end",
"-webkit-align-self": "flex-end",
"align-self": "flex-end"
var selfEnd = {
"-ms-align-self": "flex-end",
"-webkit-align-self": "flex-end",
"align-self": "flex-end"
var selfStretch = {
"-ms-align-self": "stretch",
"-webkit-align-self": "stretch",
"align-self": "stretch"
var selfStretch = {
"-ms-align-self": "stretch",
"-webkit-align-self": "stretch",
"align-self": "stretch"
var flex$1 = {
flex: flex,
flexAuto: flexAuto,
flexAutoVertical: flexAutoVertical,
flexIndex: flexIndex,
flexGrow: flexGrow,
layout: layout,
layoutAroundJustified: layoutAroundJustified,
layoutCenter: layoutCenter,
layoutCenterCenter: layoutCenterCenter,
layoutCenterJustified: layoutCenterJustified,
layoutEnd: layoutEnd,
layoutEndJustified: layoutEndJustified,
layoutHorizontal: layoutHorizontal,
layoutHorizontalReverse: layoutHorizontalReverse,
layoutInline: layoutInline,
layoutJustified: layoutJustified,
layoutStart: layoutStart,
layoutStartJustified: layoutStartJustified,
layoutVertical: layoutVertical,
layoutVerticalReverse: layoutVerticalReverse,
layoutWrap: layoutWrap,
layoutWrapReverse: layoutWrapReverse,
selfCenter: selfCenter,
selfEnd: selfEnd,
selfStart: selfStart,
selfStretch: selfStretch
var flex$1 = {
flex: flex,
flexAuto: flexAuto,
flexAutoVertical: flexAutoVertical,
flexIndex: flexIndex,
flexGrow: flexGrow,
layout: layout,
layoutAroundJustified: layoutAroundJustified,
layoutCenter: layoutCenter,
layoutCenterCenter: layoutCenterCenter,
layoutCenterJustified: layoutCenterJustified,
layoutEnd: layoutEnd,
layoutEndJustified: layoutEndJustified,
layoutHorizontal: layoutHorizontal,
layoutHorizontalReverse: layoutHorizontalReverse,
layoutInline: layoutInline,
layoutJustified: layoutJustified,
layoutStart: layoutStart,
layoutStartJustified: layoutStartJustified,
layoutVertical: layoutVertical,
layoutVerticalReverse: layoutVerticalReverse,
layoutWrap: layoutWrap,
layoutWrapReverse: layoutWrapReverse,
selfCenter: selfCenter,
selfEnd: selfEnd,
selfStart: selfStart,
selfStretch: selfStretch
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
// Mixins for j2c
// Mixins for j2c
// Centers an item absolutely within relative parent
var fit = function fit() {
var offset = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
// Centers an item absolutely within relative parent
var fit = function fit() {
var offset = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
var offsetPx = offset + "px";
return {
position: "absolute",
top: offsetPx,
right: offsetPx,
bottom: offsetPx,
left: offsetPx
var offsetPx = offset + "px";
return {
position: "absolute",
top: offsetPx,
right: offsetPx,
bottom: offsetPx,
left: offsetPx
// Optional font smoothing
// mixin.fontSmoothing()
var fontSmoothing = function fontSmoothing() {
var smoothing = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
// Optional font smoothing
// mixin.fontSmoothing()
var fontSmoothing = function fontSmoothing() {
var smoothing = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
if (smoothing) {
if (smoothing) {
return {
"-webkit-font-smoothing": "antialiased",
"-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "grayscale"
} else {
return {
"-webkit-font-smoothing": "subpixel-antialiased",
"-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "auto"
// Breaks off a line with ...
// unless lines is "none"
// mixin.ellipsis(1, 16) // max 1 line, 16px high
// mixin.ellipsis(2, 1.3, "em") // max 2 lines, 2.6em high
var ellipsis = function ellipsis(lines, lineHeight) {
var unit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "px";
if (lines === "none") {
return {
textOverflow: "initial",
overflow: "initial",
display: "block",
height: "auto",
maxHeight: "none",
whiteSpace: "normal"
return _extends({}, {
overflow: "hidden",
textOverflow: "ellipsis",
textRendering: "auto" // Samsung Android
}, lines !== undefined ? {
"-webkit-line-clamp": lines,
"-webkit-box-orient": "vertical",
display: "-webkit-box"
} : null, lineHeight !== undefined ? {
maxHeight: lines * lineHeight + unit
} : null);
// Clears float
// mixin.clearfix()
var clearfix = function clearfix() {
return {
"-webkit-font-smoothing": "antialiased",
"-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "grayscale"
"&:after": {
content: "\"\"",
display: "table",
clear: "both"
} else {
// Creates sticky headers in a scrollable list
// Does not work in Chrome:
// mixin.sticky()
var sticky = function sticky() {
var zIndex = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
"-webkit-font-smoothing": "subpixel-antialiased",
"-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "auto"
position: "sticky",
top: 0,
zIndex: zIndex
// Breaks off a line with ...
// unless lines is "none"
// mixin.ellipsis(1, 16) // max 1 line, 16px high
// mixin.ellipsis(2, 1.3, "em") // max 2 lines, 2.6em high
var ellipsis = function ellipsis(lines, lineHeight) {
var unit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "px";
if (lines === "none") {
// Creates a transition with presets
// mixin.defaultTransition("opacity", vars.animation_duration)
var defaultTransition = function defaultTransition() {
var properties = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : "all";
var duration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ".18s";
var curve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "ease-out";
return {
textOverflow: "initial",
overflow: "initial",
display: "block",
height: "auto",
maxHeight: "none",
whiteSpace: "normal"
transitionDelay: "0ms",
transitionDuration: duration,
transitionTimingFunction: curve,
transitionProperty: properties
var mixin = {
clearfix: clearfix,
defaultTransition: defaultTransition,
ellipsis: ellipsis,
fit: fit,
fontSmoothing: fontSmoothing,
sticky: sticky
function unwrapExports (x) {
return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
return _extends({}, {
overflow: "hidden",
textOverflow: "ellipsis",
textRendering: "auto" // Samsung Android
}, lines !== undefined ? {
"-webkit-line-clamp": lines,
"-webkit-box-orient": "vertical",
display: "-webkit-box"
} : null, lineHeight !== undefined ? {
maxHeight: lines * lineHeight + unit
} : null);
// Clears float
// mixin.clearfix()
var clearfix = function clearfix() {
return {
"&:after": {
content: "\"\"",
display: "table",
clear: "both"
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
var j2cPluginPrefixBrowser_commonjs = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree
var allStyles;
var styleAttr;
var styleElement;
var supportedProperty;
var supportedDecl;
function init() {
allStyles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null);
styleAttr = document.createElement('div').style;
styleElement = document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('style'));
supportedDecl = _supportedDecl;
supportedProperty = _supportedProperty;
if ('zIndex' in styleAttr && !('z-index' in styleAttr)) {
// Some browsers like it dash-cased, some camelCased, most like both.
supportedDecl = function supportedDecl(property, value) {
return _supportedDecl(camelCase(property), value);
supportedProperty = function supportedProperty(property) {
return _supportedProperty(camelCase(property));
function finalize() {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') document.documentElement.removeChild(styleElement);
// `styleAttr` is used at run time via `supportedProperty()`
// `allStyles` and `styleElement` can be displosed of after initialization.
allStyles = styleElement = null;
// Creates sticky headers in a scrollable list
// Does not work in Chrome:
// mixin.sticky()
var sticky = function sticky() {
var zIndex = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
position: "sticky",
top: 0,
zIndex: zIndex
// Helpers, in alphabetic order
// Creats a transition with presets
// mixin.defaultTransition("opacity", vars.animation_duration)
var defaultTransition = function defaultTransition() {
var properties = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : "all";
var duration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ".18s";
var curve = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "ease-out";
return {
transitionDelay: "0ms",
transitionDuration: duration,
transitionTimingFunction: curve,
transitionProperty: properties
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1.toUpperCase();
}).replace('-', '');
function deCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function ($0) {
return '-' + $0.toLowerCase();
function _supportedDecl(property, value) {
styleAttr[property] = '';
styleAttr[property] = value;
return !!styleAttr[property];
function supportedMedia(property, value) {
styleElement.textContent = '@media (' + property + ':' + value + '){}';
// The !!~indexOf trick. False for -1, true otherwise.
return !!~styleElement.sheet.cssRules[0].cssText.indexOf(value);
function _supportedProperty(property) {
return property in styleAttr;
function supportedRule(selector) {
styleElement.textContent = selector + '{}';
return !!styleElement.sheet.cssRules.length;
var mixin = {
clearfix: clearfix,
defaultTransition: defaultTransition,
ellipsis: ellipsis,
fit: fit,
fontSmoothing: fontSmoothing,
sticky: sticky
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree
var j2c = new J2c(j2cPluginPrefixBrowser.prefixPlugin);
var ID_REGEX = /[^a-z0-9\\-]/g;
// TODO:
* @param id: identifier, used as HTMLElement id for the attached <style></style> element
* @param styles: list of lists style Objects
var add = function add(id) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, styles = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
styles[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
function detectAtrules(fixers) {
if (fixers.prefix === '') return;
var atrules = {
'keyframes': 'name',
'viewport': null,
'document': 'regexp(".")'
addToDocument.apply(undefined, [{
id: id
// build a map of {'@ruleX': '@-prefix-ruleX'}
for (var atrule in atrules) {
var test = atrule + ' ' + (atrules[atrule] || '');
for (var i = fixers.prefixes.length; i--;) {
if (!supportedRule('@' + test) && supportedRule('@' + fixers.prefixes[i] + test)) {
* Removes a style from head.
var remove = function remove(id) {
if (polytheneCore.isServer) return;
if (id) {
var old = document.getElementById(id);
if (old && old.parentNode) {
fixers.hasAtrules = true;
fixers.atrules['@' + atrule] = '@' + fixers.prefixes[i] + atrule;
// Standard
fixers.hasDppx = supportedMedia('resolution', '1dppx');
// Webkit
fixers.hasPixelRatio = supportedMedia(fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio', '1');
// Opera
fixers.hasPixelRatioFraction = supportedMedia(fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio', '1/1');
if (fixers.hasPixelRatio || fixers.hasPixelRatioFraction) {['resolution'] = fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio';['min-resolution'] = fixers.prefix + 'min-device-pixel-ratio';['max-resolution'] = fixers.prefix + 'max-device-pixel-ratio';
if (supportedMedia('min-' + fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio', '1')) {
// Mozilla/Firefox tunred a vendor prefix into a vendor infix['min-resolution'] = 'min-' + fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio';['max-resolution'] = 'max-' + fixers.prefix + 'device-pixel-ratio';
* opts: options object
* id: identifier, used as HTMLElement id for the attached <style></style> element
* document: document reference; default window.document
* styles: list of lists style objects
var addToDocument = function addToDocument(opts) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, styles = Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
styles[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree
if (polytheneCore.isServer) return;
var id =, "_");
var documentRef = opts.document || window.document;
var styleEl = documentRef.createElement("style");
if (id) {
styleEl.setAttribute("id", id);
styles.forEach(function (styleList) {
// each style returns a list
if (Object.keys(styleList).length) {
styleList.forEach(function (style) {
var scoped = {
"@global": style
var sheet = j2c.sheet(scoped);
function detectFunctions(fixers) {
// Values that might need prefixing
if (fixers.prefix === '') return;
var functions = {
'linear-gradient': {
property: 'background-image',
params: 'red, teal'
'calc': {
property: 'width',
params: '1px + 5%'
'element': {
property: 'background-image',
params: '#foo'
'cross-fade': {
property: 'backgroundImage',
params: 'url(a.png), url(b.png), 50%'
functions['repeating-linear-gradient'] = functions['repeating-radial-gradient'] = functions['radial-gradient'] = functions['linear-gradient'];
// build an array of prefixable functions
for (var func in functions) {
var test = functions[func],
property =,
value = func + '(' + test.params + ')';
if (!supportedDecl(property, value) && supportedDecl(property, fixers.prefix + value)) {
// It's only supported with a prefix
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree and Robin Frischmann's Inline Style Prefixer
// TODO:
// db of prop/value pairs whose values may need treatment.
var keywords = [
// `initial` applies to all properties and is thus handled separately.
props: ['cursor'],
values: ['grab', 'grabbing', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-out']
}, {
props: ['display'],
values: ['box', 'inline-box', 'flexbox', 'inline-flexbox', 'flex', 'inline-flex', 'grid', 'inline-grid']
}, {
props: ['position'],
values: ['sticky']
}, {
props: ['width', 'column-width', 'height', 'max-height', 'max-width', 'min-height', 'min-width'],
values: ['contain-floats', 'fill-available', 'fit-content', 'max-content', 'min-content']
// The flexbox zoo
// ## Specs:
// - box (2009/old):
// - flexbox (2012/ie10):
// - flex (final):
var flex2009Props = {
// ?align-content =>
// ?align-self =>
'align-items': 'box-align',
'flex': 'box-flex', //,
// ?flex-basis =>
// !!flex-direction => box-direction + box-orient, covered in `plugin.js`
'box-direction': 'box-direction', // we prepopulate the cache for the above case.
'box-orient': 'box-orient',
// !!flex-flow => flex-direction and/or flex-wrap, covered in `plugin.js`
'flex-grow': 'box-flex', //
// ?flex-shrink =>
'flex-wrap': 'box-lines',
'justify-content': 'box-pack',
'order': 'box-ordinal-group' //
var flex2009Values = {
// flex => box || only for display? handled in the code
'flex-end': 'end',
'flex-start': 'start',
// inline-flex => inline-box || see flex
'nowrap': 'single',
'space-around': 'justify',
'space-between': 'justify',
'wrap': 'multiple',
'wrap-reverse': 'multiple'
var flex2012Props = {
'align-content': '-ms-flex-line-pack',
'align-items': '-ms-flex-align',
'align-self': '-ms-flex-item-align',
// flex => -ms-flex
'flex-basis': '-ms-preferred-size',
// flex-direction => -ms-flex-direction
// flex-flow => -ms-flex-flow
'flex-grow': '-ms-flex-positive',
'flex-shrink': '-ms-flex-negative',
// flex-wrap => -ms-flex-wrap
'justify-content': '-ms-flex-pack',
'order': '-ms-flex-order'
var flex2012Values = {
// flex => flexbox || only for display? handled in the code
'flex-end': 'end',
'flex-start': 'start',
// inline-flex => inline-flexbox || see 'flex'
// nowrap => nowrap
'space-around': 'distribute',
'space-between': 'justify'
// wrap => wrap
// wrap-reverse => wrap-reverse
function detectKeywords(fixers) {
if (fixers.prefixes.length === 0) return;
// build a map of {propertyI: {keywordJ: previxedKeywordJ, ...}, ...}
for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
var map = {},
property = keywords[i].props[0];
// eslint-disable-next-line
for (var j = 0, keyword; keyword = keywords[i].values[j]; j++) {
for (var k = fixers.prefixes.length; k--;) {
if (!supportedDecl(property, keyword) && supportedDecl(property, fixers.prefixes[k] + keyword)) {
fixers.hasKeywords = true;
map[keyword] = fixers.prefixes[k] + keyword;
// eslint-disable-next-line
for (j = 0; property = keywords[i].props[j]; j++) {
fixers.keywords[property] = map;
if (fixers.keywords.display && fixers.keywords.display.flexbox && !supportedDecl('display', 'flex')) {
// IE 10, Flexbox 2012
fixers.keywords.display.flex = fixers.keywords.display.flexbox;
fixers.keywords.display['inline-flex'] = fixers.keywords.display['inline-flexbox'];
fixers.flexbox2012 = true;
for (k in flex2012Props) {[k] = flex2012Props[k];
fixers.keywords[k] = flex2012Values;
} else if (fixers.keywords.display && && !supportedDecl('display', 'flex') && !supportedDecl('display', fixers.prefix + 'flex')) {
// old flexbox spec
fixers.keywords.display.flex =;
fixers.keywords.display['inline-flex'] = fixers.keywords.display['inline-box'];
fixers.flexbox2009 = true;
for (k in flex2009Props) {[k] = fixers.prefix + flex2009Props[k];
fixers.keywords[k] = flex2009Values;
} else if (fixers.keywords.display && ! && !fixers.keywords.display.flex && !fixers.keywords.display.flexbox && !supportedDecl('display', 'flex')) {
fixers.jsFlex = true;
if (!supportedDecl('color', 'initial') && supportedDecl('color', fixers.prefix + 'initial')) {
// `initial` does not use the `hasKeywords` branch, no need to set it to true.
fixers.initial = fixers.prefix + 'initial';
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree
function detectPrefix(fixers) {
var prefixCounters = {};
// Why are we doing this instead of iterating over properties in a .style object? Because Webkit.
// 1. Older Webkit won't iterate over those.
// 2. Recent Webkit will, but the 'Webkit'-prefixed properties are not enumerable. The 'webkit'
// (lower case 'w') ones are, but they don't `deCamelCase()` into a prefix that we can detect.
function iteration(property) {
if (property.charAt(0) === '-') {
var prefix = property.split('-')[1];
// Count prefix uses
prefixCounters[prefix] = ++prefixCounters[prefix] || 1;
// Some browsers have numerical indices for the properties, some don't
if (allStyles && allStyles.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < allStyles.length; i++) {
} else {
for (var property in allStyles) {
var prefixes = [];
for (var p in prefixCounters) {
}prefixes.sort(function (a, b) {
return prefixCounters[b] - prefixCounters[a];
fixers.prefixes = (p) {
return '-' + p + '-';
fixers.prefix = fixers.prefixes[0] || '';
// Edge supports both `webkit` and `ms` prefixes, but `ms` isn't detected with the method above.
// the selector comes from
if (supportedRule('_:-ms-lang(x), _:-webkit-full-screen')) fixers.prefixes.push('-ms-');
fixers.Prefix = camelCase(fixers.prefix);
* Adds styles to head for a component.
* @param selector: Array of Strings: selectors
* @param vars: Object configuration variables
* @param styleFns: Array of Functions: (selector, componentVars) => [j2c style objects]
var generateStyles = function generateStyles(selectors, vars, styleFns) {
var selector = selectors.join("");
var id = selector.trim().replace(/^[^a-z]?(.*)/, "$1");
add(id, (fn) {
return fn(selector, vars);
// Derived from Lea Verou's PrefixFree
var createStyleSheets = function createStyleSheets(selectors, vars, styleFns) {
var selector = selectors.join("");
return (fn) {
return fn(selector, vars);
function detectSelectors(fixers) {
var selector, prefixed;
function prefixSelector(selector) {
return selector.replace(/^::?/, function ($0) {
return $0 + fixers.prefix;
if (fixers.prefix === '') return;
var selectors = {
':any-link': null,
'::backdrop': null,
':fullscreen': null, //TODO sort out what changed between specs
':full-screen': ':fullscreen',
'::placeholder': null,
':placeholder': '::placeholder',
'::input-placeholder': '::placeholder',
':input-placeholder': '::placeholder',
':read-only': null,
':read-write': null,
'::selection': null
// builds an array of selectors that need a prefix.
for (selector in selectors) {
prefixed = prefixSelector(selector);
if (!supportedRule(selectors[selector] || selector) && supportedRule(prefixed)) {
fixers.hasSelectors = true;
fixers.selectorList.push(selectors[selector] || selector);
fixers.selectorMap[selectors[selector] || selector] = prefixed;
function detectWebkitCompat(fixers) {
if (!supportedDecl('background-clip', 'text') && supportedDecl('-webkit-background-clip', 'text')) fixers.WkBCTxt = true;['background-clip', 'text-fill-color', 'text-stroke-color', 'text-stroke-width', 'text-stroke'].forEach(function (prop) {
if (!supportedProperty(prop) && supportedProperty('-webkit-' + prop))[prop] = '-webkit-' + prop;
function blankFixers() {
return {
atrules: {},
hasAtrules: false,
hasDppx: null,
hasKeywords: false,
hasPixelRatio: false,
hasPixelRatioFraction: false,
hasSelectors: false,
hasValues: false,
fixAtMediaParams: null,
fixAtSupportsParams: null,
fixProperty: null,
fixSelector: null,
fixValue: null,
flexbox2009: false,
flexbox2012: false,
functions: [],
initial: null,
jsFlex: false,
keywords: {},
placeholder: null,
prefix: '',
prefixes: [],
Prefix: '',
properties: {},
selectorList: [],
selectorMap: {},
valueProperties: {
'transition': 1,
'transition-property': 1,
'will-change': 1
WkBCTxt: false // -webkit-background-clip: text
function browserDetector(fixers) {
// add the required data to the fixers object.
var emptySet = {};
var valueTokenizer = /[(),]|\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g;
* For properties whose values are also properties, this will split a coma-separated
* value list into individual values, ignoring comas in comments and in
* functions(parameter, lists).
* @param {string} selector
* @return {string[]}
function splitValue(value) {
var indices = [],
res = [],
inParen = 0,
/*eslint-disable no-cond-assign*/
while (o = valueTokenizer.exec(value)) {
/*eslint-enable no-cond-assign*/
switch (o[0]) {
case '(':
case ')':
case ',':
if (inParen) break;indices.push(o.index);
for (o = indices.length; o--;) {
res.unshift(value.slice(indices[o] + 1));
value = value.slice(0, indices[o]);
return res;
function makeDetector(before, targets, after) {
return new RegExp(before + '(?:' + targets.join('|') + ')' + after);
function makeLexer(before, targets, after) {
return new RegExp("\"(?:\\\\[\\S\\s]|[^\"])*\"|'(?:\\\\[\\S\\s]|[^'])*'|\\/\\*[\\S\\s]*?\\*\\/|" + before + '((?:' + targets.join('|') + '))' + after, 'gi');
// declarations
// ------------
// function trim(s) {
// return s.replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '$1')
// }
function fixDecl(fixers, emit, property, value) {
if (typeof property !== 'string' || property.charAt(0) === '-') return emit(property, value);
if (!(typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number')) {
return emit([property] || fixers.fixProperty(property), value);
value = value + '';
if (fixers.jsFlex) {
if (property === 'display' && (value === 'flex' || value === 'inline-flex')) {
emit('-js-display', value);
} else if (fixers.flexbox2009) {
// TODO: flex only takes one value in the 2009 spec
// if (property === 'flex') {
// value = trim(value)
// if (value === 'none' || value === 'initial') emit(property, '0')
// else if (value === 'auto') emit(property, '1')
// else emit(property, value.replace(/^(\d+)(?=\W|$).*/, '$1'))
// return
// } else
if (property === 'flex-flow') {
value.split(/\s+/).forEach(function (v) {
// recurse! The lack of `next.` is intentional.
if (v.indexOf('wrap') > -1) fixDecl(fixers, emit, 'flex-wrap', v);else if (v !== '') fixDecl(fixers, emit, 'flex-direction', v);
} else if (property === 'flex-direction') {
emit(['box-orient'], value.indexOf('column') > -1 ? 'block-axis' : 'inline-axis');
emit(['box-direction'], value.indexOf('-reverse') > -1 ? 'reverse' : 'normal');
// else if (fixers.flexbox2012) {
// // if (property === 'flex' && value.indexOf('calc(') !== -1) {
// // var parsed =
// // }
// }
if (fixers.WkBCTxt && property === 'background-clip' && value === 'text') {
emit('-webkit-background-clip', value);
} else {
emit([property] || fixers.fixProperty(property), fixers.fixValue(value, property));
function finalizeFixers(fixers) {
var prefix = fixers.prefix;
// properties
// ----------
fixers.fixProperty = fixers.fixProperty || function (prop) {
var prefixed;
return[prop] = supportedProperty(prop) || !supportedProperty(prefixed = prefix + prop) ? prop : prefixed;
// selectors
// ----------
var selectorDetector = makeDetector('', fixers.selectorList, '(?:\\b|$|[^-])');
var selectorMatcher = makeLexer('', fixers.selectorList, '(?:\\b|$|[^-])');
var selectorReplacer = function selectorReplacer(match, selector) {
return selector != null ? fixers.selectorMap[selector] : match;
fixers.fixSelector = function (selector) {
return selectorDetector.test(selector) ? selector.replace(selectorMatcher, selectorReplacer) : selector;
// values
// ------
// When gradients are supported with a prefix, convert angles to legacy
// (from clockwise to trigonometric)
var hasGradients = fixers.functions.indexOf('linear-gradient') > -1;
var gradientDetector = /\blinear-gradient\(/;
var gradientMatcher = /(^|\s|,|\()((?:repeating-)?linear-gradient\()\s*(-?\d*\.?\d*)deg/ig;
var gradientReplacer = function gradientReplacer(match, delim, gradient, deg) {
return delim + gradient + (90 - deg) + 'deg';
// functions
var hasFunctions = !!fixers.functions.length;
var functionsDetector = makeDetector('(?:^|\\s|,|\\()', fixers.functions, '\\s*\\(');
var functionsMatcher = makeLexer('(^|\\s|,|\\()', fixers.functions, '(?=\\s*\\()');
function functionReplacer(match, $1, $2) {
return $1 + prefix + $2;
// properties as values (for transition, ...)
// No need to look for strings in these properties. We may insert prefixes in comments. Oh the humanity.
var valuePropertiesMatcher = /^\s*([-\w]+)/gi;
var valuePropertiesReplacer = function valuePropertiesReplacer(match, prop) {
return[prop] || fixers.fixProperty(prop);
fixers.fixValue = function (value, property) {
var res;
if (fixers.initial != null && value === 'initial') return fixers.initial;
if (fixers.hasKeywords && (res = (fixers.keywords[property] || emptySet)[value])) return res;
res = value;
if (fixers.valueProperties.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
res = value.indexOf(',') === -1 ? value.replace(valuePropertiesMatcher, valuePropertiesReplacer) : splitValue(value).map(function (v) {
return v.replace(valuePropertiesMatcher, valuePropertiesReplacer);
if (hasFunctions && functionsDetector.test(value)) {
if (hasGradients && gradientDetector.test(value)) {
res = res.replace(gradientMatcher, gradientReplacer);
res = res.replace(functionsMatcher, functionReplacer);
return res;
// @media (resolution:...) {
// -------------------------
var resolutionMatcher = /((?:min-|max-)?resolution)\s*:\s*((?:\d*\.)?\d+)dppx/g;
var resolutionReplacer = fixers.hasPixelRatio ? function (_, prop, param) {
return[prop] + ':' + param;
} : fixers.hasPixelRatioFraction ? function (_, prop, param) {
return[prop] + ':' + Math.round(param * 10) + '/10';
} : function (_, prop, param) {
return prop + ':' + Math.round(param * 96) + 'dpi';
fixers.fixAtMediaParams = fixers.hasDppx !== false /*it may be null*/ ? function (p) {
return p;
} : function (params) {
return params.indexOf('reso') !== -1 ? params.replace(resolutionMatcher, resolutionReplacer) : params;
// @supports ... {
// ---------------
var supportsProp, supportsValue;
var atSupportsParamsFixer = function atSupportsParamsFixer(property, value) {
supportsProp = property;
supportsValue = value;
// regexp built by scripts/regexps.js
var atSupportsParamsMatcher = /\(\s*([-\w]+)\s*:\s*((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\((?:'(?:\\[\S\s]|[^'])*'|"(?:\\[\S\s]|[^"])*"|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*\)|[^\)])*)/g;
function atSupportsParamsReplacer(match, prop, value) {
fixDecl(fixers, atSupportsParamsFixer, prop, value);
return '(' + supportsProp + ':' + supportsValue;
fixers.fixAtSupportsParams = function (params) {
return params.replace(atSupportsParamsMatcher, atSupportsParamsReplacer);
var commonFixers;
function initBrowser() {
// exported for the test suite
commonFixers = blankFixers();
if (typeof getComputedStyle === 'function') browserDetector(commonFixers);
function prefixPlugin() {
var fixers = commonFixers;
var cache = [];
return {
set: {
setPrefixDb: function setPrefixDb(f) {
if (cache.indexOf(f) === -1) {
fixers = f;
return prefixPlugin;
filter: function filter(next) {
return {
atrule: function atrule(rule, kind, params, hasBlock) {
next.atrule(fixers.hasAtrules && fixers.atrules[rule] || rule, kind, rule === '@media' ? fixers.fixAtMediaParams(params) : rule === '@supports' ? fixers.fixAtSupportsParams(params) : params, hasBlock);
decl: function decl(property, value) {
fixDecl(fixers, next.decl, property, value);
rule: function rule(selector) {
next.rule(fixers.hasSelectors ? fixers.fixSelector(selector) : selector);
exports.prefixPlugin = prefixPlugin;
var styler = {
add: add,
addToDocument: addToDocument,
createStyleSheets: createStyleSheets,
generateStyles: generateStyles,
remove: remove
var j2cPluginPrefixBrowser_commonjs_1 = j2cPluginPrefixBrowser_commonjs.prefixPlugin;
var hex = function hex(value) {
var bigint = parseInt(value.substring(1), 16);
var r = bigint >> 16 & 255;
var g = bigint >> 8 & 255;
var b = bigint & 255;
return r + "," + g + "," + b;
var j2c = new J2c(j2cPluginPrefixBrowser_commonjs_1);
var ID_REGEX = /[^a-z0-9\\-]/g;
var rgba = function rgba(colorStr) {
var opacity = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
return "rgba(" + colorStr + ", " + opacity + ")";
* @param id: identifier, used as HTMLElement id for the attached <style></style> element
* @param styles: list of lists style Objects
var add = function add(id) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, styles = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
styles[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var flex$2 = [{
".layout, .layout.horizontal": flex$1.layout,
".layout.horizontal.inline, .layout.vertical.inline": flex$1.layoutInline,
".layout.horizontal": flex$1.layoutHorizontal,
".layout.horizontal.reverse": flex$1.layoutHorizontalReverse,
".layout.vertical": flex$1.layoutVertical,
".layout.vertical.reverse": flex$1.layoutVerticalReverse,
".layout.wrap": flex$1.layoutWrap,
".layout.wrap.reverse": flex$1.layoutWrapReverse,
".flex": flex$1.flex(1),
".span.flex": { "display": "block" }, // for IE 10
"": flex$1.flexAutoVertical,
"": flex$1.flexAuto,
".flex.none": flex$1.flexIndex("none"),
"": flex$1.flexIndex(1),
".flex.two": flex$1.flexIndex(2),
".flex.three": flex$1.flexIndex(3),
".flex.four": flex$1.flexIndex(4),
".flex.five": flex$1.flexIndex(5),
".flex.six": flex$1.flexIndex(6),
"": flex$1.flexIndex(7),
".flex.eight": flex$1.flexIndex(8),
".flex.nine": flex$1.flexIndex(9),
".flex.ten": flex$1.flexIndex(10),
".flex.eleven": flex$1.flexIndex(11),
".flex.twelve": flex$1.flexIndex(12),
addToDocument.apply(undefined, [{
id: id
// alignment in cross axis
".layout.start": flex$1.layoutStart,
",": flex$1.layoutCenter,
".layout.end": flex$1.layoutEnd,
* Removes a style from head.
var remove = function remove(id) {
if (polytheneCore.isServer) return;
if (id) {
var old = document.getElementById(id);
if (old && old.parentNode) {
// alignment in main axis
".layout.start-justified": flex$1.layoutStartJustified,
",": flex$1.layoutCenterJustified,
".layout.end-justified": flex$1.layoutEndJustified,
".layout.around-justified": flex$1.layoutAroundJustified,
".layout.justified": flex$1.layoutJustified,
* opts: options object
* id: identifier, used as HTMLElement id for the attached <style></style> element
* document: document reference; default window.document
* styles: list of lists style objects
var addToDocument = function addToDocument(opts) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, styles = Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
styles[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
// self alignment
".self-start": flex$1.selfStart,
".self-center": flex$1.selfCenter,
".self-end": flex$1.selfEnd,
".self-stretch": flex$1.selfStretch
if (polytheneCore.isServer) return;
var id =, "_");
var documentRef = opts.document || window.document;
var styleEl = documentRef.createElement("style");
if (id) {
styleEl.setAttribute("id", id);
styles.forEach(function (styleList) {
// each style returns a list
if (Object.keys(styleList).length) {
styleList.forEach(function (style) {
var scoped = {
"@global": style
var sheet = j2c.sheet(scoped);
var commonStyle = [{
".pe-block": {
display: "block"
* Adds styles to head for a component.
* @param selector: Array of Strings: selectors
* @param vars: Object configuration variables
* @param styleFns: Array of Functions: (selector, componentVars) => [j2c style objects]
var generateStyles = function generateStyles(selectors, vars, styleFns) {
var selector = selectors.join("");
var id = selector.trim().replace(/^[^a-z]?(.*)/, "$1");
add(id, (fn) {
return fn(selector, vars);
".pe-inline-block": {
display: "inline-block"
var createStyleSheets = function createStyleSheets(selectors, vars, styleFns) {
var selector = selectors.join("");
return (fn) {
return fn(selector, vars);
// ie support for hidden
".pe-hidden": {
display: "none !important"
var styler = {
add: add,
addToDocument: addToDocument,
createStyleSheets: createStyleSheets,
generateStyles: generateStyles,
remove: remove
".pe-relative": {
position: "relative"
var hex = function hex(value) {
var bigint = parseInt(value.substring(1), 16);
var r = bigint >> 16 & 255;
var g = bigint >> 8 & 255;
var b = bigint & 255;
return r + "," + g + "," + b;
".pe-absolute": {
position: "absolute"
var rgba = function rgba(colorStr) {
var opacity = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
return "rgba(" + colorStr + ", " + opacity + ")";
".pe-fit": {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
var flex$2 = [{
".layout, .layout.horizontal": flex$1.layout,
".layout.horizontal.inline, .layout.vertical.inline": flex$1.layoutInline,
".layout.horizontal": flex$1.layoutHorizontal,
".layout.horizontal.reverse": flex$1.layoutHorizontalReverse,
".layout.vertical": flex$1.layoutVertical,
".layout.vertical.reverse": flex$1.layoutVerticalReverse,
".layout.wrap": flex$1.layoutWrap,
".layout.wrap.reverse": flex$1.layoutWrapReverse,
".flex": flex$1.flex(1),
".span.flex": { "display": "block" }, // for IE 10
"": flex$1.flexAutoVertical,
"": flex$1.flexAuto,
".flex.none": flex$1.flexIndex("none"),
"": flex$1.flexIndex(1),
".flex.two": flex$1.flexIndex(2),
".flex.three": flex$1.flexIndex(3),
".flex.four": flex$1.flexIndex(4),
".flex.five": flex$1.flexIndex(5),
".flex.six": flex$1.flexIndex(6),
"": flex$1.flexIndex(7),
".flex.eight": flex$1.flexIndex(8),
".flex.nine": flex$1.flexIndex(9),
".flex.ten": flex$1.flexIndex(10),
".flex.eleven": flex$1.flexIndex(11),
".flex.twelve": flex$1.flexIndex(12),
".pe-fullbleed": {
margin: 0,
height: "100vh"
// alignment in cross axis
".layout.start": flex$1.layoutStart,
",": flex$1.layoutCenter,
".layout.end": flex$1.layoutEnd,
var layoutStyles = [flex$2, commonStyle];
// alignment in main axis
".layout.start-justified": flex$1.layoutStartJustified,
",": flex$1.layoutCenterJustified,
".layout.end-justified": flex$1.layoutEndJustified,
".layout.around-justified": flex$1.layoutAroundJustified,
".layout.justified": flex$1.layoutJustified,
var addLayoutStyles = function addLayoutStyles() {
return styler.add("pe-layout", flex$2, commonStyle);
// self alignment
".self-start": flex$1.selfStart,
".self-center": flex$1.selfCenter,
".self-end": flex$1.selfEnd,
".self-stretch": flex$1.selfStretch
exports.flex = flex$1;
exports.mixin = mixin;
exports.styler = styler;
exports.hex = hex;
exports.rgba = rgba;
exports.layoutStyles = layoutStyles;
exports.addLayoutStyles = addLayoutStyles;
var commonStyle = [{
".pe-block": {
display: "block"
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
".pe-inline-block": {
display: "inline-block"
// ie support for hidden
".pe-hidden": {
display: "none !important"
".pe-relative": {
position: "relative"
".pe-absolute": {
position: "absolute"
".pe-fit": {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
".pe-fullbleed": {
margin: 0,
height: "100vh"
".pe-rtl": {
direction: "rtl"
var layoutStyles = [flex$2, commonStyle];
var addLayoutStyles = function addLayoutStyles() {
return styler.add("pe-layout", flex$2, commonStyle);
exports.flex = flex$1;
exports.mixin = mixin;
exports.styler = styler;
exports.hex = hex;
exports.rgba = rgba;
exports.layoutStyles = layoutStyles;
exports.addLayoutStyles = addLayoutStyles;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
"name": "polythene-core-css",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "",
"main": "dist/polythene-core-css.js",
"main": "dist/polythene-core-css",
"module": "dist/polythene-core-css.mjs",
"scripts": {
"clean": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist",
"clean": "rm -rf dist/*",
"rollup": "../../node_modules/rollup/bin/rollup -c ../../scripts/rollup.umd.js && ../../node_modules/rollup/bin/rollup -c ../../scripts/",
"write-css": "node ./scripts/writeCSS.js",
"build": "yarn run rollup && yarn run write-css"
"build": "yarn run clean && yarn run rollup && yarn run write-css"

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "files": [

"j2c": "^1.0.0-4",
"j2c-plugin-prefix-browser": "^1.0.6",
"polythene-core": "^1.0.0"
"j2c-plugin-prefix-browser": "^1.0.7",
"polythene-core": "^1.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"polythene-scripts": "^1.0.0"
"polythene-scripts": "^1.1.0"

@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@ "author": "Arthur Clemens <> (",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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