prember = Pre Render Ember
This Ember addon allows you to pre-render any list of URLs into static HTML files at build time. It has no opinions about how you generate the list of URLs.
Quick Start
Add these packages to your app:
ember install ember-cli-fastboot
ember install prember
And configure some URLs that you would like to prerender:
// In ember-cli-build.js
let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
prember: {
urls: [
When you do ember build --environment=production
, your built app will include fastboot-rendered HTML in the following files:
When you build a normal ember app (ember build --environment=production
) you get a structure something like this:
├── assets
│ ├── my-app-0d31988c08747007cb982909a0b2c9db.css
│ ├── my-app-bdaaa766a1077911a7dae138cbd9e39d.js
│ ├── vendor-553c722f80bed2ea90c42b2c6a54238a.js
│ └── vendor-9eda64f0de2569c64ba0d33f08940fbf.css
├── crossdomain.xml
├── index.html
└── robots.txt
To serve this app to users, you just need to configure a webserver to use index.html
in response to all URLs that don't otherwise map to files (because the Ember app will boot and take care of the routing).
If you add ember-cli-fastboot to your app, it augments your build with a few things that are needed to run the app within node via fastboot:
├── assets
│ ├── assetMap.json
│ ├── my-app-0d31988c08747007cb982909a0b2c9db.css
│ ├── my-app-a72732b0d2468246920fa5401610caf4.js
│ ├── my-app-fastboot-af717865dadf95003aaf6903aefcd125.js
│ ├── vendor-553c722f80bed2ea90c42b2c6a54238a.js
│ └── vendor-9eda64f0de2569c64ba0d33f08940fbf.css
├── crossdomain.xml
├── index.html
├── package.json
└── robots.txt
You can still serve the resulting app in the normal way, but to get the benefits of server-side rendering you would probably serve it from a fastboot server that knows how to combine the JS files and the index.html
file and generate unique output per URL. The downside of this is that your fastboot server is now in the critical path, which increases your ops complexity and is necessarily slower than serving static files.
starts with an app that's already capable of running in fastboot and augments it further. You configure it with a source of URLs to prerender, and it uses Fastboot to visit each one during the build process, saving the resulting HTML files:
├── _empty.html <--------- A copy of the original index.html
├── about
│ └── index.html <--------- Pre-rendered content
├── assets
│ ├── assetMap.json
│ ├── my-app-0d31988c08747007cb982909a0b2c9db.css
│ ├── my-app-a72732b0d2468246920fa5401610caf4.js
│ ├── my-app-fastboot-af717865dadf95003aaf6903aefcd125.js
│ ├── vendor-553c722f80bed2ea90c42b2c6a54238a.js
│ └── vendor-9eda64f0de2569c64ba0d33f08940fbf.css
├── contact
│ └── index.html <--------- Pre-rendered content
├── crossdomain.xml
├── index.html <--------- Rewritten with pre-rendered content
├── package.json
└── robots.txt
The resulting application can be served entirely statically, like a normal Ember app. But it has the fast-first-paint and SEO benefits of a Fastboot-rendered application for all of the URLs that you pre-rendered.
Configuring Your Webserver
Your webserver needs to do two things correctly for this to work:
- It should use a file like
to respond to URLs like /about
. This is a pretty normal default behavior.
- It should use
to respond to unknown URLs (404s). In a normal Ember app, you would configure index.html
here instead, but we may have already overwritten index.html
with content that only belongs on the homepage, not on every route. This is why prember
gives you a separate _empty.html
file with no prerendered content.
You pass options to prember
by setting them in ember-cli-build.js
// In ember-cli-build.js
let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
prember: {
urls: [
The supported options are:
: this can be an array or a promise-returning function that resolves to an array. How you generate the list of URLs is up to you, there are many valid strategies.
: defaults to environment === 'production'
so that prember
only runs during production builds.
: defaults to "index.html"
. This is the name we will give to each of the files we create during pre-rendering.
: defaults to "_empty.html"
. This is where we will put a copy of your empty index.html
as it was before any pre-rendering.
Using prember in development
In addition to the enabled
option, you can temporarily turn prember
on by setting the environment variable PREMBER=true
, like:
PREMBER=true ember serve
However, by default ember-cli doesn't understand that it should use a file like about/index.html
to respond to a URL like /about
. So you should do:
ember install prember-middleware
It's harmless to keep prember-middleware permanently installed in your app, it has no impact on your production application.
When running in development, you will see console output from ember-cli that distinguishes whether a given page was handled by prember vs handled on-the-fly by fastboot:
prember: serving prerendered static HTML for /about <--- served by prember
2017-10-27T05:25:02.161Z 200 OK /some-other-page <--- served by fastboot
Compared to other addons
There are other ways to pre-render content:
ember-prerender depends on having a real browser to do prerendering, which is heavy and complex. It's old and unmaintained.
ember-cli-prerender uses Fastboot like we do, but it is not integrated with the build pipeline (so it's harder to make it Just Work™ with things like ember-cli-deploy) and it has stronger opinions about what URLs it will discover, including blueprint-driven sitemap configuration.