Prismalux 🌓 - A Zero-Dependency Prisma Schema Highlighter

✨ Prismalux is a lightweight, zero-dependency CLI tool & library for highlighting Prisma schema files in the terminal.
🔍 You can also highlight a specific model or enum using the --filter=
Just run it with npx:
npx prismalux
🚀 Features
✔ Zero dependencies - No extra packages required
✔ Syntax highlighting for Prisma schema files
✔ Works as CLI & library (use as prismalux [path]
or import in code)
✔ Filter a specific model or enum using --filter=User
✔ ESM & CommonJS support
📸 Preview

📦 Get Started
If you just want to run Prismalux without installing it, simply use:
npx prismalux
This will automatically find the Prisma schema in the current directory (e.g., prisma/schema.prisma
If your schema is located elsewhere, specify the path manually:
npx prismalux --path=./path/to/schema.prisma
🔍 Highlight a Specific Model or Enum
If you only want to highlight a specific model or enum, use the --filter=
prismalux --filter=User
Or multiple models/enums:
Use "," or "|" to separate multiple models/enums:
prismalux --filter="User|Role"
prismalux --filter=User,Role
This will only display:
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
email String @unique
role Role
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
You can also combine it with a custom schema path:
prismalux --path=./custom/schema.prisma --filter=Post
📦 Installation
Global Installation (CLI)
If you want to use Prismalux as a command-line tool:
npm install -g prismalux
Now you can run:
Or specify a custom path:
prismalux --path=./path/to/schema.prisma
🎮 Usage
1️⃣ CLI Mode
prismalux --help
prismalux --version
prismalux --path=./custom/schema.prisma
prismalux --filter=User
2️⃣ Import in Code
📦 ESM (ES Modules)
import { PrismaHighlighter } from "prismalux";
const highlighter = new PrismaHighlighter();
const schema = `
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
email String @unique
role Role
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
📦 CommonJS (CJS)
Similar to ESM
import { PrismaHighlighter } from "prismalux";
const highlighter = new PrismaHighlighter();
🔧 Configuration
Prismalux allows you to customize colors and disable highlighting if needed.
const highlighter = new PrismaHighlighter({
enableColors: true,
colors: {
yellow: "\x1b[38;5;220m",
orange: "\x1b[38;5;214m",
To disable colors (useful for logs):
const plainHighlighter = new PrismaHighlighter({ enableColors: false });
📜 License
MIT License © Artyom Gorlovetskiy