The Promish module creates a wrapper around the EcmaScript 6 Promise class (and others).
It adds some of the useful features found in many of the other popular promise libraries such as Q and Bluebird.
It is designed to be interchangeable with the ES6 Promise as its interface is a superset of the Promise class.
I have strived to keep this library as small as practicable while offering as much functionality as possible.
As it stands, the minified browserified bundle is less than 14k!
npm install promish
New Features!
The Promish class has been reworked to allow the base-promise class it extends to be injected
so that a browser friendly promise can be used for the browserify build. The implementation I
am using for this is es6-promise.
The standard Promish implementation (via require('promish') has not been affected and will still
deliver a Promish class that extends the native Promise.
See Browserification for details.
- map takes an array of values or promises and calls a supplied callback function on each resolved value finally resolving in an array of values
- reduce takes an array of values or promises and calls a supplied callback function on each resolved value in a sequential fashion resolving to a single value
var Promish = require('promish');
Typical use - construct with handler function
var promise = new Promish(function(resolve, reject) {
3rd Party Wrapper Mode
var promise = new Promish(Q());
var promise = new Promish(new Promise( ... ));
Value Wrapper Mode
var promise = new Promish('Resolve Value');
var promise = Promish.resolve('Resolve Value');
Error Wrapper Mode
var promise = new Promish(new Error('This promise is rejected'));
var promise = Promish.reject('This is not an error object, but reject with it anyway')
.then(function(value) {
function(value) {
function(error) {
The catch function takes a catch handler that will be called when the promise state is rejected
and is a more elegant way to handle errors than using the second then argument.
.catch(function(error) {
Promishes also support Error type matching
new Promish(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(function(json) { ... })
.catch(SyntaxError, function(error) {
.catch(function(error) {
And also support user supplied error match functions
function isFooString(value) {
return ((typeof value) === 'string') && (value.indexOf('foo') >= 0);
.then(function(value) { ... })
.catch(isFooString, function(error) {
.catch(function(error) {
A finally handler will be called no matter what state the promise chain gets into.
There are no arguments provided to the finally handler and the downstream promise state will typically reflect
the state of the promise before the finally handler is called.
If the finally handler returns a promise, finally will wait for the promise to resolve before propagating the
incoming promise value.
If the finally handler's promise is rejected, the new rejected state will override the incoming promise state
and the new state will take on the new rejection state of the finally handler's promise.
This will also be the case if the finally handler throws an exception.
.then(function(value) { ... })
.catch(function(error) { ... })
.finally(function() {
Pause for a number of milliseconds and then continue.
The resolve value will be preserved.
If the promish state is rejected, delay will not delay and will preserve the rejection error
.then(function(value) {
.catch(function(error) {
For compatability with the old Promise.defer() pattern...
function readAFile(filename) {
var deferred = Promish.defer();
fs.readFile(filename, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
Promisification Calls
The majority of the old asynchronous Node methods follow a basic pattern where the last argument in a function
is a callback function and the first argument of that callback function is used to signal errors -
if the error argument is truthy, then the call failed and the value of the error will indicate why,
otherwise the call succeeded.
Promisification involves converting the async pattern into promises - either on the fly or by wrapping functions,
methods or even whole objects...
Promish.apply(fs.readFile, [filename])
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(error) {
Call, filename)
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(error) {
Promish.invoke(target, value1, value2)
.then(function(value) { ... });
Promish.invoke(target, [value1, value2])
.then(function(value) { ... });
Convert a function from async to promise for future use.
var readFile = Promish.promisify(fs.readFile);
.then(function(data) { ... })
Promisify All
Promisify all the async methods of an object.
There are two modes supported:
- Proxy Mode (default)
- Creates a separate object that contains promisified methods for each method of the target object. The methods typically have the same name
- Note: ES6 Proxies eagerly awaited here!
- In-Place Mode
- Adds promisified methods to the object, typically with a suffix to avoid colliding with the actual methods.
var fs = Promish.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
.then(function(data) { ... });
var fs = Promish.promisifyAll(require('fs'), { inPlace: true, suffix: 'Async' });
.then(function(data) { ... });
Wrap a synchronous function or method so that it always returns a promise
var myFunc = Promish.method(function(value) {
if (!value) throw new Error('Not zero!');
if (value > 0) return value;
return Promish.resolve(value);
.then(function(value) {
MyClass.prototype.func = Promish.method(function(value) {
return this.value = value;
new MyClass(7).func
.then(function(value) {
Promish wraps the native implementation of all.
Promish.all([getPromise1(), getPromise2()])
.then(function(values) { ... });
Promish wraps the native implementation of race.
Promish.race([promise1, promise2])
.then(function(value) {
.catch(function(error) {
Resolve on first N successful promises or reject with array of errors.
Promish.some([promise1, promise2, promise3], 2)
.then(function(values) {
.catch(function(errors) {
Resolve on first successful promise or reject with array of errors.
Promish.any([promise1, promise2])
.then(function(value) {
.catch(function(errors) {
Convert a resolve value array into arguments
Promish.all([getPromish1(), getPromish2(), getPromish3()])
.spread(function(a,b,c) {
Spread will also convert an array of promises into their resolved values
new Promish(function(resolve) {
resolve([getPromish1(), getPromish2(), getPromish3()])
.spread(function(a,b,c) {
Process an array of values or promises using supplied callback and resolving with an array of processed values.
function processMapValues(value) {
return value * 2;
}[getValue(), getPromise()], processMapValues)
.spread(function(a,b) {
Promish.resolve([getValue(), getPromise()])
.spread(function(a,b) {
Process an array of values or promises using supplied callback and resolving with a single accumulated values.
The callback is called with arguments of accumulator and resolved value and returns a value or promise which will be resolved to become the next accuumulator value.
For further reading on reduce, please consult documentation for Array reduce();
function processReduceValues(total, value) {
return total + value;
Promish.reduce([getValue(), getPromise()], processReduceValues, 0)
.then(function(total) {
Promish.resolve([getValue(), getPromise()])
.then(function(total) {
Promish is now also built for browserification both as a standalone bundle and as a module suitable for inclusion into your own browserify build.
A browserified bundle is included as dist/promish-bundle.js (or dist/promish-bundle.min.js).
The bundle uses (and includes) the es6-promise module in order to produce a browser friendly bundle.
For node projects that still require older versions of JavaScript (or for including in a different browser bundle),
a node friendly module has also been included. To use, add the following code:
var Promish = require('promish/dist/promish-node');
Note that promish-node makes use of ES6 features like Array.from that are not covered by the babel transpile.
If you need to use promish in a completely ES2015 environment you will need to include some kind of compatable polyfill:
Known Issues
Release History
Version | Changes |
0.0.1 | |
0.0.2 | |
0.0.3 | |
0.0.4 | |
0.0.5 | |
0.0.6 | - Bugfixes and Documentation
4.2.2 | - Updated for compatability with Node v4.
- Version number matches the version of Node I used when this was published
- For compatability with older 0.x versions, specify Promish version 0.0.8 in your package.json
- Refactored to extend Promise instead of wrapping
4.2.3 | - Added implict Promish.all to spread
4.2.4 | - finally() must not swallow rejection.
4.2.5 | |
4.2.8 | |