CLI tool (global)
This is a command-line tool for scaffolding projects that use the pruno build tool. This is a very, (very) early release and the general functionality is still worked out. Much of what you see in this includes planned but unfinished commands. What currently works are:
- Initializing empty pruno projects.
- Initializing a react/flux scaffold (no backend).
- Adding pruno mixes via the command line, automatically modifying your ./config/pruno.yaml and your ./gulpfile.js
By running npm install -g pruno
, you will be given access to the pruno terminal command.
Executing pruno --help
will list the available commands.
☁ pruno --help
Usage: pruno [options] [command]
db:install <dbType> Install Sequelize and setup database
db:migration <migrationName> Create a new SQL migration.
db:migrate Run all pending migrations.
db:rollback Roll back migrations
generate|g <action> <name> Generate a new component.
install|i <mixes...> Install and configure a new pruno-mix.
new|n Initialize Pruno for this project.
sandbox Start up a sandbox session and interact with your application via the CLI.
uninstall|rm <mixes...> Remove pruno mixes.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
$ pruno g react:component <componentName>
$ pruno g react:actions <actionsName>
$ pruno g react:store <storeName>
$ pruno g react:mixin <mixinName>
$ pruno g backbone:router <routerName>
$ pruno g backbone:view <viewName>
$ pruno g backbone:template <templateName>
$ pruno g backbone:model <modelName>
$ pruno g backbone:collection <collectionName>
$ pruno g backbone:helper <helperName>
Client tools
To initialize a React/Flux project, run pruno init react
. This will setup the proper folder structure and create your boilerplate files. It will also require the following dependencies:
- gulp
- pruno
- pruno-js
- pruno-stylus
- pruno-http
- pruno-publish
- pruno-images
Server tools
To initialize a koa/sql server, use pruno init koa
. This will setup a koa backend with routes, models, and a sequelize database scaffold. It will install the following dependencies:
- koa
- koa-bodyparser
- koa-compress
- koa-json
- koa-static
- koa-mount
- koa-router
- koa-isomorphic
- sequelize
- sequelize-cli
- pg
- pg-hstore