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Comparing version 1.1.4 to 1.1.5-rc.1


"name": "puregram",
"version": "1.1.4",
"version": "1.1.5-rc.1",
"main": "src/index.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -43,1 +43,4 @@ # puregram

Biggest thanks to [Negezor]( for his [vk-io]( library that helped me with this package!
### VK chat

@@ -632,2 +632,3 @@ let fetch = require('node-fetch');

let form = null;
let isPath = fs.existsSync(value);

@@ -642,3 +643,3 @@ if (value instanceof Readable) {

form.append(key, value, { filename: key + this.chatId });
} else if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.startsWith('http')) {
} else if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.startsWith('http') && isPath) {
form = new FormData();

@@ -650,3 +651,3 @@

if (form && key in params) {
if (form && key in params && !isPath) {
let { [key]: _, ...tempParams } = params;

@@ -653,0 +654,0 @@

@@ -23,255 +23,8 @@ import Params from "../../typings/params";

* Use this method to send text messages.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public send(text: string, params: Params.ISendMessageParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public reply(text: string, params: Params.ISendMessageParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send photos.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendPhoto(photo: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendPhotoParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithPhoto(photo: string, params: Params.ISendPhotoParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send audio files,
* if you want Telegram clients to display them in the music player.
* Your audio must be in the .MP3 or .M4A format.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
* Bots can currently send audio files of up to 50 MB in size,
* this limit may be changed in the future.
* For sending voice messages, use the `sendVoice` method instead.
public sendAudio(audio: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendAudioParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithAudio(audio: string, params: Params.ISendAudioParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send video files,
* Telegram clients support mp4 videos
* (other formats may be sent as `Document`).
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
* Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size,
* this limit may be changed in the future.
public sendVideo(video: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendVideoParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithVideo(video: string, params: Params.ISendVideoParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send animation files
* (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
* Bots can currently send animation files of up to 50 MB in size,
* this limit may be changed in the future.
public sendAnimation(animation: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendAnimationParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithAnimation(animation: string, params: Params.ISendAnimationParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos
* of up to 1 minute long.
* Use this method to send video messages.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendVideoNote(videoNote: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendVideoNoteParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithVideoNote(videoNote: string, params: Params.ISendVideoNoteParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send audio files,
* if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message.
* For this to work, your audio must be in an .OGG file encoded with OPUS
* (other formats may be sent as `Audio` or `Document`).
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
* Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size,
* this limit may be changed in the future.
public sendVoice(voice: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendVoiceParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithVoice(voice: string, params: Params.ISendVoiceParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send a group of photos or videos as an album.
* On success, an `Array<Message>` is returned.
public sendMediaGroup(mediaGroup: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendMediaGroupParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithMediaGroup(mediaGroup: string, params: Params.ISendMediaGroupParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send point on the map.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendLocation(location: string, params: Params.ISendLocationParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithLocation(location: string, params: Params.ISendLocationParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send information about a venue.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendVenue(venue: string, params: Params.ISendVenueParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithVenue(venue: string, params: Params.ISendVenueParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send phone contacts.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendContact(contact: string, params: Params.ISendContactParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithContact(contact: string, params: Params.ISendContactParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send a native poll.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendPoll(poll: string, params: Params.ISendPollParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
public replyWithPoll(poll: string, params: Params.ISendPollParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to stop a poll which was sent by the bot.
* On success, the stopped `Poll` with the final results is returned.
public stopPoll(id: string, params: Params.IStopPollParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method when you need to tell the user that
* something is happening on the bot's side.
* The status is set for 5 seconds or less
* (when a message arrives from your bot,
* Telegram clients clear its typing status).
* Returns `True` on success.
public sendChatAction(action: Types.ChatActions, params: Params.ISendChatActionParams): Promise<true>;
* Use this method to edit text and game messages.
* On success, if edited message is sent by the bot,
* the edited `Message` is returned,
* otherwise `True` is returned.
public editMessageText(text: string, params: Params.IEditMessageTextParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
* Use this method to edit captions of messages.
* On success, if edited message is sent by the bot,
* the edited `Message` is returned,
* otherwise `True` is returned.
public editMessageCaption(caption: string, params: Params.IEditMessageCaptionParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
* Use this method to edit animation, audio, document,
* photo, or video messages.
* If a message is a part of a message album,
* then it can be edited only to a photo or a video.
* Otherwise, message type can be changed arbitrarily.
* When inline message is edited, new file can't be uploaded.
* Use previously uploaded file via its `file_id` or specify a `URL`.
* On success, if the edited message was sent by the bot,
* the edited `Message` is returned,
* otherwise `True` is returned.
public editMessageMedia(media: string, params: Params.IEditMessageMediaParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
* Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages.
* On success, if edited message is sent by the bot,
* the edited `Message` is returned,
* otherwise `True` is returned.
public editMessageReplyMarkup(replymarkup: string, params: Params.IEditMessageReplyMarkupParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
* Use this method to delete a message, including service messages, with the following limitations:
* - A message can only be deleted if it was sent less than 48 hours ago.
* - Bots can delete outgoing messages in private chats, groups, and supergroups.
* - Bots can delete incoming messages in private chats.
* - Bots granted can_post_messages permissions can delete outgoing messages in channels.
* - If the bot is an administrator of a group, it can delete any message there.
* - If the bot has can_delete_messages permission in a supergroup or a channel, it can delete any message there.
* Returns `True` on success.
public deleteMessage(params: Params.IDeleteMessageParams): Promise<true>;
* Use this method to send static .WEBP or animated .TGS stickers.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendSticker(sticker: Interfaces.IInputFile | string, params: Params.ISendStickerParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to send a dice, which will have a random value from `1` to `6`.
* On success, the sent `Message` is returned.
public sendDice(params: Params.ISendDiceParams): Promise<MessageContext>;
* Use this method to get the current list of the bot's commands.
* Returns `Array<BotCommand>` on success.
public getMyCommands(): Promise<Array<Interfaces.IBotCommand>>;
* Use this method to change the list of the bot's commands.
* Returns `True` on success.
public setMyCommands(commands: Array<Interfaces.IBotCommand>): Promise<true>;
* Use this method to edit live location messages.
* A location can be edited until its live_period expires
* or editing is explicitly disabled by a call to `stopMessageLiveLocation`.
* On success, if the edited message was sent by the bot,
* the edited `Message` is returned, otherwise `True` is returned.
public editMessageLiveLocation(params: Params.IEditMessageLiveLocationParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
* Use this method to stop updating a live location message
* before live_period expires.
* On success, if the message was sent by the bot,
* the sent `Message` is returned, otherwise `True` is returned.
public stopMessageLiveLocation(params: Params.IStopMessageLiveLocationParams): Promise<MessageOrTrue>;
public answerInlineQuery(
results: Array<Interfaces.InlineQueryResult>,
params: Params.IAnswerInlineQueryParams
): Promise<true>;
export = InlineQuery;
import API from './api';
import Updates from './updates';
import { ITelegramParams } from '../typings/params';
import Params from '../typings/params';

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ declare class Telegram {

constructor(params: ITelegramParams);
constructor(params: Params.ITelegramParams);
export = Telegram;
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