Quasar Framework
Build responsive websites, PWAs, hybrid mobile Apps (that look native!) and Electron apps using same code, powered with Vue.

Roboto Font | CDN v18 | Default recommended font when building with Material theme |
Material Icons | CDN v37 | Material icons font |
MDI (Material Design Icons) | 2.4.85 | Extended Material Design icons font |
Font Awesome | 5.1.0 | Fontawesome icons font |
Ionicons | 4.2.4 | Ionicons font |
Animate.css | 3.5.2 | Bundle of animations you can use in your website/app |
Why this package? Because it strips down unnecessary package files (so faster download times), all in one place, tested and ready to use with Quasar. One other reason is that the material icons npm package sometimes fails to be downloaded by NPM.
Supporting Quasar
Quasar Framework is an MIT-licensed open source project. Its ongoing development is made possible thanks to the support by these awesome backers. If you'd like to join them, check out Quasar Framework's Patreon campaign.
Head on to the Quasar Framework official website: http://quasar-framework.org
Stay in Touch
For latest releases and announcements, follow on Twitter: @quasarframework
Head on to the official community forum: http://forum.quasar-framework.org
Using semver 2.0 notation for 'quasar-extras' package.
All assets included in this repository are exclusive property of their respective owners. Quasar does not take any credit in packages included here.