Ray.so API

Unofficial API for ray.so that turns your code into beautiful images. Choose from a range of syntax colors, hide or show the background, and toggle between a dark and light window.
$ npm i rayso-api
const RaySo = require('../src/rayso');
const raySo = new RaySo({
.cook(`console.log('Hello, World!');`)
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
title | "Untitled-1" | String | The title will be displayed on top of the code box. |
theme | "breeze" | String | There are several options of how your box will look like. Available themes: breeze, candy, crimson, falcon, meadow, midnight, raindrop, sunset |
background | true | Boolean | If disabled, it will create an image of code box only, without background. |
darkMode | true | Boolean | If disabled, it will change your theme to its light version. |
padding | 64 | String or Number | Distance between borders and code box. Available values: 16, 32, 64 and 128. |
language | "auto" | String | You better leave it auto :/ However, you can try to pass some language name and if it worked, good for you! |
localPreview | false | Boolean | If enabled, it will create example.png image file of the output in the current directory. |
browserPath | "C:\Program Files\ Google\Chrome\Application \chrome.exe" | String | Local path to the browser (Chrome). You can leave it, if it's your home PC and you have Chrome installed. |
debug | false | Boolean | If enabled, it will show messages in the console during code execution. |
const RaySo = require('../src/rayso');
const raySo = new RaySo({
title: 'Custom Title',
theme: 'candy',
padding: 32,
language: 'javascript',
localPreview: true,