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published 15.2.1 •



15.2.1 (July 8, 2016)


  • Fix errant warning about missing React element. (@gaearon in #7193)
  • Better removal of dev-only code, leading to a small reduction in the minified production bundle size. (@gaearon in #7188, #7189)

React DOM

  • Add stack trace to null input value warning. (@jimfb in #7040)
  • Fix webcomponents example. (@jalexanderfox in #7057)
  • Fix unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer so that context properly updates when linked to state. (@gaearon in #7125)
  • Improve invariant wording for void elements. (@starkch in #7066)
  • Ensure no errors are thrown due to event handlers in server rendering. (@rricard in #7127)
  • Fix regression resulting in value-less submit and reset inputs removing the browser-default text. (@zpao in #7197)
  • Fix regression resulting in empty name attribute being added to inputs when not provided. (@okonet in #7199)
  • Fix issue with nested server rendering. (@Aweary in #7033)

React Perf Add-on

  • Make ReactPerf.start() work properly during lifecycle methods. (@gaearon in #7208).

React CSSTransitionGroup Add-on

  • Fix issue resulting in spurious unknown property warnings. (@batusai513 in #7165)

React Native Renderer

  • Improve error handling in cross-platform touch event handling. (@yungsters in #7143)
published 15.2.0 •



15.2.0 (July 1, 2016)


  • Add error codes to production invariants, with links to the view the full error text. (@keyanzhang in #6948)
  • Include component stack information in PropType validation warnings. (@troydemonbreun in #6398, @sophiebits in #6771)
  • Include component stack information in key warnings. (@keyanzhang in #6799)
  • Stop validating props at mount time, only validate at element creation. (@keyanzhang in #6824)
  • New invariant providing actionable error in missing instance case. (@yungsters in #6990)
  • Add React.PropTypes.symbol to support ES2015 Symbols as props. (@puradox in #6377)
  • Fix incorrect coercion of ref or key that are undefined in development (@gaearon in #6880)
  • Fix a false positive when passing other element’s props to cloneElement (@ericmatthys in #6268)
  • Warn if you attempt to define childContextTypes on a functional component (@Aweary in #6933)

React DOM

  • Add warning for unknown properties on DOM elements. (@jimfb in #6800, @gm758 in #7152)
  • Properly remove attributes from custom elements. (@grassator in #6748)
  • Fix invalid unicode escape in attribute name regular expression. (@nbjahan in #6772)
  • Add onLoad handling to <link> element. (@roderickhsiao in #6815)
  • Add onError handling to <source> element. (@wadahiro in #6941)
  • Handle value and defaultValue more accurately in the DOM. (@jimfb in #6406)
  • Fix events issue in environments with mutated Object.prototype. (@Weizenlol in #6886)
  • Fix issue where is="null" ended up in the DOM in Firefox. (@darobin in #6896)
  • Improved performance of text escaping by using escape-html. (@aickin in #6862)
  • Fix issue with dangerouslySetInnerHTML and SVG in Internet Explorer. (@joshhunt in #6982)
  • Fix issue with <textarea> placeholders. (@jimfb in #7002)
  • Fix controlled vs uncontrolled detection of <input type="radio"/>. (@jimfb in #7003)
  • Improve performance of updating text content. (@trueadm in #7005)
  • Ensure controlled <select> components behave the same on initial render as they do on updates. (@yiminghe in #5362)

React Perf Add-on

React CSSTransitionGroup Add-on

React Native Renderer

  • Dependencies on React Native modules use CommonJS requires instead of providesModule. (@davidaurelio in #6715)
published 15.2.0-rc.2 •

published 15.2.0-rc.1 •

published 15.1.0 •



15.1.0 (May 20, 2016)


  • Ensure we're using the latest object-assign, which has protection against a non-spec-compliant native Object.assign. (@zpao in #6681)
  • Add a new warning to communicate that props objects passed to createElement must be plain objects. (@richardscarrott in #6134)
  • Fix a batching bug resulting in some lifecycle methods incorrectly being called multiple times. (@sophiebits in #6650)

React DOM

  • Fix regression in custom elements support. (@jscissr in #6570)
  • Stop incorrectly warning about using onScroll event handler with server rendering. (@Aweary in #6678)
  • Fix grammar in the controlled input warning. (@jakeboone02 in #6657)
  • Fix issue preventing <object> nodes from being able to read <param> nodes in IE. (@syranide in #6691)
  • Fix issue resulting in crash when using experimental error boundaries with server rendering. (@jimfb in #6694)
  • Add additional information to the controlled input warning. (@borisyankov in #6341)

React Perf Add-on

  • Completely rewritten to collect data more accurately and to be easier to maintain. (@gaearon in #6647, #6046)

React Native Renderer

published 15.1.0-alpha.1 •

published 15.0.3-alpha.2 •

published 15.0.3-alpha.1 •

published 15.0.2 •



15.0.2 (April 29, 2016)


  • Removed extraneous files from npm package. (@gaearon in #6388)
  • Ensure componentWillUnmount is only called once. (@jimfb in #6613)


  • Fixed bug resulting in disabled buttons responding to mouse events in IE. (@nhunzaker in #6215)
  • Ensure <option>s are correctly selected when inside <optgroup>. (@trevorsmith in #6442)
  • Restore support for rendering into a shadow root. (@Wildhoney in #6462)
  • Ensure nested <body> elements are caught when warning for invalid markup. (@keyanzhang in #6469)
  • Improve warning when encountering multiple elements with the same key. (@hkal in #6500)

React TestUtils Add-on

  • Ensure that functional components do not have an owner. (@gaearon in #6362)
  • Handle invalid arguments to scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass better. (@ipeters90 in #6529)

React Perf Add-on

  • Ignore DOM operations that occur outside the batch operation. (@gaearon in #6516)

React Native Renderer

  • These files are now shipped inside the React npm package. They have no impact on React core or ReactDOM.
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