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Comparing version 2.5.2 to 7.0.5



@@ -1,11 +0,622 @@

## [v2.4.0]( (2016-07-31)
### [v7.0.5]( (2017-12-03)
* Added `pageNavigation` prop ([#196]( by [zaygraveyard](
* Improved behavior of `initialMonth` ([#198]( by [zaygraveyard](
* (Typescript) Various fixes to type definitions
* (DayPickerInput) Fixed: issue parsing dates in January
* Fixed: Updated month prop not updating the calendar when displaying multiple
months ([#580](
# [v7.0.0]( (2017-11-25)
**Breaking changes**
* `enableOutsideDays` prop is now named `showOutsideDays`
* if you are using `DayPickerInput`, we removed the moment.js dependency and
changed how to pass props to the input field (upgrade is easy, see below).
* if you are using commonjs to import the component, change your code:
- var DayPicker = require('react-day-picker`)
+ var DayPicker = require('react-day-picker`).default
* if you are using TypeScript and upgrading from `v6.2.1` (see
[#533](, use the default
- import { DayPicker } from 'react-day-picker`;
+ import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker';
* if you are using a custom CSS, consider that now the calendar table is inside
a `div` with a `.DayPicker-Months` CSS class.
If you find problems while upgrading, please
[add an issue](, thanks!
**New features**
* Improved layout and style. Added `.DayPicker-Months` container.
* Added: [`renderWeek`](`renderWeek)
prop ([#497]( by
* Added:
prop ([#529](
* Added:
prop. Set it to `false` to hide weekday names
* Added: `month` prop to
* Renamed `enableOutsideDays` prop to
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: multiple months navigation not working correctly in some cases
([#556]( by
* Fixed: (Typescript) added again `DayModifiers` and `Modifiers` back to type
definitions file ([#526](
by [azhangstrata](
* Fixed: (Typescript) missing default export
* Fixed: (a11y) removed `role="application"`
([#548]( by
### DayPickerInput
**Breaking changes**
* The moment.js requirement
[has been removed](, and you
should use
[`parseDate`]( and
props to parse and format the dates. If you want to keep using moment.js, your
existing code should changes as follows:
import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker/DayPickerInput'
+ import { formatDate, parseDate, } from 'react-day-picker/moment';
function MyDayPicker() {
return (
placeholder="Please choose a date"
+ formatDate={formatDate}
+ parseDate={parseDate}
See also [this example](
* You must pass additional props to the input component using the
prop. _This is not a breaking change if you are just using `placeholder` or
`value`_. E.g.:
placeholder="Type a day"
- onFocus={myFocusHandler}
- className="my-input-css"
+ inputProps={{
+ onFocus: myFocusHandler,
+ className: 'my-input-css,
+ }}
**New features**
* New:
prop to pass additional props to the input component
* New:
[`parseDate`]( and
* New:
prop to pass additional props to the input component
* New:
prop: useful to customize the overlay component
([#477](, thanks to
* New: allow to change `numberOfMonths`, `selectedDays` props from
`dayPickerProps` ([#513](,
[#531]( by
[hydrognomik]( Useful for selecting range of
days ([example](
* New:
prop: shows the overlay at the initial rendering (useful for styling)
* New: [`getInput`](
public methods
- Changed: clicking the Today Button will set the input value to today
- Changed: removed `fixedWeek` prop. Use `dayPickerProps ={{ fixedWeek: true }}`
to restore it.
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: some modifiers were not passed down when using a custom `classNames`
[#504]( by
* Fixed: focus behavior on Firefox
([#525]( by
* Fixed: value not updated when changed in some cases
* Fixed: localization bug when using multiple languages
## [v6.2.0]( (2017-10-05)
* Added: TypeScript definitions for DayPickerInput
([#487]( by
[adidahiya]( and
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: an issue with React 0.14
* Fixed: a console warning in React 16
* `DayPickerInput` Fix an error when `format` is passed as array
* `DayPickerInput` Fix update when receiving new props
([#495]( by
### [v6.1.1]( (2017-09-27)
* Added: React 16 as peer dependency
([#498]( by
* Allow node consumers to remove propTypes for production builds
([#463]( by
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: disabled interaction in RTL
([#471]( by
## [v6.1.0]( (2017-07-09)
* Added new
props ([#445]( by
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: before/after modifier not working as expected
* Fixed: changing some props would not update day cells
([#452]( by
* Fixed: `classNames` may prevent clicking on outside days
### [v6.0.5]( (2017-07-02)
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: today button inside a form submits the form
* Fixed: before/after modifiers not working as expected in some cases
* `DayPickerInput` Fixed: allow multiple formats in `format` prop
### [v6.0.4]( (2017-06-26)
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed: next and previous buttons not working via keyboard
* Fixed: wrapper style cannot be set when using CSS modules
### [v6.0.3]( (2017-06-22)
**Bug fixes**
* `DayPickerInput` Call `onDayChange(undefined, {})` when user empties the input
field. ([#423](
* `DayPickerInput` Fixed: shown month was not updated when updating month in
`dayPickerProps` ([#425](
# [v6.0.0]( (2017-06-16)
This major release focuses on performance, improves accessibility and fixes some
bugs. There are some possible breaking changes, but they are easy to fix (read
**Breaking changes**
* The container's HTML structure has changed: the interactive element used to
focus the calendar has been moved into a wrapper to improve accessibility
<div className="DayPicker">
+ <div className="DayPicker-wrapper">
<!-- rendered stuff here -->
+ </div>
This is a **breaking change** if you are styling the component using your own
CSS or with the `classNames` prop.
* If you are styling with your own stylesheet, rename your `.DayPicker`
selector to `.DayPicker-wrapper`:
- .DayPicker {
+ .DayPicker-wrapper {
* If you are using `classNames` with the `container` prop, rename the
`container` className to `wrapper`.
* The container element is now an `inline-block` element.
* When using `fromMonth`/`toMonth` props, navigation buttons now are rendered
and hidden via CSS. Before, the buttons were not rendered at all, and it was
impossible to style them
This is a **breaking change** if you are using those props and styling the
component using your own CSS or with the `classNames` prop.
In such cases, the buttons will be always shown even if the previous or the
next months are not navigable.
* If you are styling with your own stylesheet, add a
`.DayPicker-NavButton--interactionDisabled` selector to your style with
`display: none`.
* If you are using `classNames`, add a `navButtonInteractionDisabled` to your
`classNames` with `display: none` to hide the buttons.
* Improved rendering performance using `shouldComponentUpdate` and
`PureComponent` ([#389](
It should not be a breaking change, but if something is not working for you
when updating some props please file an issue 🙃
* Allow `{after, before}` modifiers in the same object
([#354]( You can now
write before/after modifiers such as `disabledDays={ { before: aDate, after:
aDate }}`.
* **DayPickerInput**: added
prop to unselect and clear the input when clicking on a previously selected
day ([#399](
**Bug fixes**
* Fixed an issue where users were able to focus outside days
([#400]( by
* Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer 11
([#403]( by
* **a11y**: fixed a warning `You have an unlabeled element or control.` shown
with react-a11y ([#386](
* **DayPickerInput**: fixed an issue when updating the `month`'s
`dayPickerProps` value
([#380]( by
**Improvements in the built version**
These changes applies to the production build from the `lib` dir (e.g. that
served from
* Removed prop types from production build
* Include `DayPicker.Input` in the built file
Use `<DayPicker.Input />` to render the input component.
### [v5.5.3]( (2017-05-25)
* Bugfix for `DayPickerInput`: updated `value` prop now will be reflected in the
component's state
## [v5.5.0]( (2017-05-09)
**New DayPickerInput component**
Use the `DayPickerInput` component to render an input field interacting with the
day picker ([#213](
See [example](,
[docs]( and
[API reference](
**New features**
* New
prop ([#329](
Use this prop to display a button on the calendar's footer to switch to the
current month
* New
props ([#304](
Use this props to display and interact with the year's week numbers
* New `daysOfWeek`
[modifiers type]( to match
days of the weeks
For example, to match Sundays and Mondays:
- day => day.getDate() === 0 || day.getDate() === 1
+ daysOfWeek: [0, 1]
### [v5.4.3]( (2017-05-06)
* Bugfix: `isBeforeDay`/`isAfterDay` functions where not exported correctly
### [v5.4.2]( (2017-05-03)
* Bugfix: `aria` role in Week element
([#322]( by
## [v5.4.1]( (2017-04-29)
* Expose [ModifiersUtils](
functions ([#309]( by
Use this set of functions if you need to validate or test your modifiers.
## [v5.3.0]( (2017-04-25)
* Include Typescript Type Definitions
* Added: a new
prop to add inline style to the days matching the given modifiers (see
* Added: `isDayBefore`, `isDayAfter` functions to
**Bug fixes**
* Functions were not considered in arrays of modifiers
* Fixes possible issues when comparing days with different timezones
### [v5.2.3]( (2017-04-14)
* Fixed `PropTypes` warnings in React 15.5.
## [v5.2.0]( (2017-03-09)
* Allow overriding `today` modifier
([#279]( by
* Pass React Components to
([#280]( by
* Fixed `aria` roles for weekdays and months HTML elements
([#276]( by
### [v5.1.2]( (2017-03-03)
* Fixed: an issue with keyboard navigation when using `classNames` prop
([#269]( by
* Fixed: installation issue with bower
## [v5.1.1]( (2017-03-03)
* New
prop ([#264](
Use this prop to change the CSS class names or add support for CSS modules
([#73](, see
[this example](
* New [`month`](
prop ([#263](
This differs from the `initialMonth` props as it causes the calendar to
re-render when its value changes.
* Added: `aria-label` attributes to the navigation bar with the new
[`labels`]( prop
# [v5.0.0]( (2017-02-14)
This release focuses on improving perfomance and the component's api-daypicker.
* **New modifiers value types**
Use dates, arrays, or ranges as modifier types, not just functions:
- selectedDays={ day => DateUtils.isSameDay(day, this.state.selectedDay)}
+ selectedDays={ this.state.selectedDay }
Read more in the
[modifiers documentation](
* **Breaking change** Event handlers signature has changed
All events handlers like `onDayClick`, `onCaptionClick`, etc. now receive the
Syntethic Event as last argument. Thus you must change your event handlers as
- (e, day, modifiers) => {
+ (day, modifiers, e)
* **Breaking change** Use
to pass props to the container `div` element. Before, any prop was passed to
the container element degrading performance
- data-thing="foo"
+ containerProps={ 'data-thing': 'foo' }
# [v4.0.0]( (2017-02-10)
* Pass the day's modifiers to the `renderDay` prop function
* **Breaking change** Updating `initialMonth` will not show anymore a different
month after the first mount
If you need the calendar to display a different month, use the
[`month`]( prop.
* **Breaking change** Use `lang` HTML attribute instead of a specific CSS class
This change may break your style or layout if you are styling the component
according to the current locale. If this is the case, change your CSS to use
the `lang` attribute selector. For examples, if you are styling the calendar
for the `de` locale:
- .DayPicker--de {
+ .DayPicker[lang="de"] {
background: yellow;
### [v3.1.1]( (2016-10-18)
* Fixed [an issue]( with IE
and older Safari.
## [v3.1.0]( (2016-10-14)
* New `months`, `weekdaysLong`, `weekdaysShort`, `firstDayOfWeek` props to
localize the component.
**Easier localization**
With these new props you can localize the Day Picker in a more declarative way.
Check out [this example](
### [v3.0.1]( (2016-10-14)
* Fixed [a bug]( with
# [v3.0.0]( (2016-10-11)
* Fixed [an issue]( with
weekdays labels ([#220]( by
* Removed `weekdayComponent` and `navbarComponent` props (deprecated from
**Breaking changes**
For any locale, weekday names must now begin from Sunday, and the first day of
week should reflect this change (hence to start from Monday, the first day of
week is `1`). See this
as example.
## [v2.5.0]( (2016-10-06)
* Build dist files as UMD module
([#216]( by
## [v2.4.0]( (2016-07-31)
* Added `pageNavigation` prop
([#196]( by
* Improved behavior of `initialMonth`
([#198]( by
### [v2.3.3]( (2016-07-04)
Fixed props warnings in React 15.2.0 ([#191](
Fixed props warnings in React 15.2.0

@@ -18,8 +629,13 @@ ### [v2.3.2]( (2016-07-01)

* Added `navbarElement` and `weekdayElement` prop ([#179]( by [boatkorachal](
* Added `onDayFocus` prop ([#185]( by [johannesd](
* Added `navbarElement` and `weekdayElement` prop
([#179]( by
* Added `onDayFocus` prop
([#185]( by
**Deprecation notice**
`navbarComponent` and `weekdayComponent` props are deprecated. Please use `navbarElement` and `weekdayElement`:
`navbarComponent` and `weekdayComponent` props are deprecated. Please use
`navbarElement` and `weekdayElement`:

@@ -31,24 +647,28 @@ ```diff

## [v2.2.0]( (2016-06-09)
Added `fixedWeeks` prop ([#176]( by [fcsonline](
Use this prop to always display 6 weeks per month: [example](
Added `fixedWeeks` prop
([#176]( by
[fcsonline]( Use this prop to always display 6
weeks per month: [example](
### [v2.1.1]( (2016-06-06)
Fixed compatibility with IE11 ([#175]( by [davidspiess](
Fixed compatibility with IE11
([#175]( by
## [v2.1.0]( (2016-06-02)
* Added [`weekdayComponent`]( prop ([#172]( by [stanislav-ermakov-roi](
Use this prop to use a custom component for rendering the weekday cells in the header.
* Added [`navbarComponent`]( prop ([#173]( by [stanislav-ermakov-roi](
Use this prop to use a custom component for rendering the navigation bar.
* Added
prop ([#172]( by
[stanislav-ermakov-roi]( Use this
prop to use a custom component for rendering the weekday cells in the header.
* Added
prop ([#173]( by
[stanislav-ermakov-roi]( Use this
prop to use a custom component for rendering the navigation bar.
### [v2.0.3]( (2016-05-24)

@@ -60,3 +680,4 @@

Fixed a bug when `canChangeMonth` is set to `true` ([\#168](
Fixed a bug when `canChangeMonth` is set to `true`

@@ -69,67 +690,94 @@ ### [v2.0.1]( (2016-05-15)

This release mainly improves the component’s API (thus some breaking changes) and add some new props.
This release mainly improves the component’s API (thus some breaking changes)
and add some new props.
Code has been split in multiple components and tests have been rewritten with [enzyme]( It should be easier to add and test the upcoming new features!
Code has been split in multiple components and tests have been rewritten with
[enzyme]( It should be easier to add and test
the upcoming new features!
Thanks everyone for the support and for the help on making this component better 🤗
If you have issues or suggestions, don't forget the [Gitter room](!
Thanks everyone for the support and for the help on making this component better
🤗 If you have issues or suggestions, don't forget the
[Gitter room](!
**Breaking changes**
* The `onDay*` event handlers receive as third argument an object of modifiers instead of an array.
* The `onDay*` event handlers receive as third argument an object of modifiers
instead of an array.
This mean that if you where writing:
This mean that if you where writing:
onDayClick(e, day, modifiers) {
if (modifiers.indexOf('selected') > -1) {
console.log('This day is selected')
onDayClick(e, day, modifiers) {
if (modifiers.indexOf('selected') > -1) {
console.log('This day is selected')
you must now write:
you must now write:
onDayClick(e, day, modifiers) {
if (modifiers.selected === true) {
console.log('This day is selected')
onDayClick(e, day, modifiers) {
if (modifiers.selected === true) {
console.log('This day is selected')
or better:
or better:
onDayClick(e, day, { selected }) {
if (selected) {
console.log('This day is selected')
onDayClick(e, day, { selected }) {
if (selected) {
console.log('This day is selected')
* Removed `onDayTouchTap`. Use `onDayClick` instead. If you need more granularity over touch events, you can use the new `onDayTouchStart` and `onDayTouchEnd` props. See [#153]( for more details.
* Removed `onDayTouchTap`. Use `onDayClick` instead. If you need more
granularity over touch events, you can use the new `onDayTouchStart` and
`onDayTouchEnd` props. See
[#153]( for more details.
* Fixed import with CommonJS modules ([#136](
* Fixed import with CommonJS modules
This affects code using `require('react-day-picker').default` or similar syntax, which was required for v1.3.0. Now you can `require('react-day-picker')` as usual, i.e. without specifying `default`. If you are using ES2015 modules `import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker'`, this change shouldn't affect you.
This affects code using `require('react-day-picker').default` or similar syntax,
which was required for v1.3.0. Now you can `require('react-day-picker')` as
usual, i.e. without specifying `default`. If you are using ES2015 modules
`import DayPicker from 'react-day-picker'`, this change shouldn't affect you.
* New `formatDay` function in [LocaleUtils](
* New `formatDay` function in
If you are using your [custom LocaleUtils]( to localize the calendar, you need to implement this function as well, which is required to format the newly added [aria-label attribute]( (see the [documentation]( for an example). If you are localizing [using moment](, this change shouldn't affect you.
If you are using your
[custom LocaleUtils](
to localize the calendar, you need to implement this function as well, which is
required to format the newly added
[aria-label attribute]( (see
for an example). If you are localizing
[using moment](,
this change shouldn't affect you.
**New props**
* New [`disabledDays`]( and [`selectedDays`]( props. They receive a function `(day) => Bool` as value to easily define which day should have the `selected` or `disabled` modifiers. See [#34]( for more details.
* New
props. They receive a function `(day) => Bool` as value to easily define which
day should have the `selected` or `disabled` modifiers. See
[#34]( for more details.
So if you were writing something like:
{ selected: day => isDaySelected(day) },
{ disabled: day => isDayDisabled(day) }
({ selected: day => isDaySelected(day) },
{ disabled: day => isDayDisabled(day) })

@@ -139,16 +787,28 @@

selectedDays={ day => isDaySelected(day) }
disabledDays={ day => isDayDisabled(day) }
selectedDays={day => isDaySelected(day)}
disabledDays={day => isDayDisabled(day)}
* Added [`reverseMonths`]( prop to render the most recent month first. ([#147]( by [sonrtomas](sonrtomas))
* Added [`onDayKeyDown`](, [`onDayTouchStart`](, [`onDayTouchEnd`]( props.
* Added
prop to render the most recent month first.
([#147]( by
* Added
* Navigate between weeks or years using left/right or up/down arrow keys ([#132]( by [limscoder](
* Added various `aria-*` attributes ([#132]( by [limscoder](
* Navigate between weeks or years using left/right or up/down arrow keys
([#132]( by
* Added various `aria-*` attributes
([#132]( by

@@ -160,2 +820,3 @@ **Bug fixes**

### [v1.3.2]( (2016-04-10)

@@ -167,3 +828,4 @@

Fixes an issue causing className being overwritten by `className` prop ([\#137](
Fixes an issue causing className being overwritten by `className` prop

@@ -174,9 +836,11 @@ ## [v1.3.0]( (2016-02-18)

* Support for Babel 6 ([#90](
* See this [known issue](
* HTML props are spread to container tag, so to support `onBlur`, `onFocus`, etc. ([#122](, [#123](
* Better RTL support for month navigation ([#125](
* Support for Babel 6
* See this [known issue](
* HTML props are spread to container tag, so to support `onBlur`, `onFocus`,
etc. ([#122](,
* Better RTL support for month navigation
## [v1.2.0]( (2015-12-04)

@@ -186,21 +850,35 @@

* Use a custom caption element with the new [`captionElement`]( prop. A custom caption element is useful, for example, to create a year/month navigation as shown in [this example]( Read [#52]( for a discussion about this feature.
* Use a custom caption element with the new
prop. A custom caption element is useful, for example, to create a year/month
navigation as shown in
[this example](
Read [#52]( for a
discussion about this feature.
* Improved navigation when clicking on outside days ([#112](, see also [this example](
* New `addMonths` function in [DateUtils](
* Added a style definition to package.json ([#105](, thanks @webbushka)
* Improved navigation when clicking on outside days
([#112](, see also
[this example](
* New `addMonths` function in
* Added a style definition to package.json
([#105](, thanks
**Fixed bugs**
* Make the component working again with React ~0.13 ([#108](
* Fix a bug when clicking on outside days when `fromMonth` or `toMonth` were set ([#97](
* Replace a wrong `attr` tag with the right `abbr` in the weekdays row – ⚠️ Please note that the component may now use the CSS defined for `abbr` tags.
* Make the component working again with React ~0.13
* Fixed: a bug when clicking on outside days when `fromMonth` or `toMonth` were
set ([#97](
* Replace a wrong `attr` tag with the right `abbr` in the weekdays row – ⚠️
Please note that the component may now use the CSS defined for `abbr` tags.
### [v1.1.5]( (2015-11-20)
Fix an issue with `showMonth()` ([#95]( – thanks @JKillian
Fix an issue with `showMonth()`
([#95]( – thanks @JKillian

@@ -220,3 +898,7 @@ ### [v1.1.4]( (2015-11-19)

**Fix regression** The last version [was missing an element]( and this change may have broken existing styles. This fix restore the original behavior adding the element again. (see [#82](
**Fix regression** The last version
[was missing an element](
and this change may have broken existing styles. This fix restore the original
behavior adding the element again. (see

@@ -227,27 +909,41 @@ ## [v1.1.0]( (2015-11-06)

* New `fromMonth` and `toMonth` props. Use the [`fromMonth`]( and [`toMonth`]( props to restrict the months within which the calendar can work. See [this example](
* New `fromMonth` and `toMonth` props. Use the
props to restrict the months within which the calendar can work. See
[this example](
* `dateUtils` includes some useful function to set custom modifiers
* `localeUtils ` are the default functions used to localize the day picker in english. See for a sample usage of this library.
* `localeUtils` are the default functions used to localize the Day Picker in
english. See for
a sample usage of this library.
### [v1.0.10]( (2015-10-15)
Let the event from next/previous month click to propagate. [\#74]( ([kblcuk](
Let the event from next/previous month click to propagate.
### [v1.0.9]( (2015-10-12)
Fixed an issue with Daylight Saving Time for some timezones \(\#71\) [\#72]( ([gpbl](
Fixed an issue with Daylight Saving Time for some timezones \(\#71\)
### [v1.0.7]( (2015-10-08)
Add support of react-v0.14-rc1 [\#61](
Add support of react-v0.14-rc1
### [v1.0.6]( (2015-10-08)
Fixes a bug causing onCaptionClick to receive always the first month when displaying multiple months [\#63](
Fixes a bug causing onCaptionClick to receive always the first month when
displaying multiple months
### [v1.0.5]( (2015-09-01)
Fixes a bug when passing a new `initialMonth` prop to the component that may cause an issue when navigating between months [#57]
Fixes a bug when passing a new `initialMonth` prop to the component that may
cause an issue when navigating between months [#57]

@@ -258,11 +954,15 @@ ### [v1.0.4]( (2015-07-29)

* Improve the navigation between months when `numberOfMonths` is greater than 1 ([#37](
* Improve the navigation between months when `numberOfMonths` is greater than 1
**Bug fix**
* Months may jump forward when clicking on days when `numberOfMonths` is greater than 1 ([#38](
* Months may jump forward when clicking on days when `numberOfMonths` is greater
than 1 ([#38](
### [v1.0.3]( (2015-07-25)
- New feature: onCaptionClick [\#31]( ([adambbecker](
* New feature: onCaptionClick

@@ -273,14 +973,24 @@ ### [v1.0.2]( (2015-07-23)

- EnableOutsideDays keeps focus on wrong cell [\#29](
- October broken on Firefox Nightly [\#18](
* EnableOutsideDays keeps focus on wrong cell
* October broken on Firefox Nightly
## [v1.0.1]( (2015-06-24)
First major release. Please see [the updated website]( for more info.
First major release. Please see
[the updated website]( for more info.
* [#27] Removed the dependency from moment.js. Events and props work **only** with native `Date` object. To localize the day picker with moment.js (or another library), follow [this page](
* Class names have been updated (objects are now CamelCase). As example, please see [the updated CSS file](
* [#27] All rendered tags are now `div` or `span`. Use CSS to style the daypicker as table.
* [#27] Removed the dependency from moment.js. Events and props work **only**
with native `Date` object. To localize the Day Picker with moment.js (or
another library), follow [this page](
* Class names have been updated (objects are now CamelCase). As example, please
[the updated CSS file](
* [#27] All rendered tags are now `div` or `span`. Use CSS to style the
daypicker as table.
* A `today` modifier is added automatically
* Event handlers receive the event as first argument. For example: `onDayClick(e, day, modifiers)` instead of `onDayClick(day, modifiers, e)`
* `onNextMonthClick` and `onNextMonthClick` props have been removed. Use `onMonthChange` instead.
* Event handlers receive the event as first argument. For example:
`onDayClick(e, day, modifiers)` instead of `onDayClick(day, modifiers, e)`
* `onNextMonthClick` and `onNextMonthClick` props have been removed. Use
`onMonthChange` instead.



@@ -0,16 +1,22 @@

Used as main file in package.json
/* eslint-disable no-var */
/* eslint-env node */
var DayPicker = require('./lib/DayPicker');
var DateUtils = require('./lib/DateUtils');
var LocaleUtils = require('./lib/LocaleUtils');
var Weekday = require('./lib/Weekday');
var Navbar = require('./lib/Navbar');
var PropTypes = require('./lib/PropTypes');
var DayPicker = require('./lib/src/DayPicker');
var DateUtils = require('./lib/src/DateUtils');
var LocaleUtils = require('./lib/src/LocaleUtils');
var ModifiersUtils = require('./lib/src/ModifiersUtils');
var Weekday = require('./lib/src/Weekday');
var Navbar = require('./lib/src/Navbar');
var PropTypes = require('./lib/src/PropTypes');
module.exports = DayPicker.default || DayPicker;
module.exports.DateUtils = DateUtils.default || DateUtils;
module.exports.LocaleUtils = LocaleUtils.default || LocaleUtils;
module.exports.WeekdayPropTypes = Weekday.WeekdayPropTypes;
module.exports.NavbarPropTypes = Navbar.NavbarPropTypes;
module.exports = DayPicker;
module.exports.DateUtils = DateUtils;
module.exports.LocaleUtils = LocaleUtils;
module.exports.ModifiersUtils = ModifiersUtils;
module.exports.WeekdayPropTypes = Weekday.propTypes;
module.exports.NavbarPropTypes = Navbar.propTypes;
module.exports.PropTypes = PropTypes;
/* eslint-env node */
"use strict";
module.exports = require("./lib/addons/MomentLocaleUtils");
module.exports.localeUtils = require("./lib/addons/MomentLocaleUtils");
module.exports = require('./lib/src/addons/MomentLocaleUtils');
module.exports.localeUtils = require('./lib/src/addons/MomentLocaleUtils');
"name": "react-day-picker-themeable",
"version": "2.5.2",
"version": "7.0.5",
"description": "Flexible date picker component for React",
"main": "DayPicker.js",
"style": "lib/style.css",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"directories": {

@@ -11,19 +20,13 @@ "doc": "docs"

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"build:node": "babel ./src -d ./lib/src --source-maps && npm run build:css",
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"build:production": "NODE_ENV=production webpack -p",
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@@ -53,42 +56,53 @@ "repository": {

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"dependencies": {
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"react-is-deprecated": "0.1.2"

@@ -0,106 +1,40 @@

<table><tr><th align="center" width="1000">Themeable version of <a href="">react-day-picker</a></th></tr></table>
<p align="center">
<img width="359" style="margin: 0 auto" alt="title" src="">
<a href=""><img width="80" style="margin: 0 auto" alt="title" src=""></a>
<h1 align="center">react-day-picker</h1>
<p align="center">
<img width="297" style="margin: 0 auto" alt="screen shot" src="">
Flexible date picker component for <a href="">React</a>.
<br />
Highly customizable, localizable, with ARIA support, no external dependencies, 9KB gzipped
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img width="266" alt="screen shot 2017-11-29 at 08 53 17" src="">
<p align="center">
<a href="">Documentation</a> | <a href="">Examples</a> | <a href="">API</a> | <a href="">Changelog</a>
<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="npm version">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="npm downloads">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="circleci">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="npm downloads">
Themeable version of [react-day-picker](
## Get support
react-day-picker is a flexible date picker component for [React](
Please fork and use []( to reproduce your problem.
* no external dependencies
* select [days](, [ranges](, whatever using CSS modifiers
* ready for i18n, with [moment.js]( or [any other library](
* customizable [style](
* navigable via keyboard, ARIA support
Check out the [examples]( to see its features.
[![npm version](](
[![build status](](
[![Code Climate](](
[![npm downloads](](
## Quick start
**Install via npm**
npm install react-day-picker --save
**Install via Bower**
bower install react-day-picker --save
The bower package exposes a global `DayPicker` variable.
### Example
import React from 'react';
import DayPicker, { DateUtils } from "react-day-picker";
function sunday(day) {
return day.getDay() === 0;
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
state = {
selectedDay: new Date(),
handleDayClick(e, day, { selected, disabled }) {
if (disabled) {
if (selected) {
this.setState({ selectedDay: null })
} else {
this.setState({ selectedDay: day });
render() {
return (
initialMonth={ new Date(2016, 1) }
disabledDays={ sunday }
selectedDays={ day => DateUtils.isSameDay(this.state.selectedDay, day) }
onDayClick={ this.handleDayClick.bind(this) }
See [Basic usage]( for a deeper explanation of the example above.
### Docs and examples
* [Examples with code](
* [Documentation](
* [Basic usage](
* [Use of modifiers](
* [API](
* [Styling](
* [Localization](
* [Tips](
* [Utilities](
* [Changelog](
### Get support
* Tag with `react-day-picker` your questions on [Stackoverflow](
* Join the [Gitter room]( for immediate help
### Contribute
* File bugs and feature requests in the [issues page](
* Check out the source code on [Github](
* Pull requests are welcome! If you are planning a pull request with lot of changes, please add an issue to discuss your idea first
* See how to start the project locally [here](
* Ask on on [Stack Overflow]( tagging your question with `react-day-picker`.
* Open a [new issue]( on GitHub.
* Join the [Gitter room]( to chat with other developers.
/* eslint-env node */
"use strict";
'use strict';
module.exports.localeUtils = require("./lib/LocaleUtils");
module.exports.dateUtils = require("./lib/DateUtils");
module.exports.localeUtils = require('./lib/src/LocaleUtils');
module.exports.dateUtils = require('./lib/src/DateUtils');
module.exports.modifiersUtils = require('./lib/src/ModifiersUtils');

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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