React Flexbox grid made simple.
Based on the "Solved-by-flexbox"-grid
Base example.
import React from 'react';
import { Grid, Cell } from 'react-flexr';
class Example extends React.component {
render() {
return (
Cell sizes can be controlled with fractions.
import React from 'react';
import { Grid, Cell } from 'react-flexr';
class Example extends React.component {
render() {
return (
<Cell size='6/12'>
Fills Half
Fills Rest.. (Yay for Flexbox)
<Cell size='3/12'>
Fills a quarter
<Cell palm='3/12' lap='1/2'>
Fills on mobile, half on lap and dynamic size everywhere else.
<Cell palm='hidden' size='1/2'>
Hidden on palm, half width otherwise
Component API:
align={ string } // Vertical Align Sub Cells: top, center, bottom
hAlign={ string } // Horizontal Align Sub Cells: left, center, right
gutter={ string } // Override default gutter: '1em', '5%', '10px', etc.
flexCells={ bool } // All sub cells will be full height
align={ string } // Vertical Align This Cell: top, center, bottom
gutter={ string } // Override default gutter: '1em', '5%', '10px', etc.
flex={ bool } // Like flexCells above, but for a single cell.
size={ string } // Takes a fraction. e.g. 1/6
palm={ string } // Like size, but only applies for palm devices.*
lap={ string } // Like size, but only applies for lap devices.*
portable={ string } // Like size, but only applies for ( palm + lap )
desk={ string } // Like size, but only applies for desk devices.*
* Ergonomic breakpoints accepts 'hidden' as well. This will prevent the
component from being rendered in that state.
See the example folder for more examples.
Responsive Props
The responsive props are based on ergonomics.
I've used these breakpoints in a variety of apps and grids with success. So far
the following breakpoints have beeen implemented:
See breakpoints file for sizes.
Context Rendering
It's posible to render the grid in a specific size context. This is usefull for
serverside rendering where you want to prerender the app for a mobile/tablet
Wrap your app and set a context;
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
width: React.PropTypes.number
getChildContext() {
return {
width: this.props.size
render() {
return <App />
React.renderToString( <Wrapper size={ 320 } />);
This should render all your Cells in a palm state.
Note that this is only enabled in non DOM execution environments. So it's only usefull on
the server.
This is still very experimental. If you decide to run this in production. Use it
in combination with react-style-webpack-plugin to extract the css.