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Comparing version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4

# Change Log
### Other
#### 1.5.4
- update doc
### Refactor

@@ -4,0 +8,0 @@ #### 1.5.3


"name": "react-html5-camera-photo",
"version": "1.5.3",
"version": "1.5.4",
"description": "React.js HTML5 Camera Photo",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "build/index.js",

@@ -38,24 +38,19 @@ # react-html5-camera-photo

**Minimum ES6 example**
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import Camera from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';
class App extends Component {
onTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the dataUri photo...
function App (props) {
function handleTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...
render () {
return (
<div className="App">
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { this.onTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
return (
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhoto(dataUri); } }

@@ -69,19 +64,19 @@

### PropTypes
Properties | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
**onCameraStart():** (optional) | Event | Callback called when the camera is started.
**onCameraStop():** (optional) | Event | Callback called when the camera is stopped.
**onCameraError(error):** (Optional) | Event | Callback called with the error object as parameter when error occur while opening the camera. Often the permission.
**onTakePhoto(dataUri):** (Optional) | Event | The function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
**onTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri):** (Optional) | Event | The function called when a photo is taken and the animation is done. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
**idealFacingMode:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | String | The ideal facing mode of the camera, `environment` or `user`, the default is the default of the browser. Use `FACING_MODES` constant to get the right string. Example :. FACING_MODES.ENVIRONMENT or FACING_MODES.USER
**idealResolution:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | Object | Object of the ideal resolution of the camera, `{width: Integer, height: Integer}`, the default is the default of the browser.
**isMaxResolution:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | Boolean | If is true, the camera will start with his own maximum resolution, the default is false.
**isImageMirror:** (Optional) | Boolean | If is true, the camera image will be mirror, the default is true.
**isSilentMode:**(Optional) | Boolean | If is true, the camera do not play click sound when the photo was taken, the default is false.
**isFullscreen:** (Optional) | Boolean | If is true, the camera image will be set fullscreen to force the maximum width and height of the viewport, the default is false.
**isDisplayStartCameraError:** (Optional) | Boolean | If is true, if the camera start with error, it will show the error between **h1** tag on the top of the component. Useful to notify the user about permission error, the default is true.
**sizeFactor:** (Optional) | Number | Number of the factor resolution. Example, a sizeFactor of `1` get the same resolution of the camera while sizeFactor of `0.5` get the half resolution of the camera. The sizeFactor can be between range of `]0, 1]` and the default value is `1`.
**imageType:**: (Optional) | String | String used to get the desired image type between `jpg` or `png`. to specify the imageType use the constant IMAGE_TYPES, for example to specify jpg format use IMAGE_TYPES.JPG. The default imageType is `png`. Use `IMAGE_TYPES` constant to get the right image type Example:. IMAGE_TYPES.JPG or IMAGE_TYPES.PNG
**imageCompression:**: (Optional) | Number | Number used to get the desired compression when `jpg` is selected. choose a compression between `[0, 1]`, 1 is maximum, 0 is minimum. The default value imageCompression is `0.92`.
Properties | Type | Default | Description
--- | --- | --- | ---
**onCameraStart():** (optional) | Event || Callback called when the camera is started.
**onCameraStop():** (optional) | Event || Callback called when the camera is stopped.
**onCameraError(error):** (Optional) | Event || Callback called with the error object as parameter when error occur while opening the camera. Often the permission.
**onTakePhoto(dataUri):** (Optional) | Event || The function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
**onTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri):** (Optional) | Event || The function called when a photo is taken and the animation is done. the dataUri is passed as a parameter.
**idealFacingMode:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | String | Browser default | The ideal facing mode of the camera, `environment` or `user`. Use `FACING_MODES` constant to get the right string. Example :. FACING_MODES.ENVIRONMENT or FACING_MODES.USER
**idealResolution:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | Object | Browser default | Object of the ideal resolution of the camera, `{width: Integer, height: Integer}`.
**isMaxResolution:** (Optional) (Dynamic) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera will start with his own maximum resolution.
**isImageMirror:** (Optional) | Boolean | true | If is true, the camera image will be mirror.
**isSilentMode:**(Optional) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera do not play click sound when the photo was taken.
**isFullscreen:** (Optional) | Boolean | false | If is true, the camera image will be set fullscreen to force the maximum width and height of the viewport.
**isDisplayStartCameraError:** (Optional) | Boolean | true | If is true, if the camera start with error, it will show the error between **h1** tag on the top of the component. Useful to notify the user about permission error.
**sizeFactor:** (Optional) | Number | 1 | Number of the factor resolution. Example, a sizeFactor of `1` get the same resolution of the camera while sizeFactor of `0.5` get the half resolution of the camera. The sizeFactor can be between range of `]0, 1]`.
**imageType:**: (Optional) | String | png | String used to get the desired image type between `jpg` or `png`. to specify the imageType use the constant IMAGE_TYPES, for example to specify jpg format use IMAGE_TYPES.JPG. Use `IMAGE_TYPES` constant to get the right image type Example:. IMAGE_TYPES.JPG or IMAGE_TYPES.PNG
**imageCompression:**: (Optional) | Number | 0.92 | Number used to get the desired compression when `jpg` is selected. choose a compression between `[0, 1]`, 1 is maximum, 0 is minimum.

@@ -95,3 +90,3 @@

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Camera from 'react-html5-camera-photo';

@@ -102,25 +97,24 @@ import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';

class App extends Component {
constructor (props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = { dataUri: null };
this.onTakePhotoAnimationDone = this.onTakePhotoAnimationDone.bind(this);
function App (props) {
const [dataUri, setDataUri] = useState('');
onTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
function handleTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
this.setState({ dataUri });
render () {
return (
<div className="App">
? <ImagePreview dataUri={this.state.dataUri} />
: <Camera onTakePhotoAnimationDone = {this.onTakePhotoAnimationDone} />
const isFullscreen = false;
return (
? <ImagePreview dataUri={dataUri}
: <Camera onTakePhotoAnimationDone = {handleTakePhotoAnimationDone}

@@ -133,8 +127,8 @@

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import Camera, { FACING_MODES, IMAGE_TYPES } from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
import 'react-html5-camera-photo/build/css/index.css';
class App extends Component {
onTakePhoto (dataUri) {
function App (props) {
function handleTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...

@@ -144,3 +138,3 @@ console.log('takePhoto');

onTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
function handleTakePhotoAnimationDone (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the photo...

@@ -150,37 +144,33 @@ console.log('takePhoto');

onCameraError (error) {
console.error('onCameraError', error);
function handleCameraError (error) {
console.log('handleCameraError', error);
onCameraStart (stream) {
function handleCameraStart (stream) {
onCameraStop () {
function handleCameraStop () {
render () {
return (
<div className="App">
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { this.onTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
onTakePhotoAnimationDone = { (dataUri) => { this.onTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri); } }
onCameraError = { (error) => { this.onCameraError(error); } }
idealResolution = {{width: 640, height: 480}}
imageType = {IMAGE_TYPES.JPG}
imageCompression = {0.97}
isMaxResolution = {false}
isImageMirror = {false}
isSilentMode = {true}
isDisplayStartCameraError = {true}
isFullscreen = {true}
sizeFactor = {1}
onCameraStart = { (stream) => { this.onCameraStart(stream); } }
onCameraStop = { () => { this.onCameraStop(); } }
return (
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
onTakePhotoAnimationDone = { (dataUri) => { handleTakePhotoAnimationDone(dataUri); } }
onCameraError = { (error) => { handleCameraError(error); } }
idealResolution = {{width: 640, height: 480}}
imageType = {IMAGE_TYPES.JPG}
imageCompression = {0.97}
isMaxResolution = {true}
isImageMirror = {false}
isSilentMode = {false}
isDisplayStartCameraError = {true}
isFullscreen = {false}
sizeFactor = {1}
onCameraStart = { (stream) => { handleCameraStart(stream); } }
onCameraStop = { () => { handleCameraStop(); } }

@@ -187,0 +177,0 @@

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