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Comparing version 1.6.3 to 1.6.4


"name": "react-images-viewer",
"version": "1.6.3",
"version": "1.6.4",
"description": "Create an react-images-viewer component.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/ImgsViewer.js",

# react-images-viewer
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@@ -25,4 +27,4 @@

import React from 'react'
import ImgsViewer from 'react-images-viewer'
import React from "react";
import ImgsViewer from "react-images-viewer";

@@ -33,3 +35,6 @@ export default class Demo extends React.Component {

imgs={[{ src: '' }, { src: '' }]}
{ src: "" },
{ src: "" },

@@ -41,3 +46,3 @@ isOpen={this.state.viewerIsOpen}


@@ -59,3 +64,3 @@ }

### srcSet使用
### srcSet 使用

@@ -74,18 +79,19 @@ 例子:

src: '',
caption: 'A forest',
src: "",
caption: "A forest",
// As an array
srcSet: [
' 1024w',
' 800w',
' 500w',
' 320w'
" 1024w",
" 800w",
" 500w",
" 320w",
src: '',
src: "",
// As a string
srcSet: ' 1024w, 800w, 500w, 320w',
" 1024w, 800w, 500w, 320w",

@@ -95,35 +101,36 @@

Property | Type | Default | Description
backdropCloseable | 布尔值 | false | 是否通过点击半透明幕布来退出浏览
closeBtnTitle | 字符串 | '关闭(空格键)' | 关闭按钮的 title
enableKeyboardInput | 布尔值 | true | 支持键盘输入 - <code>空格键,esc</code>, <code>左箭头,上箭头</code>,和<code>右箭头,下箭头</code>
currImg | 数值类型 | 0 | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),初始化图像的索引
customCtrls | 数组 | undefined | 图片查看器顶部的控件元素数组
imgs | 数组 | undefined | 必须项. 图片元素数组,图像选项见下表。
imgsSeparator | 字符串 | ' / ' | 图片计数分隔符
isOpen | 布尔值 | false | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),图片是否显示
leftArrowTitle | 字符串 | '上一张(左箭头)' | 左箭头的 title
onClickPrev | 函数 | undefined | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),请求上一张时触发
onClickNext | 函数 | undefined | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),请求下一张时触发
onClose | 函数 | undefined | 关闭查看器的回调
onClickImg | 函数 | undefined | 点起当前图片的回调
onClickThumbnail | 函数 | undefined | 缩略点击的回调
preloadNextImg | 布尔值 | true | 是否预加载下一张图片
rightArrowTitle | 字符串 | '下一张(右箭头)' | 右箭头的 title
showCloseBtn | 布尔值 | true | 右上角是否显示 X 按钮
showImgCount | 布尔值 | true | 是否显示图片索引
width | 数值类型 | 1024| 轮播器的最大的宽度,默认值1024px
spinner | 函数 | DefaultSpinner | 加载器组件
spinnerColor | 字符串 | '#fff' | 加载器颜色
spinnnerSize | 数值类型 | 50 | 加载器尺寸
preventAutoScroll | 布尔值 | true | 是否阻止自动滚动
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| :------------------ | :------- | :----------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| backdropCloseable | 布尔值 | false | 是否通过点击半透明幕布来退出浏览 |
| closeBtnTitle | 字符串 | '关闭(空格键)' | 关闭按钮的 title |
| enableKeyboardInput | 布尔值 | true | 支持键盘输入 - <code>空格键,esc</code>, <code>左箭头,上箭头</code>,和<code>右箭头,下箭头</code> |
| currImg | 数值类型 | 0 | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),初始化图像的索引 |
| customCtrls | 数组 | undefined | 图片查看器顶部的控件元素数组 |
| imgs | 数组 | undefined | 必须项. 图片元素数组,图像选项见下表。 |
| imgsSeparator | 字符串 | ' / ' | 图片计数分隔符 |
| isOpen | 布尔值 | false | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),图片是否显示 |
| leftArrowTitle | 字符串 | '上一张(左箭头)' | 左箭头的 title |
| onClickPrev | 函数 | undefined | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),请求上一张时触发 |
| onClickNext | 函数 | undefined | 必须项(如果需要导航的话),请求下一张时触发 |
| onClose | 函数 | undefined | 关闭查看器的回调 |
| onClickImg | 函数 | undefined | 点起当前图片的回调 |
| onClickThumbnail | 函数 | undefined | 缩略点击的回调 |
| preloadNextImg | 布尔值 | true | 是否预加载下一张图片 |
| rightArrowTitle | 字符串 | '下一张(右箭头)' | 右箭头的 title |
| showCloseBtn | 布尔值 | true | 右上角是否显示 X 按钮 |
| showImgCount | 布尔值 | true | 是否显示图片索引 |
| width | 数值类型 | 1024 | 轮播器的最大的宽度,默认值 1024px |
| spinnerDisabled | bool | false | 禁用加载器 |
| spinner | 函数 | DefaultSpinner | 加载器组件 |
| spinnerColor | 字符串 | '#fff' | 加载器颜色 |
| spinnnerSize | 数值类型 | 50 | 加载器尺寸 |
| preventAutoScroll | 布尔值 | true | 是否阻止自动滚动 |
## Imgs Object
Property | Type | Default | Description
src | 字符串 | undefined | 必须项
srcSet | 字符串数组或者字符串 | undefined | 可选项
caption | 字符串 | undefined | 可选项
alt | 字符串 | undefined | 可选项
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| :------- | :------------------- | :-------- | :---------- |
| src | 字符串 | undefined | 必须项 |
| srcSet | 字符串数组或者字符串 | undefined | 可选项 |
| caption | 字符串 | undefined | 可选项 |
| alt | 字符串 | undefined | 可选项 |
# react-images-viewer
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@@ -25,4 +27,4 @@

import React from 'react'
import ImgsViewer from 'react-images-viewer'
import React from "react";
import ImgsViewer from "react-images-viewer";

@@ -33,3 +35,6 @@ export default class Demo extends React.Component {

imgs={[{ src: '' }, { src: '' }]}
{ src: "" },
{ src: "" },

@@ -41,3 +46,3 @@ isOpen={this.state.viewerIsOpen}


@@ -73,18 +78,19 @@ }

src: '',
caption: 'A forest',
src: "",
caption: "A forest",
// As an array
srcSet: [
' 1024w',
' 800w',
' 500w',
' 320w'
" 1024w",
" 800w",
" 500w",
" 320w",
src: '',
src: "",
// As a string
srcSet: ' 1024w, 800w, 500w, 320w',
" 1024w, 800w, 500w, 320w",

@@ -94,35 +100,36 @@

Property | Type | Default | Description
backdropCloseable | bool | false | Allow users to exit the viewer by clicking the backdrop
closeBtnTitle | str | '关闭(空格键)' | Customize close esc title
enableKeyboardInput | bool | true | Supports keyboard input - <code>space, esc</code>, <code> arrow left, arrow up</code>, and <code>arrow right, arrow down</code>
currImg | num | 0 | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, The index of the image to display initially
customControls | arr | undefined | An array of elements to display as custom controls on the top of viewer
imgs | arr | undefined | Required. Array of image objects, See img opts table below
imgCountSeparator | str | ' / ' | Customize separator in the image count
isOpen | bool | false | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, Whether or not the viewer is displayed
leftArrowTitle | str | '上一张(左箭头)' | Customize of left arrow title
onClickPrev | func | undefined | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, and fired on request of the previous image
onClickNext | func | undefined | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, and fired on request of the next image
onClose | func | undefined | Required if you want to close the imgsViewer, and handle closing of the viewer
onClickImg | func | undefined | Handle click on current image
onClickThumbnail | func | undefined | Handle click on thumbnail
preloadNextImg | bool | true | Whether to preload the next available image
rightArrowTitle | str | '下一张(右箭头)' | Customize right arrow title
showCloseBtn | bool | true | Optionally display a close 'X' button in top right corner
showImgCount | bool | true | Optionally display image index, e.g., "2 of 20"
width | number | 1024 | Maximum width of the carousel; defaults to 1024px
spinner | func | DefaultSpinner | Spinner component class
spinnerColor | str | '#fff' | Color of spinner
spinnnerSize | num | 50 | Size of spinner
preventAutoScroll | bool | true | Determines whether auto-scrolling is prevented
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| :------------------ | :----- | :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| backdropCloseable | bool | false | Allow users to exit the viewer by clicking the backdrop |
| closeBtnTitle | str | '关闭(空格键)' | Customize close esc title |
| enableKeyboardInput | bool | true | Supports keyboard input - <code>space, esc</code>, <code> arrow left, arrow up</code>, and <code>arrow right, arrow down</code> |
| currImg | num | 0 | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, The index of the image to display initially |
| customControls | arr | undefined | An array of elements to display as custom controls on the top of viewer |
| imgs | arr | undefined | Required. Array of image objects, See img opts table below |
| imgCountSeparator | str | ' / ' | Customize separator in the image count |
| isOpen | bool | false | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, Whether or not the viewer is displayed |
| leftArrowTitle | str | '上一张(左箭头)' | Customize of left arrow title |
| onClickPrev | func | undefined | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, and fired on request of the previous image |
| onClickNext | func | undefined | Required if you want to navigate the imgsViewer, and fired on request of the next image |
| onClose | func | undefined | Required if you want to close the imgsViewer, and handle closing of the viewer |
| onClickImg | func | undefined | Handle click on current image |
| onClickThumbnail | func | undefined | Handle click on thumbnail |
| preloadNextImg | bool | true | Whether to preload the next available image |
| rightArrowTitle | str | '下一张(右箭头)' | Customize right arrow title |
| showCloseBtn | bool | true | Optionally display a close 'X' button in top right corner |
| showImgCount | bool | true | Optionally display image index, e.g., "2 of 20" |
| width | number | 1024 | Maximum width of the carousel; defaults to 1024px |
| spinnerDisabled | bool | false | Disable Spinner |
| spinner | func | DefaultSpinner | Spinner component class |
| spinnerColor | str | '#fff' | Color of spinner |
| spinnnerSize | num | 50 | Size of spinner |
| preventAutoScroll | bool | true | Determines whether auto-scrolling is prevented |
## Imgs Object
Property | Type | Default | Description
src | str | undefined | Required
srcSet | arr of str or str | undefined | Optional
caption | str | undefined | Optional
alt | str | undefined | Optional
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| :------- | :---------------- | :-------- | :---------- |
| src | str | undefined | Required |
| srcSet | arr of str or str | undefined | Optional |
| caption | str | undefined | Optional |
| alt | str | undefined | Optional |
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