clientId | string | required | Application (client) ID |
authCallback | function | required | Callback function which takes three arguments (error, authData, msalInstance) |
graphScopes | array | [""] | Array of Graph API permission names. More about Graph API permissions. |
redirectUri | string | window.location.href | The redirect URI of the application, this should be same as the value in the application registration portal. |
postLogoutRedirectUri | string | | You can configure the URI to which it should redirect after sign-out by setting postLogoutRedirectUri. This URI should also be registered as the logout URI in your application registration. |
tenantUrl | string | | A URL indicating a directory that MSAL can request tokens from. More about MSAL tenant auth. |
prompt | enum("login", "select_account", "consent", "none") | | Specify custom prompt behavior |
buttonTheme | enum("dark_short", "light_short", "dark", "light") | "light" | Theme for button style that based on Official Microsoft brand design. |
withUserData | boolean | | Boolean flag to make an additional request to GraphAPI to get user data. |
forceRedirectStrategy | boolean | | Boolean flag to force redirect login strategy for all browsers. This strategy used by default just for IE browsers to avoid issues. |
useLocalStorageCache | boolean | | You can set cookie storage to localStorage for persistent login between tabs and sessions. Session storage is used by default. More about SSO with MSAL. |
debug | boolean | | Boolean flag to enable detailed logs of authorization process. |
className | string | | Additional class name string. |
children | ReactComponent | | Alternative way to provide custom button element as a children prop instead of Official Microsoft brand design |