React Native ActionSheet
React Native ActionSheet is a JavaScript library for React Native that implements AcionSheet for Android. Its equivalent of ActionSheetIOS which is part of React Native.
For implementation the Android version I used android-ActionSheet.
- React Native >= 0.40.0
- Android
Installing React Native ActionSheet
npm install react-native-actionsheet-native --save
yarn add react-native-actionsheet-native
React native >= 0.40.0
You can run inside of your project folder the next command:
react-native link react-native-actionsheet-native
React native >= 0.33.0 AND < 0.40.0
- In
include ':react-native-actionsheet-native', ':app'
project(':react-native-actionsheet-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-actionsheet-native/android')
- In
apply plugin: ""
dependencies {
compile project(":react-native-actionsheet") // <--- add this
- Register Module (in
import com.slowpath.actionsheet.ActionSheetPackage;
public class MyApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.asList(
new ActionSheetPackage(),
new MainReactPackage());
Updated your MainActivity
Now, you need to update your MainActivity. The MainActivity should extends ReactFragmentActivity
for working with this library.
public class MainActivity extends ReactFragmentActivity {
From your JS files for both iOS and Android:
import ActionSheet from 'react-native-actionsheet';
options: ['Disconnect', 'Cancel'],
cancelButtonIndex: 1
(buttonIndex) => {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
if (buttonIndex === 0) {
Customization of Android action sheet
If you want to customize view of Android ActionSheet, you will need to read this article
React Native ActionSheet is BSD-licensed.