Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Features
- Installation & Setup
- Components
- Examples
- Motivation
- Dependencies
1. Introduction?
React Native Awesome is a mobile-first, component library for React Native. it will help to develop an attractive ui and a lots of feature in sometime.
2. Features
- It supports in both platform android and iOS
- An Attractive ui
3. Installation
npm i react-native-awesome
react-native run-android
Then import components like below:
import ScrollableTable from 'rn-scrollable-table'
4. Components
- Scrollable Horizontal & Vertical Table
- Custom Text
- ErrorBoundary
- SweetAlert
- Toast
- Custom Modal Alert
5. Example
import ScrollableTable from 'rn-scrollable-table'
The Format of headerData and tableData :-
- The Header data can be anything in the format of array like below:-
var headerData = ["Ornaments", "Total", "Weight", "Total Sold Out", "Weight", "Net. Weight", "In Stock", "Status"]
- The Table data accept only json Arra. And the key can be anything i just have given one example of the json format but you can pass any key
The Table Data json key must be the length of the Header Data.
var tableData = [
key1: "Zumkha", key2: "2", key3: "987KB89", key4: "12/08/2022", key5: "22g", key6: "20g", key7: "75", key8: "Sold"
key1: "Zumkha 2", key2: "22", key3: "087KB89", key4: "12/08/2020", key5: "20g", key6: "10g", key7: "5", key8: "available"
. How To use Custom App Text:-
In this app text you can pass h1-h6 as attributes and many more.
import {AppText} from 'react-native-awesome'
<AppText h1>This is App Text</AppText>
. How To use Error Boundary:-
- You can use this to prevent crashes your app. it will trace all the error and will disply in custom screen.
Now wrap your main app or Main NavigationContainer with ErrorBoundary in index.js or App.js
import {ErrorBoundary} from 'react-native-awesome'
<App />
4. SweetAlert
With the help of this components you can acheive Sweet Alert Message, Custom Alert Message, Loader & Modals.
import {SweetAlert} from 'react-native-awesome'
Example 1: Sweet Alert Message]
horizontal: false | true to get vertical and horizontal button
title="Order Number #11"
subTitle="Your Order has been placed successfully. we will delivered your order asap."
Example 2: Sweet Alert Message With Custom Button]
title="Order Number #11"
subTitle="Your Order has been placed successfully. we will delivered your order asap."
<Pressable onPress={()=>alert("Hello")}>
<Text>Click Me</Text>
Example 3: Custom Loader ]
loaderSize="large" // Optional
loaderColor='red' . //Optional
Example 4: Custom Modal or Overlay ]
onDismiss={()=>alert("Will hide to modal when you will click out side popup)}
Additional Props:-
props | default value | Description |
isLoader | false | if
it accepts boolean value
it is used to show loader
loaderSize | small |
it accpets "small or large" and it is used to change the size of loader |
loaderColor | red
It accepts color. you can pass any color to cahnge to loader color |
horizontal | false
boolean value, it will change button orientation vertical or horizontal |
visible | false
boolean value, it is used to hide and show the Sweet Alert Message |
title |
string value, This title message will be displayed as Sweet Alert title Message |
subTitle |
string value, This subTitle message will be displayed as Sweet Alert subTitle Message |
onPressButton1 |
To handle the onPress events of button 1 |
onPressButton2 |
To handle the onPress events of button 2 |
buttonColor1 |
it accepts color to cahnge to button color of button 1 |
buttonColor2 |
it accepts color to cahnge to button color of button 2 |
buttonTextColor1 || buttonTextColor2 |
it accepts color to cahnge the text color of button 1 and button 2 |
buttonText1 |
string value of button1
buttonText2 |
string value of button2
isCustomButton |
boolean value, if you will pass true then you can pass your own button components as it children.
<SweetAlert isCustomButton={true}> will be your button components
children |
<SweetAlert>...pass your own custom components in here....</SweetAlert>
5. Toast
it supports in android and ios. You can custmize it using below props:-
How use it:-
import {ToastController } from 'react-native-awesome';
Now, pass ToastController in side NavigationContainer like bwlow:-
...Your Remaining code...
<ToastController />
import {Toast} from 'react-native-awesome'
Now you can use in any components:-
Toast.showToast({message:"This is custom toast message!!"})})
Additional Props:-
props | default value | Description |
message | |
it will display as text message
title | |
it will display as title message of Toast message
backgroundColor | '#333' |
Background color of Toast message
type | 'default' |
position | 'bottom' |
textColor | '#fff' |
color of text message
containerStyle | |
it supports all the props style of view. you can use it to cusomize toast messge.
messageTextStyle | |
it supports all the props style of Text. you can use it to cusomize toast messge style.
titleTextStyle | |
it supports all the props style of Text. you can use it to cusomize toast title style.
duration | 1000 |
Used it to delay the popup message to hide and show
6. Custom Modal Alert
it supports in android and ios platform. You can customize it using below props:-
How to use it:-
import {AlertController } from 'react-native-awesome';
Now, pass AlertController in side NavigationContainer like bwlow:-
...Your Remaining code...
<AlertController />
import {CustomAlert} from 'react-native-awesome'
Now you can use in any components to call this function:-
CustomAlert.showAlert({title:"Title of Custom Modal Alert",message:"This is custom modal message!!"})})
Additional Props:-
props | default value | Description |
message | |
it will display as text message
title | |
it will display as title message
cancelable | false |
To enable and disable cancelable outside alert
onPress | |
call back function; in this function passing the index value of button. By checking the button index you can handle the events
like onPress:(value)=>if(value==0){
console.log(onPressed button 1)
buttons | |
it is addition props if you will not pass this props then default button will be visible else buttons props will be visible.
it takes an array as an argument.
Basically it is used to pass the value and styles of buttons
style: this props is used to customize the button,
textStyle:this props is used to customize the button Text
messageTextStyle | |
To customize the styles of message
titleTextStyle | |
To customize the styles of title
containerStyle | |
To customize the width height etc of Custom Alert popup.
defaultButtonText | defaultButtonStyle | defaultButtonTextStyle | |
These props is used to customize the default button