minimumTrackTintColor | string | color applied to track from the min position up to the thumb position | ❌ | rgba(61, 219, 209, 1) |
maximumTrackTintColor | string | color applied to track from the thumb position up to the maximum position | ❌ | rgba(195, 197, 199, 1) |
cacheTrackTintColor | string | cache track tint color | ❌ | rgba(39, 41, 46, 1) |
style | ViewStyle | | ❌ | |
borderColor | string | Color of the border of the slider, also you can use containerStyle . | ❌ | transparent |
bubble | (number) => string | Get the current value of the slider as you slide it, and returns a string to be used inside the bubble. | ❌ | (number) => string |
progress | Animated.SharedValue | Current value of the slider | ✅ | 0 |
cache | Animated.SharedValue | Cache value of the slider | ❌ | 0 |
minimumValue | Animated.SharedValue | An Animated.SharedValue from react-native-reanimated library which is the minimum value of the slider. | ✅ | undefined |
maximumValue | Animated.SharedValue | An Animated.SharedValue from react-native-reanimated library which is the maximum value of the slider. | ✅ | undefined |
onSlidingStart | () => void | Callback called when the sliding interaction starts | ❌ | undefined |
onValueChange | (number) => void | Callback called when the slider value changes | ❌ | undefined |
onSlidingComplete | (number) => void | Callback called when the sliding interaction stops. The updated slider value will be passed as argument | ❌ | undefined |
renderBubble | () => React.ReactNode | A custom bubble component that will be rendered while sliding. | ❌ | See the component |
setBubbleText | (string) => void | This function will be called while sliding and can be used to update the text in a custom bubble component. | ❌ | current slider value |
bubbleTranslateY | number | Value to pass to the container of the bubble as translateY | ❌ | 7 |
renderThumb | () => React.ReactNode | Render custom thumb image. If you need to customize thumb, you also need to set the thumb width | ❌ | ReactNode |
thumbWidth | number | Thumb elements width | ❌ | 15 |
disable | boolean | Disable user interaction with the slider | ❌ | false |
disableMinTrackTintColor | string | Disable slider color. Defaults to minimumTrackTintColor | ❌ | rgba(61, 219, 209, 1) |
disableTapEvent | boolean | Enable tap event change value. Defaults to true | ❌ | true |
bubbleMaxWidth | number | The maximum width of the bubble component | ❌ | 100 |
bubbleTextStyle | TextStyle | Bubble text style | ❌ | |
bubbleContainerStyle | ViewStyle | Bubble container text style | ❌ | |
bubbleBackgroundColor | string | Bubble background color | ❌ | rgba(61, 219, 209, 1) |
isScrubbing | Animated.SharedValue | callback slider is scrubbing status | ❌ | undefined |
onTap | () => void | A callback for when the slider is tapped.(Useful for video-player scrubbing.) | ❌ | undefined |
thumbScaleValue | Animated.SharedValue | Control thumb’s transform-scale animation. | ❌ | undefined |
sliderHeight | number | The height of the slider component | ❌ | 30 |
containerStyle | ViewStyle | styles to be applied to the slider container component | ❌ | { width: '100%', height: 5, borderRadius: 2, borderColor: borderColor, overflow: 'hidden', borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: maximumTrackTintColor, }, |
panHitSlop | object | pan gesture hit slop | ❌ | { top: 8, left: 0, bottom: 8, right: 0,} |
step | number | Step value of the slider. The value should be between 0 and maximumValue - minimumValue) | ❌ | undefined |
markWidth | number | Step mark width, if you need custom mark style, you must be fix this width | ❌ | 4 |
marksStyle | ViewStyle | Step mark style | ❌ | {width: {markWidth}, height: 4, backgroundColor: '#fff', position: 'absolute', top: 2} |