v8.4.1 | ApplicationSession2 deprecated. |
v8.4.0 | Native modules deleted. This is a breaking change, but who cares still… |
v8.3.0 | ApplicationSession2 added. |
v8.2.0 | StaticUtils.isIOS() added. |
v8.1.0 | StaticUtils.isAndroid() added. |
v8.0.0 | 1. Many modules removed. 2. The package depends only on simple-common-utils@^2.2.0. |
v7.2.1 | @react-native-community -> @react-native-async-storage for async-storage |
v7.2.0 | EventHandlingHelper.invokeListeners() : all the arguments are passed to inner listeners, not only data . |
v7.1.1 | 1. AsyncStorage wasn't imported as a default object. 2. @react-native-community/async-storage is made a peer dependency. |
v7.1.0 | AsyncStorage imported from @react-native-community/async-storage . |
v7.0.1 | react-native-localization moved to peerDependencies . |
v7.0.0 | Backwards-incompatible changes: 1. ListViewHelper / styles.listView removed. 2. AlterStyles removed. 3. core-decorators and @autobind are no longer used. |
v6.0.1 | 1. AlterStyles deprecated in favour of combineStyles() from react-native-common-ui-components/js/styles.js . 2. @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators is specified as a dev dependency and the postinstall script is deleted. |
v6.0.0 | 1. The latest version of react-native-localization is specified in package.json . 2. Backwards-incompatible change in strings.js : strings.formatString() is no longer available if a sub-object name was specified. strings.all.formatString() has to be used instead. |
v5.1.0 | 1. An iOS-only bug fixed in ApplicationSession.manage() . 2. State changes can be optionally logged to the console. An argumentApplicationSession._setSessionType() |
v5.0.0 | Backwards-incompatible change: styles.screen is superseded by styles.screen.container . |
v4.1.0 | 1. ApplicationSession added. 2. styles.screen added. |
v4.0.0 | Backwards-incompatible change: babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy is removed from dependencies to allow for Babel 7 usage. End user instructions are given through the postinstall event. |
v3.3.1 | Preferences.Data . |
v3.2.1 | |
v3.2.0 | Added the JSONPreference class to store JSON objects as strings. |
v3.1.0 | |
v3.0.0 | 1. Backwards-incompatible change: when using react-native-common-ui-components, styles must be imported from react-native-common-ui-components/js/styles . 2. AlterStyles.combineEx() added. 3. Readme updated. |
v2.1.1 | Readme updated. |
v2.1.0 | 1. Readme updated. 2. ListViewHelper.setEmptyItemsRenderer() is added. |
v2.0.2 | Invalid imports fixed. |
v2.0.1 | client-side-common-utils deprecated; switched to simple-common-utils . |
v2.0.0 | Backwards-incompatible changes: 1. UI Components moved to react-native-common-ui-components. 2. Google Drive API wrapper moved to react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper. 3. SQL query builder moved to simple-sql-query-builder. 4. ArrayStringifier , DottedStringObject and utf8 moved to client-side-common-utils. |
v1.0.11 | 1. Readme updated. 2. react-native-extended-stylesheet and react-native-localization specified as dependencies. |
v1.0.6 - v1.0.10 | Readme updated. |
v1.0.5 | 1. Readme updated. 2. Components/Button: arbitrary children supported. |
v1.0.2 - v1.0.4 | Readme updated. |
v1.0.1 | Readme added. |
v1.0.0 | Initial release. |
| |