Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
npm install react-native-easy-chat-ui --save
yarn add react-native-easy-chat-ui
for RN >= 0.44.0
for RN < 0.44.0
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { Header, NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation'
import {AudioRecorder, AudioUtils} from 'react-native-audio'
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'
import Sound from 'react-native-sound'
import { ChatScreen } from 'react-native-easy-chat-ui'
class Example extends React.Component {
state = {
messages: [
id: `1`,
type: 'text',
content: 'hello world',
targetId: '12345678',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
id: '12345678',
nickName: 'Test'
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: 0,
time: '1542006036549'
id: `2`,
type: 'text',
content: 'hi/{se}',
targetId: '12345678',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
id: '12345678',
nickName: 'Test'
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: 0,
time: '1542106036549'
id: `3`,
type: 'image',
content: {
uri: 'https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/11942126-044bd33212dcbfb8.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip|imageView2/1/w/300/h/240',
width: 100,
height: 80,
} ,
targetId: '12345678',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
id: '12345678',
nickName: 'Test'
renderTime: false,
sendStatus: 0,
time: '1542106037000'
id: `4`,
type: 'text',
content: '你好/{weixiao}',
targetId: '88886666',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/avatar.png'),
id: '12345678'
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: -2,
time: '1542177036549'
id: `5`,
type: 'voice',
content: {
uri: 'http://m10.music.126.net/20190810141311/78bf2f6e1080052bc0259afa91cf030d/ymusic/d60e/d53a/a031/1578f4093912b3c1f41a0bfd6c10115d.mp3',
length: 10
targetId: '12345678',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/defaultAvatar.png'),
id: '12345678',
nickName: 'Test'
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: 1,
time: '1542260667161'
id: `6`,
type: 'voice',
content: {
uri: 'http://m10.music.126.net/20190810141311/78bf2f6e1080052bc0259afa91cf030d/ymusic/d60e/d53a/a031/1578f4093912b3c1f41a0bfd6c10115d.mp3',
length: 30
targetId: '88886666',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('../../source/avatar.png'),
id: '12345678'
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: 0,
time: '1542264667161'
// chatBg: require('../../source/bg.jpg'),
inverted: false, // require
voiceHandle: true,
currentTime: 0,
recording: false,
paused: false,
stoppedRecording: false,
finished: false,
audioPath: '',
voicePlaying: false,
voiceLoading: false
sendMessage = (type, content, isInverted) => {
console.log(type, content, isInverted, 'msg')
render() {
return (
ref={(e) => this.chat = e}
cd Demo
react-native run-ios or react-native run-android
messages: [
id: `${new Date().getTime()}`,
type: 'text',
content: 'hello world',
targetId: '12345678',
chatInfo: {
avatar: require('./app/source/image/avatar.png'),
id: '12345678',
nickName: 'Test' // not require
renderTime: true,
sendStatus: 0,
time: new Date().getTime()
props | default | Info |
messageList | [] | Messages to display |
inverted | false | When messageList exceeds the screen height, set it to true otherwise false (You can change this value when componentWillUnmount or delete message) |
chatBackgroundImage | null | Custom BackgroundImage |
onScroll | () => {} | ListView Props |
onEndReachedThreshold | 0.1 | ListView Props |
chatWindowStyle | undefined | Container style |
sendMessage | (type, content, isInverted) => {} | Callback when sending a message |
reSendMessage | (message) => {} | Callback when you want send again |
delMessage | (indexs, isInverted) => {} | Callback when delete message |
renderAvatar | (message) => {} | Custom avatar view |
avatarStyle | undefined | Style of avatar |
chatId | '123455678' | The id of the person you're chatting with |
chatType | 'friend' | Your relationship with the person you're chatting with |
onMessagePress | (type, index, content) => {} | Callback when press a message |
onMessageLongPress | (type, index, content) => {} | Callback when longPress a message and usePopView is false |
pressAvatar | (isSelf, targetId) => {} | Callback when press avatar |
androidHeaderHeight | 66 | Android navigation bar height + statusBar height |
userProfile | {id: '88888888', avatar: 'default.png'} | Your own profile |
showUserName | false | Whether show userName |
loadHistory | () => {} | Callback when loading earlier messages |
renderMessageTime | (time) => {} | Custom time inside above message |
renderChatBg | (bg) => {} | Custom chat background image |
renderErrorMessage | (messageStatus) => {} | Custom a message when the friend relationship is abnormal |
panelSource | [] | Custom panel source |
renderPanelRow | () => {} | Custom a tab icon |
allPanelHeight | 200 | emojiPanel and plusPanel height |
messageErrorIcon | icon element | Custom a icon when message failed to be sent |
leftMessageBackground | '#fffff' | Custom background color on left |
rightMessageBackground | '#a0e75a' | Custom background color on right |
leftMessageTextStyle | undefined | Custom text message style on left |
rightMessageTextStyle | undefined | Custom text message style on right |
props | default | Info |
emojiIcon | icon element | Custom emoticons |
placeholder | '请输入...' | Placeholder when text is empty |
keyboardIcon | icon | Custom keyboard icon |
plusIcon | icon element | Custom plus icon |
sendIcon | icon element | Custom send icon |
props | default | Info |
usePopView | true | Display a popView when longPress a message |
popoverStyle | {backgroundColor: '#333'} | popView style |
renderDelPanel | undefined | Custom any what you want, (isSelect)=> {} |
changeHeaderLeft | () => {} | Custom headerLeft |
setPopItems | (type, index, text) => {let items = [{title: '删除',onPress: () => {that.props.delMessage([index])}},{title: '多选',onPress: () => {that.multipleSelect(index)}}]if (type === 'text') {items = [{title: '复制',onPress: () => Clipboard.setString(text)},{title: '删除',onPress: () => {that.props.delMessage([index])}},{title: '多选', onPress: () => {that.multipleSelect(index)}}]}return items} | Custom PopView |
messageDelIcon | icon element | Custom delete icon |
messageSelectIcon | icon element | Custom selected icon |
renderMessageCheck | undefined | Custom selected icon, (isSelect)=> {} |
props | default | Info |
useVoice | true | send voice message |
pressInText | '按住 说话' | Custom pressIn text |
pressOutText | '松开 发送' | Custom pressOut text |
voiceIcon | icon element | Custom voice icon |
voiceLeftIcon | undefined | Custom icon of the message on the left |
voiceRightIcon | undefined | Custom icon of the message on the right |
voiceErrorIcon | icon element | Custom icon when record error |
voiceErrorText | '说话时间太短' | Custom text when record error |
voiceCancelIcon | icon element | Custom icon when cancel record |
voiceCancelText | '松开手指取消发送' | Custom text when cancel record |
voiceNoteText | '手指上划,取消发送' | Custom text when pressIn record button |
voiceSpeakIcon | [] | Custom icon when pressIn record button |
audioPath | '' | File path to store voice |
audioOnProgress | () => {} | Callback when recording |
audioOnFinish | () => {} | Callback when finish record |
audioInitPath | () => {} | Callback when init file path |
audioRecord | () => {} | Callback when start record |
audioStopRecord | () => {} | Callback when stop record |
audioPauseRecord | () => {} | Callback when pause record |
audioResumeRecord | () => {} | Callback when resume record |
audioCurrentTime | 0 | audio length |
audioHandle | true | Whether to get a recording handle |
setAudioHandle | (status) => {} | Callback when get handle or not |
audioHasPermission | false | Whether has permission |
requestAndroidPermission | () => {} | Callback when check permission on android |
checkPermission | () => {} | Callback whether has permission |
voiceLoading | false | Loading voice or not |
voicePlaying | false | Playing voice or not |
voiceLeftLoadingColor | '#cccccc' | Custom background color on left when load voice |
voiceVolume | 0 | Volume (0~10) |
voiceRightLoadingColor | '#628b42' | Custom background color on right when load voice |
props | default | Info |
renderTextMessage | undefined | Custom message text, (data) => {} |
renderImageMessage | undefined | Custom message image, (data) => {} |
renderVoiceMessage | undefined | Custom message voice, (data) => {} |
renderVoiceView | undefined | Custom voice container, (data) => {} |
renderVideoMessage | undefined | Custom message video, (data) => {} |
renderLocationMessage | undefined | Custom message location, (data) => {} |
renderShareMessage | undefined | Custom message share, (data) => {} |
renderVideoCallMessage | undefined | Custom message video call, (data) => {} |
renderVoiceCallMessage | undefined | Custom message voice call, (data) => {} |
renderRedEnvelopeMessage | undefined | Custom message red-envelope, (data) => {} |
renderFileMessage | undefined | Custom message file, (data) => {} |
renderPatMessage | undefined | Custom message pat, (data) => {} |
renderCustomMessage | undefined | Custom message custom, (data) => {} |
renderSystemMessage | undefined | Custom message system, (data) => {} |
propTypes = {
/* defaultProps */
messageList: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
inverted: PropTypes.bool,
lastReadAt: PropTypes.object,
chatBackgroundImage: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),
onScroll: PropTypes.func,
onEndReachedThreshold: PropTypes.number,
chatWindowStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
sendMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderAvatar: PropTypes.func,
avatarStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
allPanelAnimateDuration: PropTypes.number,
chatType: PropTypes.oneOf(['friend', 'group']),
onMessagePress: PropTypes.func,
onMessageLongPress: PropTypes.func,
renderMessageTime: PropTypes.func,
pressAvatar: PropTypes.func,
renderErrorMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderChatBg: PropTypes.func,
reSendMessage: PropTypes.func,
androidHeaderHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
iphoneXHeaderPadding: PropTypes.number,
iphoneXBottomPadding: PropTypes.number,
showUserName: PropTypes.bool,
showIsRead: PropTypes.bool,
showInput: PropTypes.bool,
isReadStyle: PropTypes.object,
userProfile: PropTypes.shape({
id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
avatar: PropTypes.isRequired,
nickName: PropTypes.string
panelSource: PropTypes.array,
renderPanelRow: PropTypes.func,
panelContainerStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
itemContainerStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
allPanelHeight: PropTypes.number,
messageErrorIcon: PropTypes.element,
loadHistory: PropTypes.func,
leftMessageBackground: PropTypes.string,
rightMessageBackground: PropTypes.string,
leftMessageTextStyle: PropTypes.object,
rightMessageTextStyle: PropTypes.object,
renderLoadEarlier: PropTypes.func,
extraData: PropTypes.any,
containerBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
showsVerticalScrollIndicator: PropTypes.bool,
userNameStyle: PropTypes.object,
panelContainerBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,
/* popProps */
usePopView: PropTypes.bool,
popoverStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
renderDelPanel: PropTypes.func,
changeHeaderLeft: PropTypes.func,
setPopItems: PropTypes.func,
messageDelIcon: PropTypes.element,
messageSelectIcon: PropTypes.element,
delMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderMessageCheck: PropTypes.func,
/* inputBarProps */
emojiIcon: PropTypes.element,
placeholder: PropTypes.string,
keyboardIcon: PropTypes.element,
plusIcon: PropTypes.element,
sendIcon: PropTypes.element,
sendUnableIcon: PropTypes.element,
inputStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
inputOutContainerStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
inputContainerStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
inputHeightFix: PropTypes.number,
useEmoji: PropTypes.bool,
usePlus: PropTypes.bool,
/* voiceProps */
useVoice: PropTypes.bool,
pressInText: PropTypes.string,
pressOutText: PropTypes.string,
voiceIcon: PropTypes.element,
voiceLeftIcon: PropTypes.element,
voiceRightIcon: PropTypes.element,
voiceErrorIcon: PropTypes.element,
voiceCancelIcon: PropTypes.element,
voiceSpeakIcon: PropTypes.array,
audioPath: PropTypes.string,
audioOnProgress: PropTypes.func,
audioOnFinish: PropTypes.func,
audioInitPath: PropTypes.func,
audioRecord: PropTypes.func,
audioStopRecord: PropTypes.func,
audioPauseRecord: PropTypes.func,
audioResumeRecord: PropTypes.func,
audioCurrentTime: PropTypes.number,
audioHandle: PropTypes.bool,
setAudioHandle: PropTypes.func,
audioHasPermission: PropTypes.bool,
checkPermission: PropTypes.func,
requestAndroidPermission: PropTypes.func,
voiceErrorText: PropTypes.string,
voiceCancelText: PropTypes.string,
voiceNoteText: PropTypes.string,
voiceLoading: PropTypes.bool,
voicePlaying: PropTypes.bool,
voiceLeftLoadingColor: PropTypes.string,
voiceVolume: PropTypes.number,
voiceRightLoadingColor: PropTypes.string,
/* bubbleProps */
renderTextMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderImageMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderVoiceMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderVoiceView: PropTypes.func,
renderVideoMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderLocationMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderShareMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderVideoCallMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderVoiceCallMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderRedEnvelopeMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderFileMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderSystemMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderCustomMessage: PropTypes.func,
renderPatMessage: PropTypes.func,
/* delPanelProps */
delPanelStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
delPanelButtonStyle: ViewPropTypes.style,
flatListProps: PropTypes.object
in your AndroidManifest.xml
chat UI for React Native
We found that react-native-easy-chat-ui demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Security News
Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.
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Opengrep continues building momentum with the alpha release of its Playground tool, demonstrating the project's rapid evolution just two months after its initial launch.