
React Native wrapper around our Android and iOS mobile SDKs
The following documentation is only focussed on the react-native wrapper around our Android and iOS sdks. To know more about our react-native SDK, refer to the following documentation -
To know more about Razorpay payment flow and steps involved, read up here:
- Learn about the Razorpay Payment Flow.
- Sign up for a Razorpay Account and generate the API Keys from the Razorpay Dashboard. Using the Test keys helps simulate a sandbox environment. No actual monetary transaction happens when using the Test keys. Use Live keys once you have thoroughly tested the application and are ready to go live.
Using npm:
npm install --save react-native-razorpay
or using yarn:
yarn add react-native-razorpay
For Expo Users:
npx expo install react-native-razorpay
- iOS 10.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / tvOS 10.0+ / watchOS 3.0+
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5.1+
For React Native 0.60+
npm install react-native-razorpay --save
cd ios && open podfile
pod install && cd ..
yarn react-native run-ios
For React Native 0.59 and lower
$ npm install react-native-razorpay --save
// Install the Razorpay React Native Standard SDK using the npm command.
react-native link react-native-razorpay
// Link the SDK with React Native Project using Xcode.
Drag the Razorpay.framework
file from the Libraries folder and drop it under the root folder, for more info follow this link,
after this go to Target > General Settings> Framework, Libraries and Embedded Content section, set the Embed status of Razorpay.framework to Embed & Sign.
Also make sure the razorpay framework is added in the embedded binaries section and you have Always Embed Swift
Standard Binaries set to yes in build settings.
iOS (via CocoaPods)
Add the following line to your build targets in your Podfile
pod 'react-native-razorpay', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-razorpay'
Then run pod install
iOS (without CocoaPods)
In XCode, in the project navigator:
- Right click Libraries
- Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
- Add the
In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project.
- Add the
from the deviceinfo project to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries - Click
file you added before in the project navigator and go the Build Settings tab. Make sure All is toggled on (instead of Basic). - Look for Header Search Paths and make sure it contains both
and $(SRCROOT)/../../React
- Mark both as recursive (should be OK by default).
Run your project (Cmd+R)
- Open up
- Add
import com.razorpay.rn.RazorpayPackage;
to the imports at the top of
the file - Add
new RazorpayPackage()
to the list returned by the getPackages()
- Append the following lines to
include ':react-native-razorpay'
project(':react-native-razorpay').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-razorpay/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
implementation project(':react-native-razorpay')
Note for Expo Applications:
After adding the react-native-razorpay package,the option to prebuild
the app must be used(this generates the android/ios platform folders in the project to use native-modules). Command for which,
npx expo prebuild
After which the application will be installed on the device/emulator.
npx expo run:[ios|android] --device
Sample code to integrate with Razorpay can be found in
index.js in the included example directory.
To run the example, simply do the following in example directory and then
link iOS SDK as explained in the previous section:
$ npm i
Import RazorpayCheckout module to your component:
import RazorpayCheckout from 'react-native-razorpay';
method with the payment options
. The method
returns a JS Promise where then
part corresponds to a successful payment
and the catch
part corresponds to payment failure.
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => {
var options = {
description: 'Credits towards consultation',
image: '',
currency: 'INR',
key: '',
amount: '5000',
name: 'foo',
prefill: {
email: '',
contact: '9191919191',
name: 'Razorpay Software'
theme: {color: '#F37254'}
} => {
alert(`Success: ${data.razorpay_payment_id}`);
}).catch((error) => {
alert(`Error: ${error.code} | ${error.description}`);
A descriptive list of valid options for checkout is available (under
Manual Checkout column).
Proguard Rules
If you are using proguard for your builds, you need to add following lines to proguard files
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-dontwarn com.razorpay.**
-keep class com.razorpay.** {*;}
-optimizations !method/inlining/
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public void onPayment*(...);
Things to be taken care
- The react native plugin is wrapper around native SDK, so it doesn't work with the tools like expo which doesn't support native modules.
- For UPI Intent in iOS, the info.plist in iOS should be modified to include
- Still having trouble with integrating our payment gateway? Follow this link for more info.
See the CONTRIBUTING document. Thank you, contributors!
react-native-razorpay is Copyright (c) 2020 Razorpay Software Pvt. Ltd.
It is distributed under the MIT License.
We ♥ open source software!
See our other supported plugins / SDKs
or contact us to help you with integrations.