Fully customizable toast component for your react-native applications supported on IOS and Android. Also you can use it with expo or pure react-native.

expo: expo install react-native-tm
npm: npm i react-native-tm
yarn: yarn add react-native-tm
Basic usage
import Toast from "react-native-tm";
export default function YourComponent() {
toast: {
width: '100%',
height: 50,
backgroundColor: 'red'
How customize your toast ?
import Toast from "react-native-tm";
export default function YourComponent() {
// set the animation type of toast choose the best for you in props
// add the closing toast function on press
// pass toast styles object to style
toast: {
width: '100%',
height: 50,
backgroundColor: 'red'
// and for sure you can add childrens here
// to customize your toast
<View style={{height: 50, width: 50, backgroundColor: 'black', borderRadius: 30}}/>
marginLeft: 10
Title top
Description on the bottom
How customize your animation ?
By default toast use the linear animation, just show and hide nothing special. But if you want to change the animation type use description below.
For bounce animation.
For elastic animation.
Below are the props you can pass to the React Component.
Prop | Type | Default | Example | Description |
show | boolean | | show={true} | Put the toast state |
animationType | string | | animationType={'bounce'} | If you what different animations on your toast |
toastOnPress | function | | toastOnPress={() => console.log('check')} | You can add many other functions here or just navigate to other screen |
withClose | boolean | false | withClose={true} | Added posibility to close toast on press. You can use it with toastOnPress at one time. |
children | component | | <Toast><YourComponent/></Toast> | You can add yout own component for example messages from users in your app or internet connection notifications. |
style | object | | {toast: {backgroundColor: 'black', height: 50}} | The styles object for styling the toast details. More about styling in Custom styling step. |
showingDuration | int | 8000 | showingDuration={3000} | How much time toast will show on the screen |
statusBarHeight | int | 180 | statusBarHeight={150} | If you have a specific status bar on your device you may want to pass this props to aware some UI bugs on the device |
onHide | function | | onHide={() => yourFunctionToDoSomething()} | Function which call when toast hiding. |
- TypeScript support.
- More animation for customizing.