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# `react-router`
## 6.23.0
### Minor Changes
- Add a new `unstable_dataStrategy` configuration option ([#11098](
- This option allows Data Router applications to take control over the approach for executing route loaders and actions
- The default implementation is today's behavior, to fetch all loaders in parallel, but this option allows users to implement more advanced data flows including Remix single-fetch, middleware/context APIs, automatic loader caching, and more
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.16.0`
## 6.22.3
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.15.3`
## 6.22.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.15.2`
## 6.22.1
### Patch Changes
- Fix encoding/decoding issues with pre-encoded dynamic parameter values ([#11199](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.15.1`
## 6.22.0
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.15.0`
## 6.21.3
### Patch Changes
- Remove leftover `unstable_` prefix from `Blocker`/`BlockerFunction` types ([#11187](
## 6.21.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.14.2`
## 6.21.1
### Patch Changes
- Fix bug with `route.lazy` not working correctly on initial SPA load when `v7_partialHydration` is specified ([#11121](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.14.1`
## 6.21.0
### Minor Changes
- Add a new `future.v7_relativeSplatPath` flag to implement a breaking bug fix to relative routing when inside a splat route. ([#11087](
This fix was originally added in [#10983]( and was later reverted in [#11078]( because it was determined that a large number of existing applications were relying on the buggy behavior (see [#11052](
**The Bug**
The buggy behavior is that without this flag, the default behavior when resolving relative paths is to _ignore_ any splat (`*`) portion of the current route path.
**The Background**
This decision was originally made thinking that it would make the concept of nested different sections of your apps in `<Routes>` easier if relative routing would _replace_ the current splat:
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="dashboard/*" element={<Dashboard />} />
Any paths like `/dashboard`, `/dashboard/team`, `/dashboard/projects` will match the `Dashboard` route. The dashboard component itself can then render nested `<Routes>`:
function Dashboard() {
return (
<Link to="/">Dashboard Home</Link>
<Link to="team">Team</Link>
<Link to="projects">Projects</Link>
<Route path="/" element={<DashboardHome />} />
<Route path="team" element={<DashboardTeam />} />
<Route path="projects" element={<DashboardProjects />} />
Now, all links and route paths are relative to the router above them. This makes code splitting and compartmentalizing your app really easy. You could render the `Dashboard` as its own independent app, or embed it into your large app without making any changes to it.
**The Problem**
The problem is that this concept of ignoring part of a path breaks a lot of other assumptions in React Router - namely that `"."` always means the current location pathname for that route. When we ignore the splat portion, we start getting invalid paths when using `"."`:
// If we are on URL /dashboard/team, and we want to link to /dashboard/team:
function DashboardTeam() {
// ❌ This is broken and results in <a href="/dashboard">
return <Link to=".">A broken link to the Current URL</Link>;
// ✅ This is fixed but super unintuitive since we're already at /dashboard/team!
return <Link to="./team">A broken link to the Current URL</Link>;
We've also introduced an issue that we can no longer move our `DashboardTeam` component around our route hierarchy easily - since it behaves differently if we're underneath a non-splat route, such as `/dashboard/:widget`. Now, our `"."` links will, properly point to ourself _inclusive of the dynamic param value_ so behavior will break from it's corresponding usage in a `/dashboard/*` route.
Even worse, consider a nested splat route configuration:
<Route path="dashboard">
<Route path="*" element={<Dashboard />} />
Now, a `<Link to=".">` and a `<Link to="..">` inside the `Dashboard` component go to the same place! That is definitely not correct!
Another common issue arose in Data Routers (and Remix) where any `<Form>` should post to it's own route `action` if you the user doesn't specify a form action:
let router = createBrowserRouter({
path: "/dashboard",
children: [
path: "*",
action: dashboardAction,
Component() {
// ❌ This form is broken! It throws a 405 error when it submits because
// it tries to submit to /dashboard (without the splat value) and the parent
// `/dashboard` route doesn't have an action
return <Form method="post">...</Form>;
This is just a compounded issue from the above because the default location for a `Form` to submit to is itself (`"."`) - and if we ignore the splat portion, that now resolves to the parent route.
**The Solution**
If you are leveraging this behavior, it's recommended to enable the future flag, move your splat to it's own route, and leverage `../` for any links to "sibling" pages:
<Route path="dashboard">
<Route index path="*" element={<Dashboard />} />
function Dashboard() {
return (
<Link to="..">Dashboard Home</Link>
<Link to="../team">Team</Link>
<Link to="../projects">Projects</Link>
<Route path="/" element={<DashboardHome />} />
<Route path="team" element={<DashboardTeam />} />
<Route path="projects" element={<DashboardProjects />} />
This way, `.` means "the full current pathname for my route" in all cases (including static, dynamic, and splat routes) and `..` always means "my parents pathname".
### Patch Changes
- Properly handle falsy error values in ErrorBoundary's ([#11071](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.14.0`
## 6.20.1
### Patch Changes
- Revert the `useResolvedPath` fix for splat routes due to a large number of applications that were relying on the buggy behavior (see <>). We plan to re-introduce this fix behind a future flag in the next minor version. ([#11078](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.13.1`
## 6.20.0
### Minor Changes
- Export the `PathParam` type from the public API ([#10719](
### Patch Changes
- Fix bug with `resolveTo` in splat routes ([#11045](
- This is a follow up to [#10983]( to handle the few other code paths using `getPathContributingMatches`
- This removes the `UNSAFE_getPathContributingMatches` export from `@remix-run/router` since we no longer need this in the `react-router`/`react-router-dom` layers
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.13.0`
## 6.19.0
### Minor Changes
- Add `unstable_flushSync` option to `useNavigate`/`useSumbit`/`fetcher.load`/`fetcher.submit` to opt-out of `React.startTransition` and into `ReactDOM.flushSync` for state updates ([#11005](
- Remove the `unstable_` prefix from the [`useBlocker`]( hook as it's been in use for enough time that we are confident in the API. We do not plan to remove the prefix from `unstable_usePrompt` due to differences in how browsers handle `window.confirm` that prevent React Router from guaranteeing consistent/correct behavior. ([#10991](
### Patch Changes
- Fix `useActionData` so it returns proper contextual action data and not _any_ action data in the tree ([#11023](
- Fix bug in `useResolvedPath` that would cause `useResolvedPath(".")` in a splat route to lose the splat portion of the URL path. ([#10983](
- ⚠️ This fixes a quite long-standing bug specifically for `"."` paths inside a splat route which incorrectly dropped the splat portion of the URL. If you are relative routing via `"."` inside a splat route in your application you should double check that your logic is not relying on this buggy behavior and update accordingly.
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.12.0`
## 6.18.0
### Patch Changes
- Fix the `future` prop on `BrowserRouter`, `HashRouter` and `MemoryRouter` so that it accepts a `Partial<FutureConfig>` instead of requiring all flags to be included. ([#10962](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.11.0`
## 6.17.0

@@ -100,3 +352,3 @@

> **Warning**
> Please use version `6.13.0` or later instead of `6.12.1`. This version suffers from a `webpack`/`terser` minification issue resulting in invalid minified code in your resulting production bundles which can cause issues in your application. See [#10579]( for more details.

@@ -433,3 +685,3 @@

Whoa this is a big one! `6.4.0` brings all the data loading and mutation APIs over from Remix. Here's a quick high level overview, but it's recommended you go check out the [docs][rr-docs], especially the [feature overview][rr-feature-overview] and the [tutorial][rr-tutorial].
Whoa this is a big one! `6.4.0` brings all the data loading and mutation APIs over from Remix. Here's a quick high level overview, but it's recommended you go check out the [docs](, especially the [feature overview]( and the [tutorial](

@@ -452,5 +704,1 @@ **New APIs**

- `@remix-run/router@1.0.0`



@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, Blocker, BlockerFunction, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, HydrationState, InitialEntry, JsonFunction, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, Navigation, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathPattern, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, FutureConfig as RouterFutureConfig, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch } from "@remix-run/router";
import { AbortedDeferredError, Action as NavigationType, createPath, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, resolvePath } from "@remix-run/router";
import type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, Blocker, BlockerFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunctionArgs, unstable_DataStrategyMatch, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, JsonFunction, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, Navigation, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathParam, PathPattern, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch, unstable_HandlerResult } from "./lib/router";
import { AbortedDeferredError, Action as NavigationType, createPath, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, resolvePath, UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl } from "./lib/router";
import type { AwaitProps, FutureConfig, IndexRouteProps, LayoutRouteProps, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateProps, OutletProps, PathRouteProps, RouteProps, RouterProps, RouterProviderProps, RoutesProps } from "./lib/components";
import { Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, Outlet, Route, Router, RouterProvider, Routes, createRoutesFromChildren, renderMatches } from "./lib/components";
import { Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, Outlet, Route, Router, RouterProvider, Routes, createRoutesFromChildren, renderMatches, createMemoryRouter, mapRouteProperties } from "./lib/components";
import type { DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, IndexRouteObject, NavigateOptions, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./lib/context";

@@ -12,15 +12,33 @@ import { DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext, LocationContext, NavigationContext, RouteContext } from "./lib/context";

type Search = string;
export type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, AwaitProps, DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, FutureConfig, Hash, IndexRouteObject, IndexRouteProps, JsonFunction, LayoutRouteProps, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateFunction, NavigateOptions, NavigateProps, Navigation, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, OutletProps, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathPattern, PathRouteProps, Pathname, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, RouteMatch, RouteObject, RouteProps, RouterProps, RouterProviderProps, RoutesProps, Search, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch, Blocker as unstable_Blocker, BlockerFunction as unstable_BlockerFunction, };
export { AbortedDeferredError, Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, NavigationType, Outlet, Route, Router, RouterProvider, Routes, createPath, createRoutesFromChildren, createRoutesFromChildren as createRoutesFromElements, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, renderMatches, resolvePath, useBlocker as unstable_useBlocker, useActionData, useAsyncError, useAsyncValue, useHref, useInRouterContext, useLoaderData, useLocation, useMatch, useMatches, useNavigate, useNavigation, useNavigationType, useOutlet, useOutletContext, useParams, useResolvedPath, useRevalidator, useRouteError, useRouteLoaderData, useRoutes, };
declare function mapRouteProperties(route: RouteObject): Partial<RouteObject> & {
hasErrorBoundary: boolean;
export declare function createMemoryRouter(routes: RouteObject[], opts?: {
basename?: string;
future?: Partial<Omit<RouterFutureConfig, "v7_prependBasename">>;
hydrationData?: HydrationState;
initialEntries?: InitialEntry[];
initialIndex?: number;
}): RemixRouter;
export type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, AwaitProps, DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, unstable_DataStrategyFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunctionArgs, unstable_DataStrategyMatch, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, FutureConfig, Hash, IndexRouteObject, IndexRouteProps, JsonFunction, LayoutRouteProps, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateFunction, NavigateOptions, NavigateProps, Navigation, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, OutletProps, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathParam, PathPattern, PathRouteProps, Pathname, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, RouteMatch, RouteObject, RouteProps, RouterProps, RouterProviderProps, RoutesProps, Search, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch, Blocker, BlockerFunction, unstable_HandlerResult, };
export { AbortedDeferredError, Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, NavigationType, Outlet, Route, Router, RouterProvider, Routes, createMemoryRouter, createPath, createRoutesFromChildren, createRoutesFromChildren as createRoutesFromElements, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, renderMatches, resolvePath, useBlocker, useActionData, useAsyncError, useAsyncValue, useHref, useInRouterContext, useLoaderData, useLocation, useMatch, useMatches, useNavigate, useNavigation, useNavigationType, useOutlet, useOutletContext, useParams, useResolvedPath, useRevalidator, useRouteError, useRouteLoaderData, useRoutes, };
export type { AgnosticDataIndexRouteObject, AgnosticDataNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticDataRouteMatch, AgnosticDataRouteObject, AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, AgnosticRouteObject, HydrationState, InitialEntry, StaticHandler, TrackedPromise, UNSAFE_DeferredData, } from "./lib/router";
export { getStaticContextFromError, stripBasename, UNSAFE_DEFERRED_SYMBOL, UNSAFE_convertRoutesToDataRoutes, } from "./lib/router";
export type { FormEncType, FormMethod, GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, StaticHandlerContext, V7_FormMethod, } from "./lib/router";
export type { BrowserRouterProps, HashRouterProps, HistoryRouterProps, LinkProps, NavLinkProps, NavLinkRenderProps, FetcherFormProps, FormProps, ScrollRestorationProps, SetURLSearchParams, SubmitFunction, FetcherSubmitFunction, FetcherWithComponents, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export { createBrowserRouter, createHashRouter, BrowserRouter, HashRouter, Link, UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, UNSAFE_FetchersContext, unstable_HistoryRouter, NavLink, Form, ScrollRestoration, useLinkClickHandler, useSearchParams, useSubmit, useFormAction, useFetcher, useFetchers, UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, useBeforeUnload, unstable_usePrompt, unstable_useViewTransitionState, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export type { ParamKeyValuePair, SubmitOptions, URLSearchParamsInit, } from "./lib/dom/dom";
export { createSearchParams } from "./lib/dom/dom";
export type { StaticRouterProps, StaticRouterProviderProps, } from "./lib/dom/server";
export { createStaticHandler, createStaticRouter, StaticRouter, StaticRouterProvider, } from "./lib/dom/server";
export { HydratedRouter } from "./lib/dom/ssr/browser";
export { Meta, Links, Scripts, PrefetchPageLinks, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/components";
export type { HtmlLinkDescriptor, LinkDescriptor, PrefetchPageDescriptor, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/links";
export type { ClientActionFunction, ClientActionFunctionArgs, ClientLoaderFunction, ClientLoaderFunctionArgs, MetaArgs, MetaDescriptor, MetaFunction, LinksFunction, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routeModules";
export type { RemixServerProps } from "./lib/dom/ssr/server";
export { RemixServer } from "./lib/dom/ssr/server";
export type { RemixStubProps } from "./lib/dom/ssr/create-remix-stub";
export { createRemixStub } from "./lib/dom/ssr/create-remix-stub";
/** @internal */
export { DataRouterContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, LocationContext as UNSAFE_LocationContext, NavigationContext as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, RouteContext as UNSAFE_RouteContext, mapRouteProperties as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, useRouteId as UNSAFE_useRouteId, useRoutesImpl as UNSAFE_useRoutesImpl, };
export { DataRouterContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, LocationContext as UNSAFE_LocationContext, NavigationContext as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, RouteContext as UNSAFE_RouteContext, mapRouteProperties as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, useRouteId as UNSAFE_useRouteId, useRoutesImpl as UNSAFE_useRoutesImpl, UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl, };
/** @internal */
export { RemixContext as UNSAFE_RemixContext } from "./lib/dom/ssr/components";
/** @internal */
export type { RouteModules as UNSAFE_RouteModules } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routeModules";
/** @internal */
export type { FutureConfig as UNSAFE_FutureConfig, AssetsManifest as UNSAFE_AssetsManifest, RemixContextObject as UNSAFE_RemixContextObject, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/entry";
/** @internal */
export type { EntryRoute as UNSAFE_EntryRoute, RouteManifest as UNSAFE_RouteManifest, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routes";
/** @internal */
export type { SingleFetchRedirectResult as UNSAFE_SingleFetchRedirectResult, SingleFetchResult as UNSAFE_SingleFetchResult, SingleFetchResults as UNSAFE_SingleFetchResults, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/single-fetch";
export { decodeViaTurboStream as UNSAFE_decodeViaTurboStream, SingleFetchRedirectSymbol as UNSAFE_SingleFetchRedirectSymbol, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/single-fetch";

@@ -1,15 +0,35 @@

import type { InitialEntry, LazyRouteFunction, Location, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, To, TrackedPromise } from "@remix-run/router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "@remix-run/router";
import type { FutureConfig as RouterFutureConfig, HydrationState, InitialEntry, LazyRouteFunction, Location, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, To, TrackedPromise, unstable_DataStrategyFunction } from "./router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router";
import * as React from "react";
import type { IndexRouteObject, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./context";
export interface FutureConfig {
v7_relativeSplatPath: boolean;
v7_startTransition: boolean;
* @private
export declare function mapRouteProperties(route: RouteObject): Partial<RouteObject> & {
hasErrorBoundary: boolean;
* @category Routers
export declare function createMemoryRouter(routes: RouteObject[], opts?: {
basename?: string;
future?: Partial<Omit<RouterFutureConfig, "v7_prependBasename">>;
hydrationData?: HydrationState;
initialEntries?: InitialEntry[];
initialIndex?: number;
unstable_dataStrategy?: unstable_DataStrategyFunction;
}): RemixRouter;
export interface RouterProviderProps {
fallbackElement?: React.ReactNode;
router: RemixRouter;
future?: Partial<FutureConfig>;
future?: Partial<Pick<FutureConfig, "v7_startTransition">>;
* Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI
* @category Components

@@ -22,3 +42,3 @@ export declare function RouterProvider({ fallbackElement, router, future, }: RouterProviderProps): React.ReactElement;

initialIndex?: number;
future?: FutureConfig;
future?: Partial<FutureConfig>;

@@ -28,3 +48,3 @@ /**

* @see
* @category Components

@@ -39,18 +59,40 @@ export declare function MemoryRouter({ basename, children, initialEntries, initialIndex, future, }: MemoryRouterProps): React.ReactElement;

* Changes the current location.
* A component-based version of {@link useNavigate} to use in a [`React.Component
* Class`]( where hooks are not
* able to be used.
* Note: This API is mostly useful in React.Component subclasses that are not
* able to use hooks. In functional components, we recommend you use the
* `useNavigate` hook instead.
* It's recommended to avoid using this component in favor of {@link useNavigate}
* @see
* @category Components
export declare function Navigate({ to, replace, state, relative, }: NavigateProps): null;
export interface OutletProps {
Provides a context value to the element tree below the outlet. Use when the parent route needs to provide values to child routes.
<Outlet context={myContextValue} />
Access the context with {@link useOutletContext}.
context?: unknown;
* Renders the child route's element, if there is one.
* @see
Renders the matching child route of a parent route or nothing if no child route matches.
import { Outlet } from "react-router"
export default function SomeParent() {
return (
<h1>Parent Content</h1>
<Outlet />
@category Components

@@ -71,4 +113,6 @@ export declare function Outlet(props: OutletProps): React.ReactElement | null;

element?: React.ReactNode | null;
hydrateFallbackElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
Component?: React.ComponentType | null;
HydrateFallback?: React.ComponentType | null;
ErrorBoundary?: React.ComponentType | null;

@@ -91,4 +135,6 @@ }

element?: React.ReactNode | null;
hydrateFallbackElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
Component?: React.ComponentType | null;
HydrateFallback?: React.ComponentType | null;
ErrorBoundary?: React.ComponentType | null;

@@ -100,3 +146,3 @@ }

* @see
* @category Components

@@ -111,2 +157,3 @@ export declare function Route(_props: RouteProps): React.ReactElement | null;

static?: boolean;
future?: Partial<Pick<FutureConfig, "v7_relativeSplatPath">>;

@@ -120,5 +167,5 @@ /**

* @see
* @category Components
export declare function Router({ basename: basenameProp, children, location: locationProp, navigationType, navigator, static: staticProp, }: RouterProps): React.ReactElement | null;
export declare function Router({ basename: basenameProp, children, location: locationProp, navigationType, navigator, static: staticProp, future, }: RouterProps): React.ReactElement | null;
export interface RoutesProps {

@@ -132,3 +179,3 @@ children?: React.ReactNode;

* @see
* @category Components

@@ -140,10 +187,141 @@ export declare function Routes({ children, location, }: RoutesProps): React.ReactElement | null;

export interface AwaitProps {
When using a function, the resolved value is provided as the parameter.
```tsx [2]
<Await resolve={reviewsPromise}>
{(resolvedReviews) => <Reviews items={resolvedReviews} />}
When using React elements, {@link useAsyncValue} will provide the
resolved value:
```tsx [2]
<Await resolve={reviewsPromise}>
<Reviews />
function Reviews() {
const resolvedReviews = useAsyncValue()
return <div>...</div>
children: React.ReactNode | AwaitResolveRenderFunction;
The error element renders instead of the children when the promise rejects.
<Reviews />
To provide a more contextual error, you can use the {@link useAsyncError} in a
child component
errorElement={<ReviewsError />}
<Reviews />
function ReviewsError() {
const error = useAsyncError()
return <div>Error loading reviews: {error.message}</div>
If you do not provide an errorElement, the rejected value will bubble up to
the nearest route-level {@link NonIndexRouteObject#ErrorBoundary | ErrorBoundary} and be accessible
via {@link useRouteError} hook.
errorElement?: React.ReactNode;
Takes a promise returned from a {@link LoaderFunction | loader} value to be resolved and rendered.
import { useLoaderData, Await } from "react-router"
export async function loader() {
let reviews = getReviews() // not awaited
let book = await getBook()
return {
reviews, // this is a promise
export default function Book() {
const {
reviews, // this is the same promise
} = useLoaderData()
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<ReviewsSkeleton />}>
// and is the promise we pass to Await
<Reviews />
resolve: TrackedPromise | any;
* Component to use for rendering lazily loaded data from returning defer()
* in a loader function
Used to render promise values with automatic error handling.
import { Await, useLoaderData } from "react-router";
export function loader() {
// not awaited
const reviews = getReviews()
// awaited (blocks the transition)
const book = await fetch("/api/book").then((res) => res.json())
return { book, reviews }
function Book() {
const { book, reviews } = useLoaderData();
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<ReviewsSkeleton />}>
<div>Could not load reviews 😬</div>
children={(resolvedReviews) => (
<Reviews items={resolvedReviews} />
**Note:** `<Await>` expects to be rendered inside of a `<React.Suspense>`
@category Components
export declare function Await({ children, errorElement, resolve }: AwaitProps): React.JSX.Element;

@@ -154,4 +332,2 @@ /**

* `<Routes>` to create a route config from its children.
* @see

@@ -158,0 +334,0 @@ export declare function createRoutesFromChildren(children: React.ReactNode, parentPath?: number[]): RouteObject[];

import * as React from "react";
import type { AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, History, LazyRouteFunction, Location, Action as NavigationType, RelativeRoutingType, Router, StaticHandlerContext, To, TrackedPromise } from "@remix-run/router";
import type { AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, History, LazyRouteFunction, Location, Action as NavigationType, RelativeRoutingType, Router, StaticHandlerContext, To, TrackedPromise } from "./router";
export interface IndexRouteObject {

@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ caseSensitive?: AgnosticIndexRouteObject["caseSensitive"];

element?: React.ReactNode | null;
hydrateFallbackElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
Component?: React.ComponentType | null;
HydrateFallback?: React.ComponentType | null;
ErrorBoundary?: React.ComponentType | null;

@@ -33,4 +35,6 @@ lazy?: LazyRouteFunction<RouteObject>;

element?: React.ReactNode | null;
hydrateFallbackElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;
Component?: React.ComponentType | null;
HydrateFallback?: React.ComponentType | null;
ErrorBoundary?: React.ComponentType | null;

@@ -48,3 +52,3 @@ lazy?: LazyRouteFunction<RouteObject>;

export interface DataRouterContextObject extends NavigationContextObject {
export interface DataRouterContextObject extends Omit<NavigationContextObject, "future"> {
router: Router;

@@ -54,3 +58,3 @@ staticContext?: StaticHandlerContext;

export declare const DataRouterContext: React.Context<DataRouterContextObject | null>;
export declare const DataRouterStateContext: React.Context<import("@remix-run/router").RouterState | null>;
export declare const DataRouterStateContext: React.Context<import("./router").RouterState | null>;
export declare const AwaitContext: React.Context<TrackedPromise | null>;

@@ -62,2 +66,3 @@ export interface NavigateOptions {

relative?: RelativeRoutingType;
unstable_flushSync?: boolean;
unstable_viewTransition?: boolean;

@@ -85,2 +90,5 @@ }

static: boolean;
future: {
v7_relativeSplatPath: boolean;

@@ -87,0 +95,0 @@ export declare const NavigationContext: React.Context<NavigationContextObject>;

import * as React from "react";
import type { Blocker, BlockerFunction, Location, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathPattern, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, RevalidationState, To, UIMatch } from "@remix-run/router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "@remix-run/router";
import type { Blocker, BlockerFunction, Location, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathPattern, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, RevalidationState, To, UIMatch } from "./router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router";
import type { NavigateOptions, RouteContextObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./context";

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ /**

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ export declare function useHref(to: To, { relative }?: {

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ export declare function useInRouterContext(): boolean;

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ export declare function useLocation(): Location;

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ export declare function useNavigationType(): NavigationType;

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ export declare function useMatch<ParamKey extends ParamParseKey<Path>, Path extends string>(pattern: PathPattern<Path> | Path): PathMatch<ParamKey> | null;

* The interface for the navigate() function returned from useNavigate().
* @category Types
export interface NavigateFunction {
(to: To, options?: NavigateOptions): void;
(delta: number): void;
(to: To, options?: NavigateOptions): void | Promise<void>;
(delta: number): void | Promise<void>;

@@ -63,3 +65,3 @@ /**

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -70,3 +72,4 @@ export declare function useNavigate(): NavigateFunction;

* hierarchy.
* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -78,3 +81,3 @@ export declare function useOutletContext<Context = unknown>(): Context;

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -86,3 +89,3 @@ export declare function useOutlet(context?: unknown): React.ReactElement | null;

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -95,3 +98,3 @@ export declare function useParams<ParamsOrKey extends string | Record<string, string | undefined> = string>(): Readonly<[

* @see
* @category Hooks

@@ -107,6 +110,12 @@ export declare function useResolvedPath(to: To, { relative }?: {

* @see
* @category Hooks
export declare function useRoutes(routes: RouteObject[], locationArg?: Partial<Location> | string): React.ReactElement | null;
export declare function useRoutesImpl(routes: RouteObject[], locationArg?: Partial<Location> | string, dataRouterState?: RemixRouter["state"]): React.ReactElement | null;
* Internal implementation with accept optional param for RouterProvider usage
* @private
* @category Hooks
export declare function useRoutesImpl(routes: RouteObject[], locationArg?: Partial<Location> | string, dataRouterState?: RemixRouter["state"], future?: RemixRouter["future"]): React.ReactElement | null;
type RenderErrorBoundaryProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{

@@ -137,3 +146,3 @@ location: Location;

export declare function _renderMatches(matches: RouteMatch[] | null, parentMatches?: RouteMatch[], dataRouterState?: RemixRouter["state"] | null): React.ReactElement | null;
export declare function _renderMatches(matches: RouteMatch[] | null, parentMatches?: RouteMatch[], dataRouterState?: RemixRouter["state"] | null, future?: RemixRouter["future"] | null): React.ReactElement | null;

@@ -146,10 +155,14 @@ * Returns the ID for the nearest contextual route

* no navigation is in progress
* @category Hooks
export declare function useNavigation(): import("@remix-run/router").Navigation;
export declare function useNavigation(): import("./router").Navigation;
* Returns a revalidate function for manually triggering revalidation, as well
* as the current state of any manual revalidations
* @category Hooks
export declare function useRevalidator(): {
revalidate: () => void;
revalidate(): Promise<void>;
state: RevalidationState;

@@ -160,2 +173,4 @@ };

* parent/child routes or the route "handle" property
* @category Hooks

@@ -165,2 +180,4 @@ export declare function useMatches(): UIMatch[];

* Returns the loader data for the nearest ancestor Route loader
* @category Hooks

@@ -170,2 +187,4 @@ export declare function useLoaderData(): unknown;

* Returns the loaderData for the given routeId
* @category Hooks

@@ -175,2 +194,4 @@ export declare function useRouteLoaderData(routeId: string): unknown;

* Returns the action data for the nearest ancestor Route action
* @category Hooks

@@ -182,2 +203,4 @@ export declare function useActionData(): unknown;

* ErrorBoundary/errorElement to display a proper error message.
* @category Hooks

@@ -187,2 +210,4 @@ export declare function useRouteError(): unknown;

* Returns the happy-path data from the nearest ancestor `<Await />` value
* @category Hooks

@@ -192,2 +217,4 @@ export declare function useAsyncValue(): unknown;

* Returns the error from the nearest ancestor `<Await />` value
* @category Hooks

@@ -200,4 +227,6 @@ export declare function useAsyncError(): unknown;

* cross-origin navigations.
* @category Hooks
export declare function useBlocker(shouldBlock: boolean | BlockerFunction): Blocker;
export {};
* React Router v0.0.0-experimental-e0f088aa
* React Router v0.0.0-experimental-e16afd9b7

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.

"name": "react-router",
"version": "0.0.0-experimental-e0f088aa",
"version": "0.0.0-experimental-e16afd9b7",
"description": "Declarative routing for React",

@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ "keywords": [

"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"react-server": "./dist/rsc.js",
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"default": "./dist/main.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"dependencies": {
"@remix-run/router": "0.0.0-experimental-e0f088aa"
"turbo-stream": "^2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"react": "^18.2.0"
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": ">=16.8"
"react": ">=16.8",
"react-dom": ">=16.8"
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
"react-dom": {
"optional": true
"files": [

@@ -44,2 +60,2 @@ "dist/",

# React Router
The `react-router` package is the heart of [React Router]( and provides all
the core functionality for both
The `react-router` package is the heart of [React Router]( and provides all the core functionality.
If you're using React Router, you should never `import` anything directly from
the `react-router` package, but you should have everything you need in either
`react-router-dom` or `react-router-native`. Both of those packages re-export
everything from `react-router`.
If you'd like to extend React Router and you know what you're doing, you should
add `react-router` **as a peer dependency, not a regular dependency** in your

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