
A React component that synthesis text into speech using Web Speech API.
This project scaffold can be found at compulim/react-component-template
Try out the demo at
How to use
First, run npm install react-say
for production build. Or run npm install react-say@master
for latest development build.
Simple scenario
The following will speak the text immediately upon showing up. Some browsers may not speak the text until the user interacted with the page.
import BasicSay from 'react-say';
export default props =>
text="A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
Customizing pitch/rate
You may want to customize the speech by varying pitch and rate. You can use <Composer>
and <Say>
to say your text.
import { Composer, Say } from 'react-say';
export default props =>
pitch={ 1.1 }
rate={ 1.5 }
text="A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
Note: variation will take effect for new/modified <Say>
Say button
Since some browsers may block speak synthesis before the user interacting with the page, you can use <SayButton>
for the purpose.
import { Composer, SayButton } from 'react-say';
export default props =>
onClick={ event => console.log(event) }
text="A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
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