React bottom navigation component


"ReactJS Bottom Navigation" is a lightweight and flexible component that provides a customizable bottom navigation experience for your React applications. This component has been fully re-implemented in TypeScript in version 2, providing a more robust and type-safe development experience. With a range of options to customize it.
npm install --save reactjs-bottom-navigation
Props | Type | default | description |
items | BottomNavigationItem[] | - | The array of items to display in the navigation |
selected | number | null | (optional) The index of the currently selected item, used for setting a default active item and/or controlling active state manually |
onItemClick | function | - | (optional)triggers when an item is clicked and it returns the item |
activeBgColor | string | - | (optional) custom active background color code |
activeTextColor | string | black | custom active text color code |
Item Structure
all item properties are optional, if no property is provided the item will take space and it will be empty
Prop | Type | description |
title | string | (optional) item title |
icon | JSX.Element | (optional) item icon |
activeIcon | JSX.Element | (optional) item active icon |
onClick | function | (optional) triggers when the item is clicked and it returns the item |
render | ({ isActive: boolean; id: number }) => JSX.Element | (optional) will replace title and icons if provided, used for rendering custom content inside bottom navigation items |
To use the component, you need to provide an array of "items" which represent the individual navigation options in the bottom navigation bar. Each item can have a "title", an "icon", or both. You can also provide a custom rendering function to create your own content for the item.
import React from "react";
import { BottomNavigation } from "reactjs-bottom-navigation";
function App() {
const bottomNavItems = [
title: "Home",
onClick: ({ id }) => alert("menu clicked " + id),
icon: <HomeIcon />,
activeIcon: <HomeIcon color="#fff" />
title: "Search",
render: ({ isActive, id }) => isActive ? <strong>{id}</strong> : <span>{id}</span>,
return (
onItemClick={(item) => console.log(item)}
export default App;
the component elements have the following class names which you can assign new styles to them:
Bottom Navigation: bottom-nav
Items: bottom-nav-item
titles: bottom-nav-item–title
you can also use "activeBgColor" and "activeTextColor" props and the item render method
MIT © hoseinhamzei