Nodejs library to store/retreive JSON Objects in RedisDB
Every time set
is called JSON object is flattened(embeded objects are converted to path keys) and then stored in Redis(just like a normal hashset), on get
the hashset is unflattened and converted back to the original JSON object.
What's new in v4.0.0?
Following up with #3 & #8 we decided to support types, which means, you get back exactly (===) same object when restored. But as a drawback, each set
operation would cost 2 hashsets in redis (one for data and the other for type infomation).
Not just that, we also support custom stringifying and parsing logic for Custom Class (For Ex: Date, Person etc).
Examples for the same is given below.
npm install redis-json --save
import Redis from 'ioredis';
import JSONCache from 'redis-json';
const redis = new Redis() as any;
const jsonCache = new JSONCache<{
name: string;
age: 25;
address: {
doorNo: string;
locality: string;
pincode: number;
}>(redis, {prefix: 'cache:'});
const user = {
name: 'redis-json',
age: 25,
address: {
doorNo: '12B',
locality: 'pentagon',
pincode: 123456
cars: ['BMW 520i', 'Audo A8']
await jsonCache.set('123', user)
await jsonCache.get('123')
await jsonCache.set('123', {gender: 'male'})
await jsonCache.get('123')
await jsonCache.get('123', 'name', 'age');
await jsonCache.get('123', 'name', 'address.doorNo');
await jsonCache.clearAll();
await jsonCache.get('123');
With custom stringifier and parser:
const jsonCache = new JSONCache(redis, {
stringifier: {
Date: (val: Date) => val.toISOString()
parser: {
Date: (str: string) => new Date(str)
const date = new Date()
await jsonCache.set('test', {
date: date
> hgetall jc:test
1) "date"
2) "2020-05-17T14:41:45.861Z"
> hgetall jc:test_t
1) "date"
2) "Date"
const result = await jsonCache.get('test') == date
Please visit this page for detailed API documentation.
Since v4.0.0
Types of the data are retained when retrieved from Redis.
Please refer to this page
Mocha & Chai (Testing)
npm test
Coverage Report
npm run coverage
This is open-source, which makes it obvious for any PRs, but I would request you to add necessary test-cases for the same
MIT License