Keep Optimistic and be OPStack deployer!!
You can find our alpha mvp and relevant examples here
The code is not audited yet. Please use it carefully in production.
What Is It For
One of our Swiss army knife toolset: redprint-forge is a developer-friendly framework/library in solidity to modify & deploy OPStack ’s contracts in a modular style.
The features include:
Type-safe smart contract deployment
Re-usable smart contract deployment and testing pipeline
Standardized framework, minimizing developer mistake and enhancing better security
All-Solidity-based so no context switching, no new scripting syntax in other languages
Tx Management via Safe Smart Contract Deploy Script
Together with Redprint Wizard UI
, which is a code generator/ interactive playground oriented for OPStack development, it does not only help novice developers to deploy OPStack's smart contracts to deploy on OP mainnet, but also help them to use generated deployment script in their own projects.
Quick Guide
- Fork
's monorepo:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.9.4
All OPStack's contracts are based on v1.9.4
. So, you may just run:
git clone
- Enter the working ditectory:
cd optimism/packages/contracts-bedrock
- Add the
using your favorite package manager, e.g., with pnpm:
pnpm init
pnpm add redprint-forge
pnpm install
# Compilation settings
src = 'src'
out = 'forge-artifacts'
script = 'scripts'
optimizer = true
optimizer_runs = 999999
remappings = [
+ '@redprint-core/=src/',
+ '@redprint-deploy/=node_modules/redprint-forge/script',
+ '@scripts/=scripts/',
+ '@redprint-test/=node_modules/redprint-forge/test/',
+ '@redprint-forge-std/=lib/forge-std/src',
+ '@redprint-openzeppelin/=lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts',
+ '@redprint-openzeppelin-upgradeable/=lib/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable/contracts',
+ '@redprint-safe-contracts/=lib/safe-contracts/contracts',
+ '@redprint-lib-keccak/=lib/lib-keccak/contracts/lib',
+ '@redprint-solady/=lib/solady/src',
We use @redprint-/ as a convention to avoid any naming conflicts with your previously installed libararies ( i.e. @redprint-forge-std/
vs @forge-std/
- Copy
and modify as following.
MNEMONIC="test test test test test test test test test test test junk"
IMPL_SALT=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
- Copy a set of deploy scripts example except
rsync -av --exclude='deployer/' node_modules/redprint-forge/script/ script/
cp node_modules/redprint-forge/script/example/* script/
Now, copy a test suite:
cp node_modules/redprint-forge/test/DeployAll.t.sol test/
This will take a while to compile:
forge b
Then run a test command against a copied set of deploy scripts:
forge test -vvvv --match-path test/DeployAll.t.sol
Behind the scene, the test suite works by replicating the same environment as production script, because it utilizes the same deployment logic script inside setUp()
as following:
import {DeployAllScript} from "@scripts/000_DeployAll.s.sol";
contract DeployAll_Test is Test {
function setUp() external {
deployerProcedue = getDeployer();
DeployAllScript allDeployments = new DeployAllScript();;
You can chekout this
Tx Management Via Safe-Multisig
You can write solidity script, then execute it from command-line in order to make any smart contract calls, or send transactions from your own safe multi-sig wallet.
You can access both _upgradeAndCallViaSafe
and _callViaSafe
easily by inheriting and using from in redprint-forge
module ’s parent contract SafeScript
Call and Upgrade Proxy Contract
Let’s see a practical example when initializing one of OPStack's proxy contract ( eg. ProtocolVersions
) by calling _upgradeAndCallViaSafe
import { SafeScript} from "@redprint-deploy/safe-management/SafeScript.sol";
contract DeployAndInitializeProtocolVersionsScript is DeployScript, SafeScript {
function initializeProtocolVersions() public {
console.log("Upgrading and initializing ProtocolVersions proxy");
address proxyAdmin = deployer.mustGetAddress("ProxyAdmin");
address safe = deployer.mustGetAddress("SystemOwnerSafe");
_proxyAdmin: proxyAdmin,
_safe: safe,
_owner: owner,
_proxy: payable(protocolVersionsProxy),
_implementation: protocolVersions,
_innerCallData: abi.encodeCall(
You can the see full example here: 03B_DeployAndInitializeProtocolVersions.s.sol
Call to Any Contract with arbitrary data
Let’s see another example at SafeScript
itselfs. Our internal function just calls _callViaSafe
abstract contract SafeScript {
function _upgradeAndCallViaSafe( address _owner, address _proxyAdmin, address _safe, address _proxy, address _implementation, bytes memory _innerCallData) internal {
bytes memory data =
abi.encodeCall(ProxyAdmin.upgradeAndCall, (payable(_proxy), _implementation, _innerCallData));
Safe safe = Safe(payable(_safe));
_callViaSafe({ _safe: safe, _owner: _owner, _target: _proxyAdmin, _data: data });
We are currently still in an experimental phase leading up to a first audit and would love to hear your feedback on how we can improve Reprint
If you want to say thank you or/and support active development of redprint-forge:
- Add a GitHub Star to the
- Tweet about redprint.
- Write interesting articles about the project on
Medium, or your personal blog.
- Keep Optimistic !!
This project would not have been possible to build without the advanced iniatiative from opensource software including forge-deploy, so we are deeply thankful for their contributions in our web3 ecosystem.
If we’ve overlooked anyone, please open an issue so we can correct it. While we always aim to acknowledge the inspirations and code we utilize, mistakes can happen in a team setting, and a reference might unintentionally be missed.