What is reftools?
The reftools npm package is a utility library designed for managing and manipulating JSON references within JavaScript objects. It provides tools for resolving, merging, and cloning JSON references, making it useful for handling complex JSON structures that include internal references.
What are reftools's main functionalities?
This feature resolves JSON references within the document. It replaces references with the actual data they refer to, simplifying the structure for easier manipulation and access.
const reftools = require('reftools');
let doc = { a: { b: { $ref: '#/c' } }, c: { d: 'hello' } };
let resolved = reftools.resolve(doc);
This feature merges two JavaScript objects, incorporating properties from the source object into the destination object. It's particularly useful for combining configurations or settings.
const reftools = require('reftools');
let src = { a: 1 };
let dst = { b: 2 };
reftools.merge(src, dst);
This feature creates a deep clone of an object, including resolving any internal JSON references. This is useful for creating independent copies of complex objects that include references.
const reftools = require('reftools');
let original = { a: { b: { $ref: '#/c' } }, c: { d: 'hello' } };
let cloned = reftools.clone(original);
Other packages similar to reftools
json-refs is a package that provides tools for resolving references in JSON objects. It is similar to reftools but focuses more on the resolution aspect and includes additional utilities for finding and listing unresolved references.
swagger-tools is a package primarily used for building and managing Swagger documents but includes functionality for resolving JSON references similar to reftools. It differs in that it is more specialized towards Swagger, whereas reftools is more general-purpose.
- nop(obj) ⇒
a no-op placeholder which returns the given object unchanged
useful for when a clone function needs to be passed but cloning is not
- clone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify
- shallowClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties shallowly, ignores properties from prototype
- deepClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties deeply, ignores properties from prototype
- fastClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties shallowly, using Object.assign
- circularClone()
Source: stackoverflow http://bit.ly/2A1Kha6
- dereference(o) ⇒
dereferences the given object
- flatten(obj, callback) ⇒
flattens an object into an array of properties
- jpescape(s) ⇒
escapes JSON Pointer using ~0 for ~ and ~1 for /
- jpunescape(s) ⇒
unescapes JSON Pointer using ~0 for ~ and ~1 for /
- jptr(obj, prop, newValue) ⇒
from obj, return the property with a JSON Pointer prop, optionally setting it
to newValue
- recurse(object, state, callback)
recurses through the properties of an object, given an optional starting state
anything you pass in state.payload is passed to the callback each time
- reref(obj, options) ⇒
Simply modifies an object to have no self-references by replacing them
with $ref pointers
- objToGraph(obj, containerName) ⇒
Takes an object and creates a graph of JSON Pointer / References
- visit(obj, comparison, callbacks) ⇒
Given an expanded object and an optional object to compare to (e.g. its $ref'd form), will call
the following functions:
- callbacks.before - lets you modify the initial starting state, must return it
- callbacks.where - lets you select a subset of properties, return a truthy value
- callbacks.filter - called for all selected properties, can mutate/remove (by setting to undefined)
- callbacks.compare - allowing the objects to be compared by path (i.e. for $ref reinstating)
- callbacks.identity - called on any object identity (previously seen) properties
- callbacks.selected - called for all selected/unfiltered properties, does not mutate directly
- callbacks.count - called at the end with the number of selected properties
- callbacks.finally - called at the end of the traversal
- Result ⇒
Try to get a topological sorting out of directed graph.
nop(obj) ⇒
a no-op placeholder which returns the given object unchanged
useful for when a clone function needs to be passed but cloning is not
Kind: global function
Returns: the input object, unchanged
clone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify
Kind: global function
Returns: the cloned object
shallowClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties shallowly, ignores properties from prototype
Kind: global function
Returns: the cloned object
deepClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties deeply, ignores properties from prototype
Kind: global function
Returns: the cloned object
fastClone(obj) ⇒
clones the given object's properties shallowly, using Object.assign
Kind: global function
Returns: the cloned object
Source: stackoverflow http://bit.ly/2A1Kha6
Kind: global function
dereference(o) ⇒
dereferences the given object
Kind: global function
Returns: the dereferenced object
Definitions: a source of definitions to reference
Options: optional settings (used recursively)
o | the object to dereference |
flatten(obj, callback) ⇒
flattens an object into an array of properties
Kind: global function
Returns: the flattened object as an array of properties
obj | the object to flatten |
callback | a function which can mutate or filter the entries (by returning null) |
jpescape(s) ⇒
escapes JSON Pointer using ~0 for ~ and ~1 for /
Kind: global function
Returns: the escaped string
jpunescape(s) ⇒
unescapes JSON Pointer using ~0 for ~ and ~1 for /
Kind: global function
Returns: the unescaped string
jptr(obj, prop, newValue) ⇒
from obj, return the property with a JSON Pointer prop, optionally setting it
to newValue
Kind: global function
Returns: the found property, or false
obj | the object to point into |
prop | the JSON Pointer or JSON Reference |
newValue | optional value to set the property to |
recurse(object, state, callback)
recurses through the properties of an object, given an optional starting state
anything you pass in state.payload is passed to the callback each time
Kind: global function
object | the object to recurse through |
state | optional starting state, can be set to null or |
callback | the function which receives object,key,state on each property |
reref(obj, options) ⇒
Simply modifies an object to have no self-references by replacing them
with $ref pointers
Kind: global function
Returns: the re-referenced object (mutated)
obj | the object to re-reference |
options | may contain a prefix property for the generated refs |
objToGraph(obj, containerName) ⇒
Takes an object and creates a graph of JSON Pointer / References
Kind: global function
Returns: the graph suitable for passing to toposort()
obj | the object to convert |
containerName | the property containing definitions. Default: definitions |
visit(obj, comparison, callbacks) ⇒
Given an expanded object and an optional object to compare to (e.g. its $ref'd form), will call
the following functions:
- callbacks.before - lets you modify the initial starting state, must return it
- callbacks.where - lets you select a subset of properties, return a truthy value
- callbacks.filter - called for all selected properties, can mutate/remove (by setting to undefined)
- callbacks.compare - allowing the objects to be compared by path (i.e. for $ref reinstating)
- callbacks.identity - called on any object identity (previously seen) properties
- callbacks.selected - called for all selected/unfiltered properties, does not mutate directly
- callbacks.count - called at the end with the number of selected properties
- callbacks.finally - called at the end of the traversal
Kind: global function
Returns: the possibly mutated object
obj | the object to visit |
comparison | optional object to compare to |
callbacks | object containing functions as above |
Try to get a topological sorting out of directed graph.
Kind: global typedef
nodes | Object | A list of nodes, including edges (see below). |
sort | array | the sort, empty if not found |
nodesWithEdges, | array | will be empty unless a cycle is found |