a reply or response to a question or remark, esp a quick witty one; retort
Rejoinder is a generator of smart, pretty, and organized output on the console for Node/JS scripts, with optimizations
for executing shell commands. It leverages colors and the like using the colors package
and makes life easier when executing CLI instructions with shelljs. ShellJS and
any CLI extensions are not required, however! Check out lib/Echo/EmitStrategy
if you're curious :)
Super awesome when paired with inquirer and/or commander!
Also does children's parties.
Note that rejoinder requires Node.js version >=5.x (including ^6) but does NOT depend on use of the --harmony flag!
npm install rejoinder
If you want support from shelljs (required to use Execute
), install that too:
npm install shelljs
Usage and Examples
var rejoinder = require('rejoinder');
var echo = rejoinder.echo;
var execute = rejoinder.execute;
echo.now('output this very important warning to the console with pretty colors'.formatAsWarning());
echo.beVerbose = true;
echo.ifVerbose('Some debug message will appear');
echo.beVerbose = false;
echo.ifVerbose('Some debug message will not appear!');
echo.if(somethingistrue, 'I spit only the truth!'.formatAsSuccess());
echo.now('all', 'my', 'methods', 'are', 'also', 'variadic!');
echo.if(true, 'even', 'this', 'one :)');
echo.separator = '-';
echo.now('changed', 'the', 'game!');
echo.separator = ' ';
echo.prefix = 'Big:Boy:Time:';
echo.usingPredicate(function(str){ return `"${str}"`; }, 'the', 'time', 'for', 'fun and games is', 'over!');
echo.withPrefix('~>', function()
echo.now('is', 'it? I wonder.');
echo.withPostfix('NO', 'Wait!');
echo.withPostfix.action("Don't make me bring Execute into this...");
echo.beVerbose = true;
execute.now('return 0');
See API.md
npm test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
Release History
- 0.2.0 Initial working release; unit tested; semver versioning semantics are obeyed from this point forward
- 0.1.x Rapid iteration