JSON resume LinkedIn builder

Builds a valid resume.json
file based on http://jsonresume.org/ schema by drawing data from your LinkedIn profile (example).
After building you can publish your resume using:
resume publish
(given you have resume-cli
installed globally)
git clone https://github.com/mblarsen/resume-linkedin.git
npm install resume-linkedin ; cd resume-linkedin
Setup an application on LinkedIn.
OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs enter a callback URL, the host can be anything (we'll add the host to your hosts file), but the path must be /oauth/linkedin/callback
. E.g. http://resume.example.com/oauth/linkedin/callback
Edit the config.js file and enter you API Key and Secret Key. In host enter the same value you used above. E.g. http://resume.example.com/
Add a line with host to to /etc/hosts/
. E.g. resume.example.com
npm start
and follow instructions.
Adjust your resume. It is likely that the skills section needs work.
- Error and validation handling.