Process Management Tool | Auto Restarts | Advanced Events | And More
Warning 1.1.1 Breaking API Changes
A process management tool. Events, status, cluster, and automatic restarts.
npm install revive
const Revive = require('revive');
const options = {
name: 'test',
cmd: process.execPath,
arg: ['app.js'],
env: { PORT: 8000 },
cwd: '/home/user/code/node/app/.',
cluster: true,
instances: 2,
stdout: '/logs/stdout.log',
stderr: '/logs/stderr.log',
sleepTime: 1000,
crashTime: 6 * 1000,
maxCrashCount: 1000
const monitor = Revive(options);
monitor.on('start', function () {
name: String
Defaults to null
the name of the process.
arg: Array
Defaults to null
arguments or node script.
cwd: String
Defaults to process.cwd()
the current working directory.
cmd: String
Defaults to process.execPath
the systems absolute executable/node path.
cluster: Boolean
Defaults to false
instances: Number
Defaults to Os.cpus().length
stdout: String
Defaults to 'pipe'
otherwise a file path. If a path is provided than this event will not fire.
stderr: String
Defaults to 'pipe'
otherwise a file path. If a path is provided than this event will not fire.
Defaults to [1000]
in milliseconds to sleep between start after a crash.
crashTime: Number
Defaults to 60000
ms. The time until the maxCrashCount
resets. So if 1000
crashes happen in 60
s then the process will exit.
maxCrashCount: Number
Defaults to 1000
crashes. A crash is triggered and the process exited at nth + 1
env: {}
Environment variables for the process.
data: {}
A custom object for you.
Starts the monitor
Stops the monitor (kills the process if its running with SIGKILL
Restarts the monitor by stopping then starting (process must be started).
Creates a stringyifiable object. The object returns stats and data about the process.
Cluster Events
monitor.on('start', callback)
Starts the process. Warning async so process may not be available immediately.
monitor.on('stop', callback)
The process and it's tree is sent a SIGTERM
signal. If the process does not terminate after ten seconds then the process is sent a SIGKILL
monitor.on('restart', callback)
Same as stopping then starting or vice versa.
monitor.on('stdout', callback)
Emits an stdout. Only available if no Options.stdout
is pipe
Parameter the stdout message.
monitor.on('stderr', callback)
Emits an stderr. Only available if no Options.stderr
is pipe
Parameter the stderr message.
monitor.on('error', callback)
Emits when the process could not spawn, kill, or a message failed.
Parameter the error message.
monitor.on('exit', callback)
The process has exited.
The numeric exit code
The string signal
Instance Events
monitor.on('reload', callback)
Zero downtime restart if cluster
is set to true
and instances
is greater than one.
monitor.on('sleep', callback)
Triggered when process crashes and enters sleep.
monitor.on('crash', callback)
Triggered when the process crashes.
Immediate start
then stop
execution does not send the signals. This could be a problem with node.js.