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Role, Attribute and conditions based Access Control for Node.js
npm i role-acl --save
Many RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) implementations differ, but the basics is widely adopted since it simulates real life role (job) assignments. But while data is getting more and more complex; you need to define policies on resources, subjects or even environments. This is called ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control).
With the idea of merging the best features of the two (see this NIST paper); this library implements RBAC basics and also focuses on resource, action attributes and conditions.
This library is an extension of AccessControl. But I removed support for possession and deny statements from orginal implementation.
const AccessControl = require('role-acl');
// or:
// import { AccessControl } from 'role-acl';
Define roles and grants one by one.
const ac = new AccessControl();
ac.grant('user') // define new or modify existing role. also takes an array.
.execute('create').on('video') // equivalent to .execute('create').on('video', ['*'])
.grant('admin') // switch to another role without breaking the chain
.extend('user') // inherit role capabilities. also takes an array
.execute('update').on('video', ['title']) // explicitly defined attributes
const permission = ac.can('user').execute('create').sync().on('video'); // <-- Sync Example
const permission = await ac.can('user').execute('create').on('video'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['*'] (all attributes)
permission = ac.can('admin').execute('update').sync().on('video'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('admin').execute('update').on('video'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['title']
const ac = new AccessControl();
args: {
'category': 'sports'
let permission = ac.can('user').context({ category: 'sports' }).execute('create').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
let permission = await ac.can('user').context({ category: 'sports' }).execute('create').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['*'] (all attributes)
permission = ac.can('user').context({ category: 'tech' }).execute('create').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('user').context({ category: 'tech' }).execute('create').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> false
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> []
// Condition with dynamic context values using JSONPath
// We can use this to allow only owner of the article to edit it
args: {
'requester': '$.owner'
permission = ac.can('user').context({ requester: 'dilip', owner: 'dilip' }).execute('edit').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('user').context({ requester: 'dilip', owner: 'dilip' }).execute('edit').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
// We can use this to prevent someone to approve their own article so that it goes to review
// by someone else before publishing
args: {
'requester': '$.owner'
permission = ac.can('user').context({ requester: 'dilip', owner: 'dilip' }).execute('approve').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('user').context({ requester: 'dilip', owner: 'dilip' }).execute('approve').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> false
// Using custom/own condition functions
(context) => {
return context.category !== 'politics'
permission = ac.can('user').context({ category: 'sports' }).execute('create').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('user').context({ category: 'sports' }).execute('create').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
role: 'politics/editor',
action: '*',
resource: 'article',
condition: {Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'politics'}},
attributes: ['*']
role: 'politics/writer',
action: ['*', '!publish'],
resource: 'article',
condition: {Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'politics'}},
attributes: ['*']
role: 'admin',
action: '*',
resource: '*',
condition: {Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'politics'}},
attributes: ['*']
permission = ac.can('politics/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('politics/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // -> ['*']
console(permission.granted); // -> true
permission = ac.can('admin').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('admin').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // -> ['*']
console(permission.granted); // -> true
permission = ac.can('admin').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).sync().on('blog'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('admin').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).on('blog'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // -> ['*']
console(permission.granted); // -> true
permission = ac.can('politics/writer').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).sync().on('arti`cle'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('politics/writer').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'}).on('arti`cle'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.granted); // -> false
Check role permissions for the requested resource and action, if granted; respond with filtered attributes.
const ac = new AccessControl(grants);
// ...
router.get('/videos/:title', function (req, res, next) {
const permission = ac.can(req.user.role).execute('read').on('video');
if (permission.granted) {
Video.find(req.params.title, function (err, data) {
if (err || !data) return res.status(404).end();
// filter data by permission attributes and send.
} else {
// resource is forbidden for this user/role
You can create/define roles simply by calling .grant(<role>)
method on an AccessControl
Roles can extend other roles.
// user role inherits viewer role permissions
// admin role inherits both user and editor role permissions
ac.grant('admin').extend(['user', 'editor']);
// both admin and superadmin roles inherit moderator permissions
ac.grant(['admin', 'superadmin']).extend('moderator');
let permission = ac.can('editor').execute('publish').sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
let permission = await ac.can('editor').execute('publish').on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // —> ['*'] (all attributes)
console(permission.granted); // -> true
ac.grant('sports/editor').execute('publish').when({Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'sports'}}).on('article');
permission = ac.can('sports/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'sports'}).sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('sports/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'sports'}).on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // —> ['*'] (all attributes)
console(permission.granted); // -> true
permission = ac.can('sports/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'})).sync().on('article'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('sports/editor').execute('publish').with({category: 'politics'})).on('article'); // <-- Async Example
console(permission.attributes); // -> []
console(permission.granted); // -> false
Multiple roles can have access to a specific resource. But depending on the context, you may need to limit the contents of the resource for specific roles.
This is possible by resource attributes. You can use Glob notation to define allowed or denied attributes.
For example, we have a video
resource that has the following attributes: id
, title
and runtime
All attributes of any video
resource can be read by an admin
ac.grant('admin').execute('read').on('video', ['*']);
// equivalent to:
// ac.grant('admin').execute('read').on('video');
But the id
attribute should not be read by a user
ac.grant('user').execute('read').on('video', ['*', '!id']);
// equivalent to:
// ac.grant('user').execute('read').on('video', ['title', 'runtime']);
You can also use nested objects (attributes).
ac.grant('user').execute('read').on('account', ['*', '!record.id']);
You can call .can(<role>).<action>(<resource>)
on an AccessControl
instance to check for granted permissions for a specific resource and action.
const permission = ac.can('user').execute('read').on('account');
permission.granted; // true
permission.attributes; // ['*', '!record.id']
permission.filter(data); // filtered data (without record.id)
See express.js example.
You can pass the grants directly to the AccessControl
It accepts either an Object
// This is actually how the grants are maintained internally.
let grantsObject = {
admin: {
grants: [
resource: 'video', action: '*', attributes: ['*']
user: {
grants: [
resource: 'video', action: 'create', attributes: ['*']
resource: 'video', action: 'read', attributes: ['*']
resource: 'video', action: 'update', attributes: ['*']
resource: 'video', action: 'delete', attributes: ['*']
"sports/editor": {
grants: [
resource: 'article',
action: '*',
attributes: ["*"],
condition: {
args: {
'category': 'sports'
"sports/writer": {
grants: [
resource: 'article',
action: ['create', 'update'],
attributes: ["*", "!status"],
condition: {
args: {
'category': 'sports'
const ac = new AccessControl(grantsObject);
... or an Array
(useful when fetched from a database):
// grant list fetched from Database (to be converted to a valid grants object, internally)
let grantList = [
{ role: 'admin', resource: 'video', action: 'create', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'admin', resource: 'video', action: 'read', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'admin', resource: 'video', action: 'update', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'admin', resource: 'video', action: 'delete', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'video', action: 'create', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'video', action: 'read', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'video', action: 'update', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'video', action: 'delete', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'photo', action: '*', attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'user', resource: 'article', action: ['*', '!delete'], attributes: ['*'] },
{ role: 'sports/editor', resource: 'article', action: 'create', attributes: ['*'],
condition: { "Fn": "EQUALS", "args": { "category": "sports" } }
role: 'sports/editor', resource: 'article', action: 'update', attributes: ['*'],
condition: { "Fn": "EQUALS", "args": { "category": "sports" } }
const ac = new AccessControl(grantList);
You can set/get grants any time:
const ac = new AccessControl();
// You can save ac.getGrants() to Database
// Please note: User should be part of your code and wraps calls to User to table/collection.
await User.save({permissions: acl.toJSON()});
// Retrieve from DB
const perms = await User.getBydId(userId);
ac = AccessControl.fromJSON(user.permissions);
// if your DB supports storing JSON natively then you can use following code.
await User.save({permissions: acl.getGrants()});
// Retrieve from DB
const perms = await User.getBydId(userId);
const ac = new AccessControl();
const editorGrant = {
role: 'editor',
resource: 'post',
action: 'create', // action
attributes: ['*'] // grant only
// first level of extension (extending with condition)
ac.extendRole('sports/editor', 'editor', {Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'sports'}});
ac.extendRole('politics/editor', 'editor', {Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'politics'}});
let permission = ac.can('sports/editor').context({category: 'sports'}).execute('create').sync().on('post'); // <-- Sync Example
let permission = await ac.can('sports/editor').context({category: 'sports'}).execute('create').on('post'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['*']
permission = ac.can('sports/editor').context({category: 'politics'}).execute('create').sync().on('post'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('sports/editor').context({category: 'politics'}).execute('create').on('post'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> false
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> []
// second level of extension (extending without condition)
ac.extendRole('sports-and-politics/editor', ['sports/editor', 'politics/editor']);
permission = ac.can('sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics'}).execute('create').sync().on('post'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics'}).execute('create').on('post'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['*']
// third level of extension (extending with condition)
ac.extendRole('conditional/sports-and-politics/editor', 'sports-and-politics/editor', {
args: { status: 'draft' }
}); // <-- Async Example
permission = ac.can('conditional/sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics', status: 'draft'}).execute('create').sync().on('post'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('conditional/sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics', status: 'draft'}).execute('create').on('post'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> true
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> ['*']
permission = ac.can('conditional/sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics', status: 'published'}).execute('create').sync().on('post'); // <-- Sync Example
permission = await ac.can('conditional/sports-and-politics/editor').context({category: 'politics', status: 'published'}).execute('create').on('post'); // <-- Async Example
console.log(permission.granted); // —> false
console.log(permission.attributes); // —> []
const ac = new AccessControl();
ac.grant('user').condition({Fn: 'EQUALS', args: {category: 'sports'}}).execute('create').on('article');
ac.extendRole('admin', 'user');
ac.extendRole('owner', 'admin'); // <-- Sync Example
console.log(ac.allowedResourcesSync({role: 'user'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'image']
console.log(await ac.allowedResources({role: 'user'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'image']
console.log(ac.allowedResourcesSync({role: 'user', context: {category: 'politics'}}).sort()); // -> ['image']
console.log(await ac.allowedResources({role: 'user', context: {category: 'politics'}}).sort()); // -> ['image']
console.log(ac.allowedResourcesSync({role: 'admin'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image']
console.log(await ac.allowedResources({role: 'admin'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image']
console.log(ac.allowedResourcesSync({role: 'owner'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image', 'video']
console.log(await ac.allowedResources({role: 'owner'}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image', 'video']
console.log(ac.allowedResourcesSync({role: ['admin', 'owner']}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image', 'video']
console.log(await ac.allowedResources({role: ['admin', 'owner']}).sort()); // -> ['article', 'category', 'image', 'video']
console.log(ac.allowedActionsSync({role: 'user', resource: 'article'}).sort()); // -> ['create']
console.log(await ac.allowedActions({role: 'user', resource: 'article'}).sort()); // -> ['create']
console.log(ac.allowedActionsSync({role: 'user', resource: 'article', context: {category: 'politics'}})); // -> []
console.log(await ac.allowedActions({role: 'user', resource: 'article', context: {category: 'politics'}})); // -> []
console.log(ac.allowedActionsSync({role: ['admin', 'user'], resource: 'article'}).sort()); // -> ['create', 'delete']
console.log(await ac.allowedActions({role: ['admin', 'user'], resource: 'article'}).sort()); // -> ['create', 'delete']
console.log(ac.allowedActionsSync({role: 'admin', resource: 'category'}).sort()); // -> ['*']
console.log(await ac.allowedActions({role: 'admin', resource: 'category'}).sort()); // -> ['*']
console.log(ac.allowedActionsSync({role: 'owner', resource: 'video'}).sort()); // -> ['*']
console.log(await ac.allowedActions({role: 'owner', resource: 'video'}).sort()); // -> ['*']
NOTE: allowedResources and allowedActions skip the conditions when context is not passed
This product is supported and actively developed by Tensult. You can contact us at info@tensult.com.
Role, Attribute and Condition based Access Control for Node.js
The npm package role-acl receives a total of 2,801 weekly downloads. As such, role-acl popularity was classified as popular.
We found that role-acl demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 4 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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