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Comparing version 0.40.9 to 0.40.10




@@ -135,4 +135,6 @@ /*

rootsDb.Import = require( './Import.js' ) ;
// Those things will be removed later

@@ -139,0 +141,0 @@ Object.defineProperties( rootsDb , {



@@ -268,627 +268,9 @@ /*

// /!\ Should probably be moved to its own file
// Import data, in-memory process, not appropriate for big DB migration.
// If memory limit is hit, run node with the option: --max-old-space-size=8192 (or whatever size you want)
World.prototype.import = async function( mappingFile , options = {} , stats = {} ) {
var concurrency = options.concurrency || 50 ,
mapping = null ,
baseDir = null ,
perCollectionRawBatch = {} ,
perCollectionBatch = {} ,
collectionForeignIdIndexes = {} ,
restoredLinkBatch = [] ,
duplicateKeyRetries = options.duplicateKeyRetries && options.onDuplicateKey ? options.duplicateKeyRetries : 0 ,
importId = hash.randomBase36String( 24 ) ;
World.createImportStats( stats ) ;
if ( mappingFile && typeof mappingFile === 'object' ) {
mapping = mappingFile ;
mappingFile = null ;
baseDir = options.baseDir || process.cwd() ;
else {
let mappingExt = path.extname( mappingFile ).slice( 1 ) ;
//log.hdebug( "Mapping file '%s'" , mappingFile ) ;
if ( mappingExt === 'json' ) {
mapping = require( mappingFile ) ;
if ( ! mapping || typeof mapping !== 'object' ) {
throw new Error( "Can't load mapping file: " + mappingFile ) ;
baseDir = path.dirname( mappingFile ) ;
// If the mapping file includes "duplicateKeyRetries", use it...
if ( mapping.duplicateKeyRetries ) { duplicateKeyRetries = mapping.duplicateKeyRetries ; }
// Add Doormen's sanitizers to available converters
mapping.converters = Object.assign( {} , doormen.sanitizers , mapping.converters ) ;
// Sort the sources, so embedded data are populated later, after the host is registered
mapping.sources.sort( ( a , b ) => ( a.embedded ? 1 : 0 ) - ( b.embedded ? 1 : 0 ) ) ;
// First step, collect raw batches
stats.step = 1 ;
stats.stepStr = '1/4 Import documents to memory' ;
stats.importToMemoryStartTime = ;
for ( let sourceParams of mapping.sources ) {
if ( ! sourceParams || typeof sourceParams !== 'object' ) {
log.error( "Source is not an object: %I" , sourceParams ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! sourceParams.collection ) {
log.error( "Source without collection: %I" , sourceParams ) ;
continue ;
else if ( ! this.collections[ sourceParams.collection ] ) {
log.error( "Unknown source's collection: %s" , sourceParams.collection ) ;
continue ;
// Collection stats
if ( ! stats.perCollections[ sourceParams.collection ] ) {
stats.perCollections[ sourceParams.collection ] = World.createImportSubStats() ;
let collectionStats = stats.perCollections[ sourceParams.collection ] ;
sourceParams.fileId = sourceParams.file ;
if ( ! sourceParams.type ) {
if ( sourceParams.file ) {
sourceParams.type = path.extname( sourceParams.file ).slice( 1 ) ;
else {
log.error( "Source without type: %I" , sourceParams ) ;
continue ;
// Source file stats
let sourceFileStats = null ;
if ( sourceParams.fileId ) {
if ( ! stats.perSourceFiles[ sourceParams.fileId ] ) {
stats.perSourceFiles[ sourceParams.fileId ] = World.createImportSubStats() ;
sourceFileStats = stats.perSourceFiles[ sourceParams.fileId ] ;
if ( ! rootsDb.hasImporter( sourceParams.type ) ) {
log.error( "No importer found for file extension '%s'" , sourceParams.type ) ;
continue ;
if ( sourceParams.file ) {
if ( ! path.isAbsolute( sourceParams.file ) ) {
sourceParams.file = path.join( baseDir , sourceParams.file ) ;
log.hdebug( "Source file '%s'" , sourceParams.file ) ;
// Convert all valueMapping to array
if ( sourceParams.valueMapping ) {
for ( let property in sourceParams.valueMapping ) {
if ( ! Array.isArray( sourceParams.valueMapping[ property ] ) ) {
sourceParams.valueMapping[ property ] = [ sourceParams.valueMapping[ property ] ] ;
if ( ! perCollectionRawBatch[ sourceParams.collection ] ) { perCollectionRawBatch[ sourceParams.collection ] = [] ; }
let rawBatch = perCollectionRawBatch[ sourceParams.collection ] ;
let Importer = require( rootsDb.importer[ sourceParams.type ] ) ;
let type = Importer.type || sourceParams.type ;
let importerParams = Object.assign(
baseDir ,
// sourceParams can override the format, if a specific file has different options...
format: mapping.format?.[ type ]
} ,
) ;
let importer = new Importer( importerParams ) ;
importer.on( 'rawDocument' , rawDocument => {
let embedded = sourceParams.embedded?.hostProperty && sourceParams.embedded?.embeddedIdProperty ? sourceParams.embedded : null ;
// First, apply the pre-filter
if ( sourceParams.preFilter && mapping.filters?.[ sourceParams.preFilter ] ) {
if ( mapping.filters[ sourceParams.preFilter ]( rawDocument ) ) {
if ( embedded ) {
stats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
stats.filteredInDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredInDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredInDocuments ++ ; }
else {
if ( embedded ) {
stats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
stats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ; }
return ;
if ( embedded ) {
let id = dotPath.get( rawDocument , embedded.embeddedIdProperty ) ;
let index = collectionForeignIdIndexes[ sourceParams.collection ] ;
if ( id !== undefined && id !== null && id !== '' && index && index.has( id ) ) {
let hostDocument = index.get( id ) ;
let mappedRawDocument = this.mapImportedRawDocument( rawDocument , sourceParams , mapping.converters , importId ) ;
// Apply the post-filters
if ( sourceParams.postFilter && mapping.filters?.[ sourceParams.postFilter ] ) {
if ( mapping.filters[ sourceParams.postFilter ]( mappedRawDocument ) ) {
stats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
stats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments ++ ; }
return ;
dotPath.append( hostDocument , embedded.hostProperty , mappedRawDocument ) ;
stats.embeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.embeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.embeddedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
stats.orphanEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.orphanEmbeddedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.orphanEmbeddedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
let mappedRawDocument = this.mapImportedRawDocument( rawDocument , sourceParams , mapping.converters , importId ) ;
// Apply the post-filters
if ( sourceParams.postFilter && mapping.filters?.[ sourceParams.postFilter ] ) {
if ( mapping.filters[ sourceParams.postFilter ]( mappedRawDocument ) ) {
stats.filteredInDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredInDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredInDocuments ++ ; }
else {
stats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.filteredOutDocuments ++ ; }
return ;
let id = mappedRawDocument._import._foreignId ;
if ( id !== undefined && id !== null && id !== '' ) {
let index = collectionForeignIdIndexes[ sourceParams.collection ] ;
if ( ! index ) { index = collectionForeignIdIndexes[ sourceParams.collection ] = new Map() ; }
if ( index.has( id ) ) {
stats.duplicatedIds ++ ;
collectionStats.duplicatedIds ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.duplicatedIds ++ ; }
else {
index.set( id , mappedRawDocument ) ;
//log.hdebug( "Received rawDocuments: %I -> %I" , rawDocument , mappedRawDocument ) ;
rawBatch.push( mappedRawDocument ) ;
stats.documents ++ ;
collectionStats.documents ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.documents ++ ; }
} ) ;
await importer.import() ;
stats.importToMemoryDuration = - stats.importToMemoryStartTime ;
( { heapUsed: stats.importToMemoryHeapMemory , external: stats.importToMemoryExternalMemory } = process.memoryUsage() ) ;
// Second step, save to DB
stats.step = 2 ;
stats.stepStr = '2/4 Save documents to DB' ;
stats.saveToDbStartTime = ;
for ( let collectionName in perCollectionRawBatch ) {
let rawBatch = perCollectionRawBatch[ collectionName ] ;
if ( ! rawBatch.length ) { continue ; }
// We will store the batch of actual RootsDB documents
if ( ! perCollectionBatch[ collectionName ] ) { perCollectionBatch[ collectionName ] = [] ; }
let batch = perCollectionBatch[ collectionName ] ;
let collection = this.collections[ collectionName ] ;
let collectionStats = stats.perCollections[ collectionName ] ;
if ( options.clearCollections ) {
await collection.clear() ;
await Promise.concurrent( concurrency , rawBatch , async ( rawDocument ) => {
if ( options.initDocument ) { options.initDocument( rawDocument , collectionName ) ; }
let document ,
saved = false ,
retryCount = 0 ;
try {
document = collection.createDocument( rawDocument ) ;
catch ( error ) {
log.error( "Can't create document of collection '%s': \n%[8l10000]I\n\nError: %E" , collectionName , rawDocument , error ) ;
throw error ;
let sourceFileStats = rawDocument._import._fileSource ? stats.perSourceFiles[ rawDocument._import._fileSource ] : null ;
while ( ! saved ) {
try {
await ;
saved = true ;
catch ( error ) {
if ( error.code !== 'duplicateKey' || retryCount ++ >= duplicateKeyRetries ) {
log.error( "Can't insert document: \n%I\n\nError: %E" , rawDocument , error ) ;
throw error ;
if ( ! options.onDuplicateKey || ! options.onDuplicateKey( collection , document , error ) ) {
if ( mapping.deduplicators?.[ collectionName ] && mapping.deduplicators?.[ collectionName ]( document , error.indexProperties ) ) {
stats.dedupedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.dedupedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.dedupedDocuments ++ ; }
else {
log.error( "Can't insert document, can't dedup duplicateKey: \n%I\n\nError: %E" , rawDocument , error ) ;
throw error ;
// Store the RootsDB documents now
batch.push( document ) ;
stats.savedDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.savedDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.savedDocuments ++ ; }
// In the index, replace the rawDocument by the RootsDB document, it will be used by the restoring links step
let id = rawDocument._import._foreignId ;
if ( id !== undefined && id !== null && id !== '' ) {
let index = collectionForeignIdIndexes[ collectionName ] ;
index.set( id , document ) ;
} ) ;
stats.saveToDbDuration = - stats.saveToDbStartTime ;
( { heapUsed: stats.saveToDbHeapMemory , external: stats.saveToDbExternalMemory } = process.memoryUsage() ) ;
// Attempt to free some memory, raw documents will not be used anymore
perCollectionRawBatch = null ;
// Third step, restore links, if any...
stats.step = 3 ;
stats.stepStr = '3/4 Restore links' ;
stats.restoreLinksStartTime = ;
if ( mapping.links && typeof mapping.links === 'object' ) {
for ( let collectionName in mapping.links ) {
let batch = perCollectionBatch[ collectionName ] ;
if ( ! batch.length ) { continue ; }
let collectionStats = stats.perCollections[ collectionName ] ;
for ( let document of batch ) {
let changed = false ;
let sourceFileStats = document._import._fileSource ? stats.perSourceFiles[ document._import._fileSource ] : null ;
for ( let linkParams of mapping.links[ collectionName ] ) {
let subDocuments =
linkParams.embedded ? wildDotPath.getPathValueMap( document , linkParams.embedded ) :
{ "": document } ;
for ( let subPath in subDocuments ) {
let subDocument = subDocuments[ subPath ] ;
let linkProperty = subPath ? subPath + '.' + : ;
let toCollection =
linkParams.collectionProperty ? dotPath.get( subDocument , linkParams.collectionProperty ) :
linkParams.collection ;
let index = collectionForeignIdIndexes[ toCollection ] ;
if ( ! collectionStats.perLinkedCollections[ toCollection ] ) {
collectionStats.perLinkedCollections[ toCollection ] = {
links: 0 ,
orphanLinks: 0
} ;
let linkedCollectionStats = collectionStats.perLinkedCollections[ toCollection ] ;
//log.hdebug( "index size: %i , keys: %I" , index.size , [ ... index.keys() ] ) ;
switch ( linkParams.idType ) {
// Only "foreignId" mode is supported ATM
case 'foreignId' :
default : {
let id = dotPath.get( subDocument , linkParams.idProperty ) ;
//log.hdebug( "Link id: %I, index has: %I, document: %I" , id , index.has( id ) , document ) ;
if ( id !== undefined && id !== null && id !== '' ) {
if ( index && index.has( id ) ) {
let linkedDocument = index.get( id ) ;
document.setLink( linkProperty , linkedDocument ) ;
changed = true ;
stats.links ++ ;
collectionStats.links ++ ;
linkedCollectionStats.links ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.links ++ ; }
else {
stats.orphanLinks ++ ;
collectionStats.orphanLinks ++ ;
linkedCollectionStats.orphanLinks ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.orphanLinks ++ ; }
break ;
if ( changed ) {
restoredLinkBatch.push( document ) ;
stats.linkingDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.linkingDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.linkingDocuments ++ ; }
stats.restoreLinksDuration = - stats.restoreLinksStartTime ;
( { heapUsed: stats.restoreLinksHeapMemory , external: stats.restoreLinksExternalMemory } = process.memoryUsage() ) ;
// Attempt to free some memory? This should not do much, but unused documents have a chance to be GC'ed...
perCollectionBatch = null ;
collectionForeignIdIndexes = null ;
// Fourth step, save to DB restored links, if any...
stats.step = 4 ;
stats.stepStr = '4/4 Save restored links to DB' ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbStartTime = ;
if ( restoredLinkBatch.length ) {
await Promise.concurrent( concurrency , restoredLinkBatch , async ( document ) => {
let collectionStats = stats.perCollections[ ] ;
let sourceFileStats = document._import._fileSource ? stats.perSourceFiles[ document._import._fileSource ] : null ;
try {
await ;
stats.savedLinkingDocuments ++ ;
collectionStats.savedLinkingDocuments ++ ;
if ( sourceFileStats ) { sourceFileStats.savedLinkingDocuments ++ ; }
catch ( error ) {
log.error( "Can't save document with restored link: \n%I\n\nError: %E" , document , error ) ;
throw error ;
} ) ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbDuration = - stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbStartTime ;
( { heapUsed: stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbHeapMemory , external: stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbExternalMemory } = process.memoryUsage() ) ;
// Total duration
stats.duration = - stats.startTime ;
//log.hdebug( "Import stats: %[10l50000]Y" , stats ) ;
return stats ;
World.prototype.import = async function( mappingFile , options , stats ) {
var dbImport = new rootsDb.Import( this , mappingFile , options , stats ) ;
await dbImport.import() ;
return dbImport.stats ;
} ;
World.prototype.mapImportedRawDocument = function( rawDocument , params , converters , importId ) {
var mappedRawDocument = {
_import: {}
} ;
if ( params.staticMapping ) {
for ( let toProperty in params.staticMapping ) {
let value = params.staticMapping[ toProperty ] ;
// Is it useful to map static values? Maybe for values that are not compatible with KFG?
let valueConverters = params.valueMapping?.[ toProperty ] ;
if ( valueConverters ) { value = this.convertValue( value , valueConverters , converters , toProperty ) ; }
if ( value !== undefined ) {
dotPath.set( mappedRawDocument , toProperty , value ) ;
if ( params.propertyMapping ) {
for ( let toProperty in params.propertyMapping ) {
let fromProperty = params.propertyMapping[ toProperty ] ;
let value = dotPath.get( rawDocument , fromProperty ) ;
let valueConverters = params.valueMapping?.[ toProperty ] ;
if ( valueConverters ) { value = this.convertValue( value , valueConverters , converters , toProperty ) ; }
if ( value !== undefined ) {
dotPath.set( mappedRawDocument , toProperty , value ) ;
if ( params.compoundMapping ) {
for ( let toProperty in params.compoundMapping ) {
let compoundConverter = params.compoundMapping[ toProperty ] ;
if ( ! converters.compound[ compoundConverter ] ) {
throw new Error( "Converter '" + compoundConverter + "' not found" ) ;
let value = converters.compound[ compoundConverter ]( rawDocument ) ;
let valueConverters = params.valueMapping?.[ toProperty ] ;
if ( valueConverters ) { value = this.convertValue( value , valueConverters , converters , toProperty ) ; }
if ( value !== undefined ) {
dotPath.set( mappedRawDocument , toProperty , value ) ;
// Force an _importId
mappedRawDocument._import._importId = importId ;
if ( params.fileId ) { mappedRawDocument._import._fileSource = params.fileId ; }
return mappedRawDocument ;
} ;
World.prototype.convertValue = function( value , valueConverters , converters , toProperty ) {
for ( let valueConverter of valueConverters ) {
if ( ! converters.simple[ valueConverter ] ) {
throw new Error( "Converter '" + valueConverter + "' not found" ) ;
try {
value = converters.simple[ valueConverter ]( value ) ;
catch ( error ) {
log.error( "Converting to property '%s' with converter '%s' failed.\nInput value: %Y" , toProperty , valueConverter , value ) ;
throw error ;
return value ;
} ;
World.createImportStats = function( stats = {} ) {
stats.step = 0 ;
stats.stepStr = '' ;
stats.documents = 0 ;
stats.savedDocuments = 0 ;
stats.embeddedDocuments = 0 ;
stats.links = 0 ;
stats.linkingDocuments = 0 ;
stats.savedLinkingDocuments = 0 ;
stats.filteredInDocuments = 0 ;
stats.filteredOutDocuments = 0 ;
stats.filteredInEmbeddedDocuments = 0 ;
stats.filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments = 0 ;
stats.dedupedDocuments = 0 ;
// Timers:
stats.startTime = ;
stats.duration = null ;
stats.importToMemoryStartTime = null ;
stats.importToMemoryDuration = null ;
stats.saveToDbStartTime = null ;
stats.saveToDbDuration = null ;
stats.restoreLinksStartTime = null ;
stats.restoreLinksDuration = null ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbStartTime = null ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbDuration = null ;
// Memory usage
( { heapUsed: stats.startingHeapMemory , external: stats.startingExternalMemory } = process.memoryUsage() ) ;
stats.importToMemoryHeapMemory = null ;
stats.importToMemoryExternalMemory = null ;
stats.saveToDbHeapMemory = null ;
stats.saveToDbExternalMemory = null ;
stats.restoreLinksHeapMemory = null ;
stats.restoreLinksExternalMemory = null ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbHeapMemory = null ;
stats.saveRestoredLinksToDbExternalMemory = null ;
// Errors:
stats.duplicatedIds = 0 ;
stats.orphanEmbeddedDocuments = 0 ;
stats.orphanLinks = 0 ;
stats.perCollections = {} ;
stats.perSourceFiles = {} ;
return stats ;
} ;
World.createImportSubStats = function() {
return {
documents: 0 ,
savedDocuments: 0 ,
embeddedDocuments: 0 ,
links: 0 ,
linkingDocuments: 0 ,
savedLinkingDocuments: 0 ,
filteredInDocuments: 0 ,
filteredOutDocuments: 0 ,
filteredInEmbeddedDocuments: 0 ,
filteredOutEmbeddedDocuments: 0 ,
dedupedDocuments: 0 ,
duplicatedIds: 0 ,
orphanEmbeddedDocuments: 0 ,
orphanLinks: 0 ,
perLinkedCollections: {}
} ;
} ;
"name": "roots-db",
"version": "0.40.9",
"version": "0.40.10",
"engines": {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "node": ">=16.13.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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