s3pub is a simple utility to publish assets to S3.
Warning: s3pub deletes all the contents in the destination bucket before uploading files from source path.
Limitation: If there are more than 1000 files in the bucket only 1000 will get deleted
You can use s3pub in two ways.
Upload assets from the command line
You can use s3pub as a command line tool to upload assets to S3.
By passing the required parameters as arguments:
s3pub <s3-access-key-id> <s3-secret-access-key> <s3-region> <source-path> <destination-s3-bucket> <destination-s3-path>
If source-path
is a directory, s3pub will recursively upload all files in the directory and subdirectories
Or by passing an options file as an argument (see Options file format below.):
s3pub <path/to/options.cson>
Upload assets programmatically
You can also use s3pub's Publisher class to upload assets to S3 programmatically.
{Publisher} = require "s3pub"
publisher = new Publisher options
# you can publish all files in a source directory to a destination bucket
publisher.publish options
# you can upload individual files as well
publisher.upload "<source-file>", "<temp-path-to-store-compressed-files>", "<destination-s3-bucket>", "<destination-s3-path-to-file>", {"CacheControl": "max-age=86400"}
You can also pass the path to an options file as an argument to s3pub. The options file should be in CSON format.
accessKeyId: "<s3-access-key-id>"
secretAccessKey: "<s3-secret-access-key>"
region: "<s3-region>"
sourcePath: "<path-to-source-files>"
destinationBucket: "<s3-bucket>"
destinationPath: "<s3-path>"