Provides easy access to solr
from Sails.js & Waterline.
This module is a Waterline/Sails adapter, an early implementation of a rapidly-developing, tool-agnostic data standard. Its goal is to provide a set of declarative interfaces, conventions, and best-practices for integrating with all sorts of data sources.
The main goal is a simple usage and integration of a full managaged Solr.

To install this adapter, run:
$ npm install sails-solr
Getting started with sails-solr
To install/start solr if you not have one running
make kickstart
Note: not recommended for production systems! Solr installation Tomcat for more
Configuring Connections
Add the solr
configuration to the config/connections.js
file. The basic
options are as follows:
module.exports.connections = {
solrConnectionOne: {
module : 'sails-solr',
host: 'localhost',
port: 8983,
core: 'schemaless',
schema: true,
migrate: 'drop'
Note: you can define multiple solr connections/cores.
By default sails-solr will run multiple models inside one core manageCores
. Connection Options
Configuring Models
And then change default model configuration to the config/models.js:
module.exports.models = {
connection: 'solrConnectionOne',
attributes: {
Note: you can add more model based configuartion Model Options / Connection Options
create a user:
find a user:
Note: See Waterline Documentation Query Language and Query Methods
Special Adapter Interfaces
search suggestion and spellchecked phrase. Known as "Did You Mean: foo
// as sails request see hooks and blueprint
// http://localhost:1337/user/suggest/foa
// in node
User.suggest('foa', console);
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 1
"spellcheck": {
"suggestions": [
"numFound": 1,
"startOffset": 0,
"endOffset": 9,
"origFreq": 0,
"suggestion": [
"word": "foo",
"freq": 1
"correctlySpelled": false,
"collations": [
"suggest": {
"suggest": {
"foa": {
"numFound": 2,
"suggestions": [
"term": "foo",
"weight": 0,
"payload": ""
"term": "foo bar",
"weight": 0,
"payload": ""
Layerd Navigation
Well known as filter. facet
for strings
and min,max,avg
for ìnteger
to build Options and Range Slider Elemets. Query Methods
// as sails request see hooks and blueprint
// http://localhost:1337/user/catalog/?name="*"&limit=3&sort=age asc&skip=0
// in node
"sort":"percent asc",
"facet_counts": {
"facet_queries": {},
"facet_fields": {
"name": [
"facet_dates": {},
"facet_ranges": {},
"facet_intervals": {},
"facet_heatmaps": {}
Supported Waterline Interfaces
Semantic | create, createEach, find, count, update, destroy |  |
Migratable | define, describe, drop, alter, addAttributes, remove, attributes, addIndex, removeIndex |  |
Queryable | where, limit, sort, skip, select |  |
Note: See Waterline Documentation
Special Adapter Interfaces
Suggest | suggest. Return on Object with suggestions and spellecked the requestet term or phrase |  |
Catalog | catalog. Return an Object with matching results and Layered Navigation as facet and stats |  |
Advanced Configuration
Connection Options
host | 'localhost' | |
port | '8983' | |
core | 'schemaless' | |
manageCores | true | create cores if not exists CoreAdmin |
schema | true | allow migrate drop, alter schema manage schema |
single | false | force manageCores to create a core for each model |
fieldTypeMap | fieldTypes | Field Type Map |
useFqParam | true | force query mapping as fq=name:foo param |
schemaDefaultFieldTypes | {} | |
debugAdapter | false | |
debugCollection | false | |
debugQuery | false | |
debugSolr | false | |
Model Options
attributes: {
first_name: {
// Overwrite per Field
schemaDefaultFieldAttributes: {
indexed: true,
type: 'text_de'
// Overwrite per Model
schemaDefaultFieldAttributes: {
indexed: false
Field Type Map
The following table represents mappings between Sails/Waterline model data types and Solr field types:
string | text_general |
text | text_general |
binary | text_general |
integer | int |
float | float |
date | date |
time | date |
datetime | date |
boolean | boolean |
binary | text_general |
array | text_general |
json | text_general |
point | point |
Note: You can even define your custom mapping as fieldTypeMap:
connection settings and as model option.
If you want a field type explicit mapping use fieldType
as additional
Solr default field attributes
The following table represents Solr field attributes:
name | newField |
type | text_general |
indexed | true |
stored | true |
docValues | false |
sortMissingFirst | false |
sortMissingLast | false |
multiValued | false |
omitNorms | true |
omitTermFreqAndPositions | false |
omitPositions | false |
termVectors | true |
termPositions | false |
termOffsets | false |
termPayloads | false |
required | false |
dynamicField | false |
json | text_general |
Note: You can even define your custom field attribute default as schemaDefaultFieldAttributes:
connection settings and as model option.
If you want a field attribute explicit you can add this attribute as an additional option inside the Model attribute settings
Running the tests
$ npm test
- more test
- documentation
- cleanup and refactoring
- build an e-commerce like demo application with autocomplete and layerd navigation
More Resources