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Comparing version 0.2.3 to 0.2.4




@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ // wrapper for non-node envs

"procInstName", "procInstBody", "entity", "attribName",
"attribValue", "cdata"
"attribValue", "cdata", "script"

@@ -40,2 +40,4 @@

if (this.opt.xmlns) this.ns = {} // NS bindings stacks: prefix -> [uri, uri...]
// mostly just for error reporting

@@ -66,2 +68,7 @@ this.position = this.line = this.column = 0

case "script":
emitNode(parser, "onscript", parser.script)
parser.script = ""

@@ -111,2 +118,4 @@ error(parser, "Max buffer length exceeded: "+buffers[i])

, "closecdata"
, "opennamespace"
, "closenamespace"
, "ready"

@@ -222,4 +231,4 @@ ]

, PROC_INST_BODY : S++ // <?hi there
, PROC_INST_QUOTED : S++ // <?hi there
, PROC_INST_ENDING : S++ // <?hi there ?
, PROC_INST_QUOTED : S++ // <?hi "there
, PROC_INST_ENDING : S++ // <?hi "there" ?
, OPEN_TAG : S++ // <strong

@@ -237,2 +246,4 @@ , OPEN_TAG_SLASH : S++ // <strong /

, CLOSE_TAG_SAW_WHITE : S++ // </a >
, SCRIPT : S++ // <script> ...
, SCRIPT_ENDING : S++ // <script> ... <

@@ -242,3 +253,3 @@

{ "apos" : "'"
, "quot" : '"'
, "quot" : "\""
, "amp" : "&"

@@ -253,6 +264,21 @@ , "gt" : ">"

S = sax.STATE
sax.EVENTS = [ // for discoverability.
"text", "processinginstruction", "sgmldeclaration",
"doctype", "comment", "attribute", "opentag", "closetag",
"opencdata", "cdata", "closecdata", "error", "end", "ready" ]
sax.EVENTS = // for discoverability.
[ "text"
, "processinginstruction"
, "sgmldeclaration"
, "doctype"
, "comment"
, "attribute"
, "opentag"
, "closetag"
, "opencdata"
, "cdata"
, "closecdata"
, "error"
, "end"
, "ready"
, "script"
, "opennamespace"
, "closenamespace"

@@ -305,8 +331,92 @@ function emit (parser, event, data) {

function qname (n, parser) {
var i = n.indexOf(":")
, q = i < 0 ? [ "", n ] : n.split(":")
, p = q[0]
, l = q[1]
, u = parser.ns[p] && parser.ns[p][0] || ""
if (!u && p && p != "xmlns") {
strictFail(parser, "Unbound namespace prefix: " + JSON.stringify(p))
parser.ns[p] = parser.ns[p] || []
u = p
return { prefix: p, local: l, uri: u }
function newTag (parser) {
if (!parser.strict) parser.tagName = parser.tagName[parser.tagCase]()
parser.tag = { name : parser.tagName, attributes : {} }
if (parser.opt.xmlns) parser.tag.bindings = []
parser.attribList = []
function attrib (parser) {
if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
var n = parser.attribName
, qn = qname(n, parser)
if (n == "xmlns" || qn.prefix == "xmlns") {
// namespace binding attribute; push the binding into scope
// and annotate tag so binding can be popped on tag close
var prefix = n == "xmlns" ? "" : qn.local
parser.ns[prefix] = parser.ns[prefix] || []
// defer onattribute events until all attributes have been seen
// so any new bindings can take effect; preserve attribute order
// so deferred events can be emitted in document order
parser.attribList.unshift([parser.attribName, parser.attribValue])
} else {
// in non-xmlns mode, we can emit the event right away
parser.tag.attributes[parser.attribName] = parser.attribValue
emitNode( parser
, "onattribute"
, { name: parser.attribName
, value: parser.attribValue } )
parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = ""
function openTag (parser, selfClosing) {
if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
// emit namespace binding events
for (var i = 0; i < parser.tag.bindings.length; i ++) {
var p = parser.tag.bindings[i]
emitNode( parser
, "onopennamespace"
, { prefix: p , uri: parser.ns[p][0] } )
// handle deferred onattribute events
while (parser.attribList.length) {
var nv = parser.attribList.pop()
, n = nv[0]
, v = nv[1]
, q = qname(n, parser)
, ns = q.prefix ? q.uri : ""
, a = { name: n
, value: v
, prefix: q.prefix
, local: q.local
, uri: ns
parser.tag.attributes[n] = a
emitNode(parser, "onattribute", a)
// add namespace info to tag
var qn = qname(parser.tagName, parser)
parser.tag.prefix = qn.prefix
parser.tag.local = qn.local
parser.tag.uri = qn.uri
// process the tag
parser.sawRoot = true

@@ -316,7 +426,13 @@ parser.tags.push(parser.tag)

if (!selfClosing) {
// special case for <script> in non-strict mode.
if (!parser.strict && parser.tagName.toLowerCase() === "script") {
parser.state = S.SCRIPT
} else {
parser.state = S.TEXT
parser.tag = null
parser.tagName = ""
parser.state = S.TEXT
parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = ""
parser.attribList = []

@@ -358,5 +474,14 @@

emitNode(parser, "onclosetag", parser.tagName)
if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
// remove namespace bindings introduced by tag
while (parser.tag.bindings.length) {
var p = parser.tag.bindings.pop()
, n = parser.ns[p].shift()
emitNode(parser, "onclosenamespace", { prefix: p, uri: n })
if (t === 0) parser.closedRoot = true
parser.tagName = parser.attribValue = parser.attribName = ""
parser.attribList = []
parser.tag = null

@@ -367,3 +492,5 @@ parser.state = S.TEXT

function parseEntity (parser) {
var entity = parser.entity.toLowerCase(), num, numStr = ""
var entity = parser.entity.toLowerCase()
, num
, numStr = ""
if (parser.ENTITIES[entity]) return parser.ENTITIES[entity]

@@ -373,8 +500,11 @@ if (entity.charAt(0) === "#") {

entity = entity.slice(2)
num = parseInt(entity, 16), numStr = num.toString(16)
num = parseInt(entity, 16)
numStr = num.toString(16)
} else {
entity = entity.slice(1)
num = parseInt(entity, 10), numStr = num.toString(10)
num = parseInt(entity, 10)
numStr = num.toString(10)
entity = entity.replace(/^0+/, "")
if (numStr.toLowerCase() !== entity) {

@@ -437,2 +567,21 @@ strictFail(parser, "Invalid character entity")

case S.SCRIPT:
// only non-strict
if (c === "<") {
parser.state = S.SCRIPT_ENDING
} else parser.script += c
if (c === "/") {
emitNode(parser, "onscript", parser.script)
parser.state = S.CLOSE_TAG
parser.script = ""
parser.tagName = ""
} else {
parser.script += "<" + c
parser.state = S.SCRIPT

@@ -446,5 +595,7 @@ // either a /, ?, !, or text is coming next.

} else if (is(nameStart,c)) {
parser.startTagPosition = parser.position - 1
parser.state = S.OPEN_TAG
parser.tagName = c
} else if (c === "/") {
parser.startTagPosition = parser.position - 1
parser.state = S.CLOSE_TAG

@@ -710,6 +861,3 @@ parser.tagName = ""

parser.tag.attributes[parser.attribName] = parser.attribValue
emitNode(parser, "onattribute", {
name:parser.attribName, value:parser.attribValue})
parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = ""
parser.q = ""

@@ -725,6 +873,3 @@ parser.state = S.ATTRIB

parser.tag.attributes[parser.attribName] = parser.attribValue
emitNode(parser, "onattribute",
{ name: parser.attribName, value: parser.attribValue})
parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = ""
if (c === ">") openTag(parser)

@@ -731,0 +876,0 @@ else parser.state = S.ATTRIB


{ "name" : "sax"
, "description": "An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript"
, "author" : "Isaac Z. Schlueter <>"
, "version" : "0.2.3"
, "version" : "0.2.4"
, "main" : "lib/sax"

@@ -5,0 +6,0 @@ , "license" : "MIT"

@@ -115,2 +115,4 @@ # sax js

`startTagPosition` - Indicates the position where the current tag starts.
`closed` - Boolean indicating whether or not the parser can be written to. If it's

@@ -117,0 +119,0 @@ `true`, then wait for the `ready` event to write again.

var sys = require("sys"),
assert = require("assert"),
fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
sax = require("../lib/sax");
var util = require("util")
, assert = require("assert")
, fs = require("fs")
, path = require("path")
, sax = require("../lib/sax")
exports.sax = sax;
exports.sax = sax

@@ -14,39 +14,40 @@ // handy way to do simple unit tests

exports.test = function test (options) {
var xml = options.xml,
parser = sax.parser(options.strict, options.opt),
expect = options.expect,
e = 0;
var xml = options.xml
, parser = sax.parser(options.strict, options.opt)
, expect = options.expect
, e = 0
sax.EVENTS.forEach(function (ev) {
parser["on" + ev] = function (n) {
if (e >= expect.length && (ev === "end" || ev === "ready")) return;
if (e >= expect.length && (ev === "end" || ev === "ready")) return
assert.ok( e < expect.length,
"expectation #"+e+" "+sys.inspect(expect[e])+"\n"+
"Unexpected event: "+ev+" "+(n ? sys.inspect(n) : ""));
var inspected = n instanceof Error ? "\n"+ n.message : sys.inspect(n)
"expectation #"+e+" "+util.inspect(expect[e])+"\n"+
"Unexpected event: "+ev+" "+(n ? util.inspect(n) : ""))
var inspected = n instanceof Error ? "\n"+ n.message : util.inspect(n)
assert.equal(ev, expect[e][0],
"expectation #"+e+"\n"+
"Didn't get expected event\n"+
"expect: "+expect[e][0] + " " +sys.inspect(expect[e][1])+"\n"+
"actual: "+ev+" "+inspected+"\n");
if (ev === "error") assert.equal(n.message, expect[e][1]);
"expect: "+expect[e][0] + " " +util.inspect(expect[e][1])+"\n"+
"actual: "+ev+" "+inspected+"\n")
if (ev === "error") assert.equal(n.message, expect[e][1])
else assert.deepEqual(n, expect[e][1],
"expectation #"+e+"\n"+
"Didn't get expected argument\n"+
"expect: "+expect[e][0] + " " +sys.inspect(expect[e][1])+"\n"+
"actual: "+ev+" "+inspected+"\n");
if (ev === "error") parser.resume();
if (xml) parser.write(xml).close();
return parser;
"expect: "+expect[e][0] + " " +util.inspect(expect[e][1])+"\n"+
"actual: "+ev+" "+inspected+"\n")
if (ev === "error") parser.resume()
if (xml) parser.write(xml).close()
return parser
if (module === require.main) {
var running = true,
failures = 0;
var running = true
, failures = 0
function fail (file, er) {
sys.error("Failed: "+file);
sys.error(er.stack || er.message);
failures ++;
util.error("Failed: "+file)
util.error(er.stack || er.message)
failures ++

@@ -71,5 +72,5 @@

if (!failures) return console.log("#all pass");
else return console.error(failures + " failure" + (failures > 1 ? "s" : ""));
if (!failures) return console.log("#all pass")
else return console.error(failures + " failure" + (failures > 1 ? "s" : ""))

@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ var sax = require("../lib/sax"),

parser['on' + expectation[0]] = function() {
assert.equal(parser.position, expectation[1]);
for (var prop in expectation[1]) {
assert.equal(parser[prop], expectation[1][prop]);

@@ -18,12 +20,11 @@ });

[ ['opentag', 5]
, ['text', 19]
, ['closetag', 19]
[ ['opentag', { position: 5, startTagPosition: 1 }]
, ['text', { position: 19, startTagPosition: 14 }]
, ['closetag', { position: 19, startTagPosition: 14 }]
[ ['opentag', 5]
, ['text', 19]
, ['closetag', 19]
[ ['opentag', { position: 5, startTagPosition: 1 }]
, ['text', { position: 19, startTagPosition: 14 }]
, ['closetag', { position: 19, startTagPosition: 14 }]
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