Serverless Externals Plugin
Only include listed node_modules
and their dependencies in Serverless.
This plugin helps Serverless package only external modules, and Rollup bundle all the other modules.
npm install serverless-externals-plugin
yarn add serverless-externals-plugin
- serverless-externals-plugin
individually: true
handler: dist/bundle.handler
report: dist/node-externals-report.json
- "!./**"
- ./dist/bundle.js
import { rollupPlugin as externals } from "serverless-externals-plugin";
export default {
output: { file: "dist/bundle.js", format: "cjs" },
treeshake: {
moduleSideEffects: "no-external",
plugins: [
externals(__dirname, { modules: ["pkg3"] }),
nodeResolve({ preferBuiltins: true, exportConditions: ["node"] }),
Externals Plugin interacts with both Serverless and with your bundler (Rollup).
Let's say you have two modules in your package.json
, pkg2
and pkg3
. pkg3
is a module with native binaries, so it can't be bundled.
+-- pkg3@2.0.0
+-- pkg2@0.0.1
+-- pkg3@1.0.0
Because pkg3
can't be bundled, both ./node_modules/pkg3
and ./node_modules/pkg2/node_modules/pkg3
should be included in the bundle.
can just be bundled, but should import pkg3
as follows: require('pkg2/node_modules/pkg3')
. It cannot just do require('pkg3')
because pkg3
has a different version than pkg2/node_modules/pkg3
In the Serverless package, only ./node_modules/pkg3/**
and ./node_modules/pkg2/node_modules/pkg3/**
should be included, all the other contents of node_modules
are already bundled.
Externals Plugin provides a Serverless plugin and a Rollup plugin to support this.
There are other reasons modules can't be bundled. For example, readable-stream
and sshpk
cannot be bundled due to circular dependency errors.
In rollup.config.js
output: { file: "dist/bundle.js", format: "cjs" },
plugins: [
externals(__dirname, { modules: ["aws-sdk"], packaging: { exclude: ["aws-sdk"] } }),
This will generate a file called node-externals-report.json
next to bundle.js
, with the module paths that should be packaged.
It can then be included in serverless.yml
report: dist/node-externals-report.json
Configuration object
The configuration object has these options:
modules: string[]
: a list of module names that should be kept external (default []
)report?: boolean | string
: whether to generate a report or report path (default ${distPath}/node-externals-report.json
)packaging.exclude?: string[]
: modules which shouldn't be packaged by Serverless (e.g. ['aws-sdk']
, default []
)packaging.forceIncludeModuleRoots?: string[]
: module roots that should always be packaged (e.g. ['node_modules/pg']
, default []
)file?: string
: path to a different configuration object
It's also possible to filter on module versions. (e.g. uuid@<8
). This uses a semver range.
How it works
Externals Plugin uses Arborist by NPM to analyze the node_modules
tree (using loadActual()
Using the Externals configuration (a list of modules you want to keep external), the Plugin will then build a list of all dependencies that should be kept external.
This list will contain the modules in the configuration and all the (non-dev) dependencies, recursively.
In the example, the list will contain both pkg2/node_modules/pkg3
and pkg3
The Rollup Plugin will then generate a report (e.g. node-externals-report.json
) which contains the modules that are actually imported. This file is then used by the Serverless Plugin to generate a list of include patterns.
If you mark both aws-sdk
and sshpk
as external, but you don't use sshpk
the generated report will look as follows:
"isReport": true,
"importedModuleRoots": [
"config": {
"modules": [
Serverless can therefore ignore sshpk
and all its dependencies, making the bundle even smaller.
The report is generated by analyzing the files Rollup emits (including dynamic imports).
Rollup Plugin
A fully configured rollup.config.js
could look as follows:
import { rollupPlugin as externals } from "serverless-externals-plugin";
import commonjs from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";
import nodeResolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
const config = {
input: "index.js",
output: {
file: "bundle.js",
format: "cjs",
exports: "named",
dynamicImportInCjs: false,
treeshake: {
moduleSideEffects: "no-external",
plugins: [
externals(__dirname, { modules: ["aws-sdk"], packaging: { exclude: ["aws-sdk"] } }),
commonjs({ strictMode: true, ignoreDynamicRequires: true }),
nodeResolve({ preferBuiltins: true, exportConditions: ["node"] }),
export default config;
Make sure externals
comes before @rollup/plugin-commonjs
and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
Make sure moduleSideEffects: "no-external"
is set. By default, Rollup includes all external modules that appear in the code because they might contain side effects, even if they can be treeshaken.
By setting this option Rollup will assume external modules have no side effects.
is equivalent to (id, external) => !external
Preferably, also set exportConditions: ["node"]
as an option in the node-resolve plugin. This ensures that Rollup uses Node's resolution algorithm, so that packages like uuid
can be bundled.
Next to that, in rare cases setting strictMode: true
in the commonjs plugin can help bundling some modules that depend on the order of requires, like aws-sdk
when only importing aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb
The Rollup plugin provides a resolveId
function to Rollup. For every import (e.g. require('pkg3')
) in your source code,
Rollup will ask the Externals Plugin whether the import is external, and where to find it.
The Plugin will look for the import in the Arborist graph, and if it's declared as being external
it will return the full path to the module that's being imported (e.g. pkg2/node_modules/pkg3
It's also possible to add the externals config to a file, called node-externals.json
In node-externals.json
"modules": [
In rollup.config.js
plugins: [
externals(__dirname, { file: 'node-externals.json' }),
Dynamic requires
If your code or one of your Node modules does the following:
require("p" + "g");
import("p" + "g");
Then this plugin will not be able to detect which modules should be packaged. You can force include them by using packaging.forceIncludeModuleRoots
packaging: {
forceIncludeModuleRoots: ["node_modules/pg"]
The plugin will then treat node_modules/pg
as if it was imported directly in the bundle. It will also include all the dependencies.
For example: in knex
, an SQL builder, pg
is a peer dependency. Inside knex
it is imported as follows:
const resolvedClientName = resolveClientNameWithAliases(clientName);
Dialect = require(`./dialects/${resolvedClientName}/index.js`);
If you're using knex
, you'd have to force include node_modules/pg
If you want to bundle knex
, you would also have to enable ignoreDynamicRequires
in your rollup.config.js
commonjs({ ignoreDynamicRequires: true }),
This will make sure the require
call is not changed.
Another solution is to add knex
to the list of externals. In that case the whole node_modules/knex
folder will be uploaded, and none of its code will be transformed.
Rollup sometimes keeps await import
expressions in the bundle, which might cause import issues if the module is not commonjs. To fix this, you can add the following to your rollup.config.js
output: {
dynamicImportInCjs: false
Usage in monorepos/workspaces
If your serverless project is a workspace within a larger monorepo, this is also supported, although not yet fully tested.
For example, in apps/lambdas/rollup.config.js
const root = path.resolve(__dirname, "../..")
const workspaceName = "main-app"
plugins: [
externals([root, workspaceName], { modules: ["undici"] }),
If undici
is installed the monorepo root, the serverless plugin will generate include patterns as follows:
Due to the way packaging in serverless works, in the final package,
the included modules from the root node_modules will be merged with the included workspace node_modules,
which is exactly what we want.
Externals with side effects
It's unlikely, but if you have external modules with side effects (like polyfills), make sure to configure Rollup properly.
NOTE: This only applies to external modules. You should probably bundle your polyfills.
import "some-external-module";
As Rollup will remove external modules with side effects, make sure to add something like this
to the Rollup config:
treeshake: {
moduleSideEffects: (id, external) => !id.test(/some-external-module/) || !external
Only one node_modules
This plugin doesn't have support for analyzing multiple node_modules
folders. If you have
more node_modules
folders on your NODE_PATH
(e.g. from a Lambda layer), you can still use
the external
field of Rollup.
Keeping aws-sdk
As the aws-sdk
node module is included by default in Lambdas, you can add packaging.exclude: ["aws-sdk"]
to exclude it from the Serverless package. Note that this is not recommended because of possible version differences. (Check the aws-sdk
version included in runtimes here)
All subdependencies marked as external
When listing modules as external, all their subdependencies will also be marked as external.
For example:
plugins: [
externals(__dirname, { modules: ["botkit"] }),
const express = require('express');
const serverlessHttp = require('serverless-http');
const app = express();
module.exports.handler = serverlessHttp(app);
In the resulting bundle, express
will not be bundled. This is because botkit
also depends on express
, and is therefore marked as external. botkit
itself and the rest of its subdependencies will be filtered out of the modules to be uploaded.
It is therefore recommended to limit the length of the modules array to only the necessary. In that way you can achieve the smallest bundles.
- Ensure compatibility with Serverless Jetpack or speedup packaging somehow
- Webpack plugin
- Esbuild plugin
- Layer support
- Look into externalizing single files in a module (e.g.
files), and bundling the rest - Yarn PnP support
- Pre-calculate actually used top-level externals to solve last caveat
I wanted to include Cheerio/JSDom and AWS SDK in a Typescript project, but neither could be bundled because of obscure errors, so they needed to be external. To reduce package size, I didn't want to make every module external. Manually looking up a module and adding its dependencies to rollup.config.js
and serverless.yml
is simply too much work. This plugin makes this much easier.
Some Serverless-handling code was taken from Serverless Jetpack. Also inspired by Serverless Plugin Include Dependencies and Webpack Node Externals