What is serverless-plugin-datadog?
The serverless-plugin-datadog npm package is designed to integrate Datadog monitoring and observability features into Serverless Framework applications. It allows you to automatically instrument your AWS Lambda functions with Datadog, enabling you to monitor performance, track metrics, and set up alerts.
What are serverless-plugin-datadog's main functionalities?
Automatic Instrumentation
This feature automatically instruments your AWS Lambda functions with Datadog. By adding the plugin to your Serverless Framework configuration and setting the appropriate custom options, you can enable Datadog layers, flush metrics to logs, and set the log level.
"plugins": ["serverless-plugin-datadog"],
"custom": {
"datadog": {
"addLayers": true,
"flushMetricsToLogs": true,
"logLevel": "info"
Custom Metrics
This feature allows you to enable custom metrics for your Lambda functions. By setting the `customMetrics` option to true, you can send custom metrics from your Lambda functions to Datadog.
"custom": {
"datadog": {
"customMetrics": true
This feature enables tracing for your Lambda functions. By setting `enableXrayTracing` and `enableDDTracing` to true, you can enable AWS X-Ray and Datadog tracing, respectively, to get detailed insights into your function's performance.
"custom": {
"datadog": {
"enableXrayTracing": true,
"enableDDTracing": true
Other packages similar to serverless-plugin-datadog
The serverless-plugin-splunk package integrates Splunk logging and monitoring with Serverless Framework applications. It provides similar functionalities to serverless-plugin-datadog, such as automatic instrumentation and custom metrics, but it is tailored for Splunk's monitoring and observability tools.
The serverless-plugin-aws-alerts package allows you to set up AWS CloudWatch alerts for your Serverless Framework applications. While it does not provide the same level of integration with a third-party monitoring service like Datadog, it offers a way to monitor and alert on AWS Lambda function performance using AWS-native tools.
Datadog Serverless Plugin

This serverless framework plugin automatically instruments your Python and NodeJS Lambda functions with Datadog's native Lambda Layers. You can use this function to collect traces, and custom metrics.
You can install the plugin with one of the following commands. Keep in mind, you will need to bundle this package with your function manually.
yarn add --dev serverless-plugin-datadog
npm install --save-dev serverless-plugin-datadog
Then in your serverless.yml add the following:
- serverless-plugin-datadog
How it works
This plugin attaches the Datadog Lambda Layers for Node.js and Python to your functions. At deploy time, it generates new handler functions that wrap your existing functions and initializes the Lambda Layers.
You can configure the library by add the following section to your serverless.yml
Datadog Log Forwarder
addLayers: true
apiKey: ""
flushMetricsToLogs: false
All Options
addLayers: true
apiKey: ""
apiKMSKey: ""
site: datadoghq.com
logLevel: "info"
flushMetricsToLogs: false
What if I want to provide my own version of datadog-lambda-layer-js
or datadog-lambda-layer-python
You can use your own version of those libraries by setting 'addLayers' to false in the datadog configuration block. Just make sure to bundle those libaries with your Lambda functions.
How do I use this with serverless-webpack?
Make sure serverless-datadog is above the serverless-webpack entry in your serverless.yml
- serverless-plugin-datadog
- serverless-webpack
When using serverless webpack, the plugin will assume you are using es6 module format. If that's not the case, you can manually configure nodeModuleType
nodeModuleType: "node"
If you have the addLayers option enabled, you may also want to add 'datadog-lambda-js' and 'dd-trace' to the externals section of your webpack config.
How do I use this with serverless-typescript?
Make sure serverless-datadog is above the serverless-typescript entry in your serverless.yml. The plugin will detect automatically .ts files.
- serverless-plugin-datadog
- serverless-typescript
Opening Issues
If you encounter a bug with this package, we want to hear about it. Before opening a new issue, search the existing issues to avoid duplicates.
When opening an issue, include your Serverless Framework version, Python/Node.js version, and stack trace if available. In addition, include the steps to reproduce when appropriate.
You can also open an issue for a feature request.
If you find an issue with this package and have a fix, please feel free to open a pull request following the procedures.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). Copyright 2019 Datadog, Inc.