Sigma v2
Sigma is a JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing, mainly developed by @jacomyal and @Yomguithereal.
sigmajs.org website provides a global overview of sigma.js v1.
As of version v2
, sigma
focuses on the management of graph display: layout, rendering, interaction... The graph model is managed in a separate library called graphology
, which is packed with convenience methods to manage graph data structures.
A set of demo examples contain various use-cases that might help you understand how to use sigma v2 (read further below).
Sigma.js v2 is a major refactoring and is currently in version alpha. The stable version is v1.2.x
. Although not yet finalized and official, v2 is already in use in production in some organizations.
Sigma is a javascript library, it is available in npm
package manager.
npm install sigma
A development server can be spawned locally to view the examples. Visit localhost:8000
after executing the following commands:
npm install
npm run examples
You can play around with the files in directory examples
, the web pages are live-reloaded whenever the code gets changed.
You can contribute by submitting issues tickets and proposing pull requests. Make sure that tests and linting pass before submitting any pull request.