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File Explorer

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Comparing version 0.9.20 to 0.9.21




@@ -1,8 +0,660 @@

const classes = require('./classes'),
geometry = require('./geometry');
"use strict"
const fs = require('fs'),
{EventEmitter} = require('events'),
{inspect} = require('util'),
{extname} = require('path'),
glob = require('glob').sync,
get = require('simple-get'),
REPR = inspect.custom
const crate = require('./v6'),
geometry = require('./geometry'),
{parseFont, parseVariant, parseFilter} = require('./parse')
// Neon <-> Node interface
const ø = Symbol.for('📦'), // the attr containing the boxed struct
core = (obj) => (obj||{})[ø] // dereference the boxed struct
class RustClass{
this.init('new', ...args)
init(fn, ...args){
let create = crate[`${}_${fn}`]
hidden(this, ø, create(null, ...args))
hatch(boxed, ...args){
return Object.assign(new this.constructor(...args), {[ø]:boxed})
cache(verb, key, val){
if (verb=='set') this[Symbol.for(key)] = val
else if (verb=='get') return this[Symbol.for(key)]
ƒ(fn, ...args){
let method = crate[`${}_${fn}`]
return method(this[ø], ...args);
// shorthand for attaching read-only attributes
const readOnly = (obj, attr, value) => {
Object.defineProperty(obj, attr, {value, writable:false, enumerable:true})
const hidden = (obj, attr, value) => {
Object.defineProperty(obj, attr, {value, writable:false, enumerable:false})
// convert arguments list to a string of type abbreviations
function signature(args){
return => (Array.isArray(v) ? 'a' : {string:'s', number:'n', object:'o'}[typeof v] || 'x')).join('')
// Helpers to reconcile Skia and DOMMatrix’s disagreement about row/col orientation
function toSkMatrix(jsMatrix){
if (Array.isArray(jsMatrix)){
var [a, b, c, d, e, f] = jsMatrix
var {a, b, c, d, e, f} = jsMatrix
return [a, c, e, b, d, f]
function fromSkMatrix(skMatrix){
// TBD: how/if to map the perspective terms
let [a, c, e, b, d, f, p0, p1, p2] = skMatrix
return new geometry.DOMMatrix([a, b, c, d, e, f])
// Mime type <-> File extension mappings
let png = "image/png",
jpg = "image/jpeg",
jpeg = "image/jpeg",
pdf = "application/pdf",
svg = "image/svg+xml",
gif = "image/gif";
function toMime(ext){
return {
png, jpg, jpeg, gif, pdf, svg
}[(ext||'').replace(/^\./, '').toLowerCase()]
function fromMime(mime){
return {
[png]: "png", [jpg]: "jpg", [gif]: "gif", [pdf]: "pdf", [svg]: "svg"
const toFormat = str => fromMime(toMime(str) || str),
toString = val => typeof val=='string' ? val : new String(val).toString();
// The Canvas API
class Canvas extends RustClass{
static parent = new WeakMap()
static contexts = new WeakMap()
constructor(width, height){
let ctx = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(core(this))
Canvas.parent.set(ctx, this)
Canvas.contexts.set(this, [ctx])
Object.assign(this, {width, height})
return (kind=="2d") ? Canvas.contexts.get(this)[0] : null
get width(){ return this.ƒ('get_width') }
set width(w){
let ctx = Canvas.contexts.get(this)[0]
this.ƒ('set_width', (typeof w=='number' && !Number.isNaN(w) && w>=0) ? w : 300)
ctx.ƒ('resetSize', core(this))
get height(){ return this.ƒ('get_height') }
set height(h){
let ctx = Canvas.contexts.get(this)[0]
this.ƒ('set_height', h = (typeof h=='number' && !Number.isNaN(h) && h>=0) ? h : 150)
ctx.ƒ('resetSize', core(this))
newPage(width, height){
let ctx = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(core(this))
Canvas.parent.set(ctx, this)
if (arguments.length==2){
Object.assign(this, {width, height})
return ctx
get pages(){
return Canvas.contexts.get(this).slice().reverse()
get png(){ return this.toBuffer("png") }
get jpg(){ return this.toBuffer("jpg") }
get pdf(){ return this.toBuffer("pdf") }
get svg(){ return this.toBuffer("svg") }
saveAs(filename, {format, quality=100}={}){
var seq
filename = filename.replace(/{(\d*)}/g, (_, pad) => {
pad = parseInt(pad, 10)
seq = isFinite(pad) ? pad : isFinite(seq) ? seq : -1
return "{}"
let ext = format || extname(filename),
fmt = toFormat(ext);
throw new Error(`Cannot determine image format (use a filename extension or 'format' argument)`)
}if (!fmt){
throw new Error(`Unsupported file format "${ext}" (expected "png", "jpg", "pdf", or "svg")`)
this.ƒ("saveAs", filename, seq, fmt, quality, Canvas.contexts.get(this).map(core))
toBuffer(extension, {format="png", quality=100, page}={}){
({format, quality, page} = Object.assign(
{format, quality, page},
typeof extension == 'string' ? {format:extension}
: typeof extension == 'object' ? extension
: {}
let fmt = toFormat(format),
pp = this.pages.length,
idx = page >= 0 ? pp - page
: page < 0 ? pp + page
: undefined
if (!fmt){
throw new Error(`Unsupported file format "${format}" (expected "png", "jpg", "pdf", or "svg")`)
}else if (isFinite(idx) && idx < 0 || idx >= pp){
throw new RangeError(
pp == 1 ? `Canvas only has a ‘page 1’ (${page} is out of bounds)`
: `Canvas has pages 1–${pp} (${page} is out of bounds)`
return this.ƒ("toBuffer", fmt, quality, idx, Canvas.contexts.get(this).map(core))
toDataURL(extension, {format="png", quality=100, page}={}){
({format, quality, page} = Object.assign(
{format, quality, page},
typeof extension == 'string' ? {format:extension}
: typeof extension == 'object' ? extension
: {}
let fmt = toFormat(format),
mime = toMime(fmt),
buffer = this.toBuffer({format, quality, page});
return `data:${mime};base64,${buffer.toString('base64')}`
[REPR](depth, options) {
let {width, height} = this
return `Canvas ${inspect({width, height}, options)}`
class CanvasGradient extends RustClass{
constructor(style, ...coords){
style = (style || "").toLowerCase()
if (['linear', 'radial', 'conic'].includes(style)) super().init(style, ...coords)
else throw new Error(`Function is not a constructor (use CanvasRenderingContext2D's "createConicGradient", "createLinearGradient", and "createRadialGradient" methods instead)`)
addColorStop(offset, color){
if (offset>=0 && offset<=1) this.ƒ('addColorStop', offset, color)
else throw new Error("Color stop offsets must be between 0.0 and 1.0")
[REPR](depth, options) {
return `CanvasGradient (${this.ƒ("repr")})`
class CanvasPattern extends RustClass{
constructor(src, repeat){
if (src instanceof Image){
super().init('from_image', core(src), repeat)
}else if (src instanceof Canvas){
let ctx = Canvas.contexts.get(src)[0]
super().init('from_canvas', core(ctx), repeat)
throw new Error("CanvasPatterns require a source Image or a Canvas")
if (arguments.length>1) matrix = [...arguments]
this.ƒ('setTransform', toSkMatrix(matrix))
[REPR](depth, options) {
return `CanvasPattern (${this.ƒ("repr")})`
class CanvasRenderingContext2D extends RustClass{
throw new TypeError(`Function is not a constructor (use Canvas's "createContext" method instead)`)
get canvas(){ return Canvas.parent.get(this) }
// -- grid state ------------------------------------------------------------
save(){ this.ƒ('save') }
restore(){ this.ƒ('restore') }
get currentTransform(){ return fromSkMatrix( this.ƒ('get_currentTransform') ) }
set currentTransform(matrix){ this.ƒ('set_currentTransform', toSkMatrix(matrix) ) }
getTransform(){ return this.currentTransform }
this.currentTransform = arguments.length > 1 ? [...arguments] : matrix
transform(...terms){ this.ƒ('transform', ...terms)}
translate(x, y){ this.ƒ('translate', x, y)}
scale(x, y){ this.ƒ('scale', x, y)}
rotate(angle){ this.ƒ('rotate', angle)}
resetTransform(){ this.ƒ('resetTransform')}
// -- bézier paths ----------------------------------------------------------
beginPath(){ this.ƒ('beginPath') }
rect(x, y, width, height){ this.ƒ('rect', ...arguments) }
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, isCCW){ this.ƒ('arc', ...arguments) }
ellipse(x, y, xRadius, yRadius, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, isCCW){ this.ƒ('ellipse', ...arguments) }
moveTo(x, y){ this.ƒ('moveTo', x, y) }
lineTo(x, y){ this.ƒ('lineTo', x, y) }
arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius){ this.ƒ('arcTo', ...arguments) }
bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y){ this.ƒ('bezierCurveTo', ...arguments) }
quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y){ this.ƒ('quadraticCurveTo', ...arguments) }
closePath(){ this.ƒ('closePath') }
isPointInPath(x, y){ return this.ƒ('isPointInPath', x, y) }
isPointInStroke(x, y){ return this.ƒ('isPointInStroke', x, y) }
// -- using paths -----------------------------------------------------------
fill(path, rule){
if (path instanceof Path2D) this.ƒ('fill', core(path), rule)
else this.ƒ('fill', path) // 'path' is the optional winding-rule
stroke(path, rule){
if (path instanceof Path2D) this.ƒ('stroke', core(path), rule)
else this.ƒ('stroke', path) // 'path' is the optional winding-rule
clip(path, rule){
if (path instanceof Path2D) this.ƒ('clip', core(path), rule)
else this.ƒ('clip', path) // 'path' is the optional winding-rule
// -- shaders ---------------------------------------------------------------
createPattern(image, repetition){ return new CanvasPattern(...arguments) }
createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1){
return new CanvasGradient("Linear", ...arguments)
createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1){
return new CanvasGradient("Radial", ...arguments)
createConicGradient(startAngle, x, y){
return new CanvasGradient("Conic", ...arguments)
// -- fill & stroke ---------------------------------------------------------
fillRect(x, y, width, height){ this.ƒ('fillRect', ...arguments) }
strokeRect(x, y, width, height){ this.ƒ('strokeRect', ...arguments) }
clearRect(x, y, width, height){ this.ƒ('clearRect', ...arguments) }
set fillStyle(style){
let isShader = style instanceof CanvasPattern || style instanceof CanvasGradient,
[ref, val] = isShader ? [style, core(style)] : [null, style]
this.cache('set', 'fill', ref)
this.ƒ('set_fillStyle', val)
get fillStyle(){
let style = this.ƒ('get_fillStyle')
return style===null ? this.cache('get', 'fill') : style
set strokeStyle(style){
let isShader = style instanceof CanvasPattern || style instanceof CanvasGradient,
[ref, val] = isShader ? [style, core(style)] : [null, style]
this.cache('set', 'stroke', ref)
this.ƒ('set_strokeStyle', val)
get strokeStyle(){
let style = this.ƒ('get_strokeStyle')
return style===null ? this.cache('get', 'stroke') : style
// -- line style ------------------------------------------------------------
getLineDash(){ return this.ƒ("getLineDash") }
setLineDash(segments){ this.ƒ("setLineDash", segments) }
get lineCap(){ return this.ƒ("get_lineCap") }
set lineCap(style){ this.ƒ("set_lineCap", style) }
get lineDashOffset(){ return this.ƒ("get_lineDashOffset") }
set lineDashOffset(offset){ this.ƒ("set_lineDashOffset", offset) }
get lineJoin(){ return this.ƒ("get_lineJoin") }
set lineJoin(style){ this.ƒ("set_lineJoin", style) }
get lineWidth(){ return this.ƒ("get_lineWidth") }
set lineWidth(width){ this.ƒ("set_lineWidth", width) }
get miterLimit(){ return this.ƒ("get_miterLimit") }
set miterLimit(limit){ this.ƒ("set_miterLimit", limit) }
// -- imagery ---------------------------------------------------------------
get imageSmoothingEnabled(){ return this.ƒ("get_imageSmoothingEnabled")}
set imageSmoothingEnabled(flag){ this.ƒ("set_imageSmoothingEnabled", !!flag)}
get imageSmoothingQuality(){ return this.ƒ("get_imageSmoothingQuality")}
set imageSmoothingQuality(level){ this.ƒ("set_imageSmoothingQuality", level)}
putImageData(imageData, ...coords){ this.ƒ('putImageData', imageData, ...coords) }
createImageData(width, height){ return new ImageData(width, height) }
getImageData(x, y, width, height){
let w = Math.floor(width),
h = Math.floor(height),
buffer = this.ƒ('getImageData', x, y, w, h);
return new ImageData(w, h, buffer)
drawImage(image, ...coords){
if (image instanceof Canvas){
this.ƒ('drawCanvas', core(Canvas.contexts.get(image)[0]), ...coords)
}else if (image instanceof Image){
this.ƒ('drawRaster', core(image), ...coords)
throw new Error("Expected an Image or a Canvas argument")
// -- typography ------------------------------------------------------------
get font(){ return this.ƒ('get_font') }
set font(str){ this.ƒ('set_font', parseFont(str)) }
get textAlign(){ return this.ƒ("get_textAlign") }
set textAlign(mode){ this.ƒ("set_textAlign", mode) }
get textBaseline(){ return this.ƒ("get_textBaseline") }
set textBaseline(mode){ this.ƒ("set_textBaseline", mode) }
get direction(){ return this.ƒ("get_direction") }
set direction(mode){ this.ƒ("set_direction", mode) }
measureText(text, maxWidth){
let [metrics, ...lines] = this.ƒ('measureText', toString(text), maxWidth)
return new TextMetrics(metrics, lines)
fillText(text, x, y, maxWidth){
this.ƒ('fillText', toString(text), x, y, maxWidth)
strokeText(text, x, y, maxWidth){
this.ƒ('strokeText', toString(text), x, y, maxWidth)
// -- non-standard typography extensions --------------------------------------------
get fontVariant(){ return this.ƒ('get_fontVariant') }
set fontVariant(str){ this.ƒ('set_fontVariant', parseVariant(str)) }
get textTracking(){ return this.ƒ("get_textTracking") }
set textTracking(ems){ this.ƒ("set_textTracking", ems) }
get textWrap(){ return this.ƒ("get_textWrap") }
set textWrap(flag){ this.ƒ("set_textWrap", !!flag) }
// -- effects ---------------------------------------------------------------
get globalCompositeOperation(){ return this.ƒ("get_globalCompositeOperation") }
set globalCompositeOperation(blend){ this.ƒ("set_globalCompositeOperation", blend) }
get globalAlpha(){ return this.ƒ("get_globalAlpha") }
set globalAlpha(alpha){ this.ƒ("set_globalAlpha", alpha) }
get shadowBlur(){ return this.ƒ("get_shadowBlur") }
set shadowBlur(level){ this.ƒ("set_shadowBlur", level) }
get shadowColor(){ return this.ƒ("get_shadowColor") }
set shadowColor(color){ this.ƒ("set_shadowColor", color) }
get shadowOffsetX(){ return this.ƒ("get_shadowOffsetX") }
set shadowOffsetX(x){ this.ƒ("set_shadowOffsetX", x) }
get shadowOffsetY(){ return this.ƒ("get_shadowOffsetY") }
set shadowOffsetY(y){ this.ƒ("set_shadowOffsetY", y) }
get filter(){ return this.ƒ('get_filter') }
set filter(str){ this.ƒ('set_filter', parseFilter(str)) }
[REPR](depth, options) {
let props = [ "canvas", "currentTransform", "fillStyle", "strokeStyle", "font", "fontVariant",
"direction", "textAlign", "textBaseline", "textTracking", "textWrap", "globalAlpha",
"globalCompositeOperation", "imageSmoothingEnabled", "imageSmoothingQuality", "filter",
"shadowBlur", "shadowColor", "shadowOffsetX", "shadowOffsetY", "lineCap", "lineDashOffset",
"lineJoin", "lineWidth", "miterLimit" ]
let info = {}
if (depth > 0 ){
for (var prop of props){
try{ info[prop] = this[prop] }
catch{ info[prop] = undefined }
return `CanvasRenderingContext2D ${inspect(info, options)}`
const _expand = paths => [paths].flat(2).map(filename => glob(filename)).flat()
class FontLibrary extends RustClass {
get families(){ return this.ƒ('get_families') }
has(familyName){ return this.ƒ('has', familyName) }
family(name){ return this.ƒ('family', name) }
let sig = signature(args)
if (sig=='o'){
let results = {}
for (let [alias, paths] of Object.entries(args.shift())){
results[alias] = this.ƒ("addFamily", alias, _expand(paths))
return results
}else if (sig.match(/^s?[as]$/)){
let fonts = _expand(args.pop())
let alias = args.shift()
return this.ƒ("addFamily", alias, fonts)
throw new Error("Expected an array of file paths or an object mapping family names to font files")
class Image extends RustClass {
get complete(){ return this.ƒ('get_complete') }
get height(){ return this.ƒ('get_height') }
get width(){ return this.ƒ('get_width') }
get src(){ return this.ƒ('get_src') }
set src(src){
var noop = () => {},
onload = img => fetch.emit('ok', img),
onerror = err => fetch.emit('err', err),
passthrough = fn => arg => { (fn||noop)(arg); delete this._fetch },
if (this._fetch) this._fetch.removeAllListeners()
let fetch = this._fetch = new EventEmitter()
.once('ok', passthrough(this.onload))
.once('err', passthrough(this.onerror))
if (Buffer.isBuffer(src)){
[data, src] = [src, '']
} else if (typeof src != 'string'){
} else if (/^\s*data:/.test(src)) {
// data URI
let split = src.indexOf(','),
enc = src.lastIndexOf('base64', split) !== -1 ? 'base64' : 'utf8',
content = src.slice(split + 1);
data = Buffer.from(content, enc);
} else if (/^\s*https?:\/\//.test(src)) {
// remote URL
get.concat(src, (err, res, data) => {
let code = (res || {}).statusCode
if (err) onerror(err)
else if (code < 200 || code >= 300) {
onerror(new Error(`Failed to load image from "${src}" (error ${code})`))
if (this.ƒ("set_data", data)) onload(this)
else onerror(new Error("Could not decode image data"))
} else {
// local file path
data = fs.readFileSync(src);
this.ƒ("set_src", src)
if (data){
if (this.ƒ("set_data", data)) onload(this)
else onerror(new Error("Could not decode image data"))
return this._fetch ? new Promise((res, rej) => this._fetch.once('ok', res).once('err', rej) )
: this.complete ? Promise.resolve(this)
: Promise.reject(new Error("Missing Source URL"))
[REPR](depth, options) {
let {width, height, complete, src} = this
options.maxStringLength = src.match(/^data:/) ? 128 : Infinity;
return `Image ${inspect({width, height, complete, src}, options)}`
class ImageData{
constructor(width, height, data){
if (arguments[0] instanceof ImageData){
var {width, height, data} = arguments[0]
if (!Number.isInteger(width) || !Number.isInteger(height) || width < 0 || height < 0){
throw new Error("ImageData dimensions must be positive integers")
readOnly(this, "width", width)
readOnly(this, "height", height)
readOnly(this, "data", new Uint8ClampedArray(data && data.buffer || width * height * 4))
[REPR](depth, options) {
let {width, height, data} = this
return `ImageData ${inspect({width, height, data}, options)}`
class Path2D extends RustClass{
if (source instanceof Path2D) super().init('from_path', core(source))
else if (typeof source == 'string') super().init('from_svg', source)
else super().alloc()
// measure dimensions
get bounds(){ return this.ƒ('bounds') }
// concatenation
addPath(path, matrix){
if (!(path instanceof Path2D)) throw new Error("Expected a Path2D object")
if (matrix) matrix = toSkMatrix(matrix)
this.ƒ('addPath', core(path), matrix)
// line segments
moveTo(x, y){ this.ƒ("moveTo", x, y) }
lineTo(x, y){ this.ƒ("lineTo", x, y) }
closePath(){ this.ƒ("closePath") }
arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius){ this.ƒ("arcTo", ...arguments) }
bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y){ this.ƒ("bezierCurveTo", ...arguments) }
quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y){ this.ƒ("quadraticCurveTo", ...arguments) }
// shape primitives
ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, isCCW){ this.ƒ("ellipse", ...arguments) }
rect(x, y, width, height){this.ƒ("rect", ...arguments) }
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle){ this.ƒ("arc", ...arguments) }
// boolean operations
complement(path){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ("op", core(path), "complement")) }
difference(path){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ("op", core(path), "difference")) }
intersect(path){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ("op", core(path), "intersect")) }
union(path){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ("op", core(path), "union")) }
xor(path){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ("op", core(path), "xor")) }
// elide overlaps
simplify(){ return this.hatch(this.ƒ('simplify')) }
class TextMetrics{
width, left, right, ascent, descent,
fontAscent, fontDescent, emAscent, emDescent,
hanging, alphabetic, ideographic
], lines){
readOnly(this, "width", width)
readOnly(this, "actualBoundingBoxLeft", left)
readOnly(this, "actualBoundingBoxRight", right)
readOnly(this, "actualBoundingBoxAscent", ascent)
readOnly(this, "actualBoundingBoxDescent", descent)
readOnly(this, "fontBoundingBoxAscent", fontAscent)
readOnly(this, "fontBoundingBoxDescent", fontDescent)
readOnly(this, "emHeightAscent", emAscent)
readOnly(this, "emHeightDescent", emDescent)
readOnly(this, "hangingBaseline", hanging)
readOnly(this, "alphabeticBaseline", alphabetic)
readOnly(this, "ideographicBaseline", ideographic)
readOnly(this, "lines", ([x, y, width, height, baseline, startIndex, endIndex]) => (
{x, y, width, height, baseline, startIndex, endIndex}
const loadImage = src => new Promise((onload, onerror) =>
Object.assign(new classes.Image(), {onload, onerror, src})
Object.assign(new Image(), {onload, onerror, src})
module.exports = Object.assign({loadImage}, classes, geometry)
module.exports = {
Canvas, CanvasGradient, CanvasPattern, CanvasRenderingContext2D,
TextMetrics, Image, ImageData, Path2D, loadImage, ...geometry,
FontLibrary:new FontLibrary()



@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ "use strict"

} catch(e) {
console.warn(Object.assign(e, {name:"Warning"}))
// console.warn(Object.assign(e, {name:"Warning"}))
cache.font[str] = null

@@ -96,0 +96,0 @@ }

"name": "skia-canvas",
"version": "0.9.20",
"version": "0.9.21",
"description": "A canvas environment for Node",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"browser": "lib/stub.js",
"author": "Christian Swinehart <>",

@@ -12,9 +13,2 @@ "license": "MIT",

"files": [
"bugs": {

@@ -24,2 +18,34 @@ "url": ""

"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
"build": "cargo-cp-artifact -nc lib/v6/index.node -- cargo build --message-format=json-render-diagnostics",
"install": "node-pre-gyp install || npm run build -- --release",
"package": "node-pre-gyp package",
"upload": "node-pre-gyp publish",
"test": "jest"
"dependencies": {
"@mapbox/node-pre-gyp": "^1.0.4",
"glob": "^7.1.7",
"simple-get": "^4.0.0",
"string-split-by": "^1.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"aws-sdk": "^2.903.0",
"cargo-cp-artifact": "^0.1",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"jest": "^26.6.3",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"nodemon": "^2.0.7",
"tmp": "^0.2.1"
"binary": {
"module_name": "index",
"module_path": "./lib/v{napi_build_version}",
"remote_path": "./v{version}",
"package_name": "{platform}-{arch}-{node_napi_label}.tar.gz",
"host": "",
"napi_versions": [
"keywords": [

@@ -39,31 +65,3 @@ "skia",

"scripts": {
"build": "neon build --release",
"install": "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build=false || npm run build",
"package": "npm run build && rm -rf native/target && node-pre-gyp package",
"upload-binary": "node-pre-gyp-github publish",
"test": "jest"
"binary": {
"module_name": "index",
"host": "",
"remote_path": "v{version}",
"package_name": "{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz",
"module_path": "./native"
"dependencies": {
"@mapbox/node-pre-gyp": "^1.0.1",
"glob": "^7.1.6",
"simple-get": "^4.0.0",
"string-split-by": "^1.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"express": "^4.17.1",
"jest": "^26.2.2",
"lodash": "^4.17.20",
"neon-cli": "^0.4.0",
"node-pre-gyp-github": "^1.4.3",
"nodemon": "^2.0.4"

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ # Skia Canvas

- can create [multiple ‘pages’](#newpagewidth-height) on a given canvas and then [output](#saveasfilename-format-quality) them as a single, multi-page PDF or an image-sequence saved to multiple files
- can simplify and combine bézier paths using efficient [boolean operations](
- fully supports the [CSS filter effects][filter] image processing operators

@@ -29,10 +30,22 @@ - offers rich typographic control including:

On the agenda for subsequent updates are:
- Windows support & prebuilt binaries
- Use neon [Tasks]( to provide asynchronous file i/o
- Use neon [EventQueues]( to provide asynchronous file i/o
- Add SVG image loading using the [µsvg]( parser
- Add a `density` argument to Canvas and/or the output methods to allow for scaling to other device-pixel-ratios
## Platform Support
The underlying Rust library uses [N-API]( v6 which allows it to run on Node.js versions:
- 10.20+
- 12.17+
- 14.0 and later
There are pre-compiled binaries for:
- Linux (x86)
- macOS (x86 & Apple silicon)
- Windows (x86)
## Installation
On macOS and Linux, installation *should* be as simple as:
If you’re running on a supported platform, installation should be as simple as:

@@ -42,12 +55,10 @@ $ npm install skia-canvas

This will download a pre-compiled library from the project’s most recent [release]( Note that these binaries are in an early state and currently only work with fairly recent systems. In particular, if using the library with Docker you’ll want to pick a base system from the last few years like [`node:buster`]( or [`ubuntu:bionic`](
This will download a pre-compiled library from the project’s most recent [release]( If prebuilt binaries aren’t available for your system you’ll need to compile the portions of this library that directly interface with Skia.
If prebuilt binaries aren’t available for your system you’ll need to compile the portions of this library that directly interface with Skia. Start by installing:
Start by installing:
1. The [Rust compiler]( and cargo package manager using `rustup`
2. Python 2.7 (Python 3 is not supported by [neon](
3. The GNU `make` tool
4. A C compiler toolchain like LLVM/Clang, GCC, or MSVC
2. A C compiler toolchain like LLVM/Clang, GCC, or MSVC
Once all these dependencies are present, installing from npm should work (after a fairly lengthy compilation process).
Once these dependencies are present, running `npm run build` will give you a useable library (after a fairly lengthy compilation process).

@@ -116,4 +127,7 @@ ## Module Contents

### CanvasRenderingContext2D
Most of your interaction with the canvas will actually be directed toward its ‘rendering context’, a supporting object you can acquire by calling the canvas’s [getContext()]( method. Documentation for each of the context’s attributes is linked below—properties are printed in **bold** and methods have parentheses attached to the name. The instances where Skia Canvas’s behavior goes beyond the standard are marked by a ⚡ symbol (see the next section for details).
| Canvas State | Drawing Primitives | Stroke & Fill Style | Compositing Effects |

@@ -136,13 +150,42 @@ |----------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|

| [arcTo()][arcTo()] | [**font**][font] [⚡](#font) | [**imageSmoothingQuality**][imageSmoothingQuality] | [getTransform()][getTransform()] |
| [bezierCurveTo()][bezierCurveTo()] | [**fontVariant** ⚡](#fontvariant) | [createImageData()][createImageData()] | [resetTransform()][resetTransform()] |
| [closePath()][closePath()] | [**textAlign**][textAlign] | [createLinearGradient()][createLinearGradient()] | [rotate()][rotate()] |
| [ellipse()][ellipse()] | [**textBaseline**][textBaseline] | [createPattern()][createPattern()] | [scale()][scale()] |
| [lineTo()][lineTo()] | [**textTracking** ⚡](#texttracking) | [createRadialGradient()][createRadialGradient()] | [setTransform()][setTransform()] |
| [moveTo()][moveTo()] | [**textWrap** ⚡](#textwrap) | [getImageData()][getImageData()] | [transform()][transform()] |
| [quadraticCurveTo()][quadraticCurveTo()] | [measureText()][measureText()] [⚡](#measuretextstr-width) | [putImageData()][putImageData()] | [translate()][translate()] |
| [rect()][rect()] | | | |
| [bezierCurveTo()][bezierCurveTo()] | [**fontVariant** ⚡](#fontvariant) | [createConicGradient()][createConicGradient()] | [resetTransform()][resetTransform()] |
| [closePath()][closePath()] | [**textAlign**][textAlign] | [createImageData()][createImageData()] | [rotate()][rotate()] |
| [ellipse()][ellipse()] | [**textBaseline**][textBaseline] | [createLinearGradient()][createLinearGradient()] | [scale()][scale()] |
| [lineTo()][lineTo()] | [**textTracking** ⚡](#texttracking) | [createPattern()][createPattern()] | [setTransform()][setTransform()] |
| [moveTo()][moveTo()] | [**textWrap** ⚡](#textwrap) | [createRadialGradient()][createRadialGradient()] | [transform()][transform()] |
| [quadraticCurveTo()][quadraticCurveTo()] | [measureText()][measureText()] [⚡](#measuretextstr-width) | [getImageData()][getImageData()] | [translate()][translate()] |
| [rect()][rect()] | | [putImageData()][putImageData()] | |
### Path2D
The context object creates an implicit ‘current’ bézier path which is updated by commands like [lineTo()][lineTo()] and [arcTo()][arcTo()] and is drawn to the canvas by calling [fill()][fill()], [stroke()][stroke()], or [clip()][clip()] without any arguments (aside from an optional [winding][nonzero] [rule][evenodd]). If you start creating a second path by calling [beginPath()][beginPath()] the context discards the prior path, forcing you to recreate it by hand if you need it again later.
The `Path2D` class allows you to create paths independent of the context to be drawn as needed (potentially repeatedly). Its constructor can be called without any arguments to create a new, empty path object. It can also accept a string using [SVG syntax][SVG_path_commands] or a reference to an existing `Path2D` object (which it will return a clone of):
// three identical (but independent) paths
let p1 = new Path2D("M 10,10 h 100 v 100 h -100 Z")
let p2 = new Path2D(p1)
let p3 = new Path2D()
p3.rect(10, 10, 100, 100)
You can then use these objects by passing them as the first argument to the context’s `fill()`, `stroke()`, and `clip()` methods (along with an optional second argument specifying the winding rule).
| Line Segments | Shapes | Boolean Ops ⚡ | Extents ⚡ |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| [moveTo()][p2d_moveTo] | [addPath()][p2d_addPath] | [complement()][bool-ops] | [**bounds**](#bounds) |
| [lineTo()][p2d_lineTo] | [arc()][p2d_arc] | [difference()][bool-ops] | [simplify()](#simplify) |
| [bezierCurveTo()][p2d_bezierCurveTo] | [arcTo()][p2d_arcTo] | [intersect()][bool-ops] |
| [quadraticCurveTo()][p2d_quadraticCurveTo] | [ellipse()][p2d_ellipse] | [union()][bool-ops] |
| [closePath()][p2d_closePath] | [rect()][p2d_rect] | [xor()][bool-ops] |
## Non-standard extensions

@@ -231,2 +274,50 @@

### Path2D
##### `.bounds`
In the browser, Path2D objects offer very little in the way of introspection—they are mostly-opaque recorders of drawing commands that can be ‘played back’ later on. Skia Canvas offers some additional transparency by allowing you to measure the total amount of space the lines will occupy (though you’ll need to account for the current `lineWidth` if you plan to draw the path with `stroke()`).
The `.bounds` property contains an object defining the minimal rectangle containing the path:
{top, left, bottom, right, width, height}
##### `complement()`, `difference()`, `intersect()`, `union()`, and `xor()`
In addition to creating `Path2D` objects through the constructor, you can use pairs of existing paths *in combination* to generate new paths based on their degree of overlap. Based on the method you choose, a different boolean relationship will be used to construct the new path. In all the following examples we’ll be starting off with a pair of overlapping shapes:
let oval = new Path2D()
oval.arc(100, 100, 100, 0, 2*Math.PI)
let rect = new Path2D()
rect.rect(0, 100, 100, 100)
![layered paths](/test/assets/path-operation-none.svg)
We can then create a new path by using one of the boolean operations such as:
let knockout = rect.complement(oval),
overlap = rect.intersect(oval),
footprint = rect.union(oval),
![different combinations](/test/assets/path-operations@2x.png)
Note that the `xor` operator is liable to create a path with lines that cross over one another so you’ll get different results when filling it using the [`"evenodd"`][evenodd] winding rule (as shown above) than with [`"nonzero"`][nonzero] (the canvas default).
##### `simplify()`
In cases where the contours of a single path overlap one another, it’s often useful to have a way of effectively applying a `union` operation *within* the path itself. The `simplify` method traces the path and returns a new copy that removes any overlapping segments:
let cross = new Path2D("M 10,50 h 100 v 20 h -100 Z M 50,10 h 20 v100 h -20 Z")
let uncrossed = cross.simplify()
![different combinations](/test/assets/path-simplify@2x.png)
## Utilities

@@ -335,2 +426,14 @@

[bool-ops]: #complement-difference-intersect-union-and-xor
[drawText]: #filltextstr-x-y-width--stroketextstr-x-y-width

@@ -353,2 +456,3 @@


@@ -361,3 +465,2 @@ [canvas]:


@@ -386,2 +489,3 @@ [globalCompositeOperation]:


@@ -419,2 +523,5 @@ [createLinearGradient()]:

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