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Comparing version 0.4.0 to 0.4.1



@@ -49,9 +49,11 @@ (function (global, factory) {

attributeRegex = /(\[[^\]]+\])/g,
idRegex = /(#[^\#\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
classRegex = /(\.[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
idRegex = /(#[^\#\s\+>~\.\[:\)]+)/g,
classRegex = /(\.[^\s\+>~\.\[:\)]+)/g,
pseudoElementRegex = /(::[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+|:first-line|:first-letter|:before|:after)/gi,
// A regex for pseudo classes with brackets - :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), :nth-of-type(), :nth-last-type(), :lang()
pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:[\w-]+\([^\)]*\))/gi,
// The negation psuedo class (:not) is filtered out because specificity is calculated on its argument
// :global and :local are filtered out - they look like psuedo classes but are an identifier for CSS Modules
pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:(?!not|global|local)[\w-]+\([^\)]*\))/gi,
// A regex for other pseudo classes, which don't have brackets
pseudoClassRegex = /(:[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
pseudoClassRegex = /(:(?!not|global|local)[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
elementRegex = /([^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;

@@ -107,10 +109,2 @@

// Remove the negation psuedo-class (:not) but leave its argument because specificity is calculated on its argument
(function() {
var regex = /:not\(([^\)]*)\)/g;
if (regex.test(selector)) {
selector = selector.replace(regex, ' $1 ');
// Remove anything after a left brace in case a user has pasted in a rule, not just a selector

@@ -152,2 +146,9 @@ (function() {

// Remove the negation psuedo-class (:not) but leave its argument because specificity is calculated on its argument
// Remove non-standard :local and :global CSS Module identifiers because they do not effect the specificity
selector = selector.replace(/:not/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/:local/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/:global/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/[\(\)]/g, ' ');
// The only things left should be element selectors (type c)

@@ -154,0 +155,0 @@ findMatch(elementRegex, 'c');

"name": "specificity",
"version": "0.4.0",
"version": "0.4.1",
"description": "Calculate the specificity of a CSS selector",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ // Calculate the specificity for a selector by dividing it into simple selectors and counting them

attributeRegex = /(\[[^\]]+\])/g,
idRegex = /(#[^\#\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
classRegex = /(\.[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
idRegex = /(#[^\#\s\+>~\.\[:\)]+)/g,
classRegex = /(\.[^\s\+>~\.\[:\)]+)/g,
pseudoElementRegex = /(::[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+|:first-line|:first-letter|:before|:after)/gi,
// A regex for pseudo classes with brackets - :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), :nth-of-type(), :nth-last-type(), :lang()
pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:[\w-]+\([^\)]*\))/gi,
// The negation psuedo class (:not) is filtered out because specificity is calculated on its argument
// :global and :local are filtered out - they look like psuedo classes but are an identifier for CSS Modules
pseudoClassWithBracketsRegex = /(:(?!not|global|local)[\w-]+\([^\)]*\))/gi,
// A regex for other pseudo classes, which don't have brackets
pseudoClassRegex = /(:[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
pseudoClassRegex = /(:(?!not|global|local)[^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g,
elementRegex = /([^\s\+>~\.\[:]+)/g;

@@ -101,10 +103,2 @@

// Remove the negation psuedo-class (:not) but leave its argument because specificity is calculated on its argument
(function() {
var regex = /:not\(([^\)]*)\)/g;
if (regex.test(selector)) {
selector = selector.replace(regex, ' $1 ');
// Remove anything after a left brace in case a user has pasted in a rule, not just a selector

@@ -146,2 +140,9 @@ (function() {

// Remove the negation psuedo-class (:not) but leave its argument because specificity is calculated on its argument
// Remove non-standard :local and :global CSS Module identifiers because they do not effect the specificity
selector = selector.replace(/:not/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/:local/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/:global/g, ' ');
selector = selector.replace(/[\(\)]/g, ' ');
// The only things left should be element selectors (type c)

@@ -148,0 +149,0 @@ findMatch(elementRegex, 'c');

@@ -57,2 +57,11 @@ import { describe, it } from 'mocha';

{ selector: 'ul#nav#nav-main a', expected: '0,2,1,3' },
// Test CSS Modules
// Whilst they are not part of the CSS spec, this calculator can support them without breaking results for standard selectors
{ selector: '.root :global .text', expected: '0,0,2,0' },
{ selector: '.localA :global .global-b :local(.local-c) .global-d', expected: '0,0,4,0' },
{ selector: '.localA :global .global-b .global-c :local(.localD.localE) .global-d', expected: '0,0,6,0' },
{ selector: '.localA :global(.global-b) .local-b', expected: '0,0,3,0' },
{ selector: ':local(:nth-child(2n) .test)', expected: '0,0,2,0' },
].forEach(testCase => {

@@ -59,0 +68,0 @@ it(`calculate("${testCase.selector}")`, () => {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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