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Comparing version 0.5.0-next.507226f3 to 0.5.0-next.90d9d8c2



@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** @jsx svg */
/** @jsx html */
var snabbdom_jsx_1 = require("snabbdom-jsx");

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ var vnode_utils_1 = require("../base/views/vnode-utils");

HtmlRootView.prototype.render = function (model, context) {
var root = snabbdom_jsx_1.svg("div", null, context.renderChildren(model));
var root = snabbdom_jsx_1.html("div", null, context.renderChildren(model));
for (var _i = 0, _a = model.classes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ var c = _a[_i];

@@ -23,2 +23,9 @@ import { SModelRoot, SModelRootSchema, SChildElement, SModelElementSchema } from "../base/model/smodel";

* A node that is represented by a diamond.
export declare class DiamondNode extends SNode {
strokeWidth: number;
getAnchor(refPoint: Point, offset?: number): Point;
* A port that is represented by a circle.

@@ -25,0 +32,0 @@ */

@@ -71,2 +71,20 @@ "use strict";

* A node that is represented by a diamond.
var DiamondNode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DiamondNode, _super);
function DiamondNode() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.strokeWidth = 0;
return _this;
DiamondNode.prototype.getAnchor = function (refPoint, offset) {
if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
var strokeCorrection = 0.5 * this.strokeWidth;
return anchors_1.computeDiamondAnchor(this.bounds, refPoint, offset + strokeCorrection);
return DiamondNode;
exports.DiamondNode = DiamondNode;
* A port that is represented by a circle.

@@ -73,0 +91,0 @@ */

@@ -17,2 +17,5 @@ import { VNode } from "snabbdom/vnode";

export declare class DiamondNodeView implements IView {
render(node: Readonly<SShapeElement & Hoverable & Selectable>, context: RenderingContext): VNode;

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

var sgraph_1 = require("../graph/sgraph");
var geometry_1 = require("../utils/geometry");
var SvgViewportView = /** @class */ (function () {

@@ -51,2 +52,18 @@ function SvgViewportView() {

exports.RectangularNodeView = RectangularNodeView;
var DiamondNodeView = /** @class */ (function () {
function DiamondNodeView() {
DiamondNodeView.prototype.render = function (node, context) {
var diamond = new geometry_1.Diamond({ height: Math.max(node.size.height, 0), width: Math.max(node.size.width, 0), x: 0, y: 0 });
var points = svgStr(diamond.topPoint) + " " + svgStr(diamond.rightPoint) + " " + svgStr(diamond.bottomPoint) + " " + svgStr(diamond.leftPoint);
return snabbdom_jsx_1.svg("g", null,
snabbdom_jsx_1.svg("polygon", { "class-sprotty-node": node instanceof sgraph_1.SNode, "class-sprotty-port": node instanceof sgraph_1.SPort, "class-mouseover": node.hoverFeedback, "class-selected": node.selected, points: points }),
return DiamondNodeView;
exports.DiamondNodeView = DiamondNodeView;
function svgStr(point) {
return point.x + "," + point.y;
import { Point, Bounds } from './geometry';
export declare function computeCircleAnchor(position: Point, radius: number, refPoint: Point, offset?: number): Point;
export declare function computeRectangleAnchor(bounds: Bounds, refPoint: Point, offset: number): Point;
export declare function computeDiamondAnchor(bounds: Bounds, refPoint: Point, offset: number): Point;

@@ -85,2 +85,9 @@ "use strict";

exports.computeRectangleAnchor = computeRectangleAnchor;
function computeDiamondAnchor(bounds, refPoint, offset) {
var referenceLine = new geometry_1.PointToPointLine(, refPoint);
var closestDiamondSide = new geometry_1.Diamond(bounds).closestSideLine(refPoint);
var anchorPoint = closestDiamondSide.intersection(referenceLine);
return geometry_1.shiftTowards(anchorPoint, refPoint, offset);
exports.computeDiamondAnchor = computeDiamondAnchor;

@@ -130,2 +130,21 @@ /**

* Computes a point that is the original `point` shifted towards `refPoint` by the given `distance`.
* @param {Point} point - Point to shift
* @param {Point} refPoint - Point to shift towards
* @param {Point} distance - Distance to shift
export declare function shiftTowards(point: Point, refPoint: Point, distance: number): Point;
* Computes the normalized vector from the vector given in `point`; that is, computing its unit vector.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to be normalized
* @returns {Point} The normalized point
export declare function normalize(point: Point): Point;
* Computes the magnitude of the vector given in `point`.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to compute the magnitude for
* @returns {number} The magnitude or also known as length of the `point`
export declare function magnitude(point: Point): number;
* Converts from radians to degrees

@@ -149,2 +168,47 @@ * @param {number} a - A value in radians

export declare function almostEquals(a: number, b: number): boolean;
* A diamond or rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.
* It consinsts of four points, a `topPoint`, `rightPoint`, `bottomPoint`, and a `leftPoint`,
* which are connected by four lines -- the `topRightSideLight`, `topLeftSideLine`, `bottomRightSideLine`,
* and the `bottomLeftSideLine`.
export declare class Diamond {
protected bounds: Bounds;
constructor(bounds: Bounds);
readonly topPoint: Point;
readonly rightPoint: Point;
readonly bottomPoint: Point;
readonly leftPoint: Point;
readonly topRightSideLine: Line;
readonly topLeftSideLine: Line;
readonly bottomRightSideLine: Line;
readonly bottomLeftSideLine: Line;
* Return the closest side of this diamond to the specified `refPoint`.
* @param {Point} refPoint a reference point
* @returns {Line} a line representing the closest side
closestSideLine(refPoint: Point): Line;
* A line represented in its standard form `a*x + b*y = c`.
export interface Line {
readonly a: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly c: number;
intersection(otherLine: Line): Point;
* A line made up from two points.
export declare class PointToPointLine implements Line {
protected p1: Point;
protected p2: Point;
constructor(p1: Point, p2: Point);
readonly a: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly c: number;
intersection(other: Line): Point;

@@ -199,2 +199,40 @@ "use strict";

* Computes a point that is the original `point` shifted towards `refPoint` by the given `distance`.
* @param {Point} point - Point to shift
* @param {Point} refPoint - Point to shift towards
* @param {Point} distance - Distance to shift
function shiftTowards(point, refPoint, distance) {
var diff = subtract(refPoint, point);
var normalized = normalize(diff);
var shift = { x: normalized.x * distance, y: normalized.y * distance };
return add(point, shift);
exports.shiftTowards = shiftTowards;
* Computes the normalized vector from the vector given in `point`; that is, computing its unit vector.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to be normalized
* @returns {Point} The normalized point
function normalize(point) {
var mag = magnitude(point);
if (mag === 0 || mag === 1) {
return exports.ORIGIN_POINT;
return {
x: point.x / mag,
y: point.y / mag
exports.normalize = normalize;
* Computes the magnitude of the vector given in `point`.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to compute the magnitude for
* @returns {number} The magnitude or also known as length of the `point`
function magnitude(point) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point.x, 2) + Math.pow(point.y, 2));
exports.magnitude = magnitude;
* Converts from radians to degrees

@@ -227,2 +265,145 @@ * @param {number} a - A value in radians

exports.almostEquals = almostEquals;
* A diamond or rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.
* It consinsts of four points, a `topPoint`, `rightPoint`, `bottomPoint`, and a `leftPoint`,
* which are connected by four lines -- the `topRightSideLight`, `topLeftSideLine`, `bottomRightSideLine`,
* and the `bottomLeftSideLine`.
var Diamond = /** @class */ (function () {
function Diamond(bounds) {
this.bounds = bounds;
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "topPoint", {
get: function () {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2,
y: this.bounds.y
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "rightPoint", {
get: function () {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "bottomPoint", {
get: function () {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "leftPoint", {
get: function () {
return {
x: this.bounds.x,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "topRightSideLine", {
get: function () {
return new PointToPointLine(this.topPoint, this.rightPoint);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "topLeftSideLine", {
get: function () {
return new PointToPointLine(this.topPoint, this.leftPoint);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "bottomRightSideLine", {
get: function () {
return new PointToPointLine(this.bottomPoint, this.rightPoint);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Diamond.prototype, "bottomLeftSideLine", {
get: function () {
return new PointToPointLine(this.bottomPoint, this.leftPoint);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Return the closest side of this diamond to the specified `refPoint`.
* @param {Point} refPoint a reference point
* @returns {Line} a line representing the closest side
Diamond.prototype.closestSideLine = function (refPoint) {
var c = center(this.bounds);
if (refPoint.x > c.x) {
if (refPoint.y > c.y) {
return this.bottomRightSideLine;
else {
return this.topRightSideLine;
else {
if (refPoint.y > c.y) {
return this.bottomLeftSideLine;
else {
return this.topLeftSideLine;
return Diamond;
exports.Diamond = Diamond;
* A line made up from two points.
var PointToPointLine = /** @class */ (function () {
function PointToPointLine(p1, p2) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
Object.defineProperty(PointToPointLine.prototype, "a", {
get: function () {
return this.p1.y - this.p2.y;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(PointToPointLine.prototype, "b", {
get: function () {
return this.p2.x - this.p1.x;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(PointToPointLine.prototype, "c", {
get: function () {
return this.p2.x * this.p1.y - this.p1.x * this.p2.y;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
PointToPointLine.prototype.intersection = function (other) {
return {
x: (this.c * other.b - other.c * this.b) / (this.a * other.b - other.a * this.b),
y: (this.a * other.c - other.a * this.c) / (this.a * other.b - other.a * this.b)
return PointToPointLine;
exports.PointToPointLine = PointToPointLine;
"name": "sprotty",
"version": "0.5.0-next.507226f3",
"version": "0.5.0-next.90d9d8c2",
"description": "A next-gen framework for graphical views",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ /*

import { Point, Dimension, ORIGIN_POINT, EMPTY_DIMENSION, Bounds } from "../utils/geometry";
import { computeCircleAnchor, computeRectangleAnchor } from '../utils/anchors';
import { computeCircleAnchor, computeRectangleAnchor, computeDiamondAnchor } from '../utils/anchors';
import { BoundsAware, boundsFeature, Alignable, alignFeature } from "../features/bounds/model";

@@ -47,2 +47,14 @@ import { Locateable, moveFeature } from "../features/move/model";

* A node that is represented by a diamond.
export class DiamondNode extends SNode {
strokeWidth: number = 0;
getAnchor(refPoint: Point, offset: number = 0): Point {
const strokeCorrection = 0.5 * this.strokeWidth;
return computeDiamondAnchor(this.bounds, refPoint, offset + strokeCorrection);
* A port that is represented by a circle.

@@ -49,0 +61,0 @@ */

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ /*

import { Point, Bounds, center, almostEquals } from './geometry';
import { Point, Bounds, center, almostEquals, PointToPointLine, Diamond, shiftTowards } from './geometry';

@@ -84,1 +84,8 @@ export function computeCircleAnchor(position: Point, radius: number, refPoint: Point, offset: number = 0): Point {

export function computeDiamondAnchor(bounds: Bounds, refPoint: Point, offset: number): Point {
const referenceLine = new PointToPointLine(center(bounds), refPoint);
const closestDiamondSide = new Diamond(bounds).closestSideLine(refPoint);
const anchorPoint = closestDiamondSide.intersection(referenceLine);
return shiftTowards(anchorPoint, refPoint, offset);

@@ -228,2 +228,40 @@ /*

* Computes a point that is the original `point` shifted towards `refPoint` by the given `distance`.
* @param {Point} point - Point to shift
* @param {Point} refPoint - Point to shift towards
* @param {Point} distance - Distance to shift
export function shiftTowards(point: Point, refPoint: Point, distance: number): Point {
const diff = subtract(refPoint, point);
const normalized = normalize(diff);
const shift = {x: normalized.x * distance, y: normalized.y * distance};
return add(point, shift);
* Computes the normalized vector from the vector given in `point`; that is, computing its unit vector.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to be normalized
* @returns {Point} The normalized point
export function normalize(point: Point): Point {
const mag = magnitude(point);
if (mag === 0 || mag === 1) {
return {
x: point.x / mag,
y: point.y / mag
* Computes the magnitude of the vector given in `point`.
* @param {Point} point - Point representing the vector to compute the magnitude for
* @returns {number} The magnitude or also known as length of the `point`
export function magnitude(point: Point): number {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point.x, 2) + Math.pow(point.y, 2));
* Converts from radians to degrees

@@ -255,1 +293,117 @@ * @param {number} a - A value in radians

* A diamond or rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.
* It consinsts of four points, a `topPoint`, `rightPoint`, `bottomPoint`, and a `leftPoint`,
* which are connected by four lines -- the `topRightSideLight`, `topLeftSideLine`, `bottomRightSideLine`,
* and the `bottomLeftSideLine`.
export class Diamond {
constructor(protected bounds: Bounds) { }
get topPoint(): Point {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2,
y: this.bounds.y
get rightPoint(): Point {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2
get bottomPoint(): Point {
return {
x: this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height
get leftPoint(): Point {
return {
x: this.bounds.x,
y: this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2
get topRightSideLine(): Line {
return new PointToPointLine(this.topPoint, this.rightPoint);
get topLeftSideLine(): Line {
return new PointToPointLine(this.topPoint, this.leftPoint);
get bottomRightSideLine(): Line {
return new PointToPointLine(this.bottomPoint, this.rightPoint);
get bottomLeftSideLine(): Line {
return new PointToPointLine(this.bottomPoint, this.leftPoint);
* Return the closest side of this diamond to the specified `refPoint`.
* @param {Point} refPoint a reference point
* @returns {Line} a line representing the closest side
closestSideLine(refPoint: Point): Line {
const c = center(this.bounds);
if (refPoint.x > c.x) {
if (refPoint.y > c.y) {
return this.bottomRightSideLine;
} else {
return this.topRightSideLine;
} else {
if (refPoint.y > c.y) {
return this.bottomLeftSideLine;
} else {
return this.topLeftSideLine;
* A line represented in its standard form `a*x + b*y = c`.
export interface Line {
readonly a: number
readonly b: number
readonly c: number
intersection(otherLine: Line): Point
* A line made up from two points.
export class PointToPointLine implements Line {
constructor(protected p1: Point, protected p2: Point) { }
get a(): number {
return this.p1.y - this.p2.y;
get b(): number {
return this.p2.x - this.p1.x;
get c(): number {
return this.p2.x * this.p1.y - this.p1.x * this.p2.y;
intersection(other: Line): Point {
return {
x: (this.c * other.b - other.c * this.b) / (this.a * other.b - other.a * this.b),
y: (this.a * other.c - other.a * this.c) / (this.a * other.b - other.a * this.b)

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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