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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 2.7.0 to 2.8.0



@@ -20,3 +20,132 @@ 'use strict';

const forEach = (arrOrObj, handler) => {
const NOP = () => {};
const forEach = (o, handler) => Object.keys(o).forEach(k => handler(o[k], k));
const __typePattern = /^\[object ([^\]]+)]$/;
const __getTypeOfObject = o => (__typePattern.exec( || [undefined])[1];
const __serializeProp = (key, value, custom, serialized) => typeof value === 'string' ? `${key}="${value}"` : `${key}={${__serialize(value, custom, serialized)}}`;
const __serializeProps = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const elemProps = o.props;
const props = [];
forEach(elemProps, (v, k) => {
if (v !== undefined && k !== 'children') props.push(__serializeProp(k, v, custom, serialized));
if (o.key) props.push(__serializeProp('key', o.key, custom, serialized));
if (o.ref) props.push(__serializeProp('ref', o.ref, custom, serialized));
if (!props.length) return '';
return ' ' + props.join(' ');
const __serializeChildren = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const children = o.props.children;
if (!children) return '';
if (typeof children === 'string') return children;
return Array.isArray(children) ? => __serialize(v, custom, serialized)).join('') : __serialize(children, custom, serialized);
const __reactTypeNameReader = {
String: type => type,
Function: type =>,
Symbol: type => Symbol.keyFor(type) === 'react.fragment' && 'Fragment' || undefined
const getTypeName = type => (__reactTypeNameReader[__getTypeOfObject(type)] || NOP)(type);
const __serializeReactElement = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const type = getTypeName(o.type) || 'UNKNOWN';
const children = __serializeChildren(o, custom, serialized);
return `<${type}${__serializeProps(o, custom, serialized)}${children ? `>${children}</${type}>` : ' />'}`;
const __serializeReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const symbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
switch (symbolKey) {
case 'react.element':
return __serializeReactElement(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeIfReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if ($$typeof) === '[object Symbol]') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
if (key && key.indexOf('react.') === 0) return __serializeReact(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializerByType = {
BigInt: o => `${String(o)}n`,
RegExp: o => `/${String(o)}/`,
String: o => o.indexOf('"') === -1 && o.indexOf("'") !== -1 ? `"${o}"` : `'${o}'`,
Function: o => || 'Function',
AsyncFunction: o => || 'AsyncFunction',
Date: o => `new Date(${Number(o)})`,
Number: o => String(o),
Boolean: o => String(o),
Set: o => `new Set(${__serializeArray([...o.keys()], undefined, [])})`,
Map: o => `new Map(${__serializeArray([...o.entries()], undefined, [])})`,
Symbol: o => Symbol.keyFor(o) === undefined ? o.toString() : `Symbol.for('${Symbol.keyFor(o)}')`,
Error: o => `new ${}('${o.message}')`
const __serializeArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
results.push(__serialize(o[i], custom, serialized));
return `[${results.join(', ')}]`;
const __serializeOptArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if (Array.isArray(o)) return __serializeArray(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeObject = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const oKeys = Object.keys(o);
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oKeys.length; i++) {
const key = oKeys[i];
results.push(`${key}: ${__serialize(o[key], custom, serialized)}`);
const objectType =;
const displayedType = objectType === 'Object' ? '' : objectType;
return `${displayedType}{${results.join(', ')}}`;
const Serialize = {
custom: (o, custom) => custom && custom(o),
undefOrNull: o => o === undefined && 'undefined' || o === null && 'null' || undefined,
flat: o => (__serializerByType[__getTypeOfObject(o)] || NOP)(o),
cyclomatic: (o, _, serialized) => serialized.indexOf(o) !== -1 && '>CYCLOMATIC<' || undefined,
react: __serializeIfReact,
array: __serializeOptArray
const __serialize = (o, custom, serialized) => Serialize.custom(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.undefOrNull(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.flat(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.cyclomatic(o, custom, serialized) || (nextSerialized => Serialize.react(o, custom, nextSerialized) || Serialize.array(o, custom, nextSerialized) || __serializeObject(o, custom, nextSerialized))([...serialized, o]);
const _serialize = (o, custom) => __serialize(o, custom, []);
const Serializer = {
run: o => _serialize(o),
create: custom => o => _serialize(o, custom)
const IGNORE = Symbol.for('__Spy_IGNORE__');
const serialize = Serializer.create(o => o === IGNORE && '>IGNORED<' || undefined);
const forEach$1 = (arrOrObj, handler) => {
for (let key in arrOrObj) {

@@ -31,3 +160,3 @@ if (arrOrObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

const keys = [];
forEach(arrOrObj, key => keys.push(key));
forEach$1(arrOrObj, key => keys.push(key));
return keys;

@@ -38,3 +167,3 @@ };

const result = [...arr1];
forEach(arr2, (key, val) => {
forEach$1(arr2, (key, val) => {
if (arr1.indexOf(val) === -1) {

@@ -47,3 +176,3 @@ result.push(val);

const IGNORE = Symbol.for('__Spy_IGNORE__');
const SPY_COMPARE_FAILED = 'Spy.COMPARE failed';

@@ -58,3 +187,3 @@ class SpyComparator {

compare(arg) {
if (!this._func(arg)) return 'custom comparison failed';
if (this._func(arg) === false) return [SPY_COMPARE_FAILED];

@@ -66,2 +195,4 @@

const __different = type => ['different ' + type];
const __diff = (a, b, initial, useOwnEquals, alreadyComparedArray = []) => {

@@ -72,7 +203,7 @@ if (a === IGNORE || b === IGNORE) return;

if (a === b) return;
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return 'one was undefined';
if (a === null || b === null) return 'one was null';
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return ['one was undefined'];
if (a === null || b === null) return ['one was null'];
const aClass =;
const bClass =;
if (aClass !== bClass) return `different object types: ${aClass} <-> ${bClass}`;
if (aClass !== bClass) return __different(`object types: ${aClass} <-> ${bClass}`);

@@ -85,12 +216,12 @@ switch (aClass) {

return 'different regexp';
return __different('regexp');
case '[object String]':
return 'different string';
return __different('string');
case '[object Function]':
return 'different function';
return __different('function');
case '[object AsyncFunction]':
return 'different async function';
return __different('async function');

@@ -102,6 +233,6 @@ case '[object Number]':

return 'different number';
return __different('number');
case '[object BigInt]':
return 'different BigInt';
return __different('BigInt');

@@ -113,9 +244,9 @@ case '[object Date]':

return 'different date';
return __different('date');
case '[object Boolean]':
return 'different bool';
return __different('bool');
case '[object Symbol]':
return 'different symbols';
return __different('symbols');

@@ -127,7 +258,7 @@ case '[object Error]':

return 'different error';
return __different('error');
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return 'different constructor';
return __different('constructor');

@@ -142,3 +273,3 @@

return 'own equals method failed <- ' + 'Maybe you want to disable the usage ' + 'of own equals implementation? ' + '[ Use: spy.configure({useOwnEquals: false}) ]';
return ['own equals method failed <- ' + 'Maybe you want to disable the usage ' + 'of own equals implementation? ' + '[ Use: spy.configure({useOwnEquals: false}) ]'];

@@ -156,6 +287,6 @@

const diffStr = __diff(a[key], b[key], false, useOwnEquals, compared);
const diff = __diff(a[key], b[key], false, useOwnEquals, compared);
if (diffStr !== undefined) {
return `${initial ? `--> ${key}` : `${key}`} / ${diffStr}`;
if (diff !== undefined) {
return [key, ...diff];

@@ -165,6 +296,30 @@ }

const __serializeDifferentProp = (obj, diff) => {
let toSerialize = obj;
diff.slice(0, -1).forEach(key => {
toSerialize = toSerialize[key];
return serialize(toSerialize);
const __diffToStr = (diff, info = '') => {
if (diff.length === 1) return diff[0];
return `--> ${diff[0]} / ` + diff.slice(1).join(' / ') + info;
const differenceOf = (a, b, config = {
useOwnEquals: true
}) => {
return __diff(a, b, true, config.useOwnEquals);
const diff = __diff(a, b, true, config.useOwnEquals);
if (!diff) return;
const diffStr = __diffToStr(diff);
if (diff.length < 2) return diffStr;
const diffProp1 = __serializeDifferentProp(a, diff);
const info = diff[diff.length - 1] === SPY_COMPARE_FAILED ? `called with: ${diffProp1}` : `${diffProp1} != ${__serializeDifferentProp(b, diff)}`;
return `${diffStr} [${info}]`;

@@ -197,3 +352,3 @@

SpyRegistry.prototype.restoreAll = function () {
forEach(this.register, (ignored, entry) => {
forEach$1(this.register, (ignored, entry) => {

@@ -242,130 +397,2 @@ });

const NOP = () => {};
const forEach$1 = (o, handler) => Object.keys(o).forEach(k => handler(o[k], k));
const __typePattern = /^\[object ([^\]]+)]$/;
const __getTypeOfObject = o => (__typePattern.exec( || [undefined])[1];
const __serializeProp = (key, value, custom, serialized) => typeof value === 'string' ? `${key}="${value}"` : `${key}={${__serialize(value, custom, serialized)}}`;
const __serializeProps = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const elemProps = o.props;
const props = [];
forEach$1(elemProps, (v, k) => {
if (v !== undefined && k !== 'children') props.push(__serializeProp(k, v, custom, serialized));
if (o.key) props.push(__serializeProp('key', o.key, custom, serialized));
if (o.ref) props.push(__serializeProp('ref', o.ref, custom, serialized));
if (!props.length) return '';
return ' ' + props.join(' ');
const __serializeChildren = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const children = o.props.children;
if (!children) return '';
if (typeof children === 'string') return children;
return Array.isArray(children) ? => __serialize(v, custom, serialized)).join('') : __serialize(children, custom, serialized);
const __reactTypeNameReader = {
String: type => type,
Function: type =>,
Symbol: type => Symbol.keyFor(type) === 'react.fragment' && 'Fragment' || undefined
const getTypeName = type => (__reactTypeNameReader[__getTypeOfObject(type)] || NOP)(type);
const __serializeReactElement = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const type = getTypeName(o.type) || 'UNKNOWN';
const children = __serializeChildren(o, custom, serialized);
return `<${type}${__serializeProps(o, custom, serialized)}${children ? `>${children}</${type}>` : ' />'}`;
const __serializeReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const symbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
switch (symbolKey) {
case 'react.element':
return __serializeReactElement(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeIfReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if ($$typeof) === '[object Symbol]') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
if (key && key.indexOf('react.') === 0) return __serializeReact(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializerByType = {
BigInt: o => `${String(o)}n`,
RegExp: o => `/${String(o)}/`,
String: o => o.indexOf('"') === -1 && o.indexOf("'") !== -1 ? `"${o}"` : `'${o}'`,
Function: o => || 'Function',
AsyncFunction: o => || 'AsyncFunction',
Date: o => `new Date(${Number(o)})`,
Number: o => String(o),
Boolean: o => String(o),
Set: o => `new Set(${__serializeArray([...o.keys()], undefined, [])})`,
Map: o => `new Map(${__serializeArray([...o.entries()], undefined, [])})`,
Symbol: o => Symbol.keyFor(o) === undefined ? o.toString() : `Symbol.for('${Symbol.keyFor(o)}')`,
Error: o => `new ${}('${o.message}')`
const __serializeArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
results.push(__serialize(o[i], custom, serialized));
return `[${results.join(', ')}]`;
const __serializeOptArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if (Array.isArray(o)) return __serializeArray(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeObject = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const oKeys = Object.keys(o);
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oKeys.length; i++) {
const key = oKeys[i];
results.push(`${key}: ${__serialize(o[key], custom, serialized)}`);
const objectType =;
const displayedType = objectType === 'Object' ? '' : objectType;
return `${displayedType}{${results.join(', ')}}`;
const Serialize = {
custom: (o, custom) => custom && custom(o),
undefOrNull: o => o === undefined && 'undefined' || o === null && 'null' || undefined,
flat: o => (__serializerByType[__getTypeOfObject(o)] || NOP)(o),
cyclomatic: (o, _, serialized) => serialized.indexOf(o) !== -1 && '>CYCLOMATIC<' || undefined,
react: __serializeIfReact,
array: __serializeOptArray
const __serialize = (o, custom, serialized) => Serialize.custom(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.undefOrNull(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.flat(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.cyclomatic(o, custom, serialized) || (nextSerialized => Serialize.react(o, custom, nextSerialized) || Serialize.array(o, custom, nextSerialized) || __serializeObject(o, custom, nextSerialized))([...serialized, o]);
const _serialize = (o, custom) => __serialize(o, custom, []);
const Serializer = {
run: o => _serialize(o),
create: custom => o => _serialize(o, custom)
const serialize = Serializer.create(o => o === IGNORE && '>IGNORED<' || undefined);
const uninitialized = method => () => {

@@ -399,3 +426,3 @@ throw new Error(`Method '${method}' was not initialized on Mock.`);

const mock = registerMock(obj);
forEach(methods, (_, method) => {
forEach$1(methods, (_, method) => {
mock[method] = uninitialized(method);

@@ -413,3 +440,3 @@ });

}, spyOn) => {
forEach(mock, method => {
forEach$1(mock, method => {
try {

@@ -424,3 +451,3 @@ mock[method] = spyOn(mocked, method);

const initMockScope = (scoping, spyOn) => {
forEach(_mocks[scoping], (_, mock) => initMock(mock, spyOn));
forEach$1(_mocks[scoping], (_, mock) => initMock(mock, spyOn));

@@ -433,2 +460,6 @@

const _testSuite = {
isJest: !!jest,
isCJS: !!require
const runner = {};

@@ -452,3 +483,3 @@ const oldDescribe = describe;

const configureTestSuite = other => {
const configure = other => {
if (other.afterEach) runner.afterEach = other.afterEach;

@@ -458,2 +489,31 @@ if (other.beforeEach) runner.beforeEach = other.beforeEach;

const addSnapshotSerializer = serializer => {
_testSuite.isJest && expect && expect.addSnapshotSerializer && expect.addSnapshotSerializer(serializer);
const __caller = stackNum => {
const traceFn = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) => stack;
const stack = new Error().stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = traceFn;
return stack[stackNum].getFileName();
const __callerBasedir = stackNum => require('path').dirname(__caller(stackNum));
const createMock$1 = (SPY, moduleName, names) => {
if (!_testSuite.isCJS) throw new Error('Spy.moduleMock works only if your test runner executes with CommonJS');
return SPY.mock(require(require('path').join(__callerBasedir(STACK_NUM_CREATE_MOCK), moduleName)), ...names);
const TestSuite = {
createMock: createMock$1,
const registry = new SpyRegistry();

@@ -470,3 +530,3 @@ let __LOCK__ = true;

expect && expect.addSnapshotSerializer && expect.addSnapshotSerializer({
test: v => v && v[Symbols.isSpy],

@@ -715,3 +775,3 @@ print: spy => spy[Symbols.snap]

forEach(SpyFunctions, (key, value) => {
forEach$1(SpyFunctions, (key, value) => {
spy[key] = value;

@@ -728,3 +788,3 @@ });

afterEach: config.afterEach,

@@ -760,2 +820,6 @@ beforeEach: config.beforeEach

static mockModule(moduleName, ...methodNames) {
return TestSuite.createMock(Spy, moduleName, methodNames);
static initMocks(scope) {

@@ -786,4 +850,4 @@ initMocks(Spy.on, scope);

exports.Spy = Spy;

@@ -16,3 +16,132 @@ function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {

const forEach = (arrOrObj, handler) => {
const NOP = () => {};
const forEach = (o, handler) => Object.keys(o).forEach(k => handler(o[k], k));
const __typePattern = /^\[object ([^\]]+)]$/;
const __getTypeOfObject = o => (__typePattern.exec( || [undefined])[1];
const __serializeProp = (key, value, custom, serialized) => typeof value === 'string' ? `${key}="${value}"` : `${key}={${__serialize(value, custom, serialized)}}`;
const __serializeProps = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const elemProps = o.props;
const props = [];
forEach(elemProps, (v, k) => {
if (v !== undefined && k !== 'children') props.push(__serializeProp(k, v, custom, serialized));
if (o.key) props.push(__serializeProp('key', o.key, custom, serialized));
if (o.ref) props.push(__serializeProp('ref', o.ref, custom, serialized));
if (!props.length) return '';
return ' ' + props.join(' ');
const __serializeChildren = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const children = o.props.children;
if (!children) return '';
if (typeof children === 'string') return children;
return Array.isArray(children) ? => __serialize(v, custom, serialized)).join('') : __serialize(children, custom, serialized);
const __reactTypeNameReader = {
String: type => type,
Function: type =>,
Symbol: type => Symbol.keyFor(type) === 'react.fragment' && 'Fragment' || undefined
const getTypeName = type => (__reactTypeNameReader[__getTypeOfObject(type)] || NOP)(type);
const __serializeReactElement = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const type = getTypeName(o.type) || 'UNKNOWN';
const children = __serializeChildren(o, custom, serialized);
return `<${type}${__serializeProps(o, custom, serialized)}${children ? `>${children}</${type}>` : ' />'}`;
const __serializeReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const symbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
switch (symbolKey) {
case 'react.element':
return __serializeReactElement(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeIfReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if ($$typeof) === '[object Symbol]') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
if (key && key.indexOf('react.') === 0) return __serializeReact(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializerByType = {
BigInt: o => `${String(o)}n`,
RegExp: o => `/${String(o)}/`,
String: o => o.indexOf('"') === -1 && o.indexOf("'") !== -1 ? `"${o}"` : `'${o}'`,
Function: o => || 'Function',
AsyncFunction: o => || 'AsyncFunction',
Date: o => `new Date(${Number(o)})`,
Number: o => String(o),
Boolean: o => String(o),
Set: o => `new Set(${__serializeArray([...o.keys()], undefined, [])})`,
Map: o => `new Map(${__serializeArray([...o.entries()], undefined, [])})`,
Symbol: o => Symbol.keyFor(o) === undefined ? o.toString() : `Symbol.for('${Symbol.keyFor(o)}')`,
Error: o => `new ${}('${o.message}')`
const __serializeArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
results.push(__serialize(o[i], custom, serialized));
return `[${results.join(', ')}]`;
const __serializeOptArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if (Array.isArray(o)) return __serializeArray(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeObject = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const oKeys = Object.keys(o);
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oKeys.length; i++) {
const key = oKeys[i];
results.push(`${key}: ${__serialize(o[key], custom, serialized)}`);
const objectType =;
const displayedType = objectType === 'Object' ? '' : objectType;
return `${displayedType}{${results.join(', ')}}`;
const Serialize = {
custom: (o, custom) => custom && custom(o),
undefOrNull: o => o === undefined && 'undefined' || o === null && 'null' || undefined,
flat: o => (__serializerByType[__getTypeOfObject(o)] || NOP)(o),
cyclomatic: (o, _, serialized) => serialized.indexOf(o) !== -1 && '>CYCLOMATIC<' || undefined,
react: __serializeIfReact,
array: __serializeOptArray
const __serialize = (o, custom, serialized) => Serialize.custom(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.undefOrNull(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.flat(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.cyclomatic(o, custom, serialized) || (nextSerialized => Serialize.react(o, custom, nextSerialized) || Serialize.array(o, custom, nextSerialized) || __serializeObject(o, custom, nextSerialized))([...serialized, o]);
const _serialize = (o, custom) => __serialize(o, custom, []);
const Serializer = {
run: o => _serialize(o),
create: custom => o => _serialize(o, custom)
const IGNORE = Symbol.for('__Spy_IGNORE__');
const serialize = Serializer.create(o => o === IGNORE && '>IGNORED<' || undefined);
const forEach$1 = (arrOrObj, handler) => {
for (let key in arrOrObj) {

@@ -27,3 +156,3 @@ if (arrOrObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

const keys = [];
forEach(arrOrObj, key => keys.push(key));
forEach$1(arrOrObj, key => keys.push(key));
return keys;

@@ -34,3 +163,3 @@ };

const result = [...arr1];
forEach(arr2, (key, val) => {
forEach$1(arr2, (key, val) => {
if (arr1.indexOf(val) === -1) {

@@ -43,3 +172,3 @@ result.push(val);

const IGNORE = Symbol.for('__Spy_IGNORE__');
const SPY_COMPARE_FAILED = 'Spy.COMPARE failed';

@@ -54,3 +183,3 @@ class SpyComparator {

compare(arg) {
if (!this._func(arg)) return 'custom comparison failed';
if (this._func(arg) === false) return [SPY_COMPARE_FAILED];

@@ -62,2 +191,4 @@

const __different = type => ['different ' + type];
const __diff = (a, b, initial, useOwnEquals, alreadyComparedArray = []) => {

@@ -68,7 +199,7 @@ if (a === IGNORE || b === IGNORE) return;

if (a === b) return;
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return 'one was undefined';
if (a === null || b === null) return 'one was null';
if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return ['one was undefined'];
if (a === null || b === null) return ['one was null'];
const aClass =;
const bClass =;
if (aClass !== bClass) return `different object types: ${aClass} <-> ${bClass}`;
if (aClass !== bClass) return __different(`object types: ${aClass} <-> ${bClass}`);

@@ -81,12 +212,12 @@ switch (aClass) {

return 'different regexp';
return __different('regexp');
case '[object String]':
return 'different string';
return __different('string');
case '[object Function]':
return 'different function';
return __different('function');
case '[object AsyncFunction]':
return 'different async function';
return __different('async function');

@@ -98,6 +229,6 @@ case '[object Number]':

return 'different number';
return __different('number');
case '[object BigInt]':
return 'different BigInt';
return __different('BigInt');

@@ -109,9 +240,9 @@ case '[object Date]':

return 'different date';
return __different('date');
case '[object Boolean]':
return 'different bool';
return __different('bool');
case '[object Symbol]':
return 'different symbols';
return __different('symbols');

@@ -123,7 +254,7 @@ case '[object Error]':

return 'different error';
return __different('error');
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return 'different constructor';
return __different('constructor');

@@ -138,3 +269,3 @@

return 'own equals method failed <- ' + 'Maybe you want to disable the usage ' + 'of own equals implementation? ' + '[ Use: spy.configure({useOwnEquals: false}) ]';
return ['own equals method failed <- ' + 'Maybe you want to disable the usage ' + 'of own equals implementation? ' + '[ Use: spy.configure({useOwnEquals: false}) ]'];

@@ -152,6 +283,6 @@

const diffStr = __diff(a[key], b[key], false, useOwnEquals, compared);
const diff = __diff(a[key], b[key], false, useOwnEquals, compared);
if (diffStr !== undefined) {
return `${initial ? `--> ${key}` : `${key}`} / ${diffStr}`;
if (diff !== undefined) {
return [key, ...diff];

@@ -161,6 +292,30 @@ }

const __serializeDifferentProp = (obj, diff) => {
let toSerialize = obj;
diff.slice(0, -1).forEach(key => {
toSerialize = toSerialize[key];
return serialize(toSerialize);
const __diffToStr = (diff, info = '') => {
if (diff.length === 1) return diff[0];
return `--> ${diff[0]} / ` + diff.slice(1).join(' / ') + info;
const differenceOf = (a, b, config = {
useOwnEquals: true
}) => {
return __diff(a, b, true, config.useOwnEquals);
const diff = __diff(a, b, true, config.useOwnEquals);
if (!diff) return;
const diffStr = __diffToStr(diff);
if (diff.length < 2) return diffStr;
const diffProp1 = __serializeDifferentProp(a, diff);
const info = diff[diff.length - 1] === SPY_COMPARE_FAILED ? `called with: ${diffProp1}` : `${diffProp1} != ${__serializeDifferentProp(b, diff)}`;
return `${diffStr} [${info}]`;

@@ -193,3 +348,3 @@

SpyRegistry.prototype.restoreAll = function () {
forEach(this.register, (ignored, entry) => {
forEach$1(this.register, (ignored, entry) => {

@@ -238,130 +393,2 @@ });

const NOP = () => {};
const forEach$1 = (o, handler) => Object.keys(o).forEach(k => handler(o[k], k));
const __typePattern = /^\[object ([^\]]+)]$/;
const __getTypeOfObject = o => (__typePattern.exec( || [undefined])[1];
const __serializeProp = (key, value, custom, serialized) => typeof value === 'string' ? `${key}="${value}"` : `${key}={${__serialize(value, custom, serialized)}}`;
const __serializeProps = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const elemProps = o.props;
const props = [];
forEach$1(elemProps, (v, k) => {
if (v !== undefined && k !== 'children') props.push(__serializeProp(k, v, custom, serialized));
if (o.key) props.push(__serializeProp('key', o.key, custom, serialized));
if (o.ref) props.push(__serializeProp('ref', o.ref, custom, serialized));
if (!props.length) return '';
return ' ' + props.join(' ');
const __serializeChildren = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const children = o.props.children;
if (!children) return '';
if (typeof children === 'string') return children;
return Array.isArray(children) ? => __serialize(v, custom, serialized)).join('') : __serialize(children, custom, serialized);
const __reactTypeNameReader = {
String: type => type,
Function: type =>,
Symbol: type => Symbol.keyFor(type) === 'react.fragment' && 'Fragment' || undefined
const getTypeName = type => (__reactTypeNameReader[__getTypeOfObject(type)] || NOP)(type);
const __serializeReactElement = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const type = getTypeName(o.type) || 'UNKNOWN';
const children = __serializeChildren(o, custom, serialized);
return `<${type}${__serializeProps(o, custom, serialized)}${children ? `>${children}</${type}>` : ' />'}`;
const __serializeReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const symbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
switch (symbolKey) {
case 'react.element':
return __serializeReactElement(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeIfReact = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if ($$typeof) === '[object Symbol]') {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(o.$$typeof);
if (key && key.indexOf('react.') === 0) return __serializeReact(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializerByType = {
BigInt: o => `${String(o)}n`,
RegExp: o => `/${String(o)}/`,
String: o => o.indexOf('"') === -1 && o.indexOf("'") !== -1 ? `"${o}"` : `'${o}'`,
Function: o => || 'Function',
AsyncFunction: o => || 'AsyncFunction',
Date: o => `new Date(${Number(o)})`,
Number: o => String(o),
Boolean: o => String(o),
Set: o => `new Set(${__serializeArray([...o.keys()], undefined, [])})`,
Map: o => `new Map(${__serializeArray([...o.entries()], undefined, [])})`,
Symbol: o => Symbol.keyFor(o) === undefined ? o.toString() : `Symbol.for('${Symbol.keyFor(o)}')`,
Error: o => `new ${}('${o.message}')`
const __serializeArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
results.push(__serialize(o[i], custom, serialized));
return `[${results.join(', ')}]`;
const __serializeOptArray = (o, custom, serialized) => {
if (Array.isArray(o)) return __serializeArray(o, custom, serialized);
const __serializeObject = (o, custom, serialized) => {
const oKeys = Object.keys(o);
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oKeys.length; i++) {
const key = oKeys[i];
results.push(`${key}: ${__serialize(o[key], custom, serialized)}`);
const objectType =;
const displayedType = objectType === 'Object' ? '' : objectType;
return `${displayedType}{${results.join(', ')}}`;
const Serialize = {
custom: (o, custom) => custom && custom(o),
undefOrNull: o => o === undefined && 'undefined' || o === null && 'null' || undefined,
flat: o => (__serializerByType[__getTypeOfObject(o)] || NOP)(o),
cyclomatic: (o, _, serialized) => serialized.indexOf(o) !== -1 && '>CYCLOMATIC<' || undefined,
react: __serializeIfReact,
array: __serializeOptArray
const __serialize = (o, custom, serialized) => Serialize.custom(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.undefOrNull(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.flat(o, custom, serialized) || Serialize.cyclomatic(o, custom, serialized) || (nextSerialized => Serialize.react(o, custom, nextSerialized) || Serialize.array(o, custom, nextSerialized) || __serializeObject(o, custom, nextSerialized))([...serialized, o]);
const _serialize = (o, custom) => __serialize(o, custom, []);
const Serializer = {
run: o => _serialize(o),
create: custom => o => _serialize(o, custom)
const serialize = Serializer.create(o => o === IGNORE && '>IGNORED<' || undefined);
const uninitialized = method => () => {

@@ -395,3 +422,3 @@ throw new Error(`Method '${method}' was not initialized on Mock.`);

const mock = registerMock(obj);
forEach(methods, (_, method) => {
forEach$1(methods, (_, method) => {
mock[method] = uninitialized(method);

@@ -409,3 +436,3 @@ });

}, spyOn) => {
forEach(mock, method => {
forEach$1(mock, method => {
try {

@@ -420,3 +447,3 @@ mock[method] = spyOn(mocked, method);

const initMockScope = (scoping, spyOn) => {
forEach(_mocks[scoping], (_, mock) => initMock(mock, spyOn));
forEach$1(_mocks[scoping], (_, mock) => initMock(mock, spyOn));

@@ -429,2 +456,6 @@

const _testSuite = {
isJest: !!jest,
isCJS: !!require
const runner = {};

@@ -448,3 +479,3 @@ const oldDescribe = describe;

const configureTestSuite = other => {
const configure = other => {
if (other.afterEach) runner.afterEach = other.afterEach;

@@ -454,2 +485,31 @@ if (other.beforeEach) runner.beforeEach = other.beforeEach;

const addSnapshotSerializer = serializer => {
_testSuite.isJest && expect && expect.addSnapshotSerializer && expect.addSnapshotSerializer(serializer);
const __caller = stackNum => {
const traceFn = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) => stack;
const stack = new Error().stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = traceFn;
return stack[stackNum].getFileName();
const __callerBasedir = stackNum => require('path').dirname(__caller(stackNum));
const createMock$1 = (SPY, moduleName, names) => {
if (!_testSuite.isCJS) throw new Error('Spy.moduleMock works only if your test runner executes with CommonJS');
return SPY.mock(require(require('path').join(__callerBasedir(STACK_NUM_CREATE_MOCK), moduleName)), ...names);
const TestSuite = {
createMock: createMock$1,
const registry = new SpyRegistry();

@@ -466,3 +526,3 @@ let __LOCK__ = true;

expect && expect.addSnapshotSerializer && expect.addSnapshotSerializer({
test: v => v && v[Symbols.isSpy],

@@ -711,3 +771,3 @@ print: spy => spy[Symbols.snap]

forEach(SpyFunctions, (key, value) => {
forEach$1(SpyFunctions, (key, value) => {
spy[key] = value;

@@ -724,3 +784,3 @@ });

afterEach: config.afterEach,

@@ -756,2 +816,6 @@ beforeEach: config.beforeEach

static mockModule(moduleName, ...methodNames) {
return TestSuite.createMock(Spy, moduleName, methodNames);
static initMocks(scope) {

@@ -782,4 +846,4 @@ initMocks(Spy.on, scope);

export { Spy };
"name": "spy4js",
"version": "2.7.0",
"version": "2.8.0",
"description": "Smart, compact and powerful spy test framework",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/cjs/spy.js",

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@ [![GitHub license][license-image]][license-url]

import {Spy} from 'spy4js';
import { Spy } from 'spy4js';

@@ -65,2 +65,5 @@ // initialize directly

const someObject2$Mock = Spy.mock(someObject2, 'toJSON', 'toString', 'getDate');
// mock exported functions from other modules
const myModuleMocks = Spy.mockModule('./my-module', 'useMe');

@@ -249,3 +252,3 @@

Spy.mock(object:Object, ...methodNames:Array<string>) => Object (Mock)
Spy.mock(object:Object, ...methodNames: string[]) => Object (Mock)

@@ -256,2 +259,8 @@ Creating an object that references spies for all given methodNames.

### mockModule (static)
Spy.mockModule(moduleName: string, ...methodNames: string[]) => Object (Mock)
Same as [mock](#mock) but only necessary if you want to mock exported functions.
### initMocks (static)

@@ -262,4 +271,4 @@ ```

Does initialize all global and scope-related mocks by applying spies. Mocks can be
created with [mock](#mock). This function has not to be called manually, if you rely on
the default test suite hooks.
created with [mock](#mock) or [mockModule](#mockModule). This function has not to
be called manually, if you rely on the default test suite hooks.

@@ -266,0 +275,0 @@ ### restoreAll (static)

@@ -47,2 +47,3 @@

mock<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, ...methodNames: K[]): { [P in K]: SpyInstance };
mockModule<K extends string>(moduleName: string, ...methodNames: K[]): { [P in K]: SpyInstance };
initMocks(scope?: string): undefined;

@@ -49,0 +50,0 @@ restoreAll(): undefined;

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ /**

import { createMock, initMocks } from './mock';
import { configureTestSuite } from './test-suite';
import { TestSuite } from './test-suite';

@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ /**

(expect: any) &&
(expect: any).addSnapshotSerializer &&
(expect: any).addSnapshotSerializer({
test: v => v && v[Symbols.isSpy],
print: spy => spy[Symbols.snap],
test: v => v && v[Symbols.isSpy],
print: spy => spy[Symbols.snap],

@@ -712,3 +710,3 @@ /**

afterEach: config.afterEach,

@@ -813,2 +811,32 @@ beforeEach: config.beforeEach,

* This static method enables you to create mocks on module scope.
* As long as jest will support this behaviour, the Spy will too. If
* you are calling this function on other test runners you will
* encounter an exception. You should favor to use "Spy.mock" but there
* might be reasons that this will not work. E.g. if you want to mock
* directly exported functions.
* For example:
* const Mock$MyModule = Spy.mockModule('./my-module', 'useMe');
* Now you could do:
* Mock$MyModule.useMe.returns(['foo', 'bar']);
* @param {string} moduleName -> Everything that's expected by "jest.mock"
* as first parameter. Relative and absolute
* module paths.
* @param {string[]} methodNames -> Iterative provided attribute
* names that will be mocked.
* @return {Object} Mock.
static mockModule<K: string>(
moduleName: string,
...methodNames: K[]
): { [name: K]: SpyInstance } {
return TestSuite.createMock(Spy, moduleName, (methodNames: any[]));
* This static method initializes all created

@@ -869,4 +897,4 @@ * mocks (see Spy.mock). This is necessary, because

export { Spy };

@@ -11,2 +11,7 @@ /**

// we have to cheat here flow since it might be the case that "jest" was not
// configured correctly or the jest test runner might not even be present
// $FlowFixMe
export const _testSuite = { isJest: !!(jest: any), isCJS: !!(require: any) };
type Scope = string;

@@ -34,5 +39,52 @@ type Runner = { afterEach?: Scope => void, beforeEach?: Scope => void };

export const configureTestSuite = (other: Runner): void => {
const configure = (other: Runner): void => {
if (other.afterEach) runner.afterEach = other.afterEach;
if (other.beforeEach) runner.beforeEach = other.beforeEach;
const addSnapshotSerializer = (serializer: any) => {
_testSuite.isJest &&
(expect: any) &&
(expect: any).addSnapshotSerializer &&
(expect: any).addSnapshotSerializer(serializer);
const __caller = (stackNum: number) => {
const traceFn = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) => stack;
const stack = new Error().stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = traceFn;
// it highly depends from were the functionality will be called
return (stack[stackNum]: any).getFileName();
const __callerBasedir = (stackNum: number) =>
// 1. Spy.createMock in some test
// 2. _createMock from test-suite.js
// 3. __callerBasedir from test-suite.js
// 4. __caller from test-suite.js
const createMock = (
SPY: Function,
moduleName: string,
names: string[]
): Object => {
if (!_testSuite.isCJS)
throw new Error(
'Spy.moduleMock works only if your test runner executes with CommonJS'
// now we are free to use "require('path')" to calculate the correct
// module path for the mocking.
return SPY.mock(
export const TestSuite = { addSnapshotSerializer, createMock, configure };
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