squared 4.5
- ES2017 + NodeJS 12 (Minimum)
NPM/X (experimental)
> npm init
> npm i sqd-cli sqd-serve
> npx sqd init [--help]
> npx sqd init --public --local-serve
> npx sqd serve [--help]
> node serve.js [--help]
> npm init
> npm i squared sqd-serve
> mkdir dist html
> cp -r ./node_modules/squared/dist/* ./dist
> cp ./node_modules/squared/html/* ./html
> cp ./node_modules/sqd-serve/config/[json|yaml]/* .
> npx serve [--help]
> https://github.com/anpham6/squared/releases
> git clone https://github.com/anpham6/squared
> cd squared
> npm install
> npm run build
> npm run build-dev
> cd ..
> https://github.com/anpham6/squared-express/releases
> git clone https://github.com/anpham6/squared-express
> cd squared-express
> npm install
> npm run prod
> npm run deploy
> npm run dev
> squared.[json|yml]
> node serve.js [--help]
> http://localhost:3000
* https://unpkg.com/squared/dist/squared.min.js
* https://unpkg.com/squared/dist/squared.base-dom.min.js
* https://unpkg.com/squared/dist/vdom.framework.min.js
* https://unpkg.com/squared/dist/squared.min.js
* https://unpkg.com/squared/dist/vdom-lite.framework.min.js
Library files are in the /dist folder. A minimum of two files are required to run squared.
- squared
- squared-base - required: except vdom-lite
- squared-svg - optional
- framework (e.g. android | chrome | vdom | vdom-lite)
- extensions - optional
Usable combinations: 1-2-4 + 1-2-4-5 + 1-2-3-4-5 + 1-vdom-lite
File bundles for common combinations are available in the /dist/bundles folder and do not require a call to setFramework.
Example: android
The primary function "parseDocument" can be called on multiple elements and multiple times per session. The application will continuously and progressively build the layout files into a single entity with combined shared resources. Using "parseDocumentSync" is not recommended when your page has either images or fonts.
<script src="/dist/squared.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/squared.base.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/squared.svg.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/android.framework.min.js"></script>
squared.settings.targetAPI = 33;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
squared.setFramework(android, );
await squared.parseDocument(): Node
await squared.parseDocument(, , ): Node[]
await squared.parseDocument(
element: document.body,
projectId: "sqd1",
resourceQualifier: "land",
resourceQualifier: {
suffix: "land",
layout: true,
string: undefined,
font: false,
image: "hdpi",
video: "w720dp",
audio: "w720dp",
animation: "v21",
menu: ""
enabledMultiline: false,
enabledSubstitute: true,
include: ["android.substitute"],
exclude: ["squared.list", "squared.grid"],
customizationsBaseAPI: -1,
observe(mutations, observer, settings) {
squared.parseDocument(settings).then(() => {
squared.copyTo("/path/project", { modified: true } ).then(response => console.log(response));
afterCascade(sessionId, node) {},
beforeRender(layout: LayoutUI<NodeUI>) {},
afterFinalize(node: NodeUI) {}
element: "fragment-1",
projectId: "sqd1",
pathname: "app/src/main/res/layout-hdpi",
filename: "fragment.xml",
baseLayoutAsFragment: true,
beforeCascade(sessionId) {
document.getElementById("fragment-id").style.display = "block";
await squared.parseDocument({
element: "fragment-2",
projectId: "sqd2",
resourceQualifier: "port",
enabledFragment: true,
fragmentableElements: [
{ selector: "main", name: "com.example.fragment", filename: "fragment.xml" },
"main > article",
options: {
"android.resource.fragment": {
dynamicNestedFragments: true
squared.prefetch("css").then(() => squared.parseDocument());
squared.prefetch("css", true),
squared.prefetch("css", "./undetected.css", element.shadowRoot),
squared.prefetch("svg", "http://embedded.example.com/icon.svg", "../images/android.svg")
.then(() => squared.parseDocument());
const body = squared.findDocumentNode(document.body);
body.android("layout_width", "match_parent");
body.lockAttr("android", "layout_width");
await squared.close();
squared.kill("30s").then(result => {});
await squared.save(, );
await squared.saveAs(, );
await squared.saveAs(, { timeout: 10 });
await squared.saveAs(, { throwErrors: true }).catch(err => console.log(err))
await squared.copyTo(, );
await squared.copyTo(, { modified: true });
await squared.appendTo(, );
await squared.observeSrc(
(ev, element) => {
squared.parseDocument().then(() => squared.copyTo("/path/project"));
{ port: 8080, secure: false, action: "reload" , expires: "1h" }
NOTE: Calling "save" or "copy" methods before the images have completely loaded can sometimes cause them to be excluded from the generated layout. In these cases you should use the "parseDocument" promise method "then" to set a callback for your commands.
Example: chrome
You have the same features as VDOM framework but you can also bundle assets using HTML syntax and the provided Express server. It is adequate for most applications and gives you the ability to see your application first and to build it last.
<script src="/dist/squared.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/squared.base.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/chrome.framework.min.js"></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
squared.setFramework(chrome, );
await squared.save();
await squared.saveAs(, );
await squared.copyTo(, );
await squared.appendTo(, );
await squared.copyTo(, { useOriginalHtmlPage: false, observe: | true }).then(() => squared.observe());
Example: vdom
VDOM is a minimal framework (50kb gzipped) and is especially useful for debugging. The "lite" version is about half the bundle size and is recommended for most browser applications.
<script src="/dist/squared.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/squared.base-dom.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/vdom.framework.min.js"></script>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
squared.setFramework(vdom, );
const element = squared.querySelector("body", true );
const elements = await squared.querySelectorAll("*");
const element = squared.fromElement(document.body, true );
const elements = await squared.getElementById("content-id").querySelectorAll("*");
There are ES2017 minified versions (*.min.js) and also ES2017 non-minified versions. Browsers without ES2017 are not being supported to fully take advantage of async/await.
User Settings
These settings are available in the global variable "squared" to customize your desired output structure. Each framework shares a common set of settings and also a subset of their own settings.
Gulp installation is required in order to use "outputTasks". Further instructions can be found in the squared-functions repository.
Example: android
squared.settings = {
targetAPI: 33,
supportRTL: true,
supportNegativeLeftTop: true,
preloadImages: true,
preloadFonts: true,
preloadLocalFonts: true,
preloadCustomElements: true,
enabledSVG: true,
enabledMultiline: true,
enabledViewModel: true,
enabledIncludes: false,
enabledFragment: false,
enabledSubstitute: false,
enabledCompose: false,
dataBindableElements: [],
includableElements: [],
substitutableElements: [],
fragmentableElements: [],
composableElements: [],
baseLayoutAsFragment: false | "fragment-name" | ["fragment-name", "fragment-tag"] | { selector, pathname?, filename?, name?, tag? },
baseLayoutToolsIgnore: "",
fontMeasureAdjust: 0.75,
lineHeightAdjust: 1.1,
preferMaterialDesign: false | "MaterialComponents" | "Material3",
createDownloadableFonts: true,
createElementMap: false,
pierceShadowRoot: true,
lockElementSettings: true,
customizationsBaseAPI: 0,
removeDeprecatedAttributes: false,
removeUnusedResourceViewId: false,
idNamingStyle: "android" | "html",
idNamingStyle: {
"__default__": "html",
"DIV": "comments",
"svg": ["vector", 0],
"#text": "text",
"::first-letter": "dropcap",
"main > section": ["content", 1, 2],
"form input[type=submit]": function(node) {
return 'submit_' + node.id;
customizationsOverwritePrivilege: true,
outputMainFileName: "activity_main.xml",
outputFragmentFileName: "fragment_main.xml",
resourceQualifier: "",
manifestPackage: "",
manifestLabelAppName: "android",
manifestThemeName: "AppTheme",
manifestParentThemeName: "Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar",
manifestActivityName: ".MainActivity",
outputDocumentEditing: true,
outputDocumentCSS: [],
outputDirectory: "app/src/main",
createManifest: false,
createBuildDependencies: false | "ktx" | "baseline-profile" | ["ktx", "baseline-profile"],
builtInExtensions: [
compressImages: false,
convertImages: "",
showAttributes: true,
showComments: false | ["boxShadow"] | { self: ["boxShadow"], nextSibling: ["marginBottom"], previousSibling: ["marginTop"], parent: ["position", "top", "left"] },
showComments: { include: { tagName: true | ["button"], attributes: true | ["style"], dataset: false, bounds: true }, self: ["boxShadow", ".className"] },
showErrorMessages: false,
convertPixels: "dp" | "pt" | "in" | "mm",
insertSpaces: 4,
outputDocumentHandler: "android",
outputEmptyCopyDirectory: false,
outputSummaryModal: false | "path/summary.css" | ".status-4 { color: purple; }",
outputTasks: {},
outputWatch: {},
outputArchiveName: "android-xml",
outputArchiveFormat: "zip",
outputArchiveCache: false
squared.settings = {
resolutionDPI: 160,
resolutionScreenWidth: 1280,
resolutionScreenHeight: 800,
framesPerSecond: 60,
formatUUID: "8-4-4-4-12",
formatDictionary: "0123456789abcdef",
outputConfigName: "sqd.config",
observePort: 8080,
observeSecurePort: 8443,
observeExpires: "1h",
broadcastPort: 3080,
broadcastSecurePort: 3443
Example: chrome
squared.settings = {
preloadImages: false,
preloadFonts: false,
preloadLocalFonts: false,
preloadCustomElements: false,
excludePlainText: true,
createElementMap: true,
pierceShadowRoot: true,
builtInExtensions: [],
showErrorMessages: false,
webSocketPort: 80,
webSocketSecurePort: 443,
outputDocumentHandler: "chrome",
outputEmptyCopyDirectory: false,
outputSummaryModal: false,
outputTasks: {},
outputWatch: {},
outputArchiveName: "chrome-data",
outputArchiveFormat: "zip",
outputArchiveCache: false
Example: vdom
squared.settings = {
createElementMap: true,
pierceShadowRoot: false,
builtInExtensions: [],
showErrorMessages: false
Local Storage
Custom named user settings per framework can be saved to local storage and reloaded across all pages in the same domain. Extensions are configured using the same procedure.
squared.setFramework(android, { compressImages: true }, "android-example");
squared.setFramework(android, "android-example", true);
await squared.copyTo("/path/project", {}, "copy-example", true);
await squared.copyTo("/path/project", {}, "http://localhost:3000/copy-to/base-config.json");
await squared.copyTo("/path/project", {}, "copy-example");
await squared.copyTo("/path/project", "http://localhost:3000/copy-to/base-config.json");
await squared.copyTo("/path/project", "copy-example");
Public Properties and Methods
There is no official documentation for this project. The entire source code including TypeScript definitions are available on GitHub if you need further clarification.
setFramework(app: {}, options?: PlainObject, setting?: string, cache?: boolean)
setFramework(app: {}, loadName: string, cache?: boolean)
setHostname(value: string )
setEndpoint(name: string, value: string)
setLocalAddress(...values: (string | URL | Location)[])
prefetch(type: "css" | "javascript" | "image" | "svg", all?: boolean, ...targets: unknown[])
parseDocument(...elements: (HTMLElement | string | ElementSettings)[])
parseDocumentSync(...elements: (HTMLElement | string | ElementSettings)[])
latest(count?: number)
auth(token: string)
save(projectId?: string)
save(projectId?: string, broadcastId?: string)
save(projectId?: string, timeout?: number)
close(projectId?: string)
reset(projectId?: string)
add(...names: (string | Extension | ExtensionRequestObject)[])
remove(...names: (string | Extension)[])
get(...names: (string | Extension)[])
attr(name: string | Extension, attrName: string, value?: unknown)
apply(name: string | Extension, options: PlainObject, setting?: string)
extend(functionMap: {}, framework?: )
observe(value?: boolean | MutationObserverInit)
broadcast(callback: BroadcastMessageCallback, options: FileBroadcastOptions | string)
getElementById(value: string, sync?: boolean, cache?: boolean)
querySelector(value: string, sync?: boolean, cache?: boolean)
querySelectorAll(value: string, sync?: boolean, cache?: boolean)
fromElement(element: HTMLElement | string, sync?: boolean, cache?: boolean)
fromNode(node: Node, sync?: boolean, cache?: boolean)
findDocumentNode(element: HTMLElement | string , all?: boolean)
observeSrc(element: HTMLElement | string , callback: WebSocketMessageChange, options?: FileObserveOptions)
observeSrc(element: HTMLElement | string, options: FileObserveOptions)
Packaging methods will return a Promise and require either node-express or squared-apache installed. These features are not supported when the framework is VDOM.
saveAs(filename: string, options?: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
saveFiles(filename: string, options: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
appendTo(pathname: string, options?: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
appendFiles(pathname: string, options: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
copyTo(pathname: string | string[], options?: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
copyFiles(pathname: string | string[], options: {}, setting?: string, overwrite?: boolean)
kill(pid: number, timeout?: number)
kill(timeout: string)
kill(-1, 10)
kill(NaN, 10)
Extending Node object
You can add functions and initial variables to the Node object including overwriting preexisting class definitions per framework. Accessor properties are also supported using the get/set object syntax.
_id: 1,
altId: {
get() {
return this._id;
set(value) {
this._id += value;
customId: {
value: 2,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false
addEvent(eventName, callback) {
this.element.addEventListener(eventName, callback);
const body = await squared.fromElement(document.body);
body.altId = 2;
body.addEvent("click", function (ev) {
Forwarding Request
Using another identical remote server to build the project when performing a "saveAs" or "copyTo" request can be achieved by changing only the origin address.
await squared.saveAs("chrome.zip");
await squared.copyTo("/path/project");
Console messages (stdout) from squared-express v2.2 can be sent to the browser console instead through DevTools.
squared.broadcast(result => { console.log(result.value); }, "111-111-111");
squared.broadcast(result => { console.log(result.value); }, "222-222-222");
squared.broadcast(result => { console.log(result.value); }, { socketId: "333-333-333", socketKey: "socket_id" });
await squared.copyTo("/path/project/sqd1", {
projectId: "sqd1",
log: { useColor: true },
broadcastId: "222-222-222"
Extension Configuration
Layout rendering can also be customized using extensions as the program was built to be nearly completely modular. Some of the common layouts already have built-in extensions which you can load or unload based on your preference.
class Sample extends squared.base.Extension {
options = {
attributeName: [];
constructor(name, framework = 0, options = {}) {
super(name, framework, options);
processNode(node: NodeUI) {
const data = this.project.get(node.element, node.localSettings.projectId);
if (data) {
node.each((child, index) => child.element.title = data[index]);
const sample = new Sample("widget.example.com", 0, {});
squared.add([sample, {}]);
squared.attr("widget.example.com", "attributeName", ["width", "height"]);
const ext = squared.get("widget.example.com");
ext.project.set(element, await fetch(url), "sqd1" );
Some extensions have a few settings which can be configured. The default settings usually achieve the best overall rendering accuracy without noticeably affecting performance.
Public Methods
android.setViewModel(data: {}, sessionId?: string)
android.setViewModelByProject(data: {}, projectId?: string)
android.removeObserver(element: HTMLElement)
android.addXmlNs(name: string, uri: string)
android.addDependency(group: string, name: string, version: string)
android.addDependencyByProject(projectId: string, group: string, name: string, version: string)
android.customize(build: number, tagNameOrWidget: string, options: {})
android.loadCustomizations(name: string)
android.saveCustomizations(name: string)
android.addFontProvider(authority: string, package: string, certs: string[], webFonts: string | {})
android.setResolutionByDeviceName(value: string)
android.customize(android.lib.constant.BUILD_VERSION.ALL , "Button", {
android: {
minWidth: "35px",
minHeight: "25px"
"_": {
style: "@style/Widget.Material3.Button.TextButton"
android.customize(android.lib.constant.BUILD_VERSION.KITKAT , "svg", {
android: {
"[src]": "app:srcCompat"
android.addXmlNs("tools", "http://schemas.android.com/tools");
android.customize(16 , "ImageView", {
tools: {
ignore: "ContentDescription",
targetApi: "16"
Static Methods
Project resources can include additional values that are required during compilation. TypeScript definitions are available in the "types/android" directory.
squared.parseDocument().then(node => {
const resourceId = node.localSettings.resourceId;
android.base.Resource.addString(resourceId, value, );
android.base.Resource.addArray(resourceId, name, items);
android.base.Resource.addColor(resourceId, color);
android.base.Resource.addDimen(resourceId, name, value);
android.base.Resource.addTheme(resourceId, theme);
Data Binding
View model data can be applied to most HTML elements using the dataset attribute. Different view models can be used for every "parseDocument" session.
Leaving the sessionId empty sets the default view model for the entire project.
squared.parseDocument(, ).then(nodes => {
const sessions = squared.latest(2);
import: ["java.util.Map", "java.util.List"],
variable: [
{ name: "user", type: "com.example.User" },
{ name: "list", type: "List<String>" },
{ name: "map", type: "Map<String, String>" },
{ name: "index", type: "int" },
{ name: "key", type: "String" }
nodes[0].sessionId || sessions[0]
import: ["java.util.Map"],
variable: [
{ name: "map", type: "Map<String, String>" }
nodes[1].sessionId || sessions[1]
element: "main",
enabledViewModel: true,
dataBindableElements: [
selector: "#first_name",
namespace: 'android',
attr: 'text',
expression: "user.firstName"
selector: "#last_name",
attr: 'text',
expression: "user.lastName"
selector: "#remember_me",
attr: 'checked',
expression: "user.rememberMe",
twoWay: true
data: {
viewModel: {
import: ,
variable: []
Inlining is also supported and might be more convenient for simple layouts. JavaScript is recommended when you are calling "parseDocument" multiple times.
data-viewmodel-{namespace}-{attribute} -> data-viewmodel-android-text
These two additional output parameters are required when using the "data-viewmodel" prefix.
<div id="main">
<input id="first_name" type="text" data-viewmodel-android-text="user.firstName" />
<input id="last_name" type="text" data-viewmodel-android-text="user.lastName" />
<input id="remember_me" type="checkbox" data-viewmodel-android-checked="=user.rememberMe" />
<import type="java.util.Map" />
<import type="java.util.List" />
<variable name="user" type="com.example.User" />
<variable name="list" type="List<String>" />
<variable name="map" type="Map<String, String>" />
<variable name="index" type="int" />
<variable name="key" type="String" />
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/main">
<TextView android:text="Name:" />
android:text="@{user.firstName}" />
android:text="@{user.lastName}" />
android:checked="@={user.rememberMe}" />
Layout Includes / Merge Tag
Some applications can benefit from using includes or merge tags to share common templates. Merge is the default behavior and can be disabled using the "false" attribute value. Nested includes are also supported.
<div id="item1">Item 1</div>
<div id="item2" data-android-include-start="true" data-android-include-merge="true" data-pathname-android="app/src/main/res/layout-land" data-filename-android="filename1.xml">Item 2</div>
<div id="item3">Item 3</div>
<div id="item4" data-android-include-end="true">Item 4</div>
<div id="item5" data-android-include="filename2" data-android-include-end="true" data-android-include-viewmodel="exampleData">Item 5</div>
android.setViewModelByProject({ variable: [{ name: "exampleData", type: "com.example.ExampleData" }] }, "sqd1");
element: document.body,
projectId: "sqd1",
enabledIncludes: true,
includableElements: [
selectorStart: "#item2",
selectorEnd: "#item4",
pathname: "app/src/main/res/layout-land",
filename: "filename1.xml",
merge: true
selectorStart: "#item5",
selectorEnd: '#item5",
filename: "filename2",
viewModel: "exampleData" // One element only (merge=false)
NOTE: By sessionId has precedence when associating a view model.
<TextView>Item 1</TextView>
<include layout="@layout/filename1" />
<include layout="@layout/filename2" app:exampleData="@{exampleData}" />
<TextView>Item 2</TextView>
<TextView>Item 3</TextView>
<TextView>Item 4</TextView>
<variable name="exampleData" type="com.example.ExampleData" />
<TextView>Item 5</TextView>
The attributes "data-android-include-start" and "data-android-include-end" can only be applied to elements which share the same parent container. See /demos/gradient.html for usage instructions.
NOTE: "data-pathname-android" AND "data-filename-android" can also be used with any "parseDocument" base element.
Redirecting Output Location
Sometimes it is necessary to append elements into other containers when trying to design a UI which will look identical on the Android device. Redirection will fail if the target "location" is not a block/container element.
<span>Item 1</span>
<span data-android-target="location">Item 2</span>
<span data-android-target="location" data-android-target-index="1">Item 3</span>
<ul id="location">
<li>Item 4</li>
<li>Item 5</li>
<TextView>Item 1</TextView>
<TextView>Item 4</TextView>
<TextView>Item 3</TextView>
<TextView>Item 5</TextView>
<TextView>Item 2</TextView>
Using "target" into a ConstraintLayout or RelativeLayout container will not include automatic positioning.
Custom Attributes
System or extension generated attributes can be overridden preceding finalization. They will only be visible on the declared framework.
data-android-attr-{namespace}? -> Default is "android"
<div id="customId"
app:layout_scrollFlags="scroll|exitUntilCollapsed" />
const node = squared.findDocumentNode('customId');
node.android("layout_width", "match_parent");
node.android("layout_height", "match_parent");
node.app("layout_scrollFlags", "scroll|exitUntilCollapsed");
SVG animations
Only the XML based layout and resource files can be viewed on the Android device/emulator without any Java/Kotlin backend code. To play animations in the emulator you also have to "start" the animation in MainActivity.java.
import android.graphics.drawable.Animatable;
android.widget.ImageView imageView1 = findViewById(R.id.imageview_1);
if (imageView1 != null) {
Animatable animatable = (Animatable) imageView1.getDrawable();
Jetpack Compose
Most mobile applications do not have a deeply nested hierarchy and are generally better to implement using declarative programming.
squared.settings.composableElements = ["main", "#content", "--boxShadow", "--height=300px"];
squared.settings.createBuildDependencies = true;
You can also do it using the "android.substitute" extension directly inside the HTML element.
squared.add("android.substitute", {
element: {
content: { android: { layout_width: "match_parent" } }
const items = squared.attr("android.substitute", "viewAttributes");
items.push("hint", "buttonTint");
squared.attr("android.substitute", "viewAttributes", items.concat(["hint", "buttonTint"]));
squared.attr("android.substitute", "attributeMapping", { "android:src": "app:srcCompat", "icon": "navigationIcon" });
element: document.body,
substitutableElements: [{
selector: "#content",
tag: "androidx.compose.ui.platform.ComposeView",
renderChildren: false
enabledSubstitute: true,
include: ["android.substitute"]
<header style="height: 100px"></header>
<main id="content"
style="height: 300px; box-shadow: 10px 5px 5px black;">
<footer style="height: 80px"></footer>
Compose will remove child elements by default. You can preserve them by explictly using the renderChildren property. (data-android-substitute-render-children="true")
<div id="fragment"
You can also use "android.substitute" to create fragments within a layout similar to Compose.
Usually you do not render child elements when using Compose View. There are some cases where it can be used effectively to reproduce the desired layout.
element: document.body,
include: ["android.substitute"],
substitutableElements: [{
selector: "#navigation",
tag: "com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout",
tagChild: "com.google.android.material.tabs.TabItem",
tagChildAttr: {
android: {
layout_height: "match_parent"
renderChildren: true,
autoLayout: true
<ul id="navigation"
<li>TAB 1</li>
<li>TAB 2</li>
<li>TAB 3</li>
android:text="@string/tab_1" />
android:text="@string/tab_2" />
android:text="@string/tab_3" />
Downloadable Fonts
Google Fonts are pre-installed and can be used without any additional configuration.
NOTE: WOFF2 format is supported as a local resource font.
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.1'
implementation 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0'
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<application android:theme="@style/AppTheme">
<meta-data android:name="preloaded_fonts" android:resource="@array/preloaded_fonts" />
await android.addFontProvider(
squared.attr("android.resource.fonts", "installGoogleFonts", false);
Excluding Procedures / Applied Attributes
Most attributes can be excluded from the generated XML using the dataset feature in HTML. One or more can be applied to any tag using the OR "|" operator. These may cause warnings when you compile your project and should only be used in cases when an extension has their custom attributes overwritten.
<div data-exclude-section="DOM_TRAVERSE | EXTENSION | RENDER | ALL"
<span data-exclude-resource="FONT_STYLE">content</span>
<input id="cb1" type="checkbox" data-exclude-procedure="ACCESSIBILITY"><label for="cb1">checkbox text</label>
Apache 2.0