What is stacktrace-parser?
The stacktrace-parser npm package is a utility for parsing stack traces generated by errors in JavaScript. It can parse the stack string of an error into a more structured format, making it easier to understand and process programmatically. This can be particularly useful for error handling, logging, and debugging purposes.
What are stacktrace-parser's main functionalities?
Parse Error Stack Trace
This feature allows you to parse the stack trace of an error into a structured format. The parsed stack trace includes details such as the file name, method name, line number, and column number where the error occurred. This makes it easier to pinpoint the source of errors in your code.
const stacktraceParser = require('stacktrace-parser');
const stack = stacktraceParser.parse(new Error('Test error').stack);
Other packages similar to stacktrace-parser
Similar to stacktrace-parser, error-stack-parser provides functionality for parsing and extracting information from error stack traces. It offers a slightly different API and may have differences in the parsing logic or the structure of the parsed output, making it an alternative depending on specific needs or preferences.
This package offers functionality to get stack traces of the current position in code execution, in addition to parsing existing stack traces. It provides a broader set of features related to stack traces, including the ability to generate and parse them, which might make it a more versatile choice for certain applications.

This parser parses a stack trace from any browser or Node.js and returns an array of hashes each representing a line.
The goal here is to support every browser even old Internet Explorer stack traces will work.
npm install stacktrace-parser
import * as stackTraceParser from 'stacktrace-parser';
try {
throw new Error('My error');
} catch(ex) {
const stack = stackTraceParser.parse(ex.stack);
Every line contains five properties: lineNumber
, methodName
, arguments
, file
and column
(if applicable).
- parse stack traces from other sources (Ruby, etc) (v0.3)
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The MIT License (MIT)