STL Parser
STL-parser is a transform stream which convert STL-files to newline separated
JSON events for each face.
Check out for a detailed specification
of the jsonl format.
As a module for your project:
npm install stl-parser
As a command line program:
npm install -g stl-parser
Command Line Interface
cat test.stl | stl-parser
This emits a jsonl file-stream with header and facet events.
The cli flags --ascii
and --binary
can be used to enforce
parsing with the specified file-encoding.
Javascript API
var stlParser = require('stl-parser'),
stlStream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/stl/file.stl'),
outputFile = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/export/file.jsonl')
There is also the possibility to use it buffered and get one javascript object
for the whole STL.
This should, however, only be used for small files.
var stlParser = require('stl-parser'),
stl = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/stl/file.stl')
stlParser(stl).on('data', (data) =>
fs.writeFileSync('/path/to/export/file.json', data)