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Comparing version 2.0.9 to 2.0.10


* string-process-comma-separated
* Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string
* Version: 2.0.9
* Version: 2.0.10
* Author: Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ * License: MIT

var version$1 = "2.0.9";
var version$1 = "2.0.10";

@@ -23,0 +23,0 @@ var version = version$1;

* string-process-comma-separated
* Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string
* Version: 2.0.9
* Version: 2.0.10
* Author: Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd

@@ -16,252 +16,220 @@ * License: MIT

function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
var version$1 = "2.0.10";
return obj;
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable;
keys.push.apply(keys, symbols);
return keys;
function _objectSpread2(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
if (i % 2) {
ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) {
_defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
} else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) {
Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source));
} else {
ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
const version = version$1;
function processCommaSep(str, originalOpts) {
// insurance:
if (typeof str !== "string") {
throw new Error(`string-process-comma-separated: [THROW_ID_01] input must be string! It was given as ${typeof str}, equal to:\n${JSON.stringify(str, null, 4)}`);
return target;
var version$1 = "2.0.9";
var version = version$1;
function processCommaSep(str, originalOpts) { // insurance:
if (typeof str !== "string") {
throw new Error("string-process-comma-separated: [THROW_ID_01] input must be string! It was given as " + typeof str + ", equal to:\n" + JSON.stringify(str, null, 4));
} else if (!str.length || !originalOpts || !originalOpts.cb && !originalOpts.errCb) {
// if input str is empty or there are no callbacks, exit early
} // opts preparation:
var defaults = {
from: 0,
to: str.length,
offset: 0,
leadingWhitespaceOK: false,
trailingWhitespaceOK: false,
oneSpaceAfterCommaOK: false,
innerWhitespaceAllowed: false,
separator: ",",
cb: null,
errCb: null
var opts = _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, defaults), originalOpts); // patch from/to values, they might have been given as nulls etc.
if (!Number.isInteger(originalOpts.from)) {
opts.from = 0;
if (!Number.isInteger( { = str.length;
if (!Number.isInteger(originalOpts.offset)) {
opts.offset = 0;
} // action:
var chunkStartsAt = null;
var whitespaceStartsAt = null;
var firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound = false;
var separatorsArr = []; // needed to catch trailing separators
var lastNonWhitespaceCharAt = null;
var fixable = true;
for (var i = opts.from; i <; i++) { // catch the last nonwhitespace char
if (str[i].trim() && str[i] !== opts.separator) {
lastNonWhitespaceCharAt = i;
} // catch the beginning of a chunk
if (chunkStartsAt === null && str[i].trim() && (!opts.separator || str[i] !== opts.separator)) {
if (!firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound) {
firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound = true;
} // if there was only one separator up to now, wipe it
if (separatorsArr.length) {
if (separatorsArr.length > 1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
separatorsArr.forEach(function (separatorsIdx, orderNumber) {
if (orderNumber) {
opts.errCb([[separatorsIdx + opts.offset, separatorsIdx + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove separator.", fixable);
else if (!str.length ||
!originalOpts ||
(!originalOpts.cb && !originalOpts.errCb)) {
// if input str is empty or there are no callbacks, exit early
// opts preparation:
const defaults = {
from: 0,
to: str.length,
offset: 0,
leadingWhitespaceOK: false,
trailingWhitespaceOK: false,
oneSpaceAfterCommaOK: false,
innerWhitespaceAllowed: false,
separator: ",",
cb: null,
errCb: null,
const opts = { ...defaults, ...originalOpts };
// patch from/to values, they might have been given as nulls etc.
if (!Number.isInteger(originalOpts.from)) {
opts.from = 0;
if (!Number.isInteger( { = str.length;
if (!Number.isInteger(originalOpts.offset)) {
opts.offset = 0;
// action:
let chunkStartsAt = null;
let whitespaceStartsAt = null;
let firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound = false;
let separatorsArr = []; // needed to catch trailing separators
let lastNonWhitespaceCharAt = null;
let fixable = true;
for (let i = opts.from; i <; i++) {
// catch the last nonwhitespace char
if (str[i].trim() && str[i] !== opts.separator) {
lastNonWhitespaceCharAt = i;
// catch the beginning of a chunk
if (chunkStartsAt === null &&
str[i].trim() &&
(!opts.separator || str[i] !== opts.separator)) {
if (!firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound) {
firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound = true;
// if there was only one separator up to now, wipe it
if (separatorsArr.length) {
if (separatorsArr.length > 1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
separatorsArr.forEach((separatorsIdx, orderNumber) => {
if (orderNumber) {
separatorsIdx + opts.offset,
separatorsIdx + 1 + opts.offset,
], "Remove separator.", fixable);
separatorsArr = [];
chunkStartsAt = i;
separatorsArr = [];
chunkStartsAt = i;
} // catch the ending of a chunk
if (Number.isInteger(chunkStartsAt) && (i > chunkStartsAt && opts.separator && str[i] === opts.separator || i + 1 === {
str.slice(chunkStartsAt, i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim() ? i + 1 : i); // ping the cb
if (typeof opts.cb === "function") {
opts.cb(chunkStartsAt + opts.offset, (i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim() ? i + 1 : lastNonWhitespaceCharAt + 1) + opts.offset);
} // reset
chunkStartsAt = null;
} // catch the beginning of a whitespace
if (!str[i].trim() && whitespaceStartsAt === null) {
whitespaceStartsAt = i;
} // catch the ending of a whitespace
if (whitespaceStartsAt !== null && (str[i].trim() || i + 1 === {
if (whitespaceStartsAt === opts.from) {
if (!opts.leadingWhitespaceOK && typeof opts.errCb === "function") {
opts.errCb([[whitespaceStartsAt + opts.offset, (i + 1 === ? i + 1 : i) + opts.offset]], "Remove whitespace.", fixable);
} // else - fine
} else if (!str[i].trim() && i + 1 === {
// if it's trailing whitespace, we're on the last character
// (right before
if (!opts.trailingWhitespaceOK && typeof opts.errCb === "function") {
opts.errCb([[whitespaceStartsAt + opts.offset, i + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove whitespace.", fixable);
} // else - fine
} else if ((!opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK || !(str[i].trim() && i > opts.from + 1 && str[i - 1] === " " && str[i - 2] === ",")) && (!opts.innerWhitespaceAllowed || !(firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound && str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] && str[i].trim() && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] !== opts.separator))) { // exclude single space after a comma, with condition that something
// non-whitespacey follows
// maybe opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK is on?
var startingIdx = whitespaceStartsAt;
var endingIdx = i;
if (i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && !str[i].trim()) {
endingIdx += 1;
} // i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim()
// ? i + 1
// : i;
var whatToAdd = "";
if (opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK) {
if (str[whitespaceStartsAt] === " " && str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] === opts.separator) {
// if first whitespace chunk's character is a space, leave it
startingIdx += 1;
} else if (str[whitespaceStartsAt] !== " ") {
// if first whitespace chunk's character is not a space,
// replace whole chunk with a space
whatToAdd = " ";
// catch the ending of a chunk
if (Number.isInteger(chunkStartsAt) &&
((i > chunkStartsAt &&
opts.separator &&
str[i] === opts.separator) ||
i + 1 === {
str.slice(chunkStartsAt, i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim()
? i + 1
: i);
// ping the cb
if (typeof opts.cb === "function") {
opts.cb(chunkStartsAt + opts.offset, (i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim()
? i + 1
: lastNonWhitespaceCharAt + 1) + opts.offset);
// reset
chunkStartsAt = null;
var message = "Remove whitespace."; // What if there's a space in the middle of a value, for example, URL?
// <input accept="abc,def ghi,jkl">
// ^
// here.
// We identify it by checking, is there a separator in front.
if (!opts.innerWhitespaceAllowed && firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound && str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] && str[i].trim() && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] !== opts.separator) {
fixable = false;
message = "Bad whitespace.";
// catch the beginning of a whitespace
if (!str[i].trim() && whitespaceStartsAt === null) {
whitespaceStartsAt = i;
if (whatToAdd.length) {
opts.errCb([[startingIdx + opts.offset, endingIdx + opts.offset, whatToAdd]], message, fixable);
} else {
opts.errCb([[startingIdx + opts.offset, endingIdx + opts.offset]], message, fixable);
} // reset fixable
fixable = true;
} // reset
whitespaceStartsAt = null;
} // catch the separator
if (str[i] === opts.separator) {
if (!firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound) {
opts.errCb([[i + opts.offset, i + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove separator.", fixable);
} else {
} // |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// catch the end of the string
if (i + 1 === {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
separatorsArr.forEach(function (separatorsIdx) {
opts.errCb([[separatorsIdx + opts.offset, separatorsIdx + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove separator.", fixable);
} // logging
// catch the ending of a whitespace
if (whitespaceStartsAt !== null && (str[i].trim() || i + 1 === {
if (whitespaceStartsAt === opts.from) {
if (!opts.leadingWhitespaceOK && typeof opts.errCb === "function") {
whitespaceStartsAt + opts.offset,
(i + 1 === ? i + 1 : i) + opts.offset,
], "Remove whitespace.", fixable);
// else - fine
else if (!str[i].trim() && i + 1 === {
// if it's trailing whitespace, we're on the last character
// (right before
if (!opts.trailingWhitespaceOK && typeof opts.errCb === "function") {
opts.errCb([[whitespaceStartsAt + opts.offset, i + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove whitespace.", fixable);
// else - fine
else if ((!opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK ||
!(str[i].trim() &&
i > opts.from + 1 &&
str[i - 1] === " " &&
str[i - 2] === ",")) &&
(!opts.innerWhitespaceAllowed ||
!(firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound &&
str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] &&
str[i].trim() &&
str[i] !== opts.separator &&
str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] !== opts.separator))) {
// exclude single space after a comma, with condition that something
// non-whitespacey follows
// maybe opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK is on?
let startingIdx = whitespaceStartsAt;
let endingIdx = i;
if (i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && !str[i].trim()) {
endingIdx += 1;
// i + 1 === && str[i] !== opts.separator && str[i].trim()
// ? i + 1
// : i;
let whatToAdd = "";
if (opts.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK) {
if (str[whitespaceStartsAt] === " " &&
str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] === opts.separator) {
// if first whitespace chunk's character is a space, leave it
startingIdx += 1;
else if (str[whitespaceStartsAt] !== " ") {
// if first whitespace chunk's character is not a space,
// replace whole chunk with a space
whatToAdd = " ";
let message = "Remove whitespace.";
// What if there's a space in the middle of a value, for example, URL?
// <input accept="abc,def ghi,jkl">
// ^
// here.
// We identify it by checking, is there a separator in front.
if (!opts.innerWhitespaceAllowed &&
firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound &&
str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] &&
str[i].trim() &&
str[i] !== opts.separator &&
str[whitespaceStartsAt - 1] !== opts.separator) {
fixable = false;
message = "Bad whitespace.";
if (whatToAdd.length) {
opts.errCb([[startingIdx + opts.offset, endingIdx + opts.offset, whatToAdd]], message, fixable);
else {
opts.errCb([[startingIdx + opts.offset, endingIdx + opts.offset]], message, fixable);
// reset fixable
fixable = true;
// reset
whitespaceStartsAt = null;
// catch the separator
if (str[i] === opts.separator) {
if (!firstNonwhitespaceNonseparatorCharFound) {
opts.errCb([[i + opts.offset, i + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove separator.", fixable);
else {
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// catch the end of the string
if (i + 1 === {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
separatorsArr.forEach((separatorsIdx) => {
opts.errCb([[separatorsIdx + opts.offset, separatorsIdx + 1 + opts.offset]], "Remove separator.", fixable);
// logging

@@ -268,0 +236,0 @@

* string-process-comma-separated
* Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string
* Version: 2.0.9
* Version: 2.0.10
* Author: Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ * License: MIT

var version$1 = "2.0.9";
var version$1 = "2.0.10";

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ const version = version$1;

* string-process-comma-separated
* Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string
* Version: 2.0.9
* Version: 2.0.10
* Author: Roy Revelt, Codsen Ltd

@@ -10,2 +10,2 @@ * License: MIT

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).stringProcessCommaSeparated={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";function t(e,t,r){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=r,e}function r(e,t){var r=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(o=o.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),r.push.apply(r,o)}return r}function o(e){for(var o=1;o<arguments.length;o++){var n=null!=arguments[o]?arguments[o]:{};o%2?r(Object(n),!0).forEach((function(r){t(e,r,n[r])})):Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors?Object.defineProperties(e,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)):r(Object(n)).forEach((function(t){Object.defineProperty(e,t,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,t))}))}return e}e.processCommaSep=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("string-process-comma-separated: [THROW_ID_01] input must be string! It was given as "+typeof e+", equal to:\n"+JSON.stringify(e,null,4));if(e.length&&t&&(t.cb||t.errCb)){var r=o(o({},{from:0,to:e.length,offset:0,leadingWhitespaceOK:!1,trailingWhitespaceOK:!1,oneSpaceAfterCommaOK:!1,innerWhitespaceAllowed:!1,separator:",",cb:null,errCb:null}),t);Number.isInteger(t.from)||(r.from=0),Number.isInteger(||(,Number.isInteger(t.offset)||(r.offset=0);for(var n=null,f=null,s=!1,a=[],i=null,p=!0,c=r.from;c<;c++){if(e[c].trim()&&e[c]!==r.separator&&(i=c),null!==n||!e[c].trim()||r.separator&&e[c]===r.separator||(s||(s=!0),a.length&&(a.length>1&&a.forEach((function(e,t){t&&r.errCb([[e+r.offset,e+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",p)})),a=[]),n=c),Number.isInteger(n)&&(c>n&&r.separator&&e[c]===r.separator||,[c]!==r.separator&&e[c].trim()?c+1:c),"function"==typeof r.cb&&r.cb(n+r.offset,([c]!==r.separator&&e[c].trim()?c+1:i+1)+r.offset),n=null),e[c].trim()||null!==f||(f=c),null!==f&&(e[c].trim()||{if(f===r.from)r.leadingWhitespaceOK||"function"!=typeof r.errCb||r.errCb([[f+r.offset,(]],"Remove whitespace.",p);else if(e[c].trim()||c+1!{if(!(r.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK&&e[c].trim()&&c>r.from+1&&" "===e[c-1]&&","===e[c-2]||r.innerWhitespaceAllowed&&s&&e[f-1]&&e[c].trim()&&e[c]!==r.separator&&e[f-1]!==r.separator)){var l=f,u=c;c+1!||e[c]===r.separator||e[c].trim()||(u+=1);var m="";r.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK&&(" "===e[f]&&e[f-1]===r.separator?l+=1:" "!==e[f]&&(m=" "));var b="Remove whitespace.";!r.innerWhitespaceAllowed&&s&&e[f-1]&&e[c].trim()&&e[c]!==r.separator&&e[f-1]!==r.separator&&(p=!1,b="Bad whitespace."),r.errCb(m.length?[[l+r.offset,u+r.offset,m]]:[[l+r.offset,u+r.offset]],b,p),p=!0}}else r.trailingWhitespaceOK||"function"!=typeof r.errCb||r.errCb([[f+r.offset,c+1+r.offset]],"Remove whitespace.",p);f=null}e[c]===r.separator&&(s?a.push(c):r.errCb([[c+r.offset,c+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",p)),{r.errCb([[e+r.offset,e+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",p)}))}}},e.version="2.0.9",Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).stringProcessCommaSeparated={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";e.processCommaSep=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error(`string-process-comma-separated: [THROW_ID_01] input must be string! It was given as ${typeof e}, equal to:\n${JSON.stringify(e,null,4)}`);if(!e.length||!t||!t.cb&&!t.errCb)return;const r={...{from:0,to:e.length,offset:0,leadingWhitespaceOK:!1,trailingWhitespaceOK:!1,oneSpaceAfterCommaOK:!1,innerWhitespaceAllowed:!1,separator:",",cb:null,errCb:null},...t};Number.isInteger(t.from)||(r.from=0),Number.isInteger(||(,Number.isInteger(t.offset)||(r.offset=0);let o=null,s=null,f=!1,a=[],i=null,n=!0;for(let t=r.from;t<;t++){if(e[t].trim()&&e[t]!==r.separator&&(i=t),null!==o||!e[t].trim()||r.separator&&e[t]===r.separator||(f||(f=!0),a.length&&(a.length>1&&a.forEach(((e,t)=>{t&&r.errCb([[e+r.offset,e+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",n)})),a=[]),o=t),Number.isInteger(o)&&(t>o&&r.separator&&e[t]===r.separator||,[t]!==r.separator&&e[t].trim()?t+1:t),"function"==typeof r.cb&&r.cb(o+r.offset,([t]!==r.separator&&e[t].trim()?t+1:i+1)+r.offset),o=null),e[t].trim()||null!==s||(s=t),null!==s&&(e[t].trim()||{if(s===r.from)r.leadingWhitespaceOK||"function"!=typeof r.errCb||r.errCb([[s+r.offset,(]],"Remove whitespace.",n);else if(e[t].trim()||t+1!{if(!(r.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK&&e[t].trim()&&t>r.from+1&&" "===e[t-1]&&","===e[t-2]||r.innerWhitespaceAllowed&&f&&e[s-1]&&e[t].trim()&&e[t]!==r.separator&&e[s-1]!==r.separator)){let o=s,a=t;t+1!||e[t]===r.separator||e[t].trim()||(a+=1);let i="";r.oneSpaceAfterCommaOK&&(" "===e[s]&&e[s-1]===r.separator?o+=1:" "!==e[s]&&(i=" "));let l="Remove whitespace.";!r.innerWhitespaceAllowed&&f&&e[s-1]&&e[t].trim()&&e[t]!==r.separator&&e[s-1]!==r.separator&&(n=!1,l="Bad whitespace."),r.errCb(i.length?[[o+r.offset,a+r.offset,i]]:[[o+r.offset,a+r.offset]],l,n),n=!0}}else r.trailingWhitespaceOK||"function"!=typeof r.errCb||r.errCb([[s+r.offset,t+1+r.offset]],"Remove whitespace.",n);s=null}e[t]===r.separator&&(f?a.push(t):r.errCb([[t+r.offset,t+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",n)),>{r.errCb([[e+r.offset,e+1+r.offset]],"Remove separator.",n)}))}},e.version="2.0.10",Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
"name": "string-process-comma-separated",
"version": "2.0.9",
"version": "2.0.10",
"description": "Extracts chunks from possibly comma or whatever-separated string",

@@ -99,3 +99,3 @@ "keywords": [

"@rollup/plugin-typescript": "^8.2.0",
"@types/node": "^14.14.35",
"@types/node": "^14.14.36",
"@types/tap": "^14.10.3",

@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.19.0",

"eslint": "^7.22.0",
"lect": "^0.16.9",
"rollup": "^2.42.3",
"lect": "^0.16.10",
"rollup": "^2.42.4",
"rollup-plugin-ascii": "^0.0.3",

@@ -109,0 +109,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-banner": "^0.2.1",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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