What is svelte-check?
The svelte-check npm package is a command-line tool designed to provide type checking and linting for Svelte projects. It leverages TypeScript and Svelte's own compiler to ensure that your Svelte components are free of type errors and adhere to best practices.
What are svelte-check's main functionalities?
Type Checking
This command runs type checking on your Svelte project, ensuring that all TypeScript code within your Svelte components is type-safe. It helps catch type errors early in the development process.
npx svelte-check
This command runs linting on your Svelte project using the specified TypeScript configuration file. It helps enforce coding standards and best practices within your Svelte components.
npx svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json
Watch Mode
This command runs svelte-check in watch mode, continuously checking your Svelte project for type errors and linting issues as you make changes. It provides real-time feedback during development.
npx svelte-check --watch
Other packages similar to svelte-check
ESLint is a widely-used linting tool for JavaScript and TypeScript projects. While it is not specific to Svelte, it can be configured to work with Svelte projects using plugins like eslint-plugin-svelte3. Compared to svelte-check, ESLint offers more extensive linting rules and customization options but requires additional configuration for Svelte.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. The TypeScript compiler (tsc) can be used to type-check Svelte projects, but it does not provide Svelte-specific linting. svelte-check combines TypeScript's type-checking capabilities with Svelte-specific linting, making it more tailored for Svelte projects.
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that can be used to format Svelte files. While it does not provide type checking or linting, it ensures consistent code style across your project. svelte-check focuses on type checking and linting, whereas Prettier focuses on code formatting.
Check your code with svelte-check
Provides CLI diagnostics checks for:
- Unused CSS
- Svelte A11y hints
- JavaScript/TypeScript compiler errors
Requires Node 12 or later.
Local / in your project
npm i svelte-check --save-dev
"scripts": {
"svelte-check": "svelte-check"
"devDependencies": {
"svelte-check": "..."
npm run svelte-check
Global (not recommended)
npm i svelte-check svelte -g
- Go to folder where to start checking
--workspace <path> | Path to your workspace. All subdirectories except node_modules and those listed in --ignore are checked |
--output <human|human-verbose|machine> | |
--watch | Will not exit after one pass but keep watching files for changes and rerun diagnostics |
--ignore <path1,path2> | Files/folders to ignore - relative to workspace root, comma-separated, inside quotes. Example: --ignore "dist,build" |
--fail-on-warnings | Will also exit with error code when there are warnings |
--fail-on-hints | Will also exit with error code when there are hints |
--compiler-warnings <code1:error|ignore,code2:error|ignore> | A list of Svelte compiler warning codes. Each entry defines whether that warning should be ignored or treated as an error. Warnings are comma-separated, between warning code and error level is a colon; all inside quotes. Example: --compiler-warnings "css-unused-selector:ignore,unused-export-let:error" |
--diagnostic-sources <js,svelte,css> | A list of diagnostic sources which should run diagnostics on your code. Possible values are js (includes TS), svelte , css . Comma-separated, inside quotes. By default all are active. Example: --diagnostic-sources "js,svelte" |
--threshold <error|warning> | Filters the diagnostics to display. error will output only errors while warning will output warnings and errors. |
Why is there no option to only check specific files (for example only staged files)?
needs to know the whole project to do valid checks. Imagine you alter a component property export let foo
to export let bar
, but you don't update any of the component usages. They all have errors now but you would not catch them if you only run checks on changed files.
More docs, preprocessor setup and troubleshooting
See here.
Machine-Readable Output
Setting the --output
to machine
will format output in a way that is easier to read
by machines, e.g. inside CI pipelines, for code quality checks, etc.
Each row corresponds to a new record. Rows are made up of columns that are separated by a
single space character. The first column of every row contains a timestamp in milliseconds
which can be used for monitoring purposes. The second column gives us the "row type", based
on which the number and types of subsequent columns may differ.
The first row is of type START
and contains the workspace folder (wrapped in quotes).
1590680325583 START "/home/user/language-tools/packages/language-server/test/plugins/typescript/testfiles"
Any number of ERROR
records may follow. Their structure is identical and tells
us the filename, the line and column numbers, and the error message. The filename is relative
to the workspace directory. The filename and the message are both wrapped in quotes.
1590680326283 ERROR "codeactions.svelte" 1:16 "Cannot find module 'blubb' or its corresponding type declarations."
1590680326778 WARNING "imported-file.svelte" 0:37 "Component has unused export property 'prop'. If it is for external reference only, please consider using `export const prop`"
The output concludes with a COMPLETED
message that summarizes total numbers of files, errors, warnings and hints that were encountered during the check.
If the application experiences a runtime error, this error will appear as a FAILURE
1590680328921 FAILURE "Connection closed"
- Vue's VTI which lays the foundation for